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McCain's trend


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Oh, sorry Oldsmoboi.

I have friends who go out of their way to NOT absorb anything to

do with politics, the election or anything even remotely related.

I do not agree with it but there's a lot of peop[le who are not up

to date with even the basics, I guess I should have known better

than to ask you that...

That's what happens when you average 3.7 hours of sleep for

a year+ I will never get used to waking up at 2 or three in the

morning.... and come "peek" (our pre-Xmas ultra-busy season)

I will probably be asked to work 1am-9am... fun, fun.

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I was waiting for Palin to start making "Obama's mama is so fat.." jokes. She gives a lovely presentation but her lack of experience and lack of substance really shows.

Biden is going to have her for lunch at the Vice Presidential debate.

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The top of the ticket is all that matters, and it is no contest for people with more than half a brain. McCain 2008. Obama is hot air and nothing more. Anyone who buys his bull$h! will rue the day if he becomes president. Mark my words.

I couldn't agree more.

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i need to order up some campaign pins and buttons for a local community campaign. i want to ask Obama if i get a discount on orders over 500 pins, he's a community organizer, right, he should know where the volume discount starts

You're in MN right? I heard all the Wellstone people are all up in arms with that....

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I couldn't agree more.

Oh... and John Mc Cain was a POW in Vietnam. Did he mention that????

How about some more recent history.

John McCain was a member of the Keating 5. The Keating Five were five United States Senators accused of corruption in 1989, igniting a major political scandal as part of the larger Savings and Loan crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s.

He's still corrupt. He just knows how to cover his butt now.

If McCain wins - America is screwed.

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Oh... and John Mc Cain was a POW in Vietnam. Did he mention that????

How about some more recent history.

John McCain was a member of the Keating 5. The Keating Five were five United States Senators accused of corruption in 1989, igniting a major political scandal as part of the larger Savings and Loan crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s.

He's still corrupt. He just knows how to cover his butt now.

If McCain wins - America is screwed.

Yup your right we need more goverment. Higher taxes, less freedom, no need to drill for oil just fill our car tires and pray for gas to fall. Or how about his shady senate reccord not taking a stand on anything just voting "present" someone who votes present is exactly the kind of sound decision maker we need for our country. And your right if Obama wins - America is screwed. Oh wait he will still have great speeches that mean nothing and the most liberal reccord in the senate. I want a politican who puts country above himself. I want a VP that has taken on the status quo and taken on big oil. I want a a man and a women whom have the strenght to take on our country's problems. Palin is great and no traditional republican. McCain is even better and he is not traditional republican and sides with what is right not just what his party says. Hmmm whom do I want a community organizer, and junior senator? Or a long time senator from AZ, a proud veteran, and a maverick? Ohhhh geeeee I'll take the honorable and honest man whom puts himself ahead of his own political agenda! It is sick how bad Obama wants to get in. To quote Mr. McCain and this says volumes about him... "I would rather win the war than loose the election!" - That is the kind of leader America needs.

Edited by gm4life
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I was waiting for Palin to start making "Obama's mama is so fat.." jokes. She gives a lovely presentation but her lack of experience and lack of substance really shows.

Biden is going to have her for lunch at the Vice Presidential debate.

she's not a comedienne.

VP debate... phtttt. the debates are just a place to mudsling these days, and therefore not a debate. debates require facts, which biden may have the knack for manipulating, but that doesn't mean he'll "win".

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I was waiting for Palin to start making "Obama's mama is so fat.." jokes. She gives a lovely presentation but her lack of experience and lack of substance really shows.

Biden is going to have her for lunch at the Vice Presidential debate.

Did you even watch her last night? Honestly?

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"I would rather win the war than loose the election!" - That is the kind of leader America needs.

i think a question to go with that is what would he rather do to win an election?

what war are we talking about? afghan war, the neverending war on terrorism, the iraq (civil) war, the war on drugs, some future war, war on poverty, the korean war, WWIII, the war against communism, the war against america's traditions?

that'd be sweet if it was a war on war... would war win, and what side would you be on? :P

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Did you even watch her last night? Honestly?

