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McCain's trend


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The purpose of the 1st amendment was to allow people to practice, or not practice, their faith without fear of oppression from the government. It has little to do with "keeping religion out of politics". IMO, if politicians based their stances and their policies based on their loyalty to God, as opposed to their party, we'd have much more desirable candidates than what we've been getting the past several elections.

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I understand Barack Hussein Obama is harnessing wind power to help him travel the country and disperse his hot air. All he does is unfurl his ears, catch a breeze, and *poof*, he's in Nebraska. :AH-HA_wink: Edited by ocnblu
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I understand Barack Hussein Obama is harnessing wind power to help him travel the country and disperse his hot air. All he does is unfurl his ears, catch a breeze, and *poof*, he's in Nebraska. :AH-HA_wink:

You start with this grand gem, yet when someone counters in jest you go to:


...and then get in a snit with:

Any thread with a whiff of politics runs a great risk of turning into a monster, though. Shoot, that's an old truth.

...Seriously blu, you can't have it both ways. If you can't participate in these threads without taking it in stride, then you probably shouldn't participate in them. Just because it's in The Lounge doesn't mean you HAVE to participate in every single topic, anyway.

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You just don't GET IT.... liberals are into the "trendy" candidates &

right now it's VERY trendy to hate the USA! That's why you see so

many of those "1-20-09" stickers on Toyotas, Hondas & other

foreign brands.

Peope like Obama would rather see the USA burn to the ground than

grow some balls and stand up for what is right...

It's not poloitially correct to love the USA and want it to remain the

best country in the world.... "self loating" is the newet thing.

I don't want more oil to flow from elsewhere - I want that replaced with domestic sources of energy.


And immediately.

Well said.

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So what? Blu responded with :angry: and left it at that, it's certainly

not inappropriate or out of line. What's your complaint with it?

That was one of the most civilized posts in this entire thread! :lol:

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Also, on a side note.... you Dems./Liberals are sooooooo original.

80% of the jokes about McCain are recycled Bob Dole jokes from

1995 and 1996. Seriously, including THAT one, it's all mildly

amusing observational humor based on the fact that McCain, like

Dole, are old & have gray hair. Guess what? George Washington,

Roosevelt and many other past presidents.

I'm all set having some green-horned youngin'in office.

Edited by Sixty8panther
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Peope like Obama would rather see the USA burn to the ground than

grow some balls and stand up for what is right...

Really? Is that why Obama wants to help the US automakers financially to develop greener vehicles? That's what Japan did with Toyota...


So what? Blu responded with :angry: and left it at that, it's certainly

not inappropriate or out of line. What's your complaint with it?

That was one of the most civilized posts in this entire thread! :lol:

Re-read my entire post, as you missed the entire point. Blu dishes it out, but then cries that "political talk is bad" and runs to the mods when someone good-naturedly dishes it back. Either it's all in good fun, or it's not...and if it's not, then you shouldn't participate IMO.

Edited by Croc
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You just don't GET IT.... liberals are into the "trendy" candidates &

right now it's VERY trendy to hate the USA! That's why you see so

many of those "1-20-09" stickers on Toyotas, Hondas & other

foreign brands.

Peope like Obama would rather see the USA burn to the ground than

grow some balls and stand up for what is right...

It's not poloitially correct to love the USA and want it to remain the

best country in the world.... "self loating" is the newet thing.

Well said.

Because you think Bush has done a fine job in his 8 years of reigning as top monkey? I can't wait for it to end as well.

I've seen that sticker on everything from a Jetta to an Impala.

That being said I saw a pretty clever one that said NOBAMA on the back of a Sequioa the other day.

Bumper sticker companies are nothing if not creative.

Edited by Dodgefan
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Really? Is that why Obama wants to help the US automakers financially to develop greener vehicles? That's what Japan did with Toyota...

Re-read my entire post, as you missed the entire point. Blu dishes it out, but then cries that "political talk is bad" and runs to the mods when someone good-naturedly dishes it back. Either it's all in good fun, or it's not...and if it's not, then you shouldn't participate IMO.


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Mr. Croc O. Dile: OK FIRST OFF, I didn't start that round, as you say I did. My self-made joke about Obama's ears (well I laughed) was a personal attack on Barack Hussein Obama in response to the cribbed poster of McCain posted above me, which was a personal attack on him. My subsequent simple "unhappy face" smiley was in response to Borger's simple "ROFLMAO" smiley. If I have to remind you, smileys are much less serious a response than an angry, typed-out tirade. So please spare me. Here's another smiley for ya: :neenerneener:
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Yeah Bush sucks but way too many people think the fate of the entire planet

rests on him leaving office.....it's rather sad that he's been the potential

scape-goat for everything from global warming to the housing crisis and gas

prices. I think it was Howe Carr who said:


How SAD is it if you're waiting or this election (2008) to solve all your

problems, to make a change in your life... like it's some sort of magic

solution to all that is wrong in the world?

