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something i saw


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there was an "article" saying that the price of oil is dropping because the dollar is gaining strength to the Canadian dollar.

makes sense since canada is the biggest % of where we get our imported oil from.

just info for thought.

"article" as in on the net, and i can't find the link at the moment.

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It's not just the Canadian dollar, it's Euros and Yen as well. Since oil is priced in dollars when the dollar is weaker, the price for oil, in dollars, increases. If the dollar were wear it was 3 years ago, we'd be in the mid to high $90 range right now.

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Just to be clear, the price of oil increases for YOU guys. It's all relative. The $C is still holding at par today. It really hasn't budged for the past few months. Oil had dropped about $20 a barrel in the past 3 weeks because both the two biggest oil consumers (the U.S. and China) are starting to show cracks in their foundation. They were trying to sneak in a 'OMIDGOD-A-HURRICANE-IS-COMING' surcharge, but it didn't work.

The scam artists who are pushing up the price of oil are getting nervous. They realize the market won't support $150 a barrel, so they are backing off.

They are afraid to kill the golden goose, so to speak.

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Just to be clear, the price of oil increases for YOU guys. It's all relative. The $C is still holding at par today. It really hasn't budged for the past few months. Oil had dropped about $20 a barrel in the past 3 weeks because both the two biggest oil consumers (the U.S. and China) are starting to show cracks in their foundation. They were trying to sneak in a 'OMIDGOD-A-HURRICANE-IS-COMING' surcharge, but it didn't work.

The scam artists who are pushing up the price of oil are getting nervous. They realize the market won't support $150 a barrel, so they are backing off.

They are afraid to kill the golden goose, so to speak.

1. Hedge funders

2. Communists in Venezualia

3. Middle Eastern Shieks

4. Greedy executives at Mobil-Exxon...

Just because I'm addicted to internal combustion

via large displacement eight cylinder motors of

5, 6, even 7.5 liters does NOT mean I have to be

on good terms with my "dealer"...

When oil prices come back down to what can be

called "high but realistic" from the current 250%

inflation in just a few short years, say $2.50/gal

(hpe springs eternal) the first thing I'm going to

do will be to buy a Cadillac ('70 eldo razor?) with

a 500 inch ironblock.

Here's hoping. :metal:

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Current RBOB daily futures for gasoline are now down to 3.1245. If that holds, that puts regular at about $3.60 a gallon at the pump.

October futures are 3.0041 and Novembers are 3.0250 which means about $3.50 at the pump.

Everything on the wholesale market so far today has been trending down between 6 and 7 cents a gallon.

There will likely be rapid drops at the pumps in the coming weeks barring any additional hurricane activity.

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I hope it settles in the $2.50 range, still enough for

us to rush alternative energy but not so much that

I want to put a hollow point in the back of my skull

every time I pump 20+ gallons into one of my V8

powered full-size cars!

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I hope it settles in the $2.50 range, still enough for

us to rush alternative energy but not so much that

I want to put a hollow point in the back of my skull

every time I pump 20+ gallons into one of my V8

powered full-size cars!

I would be surprised if we see gas at 2.50 anytime soon. I think most people would feel relieved at $3.50 at this point. I think 2.50 could kill a lot of the alternative energy initiatives, but 3 or 3.50 and above would keep people wary enough to keep looking for something else, knowing that 4, 5, 6 or more could still happen.

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I'm not saying 2.50 by years end (although I'm hoping)

but I think another year or so of this recession could

help to push (pull?) prices down to $25 range.

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We'll see. Either way I don't really care, and here's why:

No matter the cost of gas we need to put it in our cars. We can bitch and moan about it but if we need to drive, we need to put fuel in regardless of cost. My driving habits have changed little since gas has hit $4.00. I can't say I drive the Prizm more now than the Intrepid because of fuel, because I drove it more as a commuter to begin with, and for a while the Intrepid had that stalling problem.

If gas goes down great, because I'll save money, if it doesn't that sucks but oh well.

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DF: ooooooooo-kay!?

That's pretty sad to have such a leze-fair attitude.

I work WAY too hard for my money to say "oh well"

and not really care. I get up between 2:45 & 3:30am

every weekday to go load packages at the UPS, not

to blow my money without thought.

If gas was $2.50 instead of $4.00 I would probably

have gone to |North Conway NH last weekend to the

Thomas Tank Engine even for kids, Sofia would have

LOVED it and I've been promissing her a road trip

for months and I can't afford it.

It makes me mad as ^@#$*&ing hell that I have to

tell Sofia that we can't go on a particualar roadtrip

because we can't afford the gas.

My memory banks afe full of hundreds of roadtrips

that my parents took me on, EVERY SINGLE

weekend, without fail, we would go somewhere,

if nothing else we'd venture the 30 miles south

into Boston but often times it was NH, ME, RI, CT,

VT or NY (NY) and some of those memories are

the best ones I can recall.

