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So, I'm EXTREMELY stressed at work, and have been for a couple of months now. I feel as though I'm being harassed by my new principal, and being untenured, the union is too chicken $h! to do anything about it.

My mom is positive I can change my sexual preference. It's just a matter of following God's words.

My grandmother has been in the hospital for 2 weeks now, and it's very touch and go, although it looks like she'll get better, but she's not allowed to live on her own anymore.

Men on Long Island are very frustrating. I'm tired of game-playing, and I'm sick of the lack of monogamy. I love having people tell me they want a monogamous relationship, but open as well.

Money is tight, because I need a new car, yet every time I save a few grand up for a nice down payment, it's time to pay for tuition. In the long run I know it's better, because my salary goes up every 15 credits (albeit not equal to the amount of money I spend on tuition, but again, in the long run it's better).

I want to move over the summer instead of mid October when my lease is up, but my complex won't work with me, and I'd end up paying the lease in full if I decided to leave end of August, plus a penalty, in addition to losing my deposit.

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I think you need to ignore your mother, men on Long Island, the new car and moving for the time being.

I'm trying to, believe me. But things like my mother are constantly in my face. I'm letting the topic go, but one day I'm going to have a boyfriend, and the $h! is going to hit the fan.

I only have 1.5 weeks left to deal with my principal... and only one more year til tenure. My observations and year-end evaluations are flawless, I just need to do everything perfectly one more year.

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Don't worry, be strong; the Lord will guide you and cure your case of homo yet!

But seriously, hang tough. It might seem like a big giant $h!burger right now but it seems like you're beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel with at least SOME stuff (school, getting tenured at work, etc.). And when that's over you can concentrate more on moving and finding somebody worthy of your time.

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But seriously, hang tough. It might seem like a big giant $h!burger right now but it seems like you're beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel with at least SOME stuff (school, getting tenured at work, etc.). And when that's over you can concentrate more on moving and finding somebody worthy of your time.

Thanks.. I realize that things are better than they were years ago, and they'll be better in future years... I'm just wondering when is it going to settle down in my life? I've worked so hard, and it just seems like I get no break.

Well at least your macaroni hasn't shown itself in public lately, HAS IT? :scratchchin:

Uh, we're VERY careful about that nowadays... to the point where I have an OCD thing where I have to check my fly before I open the door of the house. Could you imagine? I work with 13/14 year olds. How would it look if my doodle was present?

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too bad your mom sucks at accepting you. its her own issue worrying about her own thing with God by the sound of it.

i think if you ask God if he accepts you, i am pretty sure he's super compassionate about it. to heck with your mom. skip the middle man (woman)

Edited by regfootball
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Uh, we're VERY careful about that nowadays... to the point where I have an OCD thing where I have to check my fly before I open the door of the house. Could you imagine? I work with 13/14 year olds. How would it look if my doodle was present?

Couldn't help but think of this and chuckle...from the Wikipedia list of made up words from the Simpsons:


From "Thank God It's Doomsday", while hunting for a winning "photo" to be hung in the school lobby for the rest of the year, the Springfield Elementary Photo Club sees Principal Skinner's shirt sticking out of his pants zipper. Nelson declares "Look! The Principal has a shirt-wiener!" Much photo snapping ensues to the chagrin of Skinner.

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the "end is near"!!!

don't let "senoritis" screw up what has been working for you.... school wise.

This isn't senoritis... I have my masters. This is I-don't-want-to-get-certified-in-Spanish-because-I-don't-want-to-teach-it-itis.

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So, I'm EXTREMELY stressed at work, and have been for a couple of months now. I feel as though I'm being harassed by my new principal, and being untenured, the union is too chicken $h! to do anything about it.

My mom is positive I can change my sexual preference. It's just a matter of following God's words.

My grandmother has been in the hospital for 2 weeks now, and it's very touch and go, although it looks like she'll get better, but she's not allowed to live on her own anymore.

Men on Long Island are very frustrating. I'm tired of game-playing, and I'm sick of the lack of monogamy. I love having people tell me they want a monogamous relationship, but open as well.

Money is tight, because I need a new car, yet every time I save a few grand up for a nice down payment, it's time to pay for tuition. In the long run I know it's better, because my salary goes up every 15 credits (albeit not equal to the amount of money I spend on tuition, but again, in the long run it's better).

I want to move over the summer instead of mid October when my lease is up, but my complex won't work with me, and I'd end up paying the lease in full if I decided to leave end of August, plus a penalty, in addition to losing my deposit.