Yes I did watch it. She was very charming and photogenic but everything out of her mouth was a half-truth at best. I was on the floor rolling in laughter when she was saying that the Republicans are the party of alternative energy, like wind and solar. And what about the economy? No plan??? better attack Obama.

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I like how the Republicans threw their Family Values out the window, they threw the baby out with the bath water. Oops, I guess I shouldn't have mentioned baby for at least 2 reasons. :smilewide:

Well, they are a bunch of hypocrites, I wouldn't have expected anything less...

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Well, they are a bunch of hypocrites, I wouldn't have expected anything less...

many politicians are ruining what america's traditions are. McCain won't help it, Obama will make it worse as he's shown he likes islamic ideas along with socialism.

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You Obama lovers are like starry-eyed schoolgirls. Sad, really, if it weren't also hilarious. How long has he been in the Senate? Has it been 15 minutes yet? :lol: Edited by ocnblu
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There were threats of a walk-out at the convention if McCain went with Lieberman, which is a shame, because as you said, that would be a decently centrist ticket. The McCain of 2000 and the Lieberman of 2000 would have been the ultimate centrist ticket, but McCain has moved further right and Lieberman has pissed off Democrats by supporting the Iraq war.

What is really bad, for both candidates, both parties, and the American people, is that McCain's campaign manager said flat out that this election isn't about the issues. What that says to me is that they're going to make it a referendum on Obama, which means negative ads and attack ads. Thats not the way politics should work, in fact if they do go exclusively negative, it will be the opposite of what McCain said he'd do at the start of it all. Elections should be about ideas and visions for the future, not about who can sling the most dirt to get the job.

Living near the largest city in a "battleground state", I can report that all of the campaign ads I've seen in the last few weeks have been negative. McCain is no more guilty than Obama in this respect.

LOKI: As for what I like/don't like, I wish that I had time to post it all. Suffice it to say that I see fatal flaws in both parties, and yet I will vote in the end so I have to make a choice. I usually vote my conscience (Libertarian), but I am trying to look at this election as objectively as I can because I feel that we are truly at a crossroads this go 'round. My vote won't be decided for some time yet.

I'll post more when the rest of my life quiets down a bit.

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Pro 2A VP gets my vote.

Besides, where you people get off saying people "cling to their guns". Some people use them for self-defense, some use them to hunt, and some just like shooting paper and cans with them, however, the media + the left have managed to convince Americans that guns are evil and are to be scared.

Ever noticed that differences in crime seem to have very little if any difference regardless of gun laws? Look at England, they are now going after Knifes.

Obama and Biden are the largest anti-gun ticket in the history of the USA. And with they they will have drawn the anger of one of the largest most powerful lobby institutions, the NRA. I'm, sure at some point we will be seeing "issue" ads from some subsidiary of the NRA.

just my 2 cents on an issue that's a non issue this election.

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Well, they are a bunch of hypocrites, I wouldn't have expected anything less...

Yes, very true, but no more so than Democrats.

The political left is a disgusting falacy... people with

no dignity, standards or principles trying to convince

us that somehow THEY, the wealthy, powerful elitist

hyporcrites they are, will help the little guy, stop the

evil "USA Incorp." monster from destroyingthe middle

class and keep you safe in your bed at night...


And Ted Kennedy is like their super-scumbag King.

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One other quick aside: Do you guys realize that both candidates are somewhat hostile to both the automotive industry and our hobby?

In my book that counts for something as well.

Yup... like I said (back a page) earlier,this is like

the perfect case of a lose/lose scenario. Both

candidates suck, and as much as I wated to

beleive that for just ONCE a politician was going

to emerge who had standards, principles & a well

focused agenda for positive change...

turns out Obama has some really scarry skeletons

in his closet... and in some ways a dark and very

questionable circle of friends. So I guess simply

by default McAmnesty is the lesser of the two evils

if that counts for anything.

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Both have po-po-ed on the auto industry but at least McCain is right on oil and has a CTS so I'll give him the nod from a car guys standpoint.

cap and trade, for both candidates, cap and trade. fear it, oppose it, kick it in the shins. just don't let it happen.