Back when I was 9 (10/88) our '89 Chevy Cavalier

still had the tireshine from Bob Brest Chevrolet

smeared all over the 14" Uniroyals & the window

sticker in the glovebox when we packed it up with

a cooler and picknick basket & drove about 150

miles north to the White Mountains of NH through

the amazing foliage. I remember standing on the

edge of the road on a mountain road oeverlooking

a huge valley with about four or five towns; or

"villiages" below us poking up through the colorfull

leaves, each one had a unique church steeple as

the focal point of their little community... I

remember wearing my super-cool "Air Force Pilot"

jacket that my mom & dad had just bought me

that resembled the metallic space suit SR-71 pilots

wear when doing Mach-7 in the upper atmosphere.

The fun of that roadtrip, & many, many more like

it that I treasure in my memory banks forever are

the biggest reason why gas prices are pissing me

off to no end.

If I crack and buy a $hitty ULTRA-MPG "econobox"

(Sixty8 translation: BMW 318i 5-speed) it will be

so that I do not deprive my daughter of these fun

memories, the open road, cruise set to 70, good

conversation or perhaps even silence while the

radio/cd player plays Pink Floyd, Eagles, Boston,

Johnny Cash or some other timeless music. Better

in a 4-cylinder economy car than not at all!


Edited by Sixty8panther
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DF: ooooooooo-kay!?

That's pretty sad to have such a leze-fair attitude.

I work WAY too hard for my money to say "oh well"

and not really care. I get up between 2:45 & 3:30am

every weekday to go load packages at the UPS, not

to blow my money without thought.

If gas was $2.50 instead of $4.00 I would probably

have gone to |North Conway NH last weekend to the

Thomas Tank Engine even for kids, Sofia would have

LOVED it and I've been promissing her a road trip

for months and I can't afford it.

It makes me mad as ^@#$*&ing hell that I have to

tell Sofia that we can't go on a particualar roadtrip

because we can't afford the gas.

My memory banks afe full of hundreds of roadtrips

that my parents took me on, EVERY SINGLE

weekend, without fail, we would go somewhere,

if nothing else we'd venture the 30 miles south

into Boston but often times it was NH, ME, RI, CT,

VT or NY (NY) and some of those memories are

the best ones I can recall.

Back when I was 9 (10/88) our '89 Chevy Cavalier

still had the tireshine from Bob Brest Chevrolet

smeared all over the 14" Uniroyals & the window

sticker in the glovebox when we packed it up with

a cooler and picknick basket & drove about 150

miles north to the White Mountains of NH through

the amazing foliage. I remember standing on the

edge of the road on a mountain road oeverlooking

a huge valley with about four or five towns; or

"villiages" below us poking up through the colorfull

leaves, each one had a unique church steeple as

the focal point of their little community... I

remember wearing my super-cool "Air Force Pilot"

jacket that my mom & dad had just bought me

that resembled the metallic space suit SR-71 pilots

wear when doing Mach-7 in the upper atmosphere.

The fun of that roadtrip, & many, many more like

it that I treasure in my memory banks forever are

the biggest reason why gas prices are pissing me

off to no end.

If I crack and buy a $hitty ULTRA-MPG "econobox"

(Sixty8 translation: BMW 318i 5-speed) it will be

so that I do not deprive my daughter of these fun

memories, the open road, cruise set to 70, good

conversation or perhaps even silence while the

radio/cd player plays Pink Floyd, Eagles, Boston,

Johnny Cash or some other timeless music. Better

in a 4-cylinder economy car than not at all!


I didn't say it's right, but what does bitching about it do? Nothing. If you have to drive you have to drive, and until there's alternative fuels and energies we can spend thousands of dollars to buy, we're pretty much going to keep refueling our cars with gas corect?

There's not much you can do about it, like it or not. Unless you walk, take a bike, take a bus, take a train, or go the biodiesel route.

I spend $40 a week on gas. Sure Spending $20 would be better, but If I say, don't go out to eat a day instead, the money is saved right there.

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And this is why the economy will continue to tank.

So tell me then, what good complaining about it will do? If you all want to bitch and piss andmoan go for it, all I'm saying is I'm not going vocally complain all the time.

...maybe when it hits $6-8

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There's not much you can do about it, like it or not. Unless you walk, take a bike, take a bus, take a train, or go the biodiesel route.

Please explain to me which bus or train I can get on

at 3:00am to go from the Tewksbury/Lowell line to

the corner of Billerica & Chelmsford (UPS) and then

do the same at 9:00am to get to No. Andover by 10.

Or perhaps I can figure out how to get by on a bike,

one hour to go 18 miles on a bicycle, NO problem.

Your approach of (with all due respect)

"sure prison r&pe sux but what can I do about it?"

is a huge part of the problem with this country.

No one want to be bothere to REALLY speak up,

no one is willing to go the extra mile to hold

these scumbags accountable, most of us in the

USA, being lazy & uninspired do not want to be

bothered. The general population is right where

the Romans were in like 300ad.

