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  caddycruiser said:
I know, I know...it's coming, I swear. This is what happens when you start work at 7:30 in the morning get home in the evening and only have a couple of hours to deal with life's matters. It is coming TODAY, by evening/early night. Same for Roger. Pictures, specs, and all.

I just don't want to have to put tacky For Sale signs in it...so anyone on a forum I know well gets first grabs. And preferably not TOO far, either, so I can even do a pleasant delivery of the beast with no surprises.

When are you headed back to the states (or our favorite tax-free one) anyway?

Most times I am at work at 6 AM, I will be back to Delaware in 2 weeks, but go ahead and sell it to Roger, I've kind of lost interest in it. :scratchchin:

Posted (edited)
  Pontiac Custom-S said:
Most times I am at work at 6 AM, I will be back to Delaware in 2 weeks, but go ahead and sell it to Roger, I've kind of lost interest in it. :scratchchin:

No you haven't...trust me. Check your email in the next couple of hours.

Edited by caddycruiser
  gm4life said:
So Caddy when exactly are you picking the new baby up?

Don't know. It's supposed to be down here by mid-day tomorrow, and though she's off, my saleslady said she'd be in a little after lunch "so I could come check it out", but I'll play that by ear. No rush.

As for actual delivery, could be anytime, but we said Monday this morning. That's a whole weekend, but will need prep time for the car and to get all of my papers ready and together.

I started placing ads for the Caddy FINALLY at least on some forums and emailing people who were interested. I still have my blank For Sale signs, so maybe it's time to use them as well. Funny enough, when I first stopped by today to do my credit app, she told me 2 guys from out of state were in last night just passing through to look at some things after coming down from Carlisle, and were chatting about buying/wanting a Fleetwood/Brougham after the show, she thought from early 90's. Didn't have their number though, but a random happenstance, for sure.

Still going the surprise route with this too, as no one but a couple at work know. At least, so far, good comments from the previous all Ford guy. Not him, but a "hot car" in the pictures I showed him. One of the girls just said "Without that big wing thing, right?" Hah. And that's coming from a Grand Am owner. The Street Package just didn't do much for their eyes.

Now I'm just wondering too, how the car might be coming down. A ferry ride would actually be a big shortcut, but I guess it's up to the older lady driving. I'll see it soon enough regardless.

Wondering, too, about the outcome with Roger and his wife and their G6 trials if they happened...


Not to steal his thunder, but BREAKING NEWS:

GMTruckGuy74 (aka Roger) and his wife WILL be getting a new G6 as well. We shall have cousins :AH-HA_wink:

That's two, who wants to buy a third...in WD of course?

  caddycruiser said:
Not to steal his thunder, but BREAKING NEWS:

GMTruckGuy74 (aka Roger) and his wife WILL be getting a new G6 as well. We shall have cousins :AH-HA_wink:

That's two, who wants to buy a third...in WD of course?

You beat me to it! I was too busy scratching off lottery tickets to try to win money to buy your Caddy. Alas, no luck :hissyfit:

Yes, my wife liked the G6 Sedan very much. She started off driving the regular sedan (4cyl) that was loaded up with leather and the preferred convenience package, but she really didn't like how the 4cyl "got up and went" (she last had a 4cyl engine in her '92 Mercury Topaz, that she her mom gave her in '96 and got rid of in '98 for my '92 Cavalier Z24 coupe). Its been over 10 years of nothing but V6 power for her!!! :lol: She found a nicely equipped White Diamond Tricoat G6 V6 Sedan that she fell for and we're going for it.

Instead of stealing caddycruiser's thunder from his own G6 purchase (and continue :hijacked:'ing his thread), I'll make a new post in the Lounge for those interested.