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Yes, very true, but no more so than Democrats.

The political left is a disgusting falacy... people with

no dignity, standards or principles trying to convince

us that somehow THEY, the wealthy, powerful elitist

hyporcrites they are, will help the little guy, stop the

evil "USA Incorp." monster from destroyingthe middle

class and keep you safe in your bed at night...


And Ted Kennedy is like their super-scumbag King.

The political right is infinitely more disgusting, with their fake moralizing, fake 'values', dominated by a group of fanatical bible thumpers that have little regard for separation of church and state--they push for garbage like 'intelligent design' in schools, they interfere with scientific research, racists, hypocrites, war mongers, gun fetishists, etc... I don't believe the right gives a damn about the 'little guy'...they only answer to corrupt big corporations of the oil industry, defense contractors, etc... I could go on and on, but I despise the 'conservative' bull$h! that has been so dominant in America in the last few decades.

What's wrong with Ted Kennedy or MLK? For an immigrant you have a twisted view of the US...

Edited by moltar
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Pro 2A VP gets my vote.

Besides, where you people get off saying people "cling to their guns". Some people use them for self-defense, some use them to hunt, and some just like shooting paper and cans with them, however, the media + the left have managed to convince Americans that guns are evil and are to be scared.

Ever noticed that differences in crime seem to have very little if any difference regardless of gun laws? Look at England, they are now going after Knifes.

Obama and Biden are the largest anti-gun ticket in the history of the USA. And with they they will have drawn the anger of one of the largest most powerful lobby institutions, the NRA. I'm, sure at some point we will be seeing "issue" ads from some subsidiary of the NRA.

just my 2 cents on an issue that's a non issue this election.

I see nothing wrong with gun control...the need for a 'well armed militia' as outlined in the 2nd amendment may have made sense in frontier times, but has no relevance today....look at the # of murders and other gun crimes in the US per capita compared to other modern nations like Canada that have more restrictive laws... I've never owned a gun, have no reason for one.

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I hate the Liberal mentality.

Liberals empower a lack of responsibility and a disgustingly powerful government.

I also hate retarded Reps. who quote the bible to prove a point in 2008, I dislike

extreme social-conservists and it goes without saying I despise yuppies, racists

and ESPECIALY hate threats to the 1st and MORESO 2nd amendment.

Al Gore, Ted Kennedy Hitler, Stalin & Pol Pot are all one and the same to me.

MLK was a great man, he belongs up there with our founding fathers.

I am an enigma I suppose.... I am a Libetarian, but tend to favor Republicans.

BUT, for the record: Bush, McCain & Cheney all suck!

I think Bush is a terrible pres. and a disgrace to the Republican party

BUT, eve more annoying are uber-liberal idiots who think Bush is

responsible for everythingbad in this world from 2000-2008.

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BUT, eve more annoying are uber-liberal idiots who think Bush is

responsible for everythingbad in this world from 2000-2008.

Well, I think Bush is only responsible for 10%. Cheney and Rove are responsible for the other 90%.. :)

(Though I think the big evil of the times is Putin..)

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I also hate retarded Reps. who quote the bible to prove a point in 2008, I dislike

extreme social-conservists and it goes without saying I despise yuppies,

What's wrong with yuppies? We need love too... (though I'm really more of a techie elitist with yuppie tastes).

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Yup your right we need more goverment. Higher taxes, less freedom, no need to drill for oil just fill our car tires and pray for gas to fall. Or how about his shady senate reccord not taking a stand on anything just voting "present" someone who votes present is exactly the kind of sound decision maker we need for our country. And your right if Obama wins - America is screwed. Oh wait he will still have great speeches that mean nothing and the most liberal reccord in the senate. I want a politican who puts country above himself. I want a VP that has taken on the status quo and taken on big oil. I want a a man and a women whom have the strenght to take on our country's problems. Palin is great and no traditional republican. McCain is even better and he is not traditional republican and sides with what is right not just what his party says. Hmmm whom do I want a community organizer, and junior senator? Or a long time senator from AZ, a proud veteran, and a maverick? Ohhhh geeeee I'll take the honorable and honest man whom puts himself ahead of his own political agenda! It is sick how bad Obama wants to get in. To quote Mr. McCain and this says volumes about him... "I would rather win the war than loose the election!" - That is the kind of leader America needs.