Our Circus Maximus/Coloseum is the TV.

Water cooler talk revolves around a complete

NON-event like freekin' American "Idle" or

one of the other 348,506 reality shows,

instead of REAL events.

So what?

So WHAT can I do?

Well I'm almost at the point where I'm ready to

march to D.C. with a pitchfork and torch like a

few of my friends have been talking about.

It's time to wake up America!!!

If we all start making waves and yell & scream

then there's only two things that can result:

Either the politicians REALLY start listening to

the people that ELECTED them and make

positive change and do it ASAP, or.....

We kick their teeth in and start over with

USA Version 2.0

If you're not ANGRY, you're NOT paying attention!

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Please explain to me which bus or train I can get on

at 3:00am to go from the Tewksbury/Lowell line to

the corner of Billerica & Chelmsford (UPS) and then

do the same at 9:00am to get to No. Andover by 10.

Or perhaps I can figure out how to get by on a bike,

one hour to go 18 miles on a bicycle, NO problem.

Your approach of (with all due respect)

"sure prison r&pe sux but what can I do about it?"

is a huge part of the problem with this country.

No one want to be bothere to REALLY speak up,

no one is willing to go the extra mile to hold

these scumbags accountable, most of us in the

USA, being lazy & uninspired do not want to be

bothered. The general population is right where

the Romans were in like 300ad.

Our Circus Maximus/Coloseum is the TV.

Water cooler talk revolves around a complete

NON-event like freekin' American "Idle" or

one of the other 348,506 reality shows,

instead of REAL events.

So what?

So WHAT can I do?

Well I'm almost at the point where I'm ready to

march to D.C. with a pitchfork and torch like a

few of my friends have been talking about.

It's time to wake up America!!!

If we all start making waves and yell & scream

then there's only two things that can result:

Either the politicians REALLY start listening to

the people that ELECTED them and make

positive change and do it ASAP, or.....

We kick their teeth in and start over with

USA Version 2.0

If you're not ANGRY, you're NOT paying attention!

So tell me what complaining about it has gotten you so far? Like I said, complain if you want, just because I don't feel like bitching every 2 minutes because gas prices have gone up again doesn't make me in the wrong.

If someone says to me "gas prices suck" I'll agree completely, but I won't come home and teh first thing to come out of my mouth be "ah, motherf**king gas prices"

With all due respect.


So let's just leave it at that.

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$84 barrel = well under $3/gallon national average at the pump... right?

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Like I've said before, something about this entire roller coaster ride stinks to high hell. It sounds to me like somebody, somewhere has made a pile of money and now that the golden goose is starting to croak, they're going to ease off on the throat a little....... <_<

In the meantime, my gas bill has gone up $75 a month. I really want to believe this is all a good thing - y'know, to help with prospecting and searching for future oil sources or alternates, but the skeptic in me fears that we are getting it up the ying yang............without a reach around.

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Like I've said before, something about this entire roller coaster ride stinks to high hell. It sounds to me like somebody, somewhere has made a pile of money and now that the golden goose is starting to croak, they're going to ease off on the throat a little....... <_<

In the meantime, my gas bill has gone up $75 a month. I really want to believe this is all a good thing - y'know, to help with prospecting and searching for future oil sources or alternates, but the skeptic in me fears that we are getting it up the ying yang............without a reach around.

I've said it like twice a day on this forum, this is just 1974 take II.

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I have this feeling prices aren't going to go down much. We are dealing with greedy oil companies, afterall. Plus, it's bound to go up again.

If it's a light hurricane season, inventories will be much greater than expected and the market is likely to over react in the downward direction.

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I have this feeling prices aren't going to go down much. We are dealing with greedy oil companies, afterall. Plus, it's bound to go up again.

if you headed a global company, don't you think you'd want to be living high on the hog too? your product is subsidized, needed practically everywhere, and can spend multi-millions on people to bribe, i mean lobbyists to talk to law makers.

idk if you've heard of Pickens, oil man running for congress, i think, in TN or KY, pushing wind/solar. he's prolly a great businessman, but I'd very much question his motives.

greed pays and pays and pays,...over greediness doesn't in the long run.

if one does not like greed, live only to your needs and see how you like it.

even if it's temporary, $3 gas will make tons of people rejoice, i will, a little, and if/when things go sour again, they'll just find another scapegoat.

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Oil should continue its downward trend for the remainder of the year provided Iran doesn't blow something up. I like how the news is full of articles like "gas prices are here to stay" and "this oil shock is different because no relief is in site" just as oil is tanking.

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Oil should continue its downward trend for the remainder of the year provided Iran doesn't blow something up. I like how the news is full of articles like "gas prices are here to stay" and "this oil shock is different because no relief is in site" just as oil is tanking.

Anyone who trusts mainstream media in 2008 is a fool plain & simple.

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