Anyone that wishes to make a a small or large donation for me to buy caddycruiser's Fleetwood, please PM me for my home address :lol: :AH-HA_wink: :duh:

Through the use of my considerable computer skills, I have been able to ascertain the address of the "little old lady" who will be delivering Mr. cruiser's car. She lives in Pasadena. Not sure how that pertains to the subject at hand, just thought I'd throw it out there. :scratchchin:
  ocnblu said:
Through the use of my considerable computer skills, I have been able to ascertain the address of the "little old lady" who will be delivering Mr. cruiser's car. She lives in Pasadena. Not sure how that pertains to the subject at hand, just thought I'd throw it out there. :scratchchin:

Hah, yeah. I always wondered who got the job of delivering and picking up dealer swap cars, and it was interesting to learn so. They apparently have a couple of older people, guys and gals, who don't want to work typical days but are all up for a nice road trip in new cars when their phone rings. I said I could do that job part-time...sure.


Unrelated, but hmm development. Guess what my dealer just got in? A base Solstice automatic in Silver with black cloth, a couple small options, and an MSRP EXACTLY the same as the 'ole G6 coupe.

Heck, you can even do the 0% or considerable rebate cash on the little roadsters now too, like most GM's. I think that boat has sailed, but maybe I'll drive the little bugger for fun.

  caddycruiser said:
Unrelated, but hmm development. Guess what my dealer just got in? A base Solstice automatic in Silver with black cloth, a couple small options, and an MSRP EXACTLY the same as the 'ole G6 coupe.

Heck, you can even do the 0% or considerable rebate cash on the little roadsters now too, like most GM's. I think that boat has sailed, but maybe I'll drive the little bugger for fun.

Do It !

  Camino LS6 said:
Maybe a little, given how I feel about the G6.

Hee-hee. As much as I do think it's an awesome little car, it's a "weekend car" like I heard a lady say while looking at the one GXP they have inside last week. I find it intriguing one can be purchased (not leased, as the terms aren't good) for the same as my loaded G6, but couldn't do it. Only if I needed a fun spare.

But with 0% for 72 OR $3000 in cash plus any discount laying on them at least for these few days, I think with few people realizing them, there are some Solstice deals to be had this weekend.

Posted (edited)

It's HERE! I never got a call to come see it and it wasn't there at a later lunch time yet, but I buzzed down past on the highway at 5 after work...and bingo. Made a quick right and stopped in to stare. In the gray, hazy, hot, and then raining time that it was, the WD definitely takes on a more yellow shade. As I said before, the coupe looks a bit more bloated in white (or white-yellow-pearl), but I like it. As the other WD one they had and traded for it was a convertible with chrome wheels, the wheels are about the only thing I'd say might improve it--the silver ones are great, but don't stand out as much with the pearl. Well, that, and the black plastic mirrors. Kinda clash with the WD and shouldn't still be used--they paint them on the Street Package cars, but no others.

REALLY like the interior...and am definitely glad about that vs. black coal bin. Looked like the Jersey dealer had it detailed, but some splashes and bugs from the trip down. Have to remove the front plate bracket and switch the dealer emblems, but otherwise a fresh car.

I snapped it with my cell phone (to which, of course, I have no working cord to get the pics off...), only to drive away and remember my digicam was in the car. Oh well. Maybe I'll run down later again or just tomorrow.

Oh, and for those of you who say ick to the G6...guess what's parked RIGHT next to it? The silver Solstice base with the matching MSRP. The 2 can become friends for the next few days :AH-HA_wink:

Edited by caddycruiser

Well, this could be a fun discussion. My mother has clued into me having at least decided on SOMETHING, but I won't say so or give any details, and was excited last night wanting me to go down with her "to look at cars".

Going back to our discussion of 0% but also "not fancy", hah, I kinda diverged with a lease'ish thing and a $26k Pontiac. I don't think anyone has a clue yet, aside from her, and all she does know is that I've driven many things and "really liked the G6 most". I said something random about an Aveo today, too, only to get the response of "Hey, yeah, how about that--it'd be good on gas." Sure. Okay. Surprise!