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You just don't GET IT.... liberals are into the "trendy" candidates &

right now it's VERY trendy to hate the USA! That's why you see so

many of those "1-20-09" stickers on Toyotas, Hondas & other

foreign brands.

Peope like Obama would rather see the USA burn to the ground than

grow some balls and stand up for what is right...

It's not poloitially correct to love the USA and want it to remain the

best country in the world.... "self loating" is the newet thing.

Well said.

I've seen you post ridiculously wrong things before, but this one takes the cake. The most patriotic thing a citizen can do is stand up in protest when your country is doing something wrong!

Since when are we a country that tortures? We're better than that!

Since when are we a country that uses the government to take from the poor and give to the rich <Bear Sterns, Freddi Mac, Fanny Mae bailouts>? We've privatized the profits while socializing the losses!

Since when do we lock people away without charge or trial for an indefinite period of time? We have our own gulag in Guantanimo bay. Don't kid yourself, it is now possible for this to happen to American citizens.

We have a president that makes Carter look capable, Ford look competent, and Nixon look honest.

When this country has gone so wrong, the required thing, the most patriotic thing, you should do is work to change it.

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Re-read my entire post, as you missed the entire point. Blu dishes it out, but then cries that "political talk is bad" and runs to the mods when someone good-naturedly dishes it back. Either it's all in good fun, or it's not...and if it's not, then you shouldn't participate IMO.

WTF ar you talking about...? He made a valid point, he was jus saying

that it's "hot in the kitchen" ot tht he needed "out"...

If tht post was an attack, it was only an attack on POLITICA THREADS!

He was not "crying", but meerly saying that it's pretty damn impossible

to have a thread about politics and stay perfectly "politically correct"

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I've seen you post ridiculously wrong things before, but this one takes the cake. The most patriotic thing a citizen can do is stand up in protest when your country is doing something wrong!

Since when are we a country that tortures? We're better than that!

Since when are we a country that uses the government to take from the poor and give to the rich <Bear Sterns, Freddi Mac, Fanny Mae bailouts>? We've privatized the profits while socializing the losses!

Since when do we lock people away without charge or trial for an indefinite period of time? We have our own gulag in Guantanimo bay. Don't kid yourself, it is now possible for this to happen to American citizens.

We have a president that makes Carter look capable, Ford look competent, and Nixon look honest.

When this country has gone so wrong, the required thing, the most patriotic thing, you should do is work to change it.

yes, protesting is fine, but if that's where it ends it's useless. i think you'd agree....?

take from the poor... well "we" give them so much more than "we" "take" typically.

torture and Guantanamo ...just more examples why we need to mind our own business and stop arming and occupying the "rest of the world". that would reduce how much we're hated / spend over seas pretty quickly.

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take from the poor... well "we" give them so much more than "we" "take" typically.

Not this time.

And tax breaks for the wealthy are ridiculous at this point. Even Warren Buffet has wondered allowed why he only pays 17% while his employees pay closer to 30%.

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yes, protesting is fine, but if that's where it ends it's useless. i think you'd agree....?

take from the poor... well "we" give them so much more than "we" "take" typically.

torture and Guantanamo ...just more examples why we need to mind our own business and stop arming and occupying the "rest of the world". that would reduce how much we're hated / spend over seas pretty quickly.

I don't think McCain will shut down Guantanimo. I don't think McCain, a torture victim himself, will shut down our torturing. I don't think McCain will end domestic spying. I don't think McCain will keep us out of foreign wars. I don't think McCain will withdraw us from Iraq. I think McCain believes in Horse and Sparrow economics* far too much.

My protest against these things will be in the voting booth in November.

*Did you know that the concept of Supply Side tax policy is so bad that they've had to rename it more than once? The original name was Horse and Sparrow theory. The idea being that if you fed a horse enough oats, eventually there would be some left over on the street for a sparrow to eat. It was later named Trickle Down theory in the 1930s and then Supply Side in the 1980s. I think the original name of Horse and Sparrow theory most acurately described supply side theory. The government feeds the rich a whole bunch of money and eventually us below get to pick through &#036;h&#33; in order to eat.

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I don't think McCain will shut down Guantanimo. I don't think McCain, a torture victim himself, will shut down our torturing. I don't think McCain will end domestic spying. I don't think McCain will keep us out of foreign wars. I don't think McCain will withdraw us from Iraq. I think McCain believes in Horse and Sparrow economics* far too much.

With McCain, it will be all war, all the time, I think.... the Republicans need continuous war, to keep their masters (Halliburton and other military-industrial complex companies) profitable. Peace doesn't pay.

Edited by moltar
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Well I think it was John Fitzgerald Kennedy (D) who first sent our people into Viet Nam, and it was Richard Milhouse Nixon (R ) who got the last of our people out. President Bush saw a need to go over there. President McCain will lend responsible judgment regarding our continued mission over there, including an eventual pullout... while Barack Hussein Obama wants to handicap our brave soldiers and throw away all the effort, time and blood they've put into stabilizing Iraq. He wants to run. A grave mistake. You've got to measure yourself. Retiring a Hawk and replacing him with an EXTREMELY NAIVE Dove will lead to backlash, I fear. McCain is a nice transition from Bush. Obama as Commander-in-Chief would be a disaster, imo.