I'm strait but...move here to Columbus Ohio, seriously. We are a very gay friendly city, the price of living is low, and there are TONS of guys in serious relationships or looking for serious relationships.

My family goes to resteraunts/library/shops in the German Villiage area of Columbus, which is kind of the gay ghetto of the city. I know lots of gay men, most of them very attached to a long term partner.

My mom is convinced that I would be better if I just believed God's words, as is my teenaged (17 yr old) daughter. However, I've never seen God's word, only the words of some really screwed up bronze age goat and camel herders who thought they had Gods word. Good luck with your mother, I know I'll never change mine.

My Safari Van took an aquarium load of water when we had a flash flood. I was driving down spring street of all places when a wave hit the van during a big downpour. So I need to take cash out of savings and buy a car this weekend. One car for a family of 7 (wife and 5 kids) isn't working too well.

As for the principal thing, the owner of my company is a goiod friend and a good guy but he is having problems running our electrical company. Last week he handed me the prints to a Chinese resteraunt that we were wayyy behind on (four month project, 2 days before turnover, job maybe 20% done) and says 'get it done." Got it done, took a week, but they should open Monday or Tuesday. Due to the poor planning of others, we've had to pull 4 other jobs out of the fire and I haven't gotten a day off in over a month. 14 hours of work on a Sunday is a bit much.

My father in law taught school and his principal was a complete utter dickhead asshole of the century. I can really relate to where your at brother. I wonder often about what's going on with you, and will be thinking of you as you deal with this...which won't help much but you've got an electrician buddy in Ohio who shares your pain.

As for the house thing, I could solve a lot of my problems by moving to a city with a better employment market for electrical work, but I'm stuck taking a lot less for my house here than I want if I do move. So I can feel the pain on the apartment thing.

Sounds like you've got similar pains in life to me, and in a strange sort of way that makes me feel a little bit better. Sorry for the rant, good luck with things, and if you want a serious guy, seriously, try Columbus, Ohio.


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Thanks.. I realize that things are better than they were years ago, and they'll be better in future years... I'm just wondering when is it going to settle down in my life? I've worked so hard, and it just seems like I get no break.

Uh, we're VERY careful about that nowadays... to the point where I have an OCD thing where I have to check my fly before I open the door of the house. Could you imagine? I work with 13/14 year olds. How would it look if my doodle was present?

It may seem like you get no break, but it seems that God or nature or whomever has made you a basically smart, ethical, compassionate person who loves children, loves teaching, and is working to better himself.

That may be all the break you actually need.


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I'm trying to, believe me. But things like my mother are constantly in my face. I'm letting the topic go, but one day I'm going to have a boyfriend, and the $h! is going to hit the fan.

I only have 1.5 weeks left to deal with my principal... and only one more year til tenure. My observations and year-end evaluations are flawless, I just need to do everything perfectly one more year.

Sucks to be under so much pressure as a teacher. Which is why I gave up teaching to become an electrician. I'll gladly put my hands in a 4000 AMP, 480 Volt three phase service to avoid dealing with school administration.

Good luck, there are people here pulling for you dude.


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<hugs, pats, kisses>

Don't worry hon.....things will get better!


As my old friend Eric said, life is like a pile of dog&#036;h&#33;. You work to get out from under a large pile, fight like crazy, get into the clear....only to have another load of dog&#036;h&#33; drop on you.

But the OC (or the strip, now that he's in Vegas) is right, things will get better.


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Thanks for your words 66Stang. It's rough... this generation doesn't want to work at all. They want everything handed to them, and their parents are supporting that. Administration is being as militant as possible--they did away with a tradition this year: The last day of school, which is a shortened day with no kids, we were allowed to bring family in. They stopped that as they saw it a financial liability. They look at everything as numbers, with no heart at all. I can't understand how you could go into a profession dealing with the next generation, and show them no heart.

A student handed me a letter she wrote to say goodbye. I was so touched... she snuck it in my briefcase during my prep, and it basically said this year was amazing for her, and she's going to push herself as hard as she can next year in honors to make me proud. It's something like that, where I can hopefully help someone to strive for something bigger and better, and make them take an interest in something important to me, that reminds me why I do this.

Another student frustrated me (and my God, he did because he knew exactly how to push my buttons), I looked at him and said, "Wow... you are exactly like the little annoying brother I never had. Too bad I can't beat you up." He laughed, but he was a kid that went home and emailed me articles about things going on in Italy that he found online, and did extra assignments because he was so interested in learning the language. That's another thing that made my year worthwhile.