I didn't make it down tonight but she's heading to work and dad & bro are heading to a big car show, so I think I'll head down for a hair cut and to take some pre-prep sneak peaks at my new ride again and then probably some paperwork and a drive if my person is around.

I kept seeing a black GT convertible around the community our office is in today and stared in awe. I think I might have to get a different license plate now too, as the DE blue/gold might be quite tacky next to WD.


Notice my posts are always so filled with quotes from my peeps? Yeah, more of that.

Just after the Aveo mention and out of the blue my mother asked me "What the hell is a Fit? It's a doofy car and that's really a stupid name." I tried to defend it but just laughed thinking of this forum thread. Heck, she'd fit in here, now :AH-HA_wink:


I just stole these from CarDomain, but to whoever's car they are...thanks.

I love these 2 pics of another twin:




Here's a quick one for you guys, from when I stopped by for a lunchtime look-see and spin around the lot.


Suprises? Not much other than the Jersey dealer put a $1995 "Decor Package" on it consisting of a pinstripe, black door edge guards, black wheel lip opening, and a wax job. Hah! My saleslady didn't even notice that yet, and we had a good laugh, especially because they never mentioned it to her or charged her a dime. Like I told her, "Yeah, see how much that $2 grand ACTUALLY meant to them?" Pinstripe is fine with me, really, but all else is to be peeled away.

Paperwork Monday and then physical delivery, well, sometime.

  caddycruiser said:
I just stole these from CarDomain, but to whoever's car they are...thanks.

The coupe looks very sharp in white, doesn't it?


The G6 Coupe has nice, clean lines when it doesn't have silly add-ons like spoilers. The only modification it really needs is body-color mirrors. Looks great!

Posted (edited)
  gm4life said:
I would nix the door guard.

Yeah, there's a lot to peel away. The door guards, the wheel lip moldings (barely noticeable...but weird), the front plate bracket, and the first dealer's emblem. I'm not a pinstripe person, either, and not on this car, but I didn't notice it until up close and really don't mind it. We'll see. I'll give it time, and if I eventually do dislike it, peel off it is. The plate bracket will come off and they'll plug the holes with the same little flat caps they used on mom's 'Bu, and paint them to match, I was told.

Here's the addendum they had on the window. So stupid to do these kinds of things, but that's a phantom $2k no one ever asked for (gee...moldings, stripe, and wax...$20 max):


And the regular sticker. Loaded to the hilt, like I said, just sans leather and power pedals. Perfect, IMHO:


Dad and my brother were still out at a car show when I got back, but mom was around and I spilled the beans. Hopped in her Malibu and went down to see it again. Before so, I told her about the, uh, price and it didn't set in. Then when we got there and she really saw the sticker, "Holy crap, uh, what happened to not getting EVERYTHING?" From outside she peaked in and said eww to the black upper half of the dash and doors, and repeated the same inside--dark and window glare, to her. She wanted to drive and did so around the lot at 5 mph, continuing with the remarks about each of the options and all the other stuff, and then "and a V6, too, huh?". Said it drove nice, and I replied with yep, just like your Malibu really. Ah-ha. Then the priceless one: "Your first new car and you just had to one up me, didn't you?" I of course said I didn't and the Malibu is still more impressive in a lot of ways, and hers is more loaded still, aside from the V6 factor and a few other small things. But thinking that too, now, again. Also got the "now don't go buying rims and all sorts of other crap for this", and of course not, that's a big reason for it--something new and loaded to the hilt that I have not an inkling of desire to add anything to, like the Caddy always keeps me doing.

Similar feel between each, too, just the longer and heavier doors of the coupe and the richer, lighter interior of our Malibu. The 3.5L definitely is spunkier, too, than the great Ecotec (hopefully still can eek out nice mileage, which it should be able to do), and the hydraulic steering did feel a touch stiffer than the electro in our 'Bu. I played around with some settings and so far the only thing that bugged me was the radio, one because of the red lighting but I'll get used to that, but also just because of the older controls (vs. our 'Bu) and that it's a Monsoon system...yet still didn't sound all that impressive to me. Of course, I wasn't fully sure what I was doing, but the base setup in the Malibu sounded crisper and cleaner on the way home. We'll see--it's probably just settings. Still not sure on delivery either, but figuring it out.