We've got to keep a balance of power in Washington.

Edited by ocnblu
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Well I think it was John Fitzgerald Kennedy (D) who first sent our people into Viet Nam, and it was Richard Milhouse Nixon (R ) who got the last of our people out. President Bush saw a need to go over there. President McCain will lend responsible judgment regarding our continued mission over there, including an eventual pullout... while Barack Hussein Obama wants to handicap our brave soldiers and throw away all the effort, time and blood they've put into stabilizing Iraq. He wants to run. A grave mistake. You've got to measure yourself. Retiring a Hawk and replacing him with an EXTREMELY NAIVE Dove will lead to backlash, I fear. McCain is a nice transition from Bush. Obama as Commander-in-Chief would be a disaster, imo.

you forget that BO has said nothing is off the table concerning IRAN... that doesn't sounds like someone that will keep us out of future wars.

Olds...oh giving to the rich.. you mean like subsidies for oil companies, ethanol companies, tobacco farmers.... so their products are "competitive" with other things? cause it's funny we give them taxbreaks/money outright and then tax their products prolly less than they are given, at least in the ethanol industry. aka $.50ish federally / gallon made and then taxed $.20ish/ gallon being sold ...so the tax payer pays 2x for ethanol if your car can use it, unfairly if your car can't.

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I could be wong, but didn't Bill Clinton lose his Dem majority in Congress over his two terms?

Republicans gained control of the House in '94. And there was still legitimate economic growth over Clinton's last 6 years, not something Bush can say.

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I don't think McCain will shut down Guantanimo. I don't think McCain, a torture victim himself, will shut down our torturing.

I think you are dead wrong on this one, my friend.

In fact, to paint McCain with the same brush as Bush does the man a gross disservice- no matter what you might think of his policies.

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Mr. Croc O. Dile: OK FIRST OFF, I didn't start that round, as you say I did. My self-made joke about Obama's ears (well I laughed) was a personal attack on Barack Hussein Obama in response to the cribbed poster of McCain posted above me, which was a personal attack on him. My subsequent simple "unhappy face" smiley was in response to Borger's simple "ROFLMAO" smiley. If I have to remind you, smileys are much less serious a response than an angry, typed-out tirade. So please spare me. Here's another smiley for ya: :neenerneener:

Didn't you just post a little while back about a 20-some-odd year high school reunion? Whining "He started it!" stopped being acceptable a loooooooooooong time ago. I don't give a rat's ass who "started it." You participated in it, then got pissy when someone responded. And you did respond, with this post. Now why would you make a post like that unless you weren't happy "your candidate" was being mocked in a post?

If political talk threads get you worked up, don't participate in them. And moreover, I personally resent it when threads get shut down by the "political talk" whiners, of which you are one of them. I'd very much like to socialize with my online friends here at C&G and discuss the events of the day...at least with the ones who are mature enough to discuss without being all upset when someone disagrees with them or intends to vote for the other guy.

I mean really, how would you feel if threads on gay rights issues or hate crimes were stifled on here because some fundamentalist got "offended" and deemed it "too controversial" for the whole entire forum?

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If tht post was an attack, it was only an attack on POLITICA THREADS!


My point was that it was ridiculous to attack political threads when you participate in them! If they bother you, don't go there, participate, and then cry foul!

Edited by Croc
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you forget that BO has said nothing is off the table concerning IRAN... that doesn't sounds like someone that will keep us out of future wars.

Olds...oh giving to the rich.. you mean like subsidies for oil companies, ethanol companies, tobacco farmers.... so their products are "competitive" with other things? cause it's funny we give them taxbreaks/money outright and then tax their products prolly less than they are given, at least in the ethanol industry. aka $.50ish federally / gallon made and then taxed $.20ish/ gallon being sold ...so the tax payer pays 2x for ethanol if your car can use it, unfairly if your car can't.

Exactly like that.

Although I'm probably more in favor of trade restrictions than most here. I don't believe in massive globalization.

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I think you are dead wrong on this one, my friend.

In fact, to paint McCain with the same brush as Bush does the man a gross disservice- no matter what you might think of his policies.

Agreed. McCain and Bush do have some differences. I don't believe John McCain is a bad person, though at this point I certainly question his judgment. Bush, I feel, is selfish and evil.

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Economic growth thanks to the Republican Congress.

not even close.

There was an initial burst with NAFTA (we're hearing the giant sucking sound now) and then Greenspan keeping interest rates dangerously low.

Congress had nothing to do with it.

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You know what,guys?

I think this thread is getting a bit tired. After all, it is serving as the catchall for all things political. Perhaps we should start a new thread (or threads) with somewhat tighter focus.

Generalities tend to cause grief.

I think it's best to keep it all in one thread and not spread it around. Opening new threads encourages the topic to spill over into unrelated threads.

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