1. Obama ranks as the magazine's most liberal senator of 2007, his ranking was 16th in 2005 and 10th in 2006. As for conservative rating, McCain missed too many votes to get a rating.

2. Palin TAXED big oil.

3. Palin tried to get Harry Potter books banned from the library and threatened to fire the librarian who opposed her.

4. Palin abused her power to try and get a state trooper, who used to be her brother in law, fired. It is also now coming out that she may have illegally accessed his personnel records.

5. McCain voted with President Bush 90% of the time.

Summary, if looking like the current administration is the criterion for being a "traditional conservative", then Palin and McCain fit that bill.

6. Jesus was a community organizer. Pilot was a Governer.

7. How do you come to the conclusion that Obama wants to lose the war? He suggested a timetable for withdrawal over a year ago and got shouted down for it. Guess what? Bush and Maliki have been hammering out a time table for withdrawal. Obama suggested talking to our enemies and was shouted down as an "appeaser". Guess what? Bush has been sending emissaries to Iran to work out an agreement.

Just wanted to correct some of your "facts"

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I see nothing wrong with gun control...the need for a 'well armed militia' as outlined in the 2nd amendment may have made sense in frontier times, but has no relevance today....look at the # of murders and other gun crimes in the US per capita compared to other modern nations like Canada that have more restrictive laws... I've never owned a gun, have no reason for one.

And there is no militia larger than the unorganized militia.

In the short history of the 20th century only, we have seen oppressive governments take away gun rights. Nazi germany did it, an unarmed citizenry is an easy target to be controlled. If you think OUR government is invasive, in England you are nearly constantly on camera if you are out in public.

Now, since you seem to think gun ownership is directly tied to crime rates, go take a look at Switzerland, the 2nd largest market for civilian guns per capita. Every household, nay, every citizen has an ASSAULT RIFLE in their home (and no, not the "assault rifles" that our government banned, im talking selective fire, full automatic guns. Not the semi-automatic rifles that we have here in America, which just happen to be built off the same platform as the military versions). Yet the swiss dont have large problems with gun crimes. Criminals will use whatever they have available to commit crimes, heck in England they have even used AIR RIFLES (lol!).

The left seems very keen on protecting their 1st amendment rights, but to completely ignore, and destroy any sibilance of the 2nd amendment. This is unacceptable behavior for ANY American to treat parts of our constitution as more important than others. Once the 2nd Amendment falls, then ALL of the constitution is fair game (and why not, as it apparently is no longer the greater law of the land at that point).

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she's not a comedienne.

VP debate... phtttt. the debates are just a place to mudsling these days, and therefore not a debate. debates require facts, which biden may have the knack for manipulating, but that doesn't mean he'll "win".

The strongest foreign policy expert in the Senate going up against a 2 year Governor who's foreign policy experience is "she's near Russia".

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Well, I think Bush is only responsible for 10%. Cheney and Rove are responsible for the other 90%.. :)

(Though I think the big evil of the times is Putin..)

yes. agreed.

and you're not a yuppie in my book.

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Yes I did watch it. She was very charming and photogenic but everything out of her mouth was a half-truth at best. I was on the floor rolling in laughter when she was saying that the Republicans are the party of alternative energy, like wind and solar. And what about the economy? No plan??? better attack Obama.

When you have no resume of your own to run on you have to convince voters that your opponent is someone they have to run from.

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yes. agreed.

and you're not a yuppie in my book.

Well, I do love BMWs, M-Bs, and triple mocha lattes, and enjoy dining out at trendy restaurants.. :)

By the way, I saw a goregous dark blue 560SEC for sale today..very clean. My sister would have another one, but doesn't have enough garage space.

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many politicians are ruining what america's traditions are. McCain won't help it, Obama will make it worse as he's shown he likes islamic ideas along with socialism.

Really? WTF? Did you get that from a FW:FW:FW:FW:FW: OBAMA OSAMA IS A MUSLIM@Q!!@!!!!!! email or something?