A few more from this morning:









My God...the Fleetwood looks like it could swallow this egg!

Here's the rest of today's album:


I started thinking about the 0% thing again too, as I've yet to do paperwork, as for the whole own with no interest or turn in after 3 years and get another without resale care. The SmartBuy still wins, I think, for me.

Edited by caddycruiser

Oh, and little story on that silver Solstice I mentioned before, too, with the same MSRP. It did show up online as a newly arrived vehicle but was a bit odd equipment wise for what they usually stock and I wondered why it was parked off to the side, unlike the rest.

Then when I was there yesterday I saw it in the prep booth and while chatting with my person, they ran it back around clean and gave her the key. "Oh, you sold it?" She said yes, actually she went and got it from another dealer recently (she's like the dealer trade extraordinaire) for a guy from DC buying it as a wedding present for his wife! Hah. Nice gift. She proceeded then to ask me if I knew anything about it, to help her figure out something. She pulled the manual out and showed me installation instructions and card for the new GM PAL (iPod link), but was confused as the originating dealer never mentioned it or charged her anything, and she had never seen one. I knew what to look for and took the keys, and low and behold, wala, in the glovebox the white iPod cord. Seemed too short but was definitely there and installed, the first one they've seen and that she had even heard of yet. She tends to know the product well but not the accessories (they honestly don't do much in this regard, as few even ask), and I schooled her on what it was, that it was new and a lot of people had actually been wanting it, and that she could have a good little surprise for the guy buying it if he was iPod equipped. The car also had a weird little setup of 3 leather pouches with Pontiac emblems stitched on them connected to the center console, apparently another accessory.

Oh, and finally in one with the top up...the legroom is fantastic actually, but I was brushing the roof with my hair when I tried this car out. I kinda liked it a lot, though, in base'ish form with cloth seats and few options--seemed pure and simple.


The interior, minsu the wood looks pretty sharp in those colors. One thing I notice, is that in the photo it looks like the area where the front bumper meets the fender is misaligned. It's actually pretty noticeable.

Anyway, so it's official your's now? Congrats man...it looks tiny compared to the Caddy. :P

Posted (edited)
  Dodgefan said:
The interior, minsu the wood looks pretty sharp in those colors. One thing I notice, is that in the photo it looks like the area where the front bumper meets the fender is misaligned. It's actually pretty noticeable.

Anyway, so it's official your's now? Congrats man...it looks tiny compared to the Caddy. :P


Actually, no, unless you're seeing something else. If it looks to you like the bumper is set back further into the wheel well than it should...it's an illusion thanks to the black rubber strips the dealer stuck partially around the wheel lips. Look closer, and you'll see it, I think.


Is this what you're seeing? Should be as I checked it out pretty thoroughly and nothing stood out to me.

Edited by caddycruiser

My 2005 Grand Prix GT had the two tone white/black interior with the light colored leather seats, lets just say they get dirty quick. Also picked that up at CP Diver on the way back from the beach at that time. I'm what you call an impulse buyer no pun intended. :smilewide:

  caddycruiser said:

Actually, no, unless you're seeing something else. If it looks to you like the bumper is set back further into the wheel well than it should...it's an illusion thanks to the black rubber strips the dealer stuck partially around the wheel lips. Look closer, and you'll see it, I think.


Is this what you're seeing? Should be as I checked it out pretty thoroughly and nothing stood out to me.

Yeah that's it. The dealer should have put it on the bumper too. Oh well!

  Dodgefan said:
Yeah that's it. The dealer should have put it on the bumper too. Oh well!