And finally, this one student who gave me grief all year long by not doing a stitch of homework, not paying attention and talking in class, and usually had his back to me when I was speaking, (yet all the while got awesome test grades), wrote me a note (he was friends with the first girl), that said, "Dear Mr. G. I know I drove you crazy this year, but you really were my favorite teacher. I think I did better in your class than I did in all others. I'm going to miss you."

Honestly, even in the most stressful times at work, these little things really helped me out. It is so nice to have a reminder of why I became a teacher. So, when my principal tells me to do something I already did, or doesn't recognize any of the hard work I'm doing or the extra hours I put in after he goes home when running clubs, I have to keep reminding myself, I'm not doing it for him.

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I could never be a teacher. I'd walk into class one day with an Uzi and kill 'em all. Parents just don't back teachers up enough any more.

And Stang, how about my sister: she used to teach electricians! Now there's a thankless job! Now she is a site inspector and gets to disconnect people's power.

Look at it on the bright side, Paolino, you've got 4 weeks to drink yourself into a stuper, then 4 weeks to sober up before repeating all over again.

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Look at it on the bright side, Paolino, you've got 4 weeks to drink yourself into a stuper, then 4 weeks to sober up before repeating all over again.

Not exactly, I'm taking 5 classes this summer... hence the blowing my car deposit on tuition. :banghead:

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I could never be a teacher. I'd walk into class one day with an Uzi and kill 'em all. Parents just don't back teachers up enough any more.

And Stang, how about my sister: she used to teach electricians! Now there's a thankless job! Now she is a site inspector and gets to disconnect people's power.

Look at it on the bright side, Paolino, you've got 4 weeks to drink yourself into a stuper, then 4 weeks to sober up before repeating all over again.

Actually we have a couple of female electrical inspectors here in Columbus, and I actually think of your sister when one walks in on an inspection.

Pauli-I really admire the work you do with kids. Your doing something I would love to do but don't have the chops or the patience for. And God I hope you find a good guy...I think you deserve to meet one.

Good luck drinking yourself stupid over the summer...and good lukc with your classes guy.


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Pauli-I really admire the work you do with kids. Your doing something I would love to do but don't have the chops or the patience for. And God I hope you find a good guy...I think you deserve to meet one.

Good luck drinking yourself stupid over the summer...and good lukc with your classes guy.


Thanks Chris. I hope so too!! I'm going to try and get whacked in about a week--we'll see what happens! :AH-HA_wink:

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The word "whacked" has too many connotations. Should I be worried, Paulie?:huh:

Let me clear this up for you Ocn:

1) A little spanking is fun.

2) A bit of heavy drinking is fun.

3) Other types of getting whacked are fun (not including death).

4) Even weed-whacking is fun.

I'm only planning 3 of the above.

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  • 5 months later...

Oh my God. This ARG thread hasn't stopped for me... I'm still stressed at work (this is my tenure year). Money is still tight. My car is even older. And men still SUCK (although this is premature because I had an awesome night with a guy on Friday, I'm just anticipating I'll be blown off).

When does it slow down?!

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A nice, clean Buick is waiting for you, Pauli. Things will get better. I've noticed that you have a certain passion for life and what you do, and passion has carried me through lots of tough times in my life. Probably not politically correct at all for a father to say, but I actually hope my children enjoy sex. I want my daughters to find great guys and get the screwing of the century. And this is my hope for you...a screwing by a great guy IN the Century....

I still laugh my ass off when I think about your post about the guys butt and the horn when you two were parked.

Keep kicking, dude....we here at C and G are pulling for you.


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A nice, clean Buick is waiting for you, Pauli. Things will get better. I've noticed that you have a certain passion for life and what you do, and passion has carried me through lots of tough times in my life. Probably not politically correct at all for a father to say, but I actually hope my children enjoy sex. I want my daughters to find great guys and get the screwing of the century. And this is my hope for you...a screwing by a great guy IN the Century....

I still laugh my ass off when I think about your post about the guys butt and the horn when you two were parked.

Keep kicking, dude....we here at C and G are pulling for you.


See, I want the sex, but I want the love with it too... the guy I met on Friday night was 100% opposite what gay men on Long Island are like--he was ALL about foreplay... HOURS AND HOURS... I left at 5AM, and I had a smile on my face, and no sex was involved... I think it was the tension that made it so hot. But he was such a gentleman, and it was just nice to experience.

Now, don't get me wrong, when I find that one special guy, he better have a good sex drive and a little sense of adventure ;)

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Keep us posted, dude, esp. with the school situation. I know you don't want to relocate, but I have floated the idea of starting an Italian language department to a few admin. friends of mine at a few alternative type schools.