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You Obama lovers are like starry-eyed schoolgirls. Sad, really, if it weren't also hilarious. How long has he been in the Senate? Has it been 15 minutes yet? :lol:

Anyone who is very biased towards one side is a "starry-eyed schoolgirl". Once someone makes an obviously biased comment such as that, all credibility they had is lost and there is no reason to take them seriously on the subject any more.

That's how I see it. I'm still undecided as far as the election goes. Things are just starting to heat up anyway, this is when the true colors come out. :unitedstates:

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And what, pray tell, do you want the president to do for the economy? We can reduce our debt, and thats about it. we are NOT in a recession as many people would like you to think (although its not good, but its not a recession). As with any other president that comes after a weak economy president, the next president will be attributed with a strong economy regardless of their actions (as its the natural way the economy rolls).

However, by mere irony, the weak dollar has actually PROMOTED manufacturing IN the USA (also thanks to high fuel costs). Its ironic, but its true. Not saying its a good or bad thing, just kinda odd.

Yep, any talk about the economy is mere lip service. Americans affected by our economy obviously don't want to hear this, but its the truth. The Bush administration has bandaged and prodded along what was left of this economic cycle. Coupled with our large deficit, this has led to... well now. We could have just left the economy gone into a recession and then fallen back into a strong cycle, but this is what happens when you try and artificially manipulate the economy.

Edited by Teh Ricer Civic!
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Pro 2A VP gets my vote.

Besides, where you people get off saying people "cling to their guns". Some people use them for self-defense, some use them to hunt, and some just like shooting paper and cans with them, however, the media + the left have managed to convince Americans that guns are evil and are to be scared.

You've taken it out of context. The "cling to ____ " comment was in reference to the economic situation in many(most?) rural areas. The implication is that when you have no job and no money you "cling" to what you do have.

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Obama was busy fixing parking tickets in Chicago 30 months ago....

So a VP nomine who is a podunk mayor from Alaska is not that bad.

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You've taken it out of context. The "cling to ____ " comment was in reference to the economic situation in many(most?) rural areas. The implication is that when you have no job and no money you "cling" to what you do have.

Yes... there are many parts of the country where the good blue collar jobs are gone, all that is left are McJobs at McDonalds and Wal-F*ck. People that have little education and marketable skills are screwed if they can't leave those areas... I've seen it first hand in the small towns and rural areas of Ohio where I'm from originally. It's sad..the malaise on the people of those areas.

Without smarts, a few college degrees, marketable skills and the mobility to go to large metro areas, I'd be dead in the water like many people (some relatives) from that world if I had stayed there. I realized when I was young that there was no way I could have a good six-figure income staying in Podunk.

Edited by moltar
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we are NOT in a recession as many people would like you to think (although its not good, but its not a recession).

Incorrect. You CANNOT go by the government's numbers, they are fudged. In terms of money supply, we're in the midst of a major contraction in this country. GDP will likely be revised downward and we'll discover that the recession started back in the late winter.

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MB 560SEC huh....? now that I own a 100%

German model MB w/ euro-spec cosmetics

I've become a snob about them myself.

The USA-regulation bumpers and headlights

are terrible by comparison.

It's just like the differance between a '72 &

'73 Riviera; subtle, but God IS in the details.

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MB 560SEC huh....? now that I own a 100%

German model MB w/ euro-spec cosmetics

I've become a snob about them myself.

The USA-regulation bumpers and headlights

are terrible by comparison.

Yeah, at least the later US ones had the flush headlights.

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Obama was busy fixing parking tickets in Chicago 30 months ago....

So a VP nomine who is a podunk mayor from Alaska is not that bad.

Kennedy was a two term congressman and one term senator.

Lincoln was a one term congressman.

Truman was a two term Senator and Vice President for just 4 months before becoming President.

Eisenhower had zero political experience at all.

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Like I have mentioned earlier, I hate political talks. All I gotta say is only two parts are needed to divide and disintegrate a nation, a forum, a blog, etc. and make sure it is not to be one again.

Yes, these are very polarized times...it's only going to get worse over the next 2 months...

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