Yeah, you know, for $2 grand...they should have :rolleyes:

  Pontiac Custom-S said:
My 2005 Grand Prix GT had the two tone white/black interior with the light colored leather seats, lets just say they get dirty quick. Also picked that up at CP Diver on the way back from the beach at that time. I'm what you call an impulse buyer no pun intended. :smilewide:

Hah! We've never had a dark interior and try not to, and it's always either light gray (such as mom's almost white, very light gray Malibu Titanium) or tan. Last to have tan was our Avalanche and in a similar black/tan setup to this car. Never any cleaning issues or even grime, just a lighter, brighter interior. But the materials do matter a lot here, and we'll see how this G6 cloth goes--feels almost just like the Av's did.

It was hard to find. Regardless of outside color, it was next to impossible to find a car in a few different paint colors that had Taupe cloth. It's seemingly the rarest, but almost all had Ebony. I actually didn't mind the black in my rental Malibu, but didn't love it either. Still too stark and dusty, hot, etc. for me.

Posted (edited)

It's HERE! Left for home in it around 6:30 after the paper signing marathon. Looked GREAT, as it was just being pulled out front when I pulled in, having been de-stripped of the black crap, emblem, and all else and cleaned. Much, much better without those things...and the White Diamond shimmering plus properly cleaned wheels and shined tires... :thumbsup:

Ran home, ate, and then ran back with my mother to pick the Caddy up that I left there. I wanted to take another car so it could rest nicely, but she wanted to drive it, and off we went. Then the sadness. Coming back, it looked oddly gray...and then the lightening bolts. And then the HARDEST rain I've seen in months.

Literally, it was like a monsoon, and I referred to it as the omen...this car I couldn't even keep dealer cleaned for a full hour, and it's now just filthy. Oy. Sad. Especially for an ex detailer and still anal cleaner. Oh well, early morning, first hand wash...MUST be presentable for work.

All is well, too, and the only issue they had was the front plate bracket. On our Malibu, they used little flat push-ins that are hardly noticeable and worked great. I expected the same for the G6, but apparently it was a whole day ordeal and they debated among a few people. The idiots in Jersey drilled overly large holes and when they tried the smaller, flatter ones, they fell right in. Finally ended up just using some that were larger and have a bit of a bubble to them, and painted. It's not the best look, but it didn't bother me yet and they gave me the front bracket inside should I want to do a custom front plate or anything.

The best part, aside from the rain muck sadness? I reset the average to drive home from the dealer and got...28.5 mpg! Holy wow! 2-lane roads, max 55, and some red light take-offs, and it has grunt if you step on it...but otherwise hums at no rpm. So, in that regard, even with 190 miles, my socks are blown off. That's already better than our Ecotec, seriously, and it doesn't have to rev as much. I've seen the light with the 3.5L, and am SO glad to have it.

Pictures to come...

Edited by caddycruiser
  gm4life said:
Congrats how exciting.

Yeah, I just love it...and still can't fathom it's mine. Even seeing such fantastic mileage for my typical driving, with less than 200 miles, is a sign of good things to come I predict :thumbsup:



Wow, 28.5 is pretty good. I think the highest the GTO's average has ever been is 25.5, which was last night when I left the gas station and decided to see what sort of mileage I could get. I missed almost all the stoplights on the way home and cruised anywhere from 40-50 (35-45mph road). Then I finally hit a red light (final light), then got into the stop sign district (subdivision) and it dropped to 21.0 by the time it was in the garage, :lol:).

Anyways, congrats, it's a great color and the G6 is a good-looking coupe.


First, some pictures.

While signing the endless papers, from my chair:


And outside, when done, right before leaving:



Driving home:


And finally in the driveway, when I rolled in a few minutes before 7:




After seeing it cleaned and crap-free, I have ZERO doubts about the color or equipment. White Diamond just takes it to a whole other level, the 18" machined wheels are a perfect match and also look rich and elegant, and I'm in love with the taupe cloth. No more leather, yay!