Hopefully it shouldn't come to that but....

Keep us posted. And good luck on Long Island!


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Keep us posted, dude, esp. with the school situation.

....screw that.....keep us posted about the SEX....!


I know what you are talking about. Last July and August I was just getting my feet on the ground....them....BAMM....the financial crisis hit....and I'm back in the money doldrums again.....

But I know this will pass too.....

And as far as the man stuff.....I'm with you. The tension, sex, and play is all GREAT....but I want it attached to a guy I fall in love with too.....

Keep smiling.....it helps!

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Good luck to you too, OC. I remember being 17 and wondering if I'd ever find a girl to love...and then meeting a very nice girl when I was 19, then marrying her when I was 21 or 22. Can't imagine how hard it would be to be single and thirtysomething. Must really suck for both of you guys.

Although I can't understand the sttraction to anything with a penis. To me the male package looks profoundly ugly. Showering in the boys locker room convinced me at a young age that either god was a lunatic or evolution must be reality.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess.


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Good luck to you too, OC. I remember being 17 and wondering if I'd ever find a girl to love...and then meeting a very nice girl when I was 19, then marrying her when I was 21 or 22. Can't imagine how hard it would be to be single and thirtysomething. Must really suck for both of you guys.

Although I can't understand the sttraction to anything with a penis. To me the male package looks profoundly ugly. Showering in the boys locker room convinced me at a young age that either god was a lunatic or evolution must be reality.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess.


See, I think the vagina is NASTY. I've seen several up close and I don't want to have anything to do with it. I even tried to go down on a girl and I just couldn't do it.

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I was actually brave enough to get down there. It was OK I guess, nothing special. On girls, you have to DIG in there to help her meet her goal, whereas on guys, everything's right there swingin', ripe for the pickin', no digging required!:) Edited by ocnblu
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I was actually brave enough to get down there. It was OK I guess, nothing special. On girls, you have to DIG in there to help her meet her goal, whereas on guys, everything's right there swingin', ripe for the pickin', no digging required!:)

I'm gonna heave.

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When does it slow down?!

It doesn't.....

Sorry you still feel stressed. I can't say I know 100% how you feel, but I'm not exactly smelling roses right now either. My issues are different than yours, but I still feel the pain.....

Can't imagine how hard it would be to be single and thirtysomething.

Lucky for you that you don't have to know.

It really sucks ... because everyone asks when you're going to find someone ... and, if you don't have anyone, they ask if you're gay. Ugh. NO ... I am NOT gay. Just because I don't have a gf and have never had sex does NOT mean I'm gay.

Heh ... and it's going to be fun on Christmas. I will be the only single person in the family. Everyone else will have their significant other, fiance, or spouse with them. Wonderful.


On the other hand ... I have my freedom and I can do whatever road trips and schedule whatever events I want ;).

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...RT 66 drive = Sept '09

WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"Decorations of red on a green Christmas tree" ... Elvis Presley ... 'Blue Christmas'

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See, I think the vagina is NASTY. I've seen several up close and I don't want to have anything to do with it. I even tried to go down on a girl and I just couldn't do it.

I'm begining to think that if their is a god Sex is his/her idea of a joke, everyone chasing each other around here on eath to get in each others pants.


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I'm begining to think that if their is a god Sex is his/her idea of a joke, everyone chasing each other around here on eath to get in each others pants.


During my friend's bachelor party, I was at the end of a line of guys at a strip club. The woman threw her box in everyone's faces, one by one. Just before she got to me, I got up and moved to the other end of the line. She reached over and grabbed my shirt and said, "Oh no no no naughty boy."

I said, "I beg of you, I'm gay. Let me be."

All the guys laughed, and she bent over with her ass in my face and smacked it. I had to give her a dollar.

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During my friend's bachelor party, I was at the end of a line of guys at a strip club. The woman threw her box in everyone's faces, one by one. Just before she got to me, I got up and moved to the other end of the line. She reached over and grabbed my shirt and said, "Oh no no no naughty boy."

I said, "I beg of you, I'm gay. Let me be."

All the guys laughed, and she bent over with her ass in my face and smacked it. I had to give her a dollar.

I find strip clubs a complete turnoff.

Actually, I like artistic nude photography though...and gay guys have it better. Seems like more artistic effort is put into photographing the male body.

I think most guys get a camera and a naked girl and think its art. Gay men have a much better idea of what constitutes art and the human body.


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