Except for the sad part of it getting horridly rain-ified on my second trip back with mom driving, it still seems surreal. Mom knew but dad & brother had NO clue...and the jaw drop while outside and saw me backing in was priceless. Shockingly, too, nothing bad was said at all. My father actually asked "What the heck is it?" For a GM only guy, this was odd, but goes to show you how much rarer and different a coupe is than a sedan. Actually, his only negative was "I understand being worried about driving an old car everyday, but couldn't you have gone used and not signed up to take such a big depreciation hit?" Lease, baby, lease...which, to appease them, is, uh, "a 0% loan".

I'm loving it...just wish the monsoon hadn't had to come out and ruin the detailing job. 5am, me, a hose, and the WD lovely...


And now videos.

When I first pulled in...my saleslady jumping in to go fill it up with gas, as they had JUST finished prep.


And while first on the highway heading home...love the feel and look of this car and all my new toys. That exhaust roar is NOT mine, but a muffler'd up Hemi Ram that was beside me. Funny how that happened! The 3.5L has a nice roar alone, though, and even in a sophisticated way despite the pushrod routes. For nearly 30mpg already, I'm impressed and in love.



OH...and I actually already like the red lighting. I think because I've seen nothing but blue and green for so long, it's kind of a cool change to have something else, and it does look quite cool as the sun goes down. Me like :AH-HA_wink:

  caddycruiser said:
The 3.5L has a nice roar alone, though, and even in a sophisticated way despite the pushrod routes. For nearly 30mpg already, I'm impressed and in love.

God, how about that engine!? I absolutely love the 3500 VVT, it's gotta be one of the best engines they've put out recently. The last tank of Gas in the Impala averaged 25MPG (almost all city), and it delivered 35MPG Highway through the mountain passes of the Rockies and Cascades this spring. I fully expect that when it stretches its legs on a run out to the coast this summer it will again return this kind of mileage.


Looks good!

Just a word of note in case you didn't know: White paint + tire shine = bad combination. I hope they didn't accidentally get any overspray of the tire shine on your new car, as it can stain the paint if it's on for an extended amount of time. One of the first things I learned about detailing was, "don't spray tire shine on white cars." If I were you, I would wash it around the wheel wells ASAP to make sure it is not on long enough to stain the paint. I do have a solution that I use on my car even though it's not white: take a sponge and cut it to slightly larger than the height of the sidewall of the tire. Spray tire shine on the sponge, and apply to the tire. Make sure the car has plenty of time to sit before you drive it so that the tire shine doesn't spray off your tires while driving.

This works far better than just your normal spray. I believe they make something like this, though I like my way better because I can get the exact size I want. It gets the tire shine spread more evenly on the tire and doesn't allow it to run and make some parts shinier than others.

Anyways, done with the thread-hijacking, just thought you should know so that your beautiful white paint doesn't possibly get stained.

Now time for some 0-60 and 0-100 videos. I want to see just how quick the 3.5 is :P

  vonVeezelsnider said:
God, how about that engine!? I absolutely love the 3500 VVT, it's gotta be one of the best engines they've put out recently. The last tank of Gas in the Impala averaged 25MPG (almost all city), and it delivered 35MPG Highway through the mountain passes of the Rockies and Cascades this spring. I fully expect that when it stretches its legs on a run out to the coast this summer it will again return this kind of mileage.

I was worried, but now I see I didn't have to be.

Even mom, with the great Ecotec new Malibu said "maybe I should have got a V6" after hearing what I got and driving it. Then decided again no, and she's pleased, but I'm definitely impressed. And more and more glad I actually didn't go 4-cyl, which might have been too much of a shock after a smooth LT1 for 2.5 years.

We shall see.

  Northstar said:
Looks good!

Just a word of note in case you didn't know: White paint + tire shine = bad combination. I hope they didn't accidentally get any overspray of the tire shine on your new car, as it can stain the paint if it's on for an extended amount of time. One of the first things I learned about detailing was, "don't spray tire shine on white cars." If I were you, I would wash it around the wheel wells ASAP to make sure it is not on long enough to stain the paint. I do have a solution that I use on my car even though it's not white: take a sponge and cut it to slightly larger than the height of the sidewall of the tire. Spray tire shine on the sponge, and apply to the tire. Make sure the car has plenty of time to sit before you drive it so that the tire shine doesn't spray off your tires while driving.

This works far better than just your normal spray. I believe they make something like this, though I like my way better because I can get the exact size I want. It gets the tire shine spread more evenly on the tire and doesn't allow it to run and make some parts shinier than others.

Anyways, done with the thread-hijacking, just thought you should know so that your beautiful white paint doesn't possibly get stained.

Now time for some 0-60 and 0-100 videos. I want to see just how quick the 3.5 is :P

Yep, know ALL about that as an ex detailer and still anal driveway car cleaning guru. With the rain, whatever was on there didn't get to stay around long. I can't stand the look without, but have some that does the job well without spraying...and even if it does, I always do a daily wipe down.

Hah for those videos! I should have done that with the white GT and black GXP I drove for an afternoon...I stomped on those things, for sure. And that response was what sealed the dealer for the 3.5L with me. But I drive my own, like everything, in grandma Betty style...


Congrats on finally bringing the new car home and already enjoying it. I see that myself with my wife when she's behind the wheel of her new G6. She was commenting to me today that she's very happy that she got the V6 model over the 4cyl, as it's peppy and spirited when driving on the highways to work. She's really enjoying her new Pontiac and that amazes me, as she really wanted the 2008 Saturn VUE and I thought she was just "settling" for the deal that was offered on the G6. I'm glad I am wrong and happy to have a thrilled Pontiac owner in my household. Oh, and congrats on finding a new loving home for the Caddy. From what you e-mailed me, it sounds as if it will be very happy and well-cared for with the new owner. And I'm sure you'll still be able to visit it when you want to. Go out there and enjoy the new car smell in the G6 while it lasts!

  caddycruiser said:
Yep, know ALL about that as an ex detailer and still anal driveway car cleaning guru. With the rain, whatever was on there didn't get to stay around long. I can't stand the look without, but have some that does the job well without spraying...and even if it does, I always do a daily wipe down.

Hah for those videos! I should have done that with the white GT and black GXP I drove for an afternoon...I stomped on those things, for sure. And that response was what sealed the dealer for the 3.5L with me. But I drive my own, like everything, in grandma Betty style...

Oh yeah, forgot about the monsoon you were in. The guy in charge (the detailers' "boss") where I worked always had a spray down the tires on all the cars on the lot if it was going to rain because the over spray would get washed off and the tires would look clean afterwards.

GMTG: With your car being white diamond as well, you should probably take note of the tire shine issue. Washing the car off, particularly around the wheel wells, is a good idea (I can see if you don't want to wash off the whole thing).

  GMTruckGuy74 said:
Go out there and enjoy the new car smell in the G6 while it lasts!

Ah, yes, my favorite part! Mine was built in April and is still very new and I love the smell of fresh plastic and cloth... :AH-HA_wink:

I got up and washed it this morning fully again, and it's definitely a quick & easy car to do with the round downward shape and lack of moldings--and, like our Malibu and my Fleetwood, VERY easy to clean 5-spoke wheels. I heart it, big time already. Especially the mileage. I didn't want to believe in the 3.5L before, but enjoying it thoroughly with even my light driving (hyper-miling...hah). A 10+ mpg jump already? Fine with me. Though the gauge seems to have dropped quite a bit already--might be the smaller tank.

Love it...though what's been weird, few at work noticed it in my space temp tags and all, and actually only asked "Where's the Caddy?" Hah. I'll still give a few hours to see who notices without me telling them.

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