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Reason #421,572 why I hate TOYOTA


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A good buddy at work and fellow pre-war car fan (esp. Buick) got

hit by a dumb lady in a Highlander... but he was on his "beater"

bike, a late 1970s Honda. Damn near got killed.

He said the lady in the Toyota NEVER looked, beeped his horn not

once but twice as she ran the stop sign, braced for impact &

then 3sec. later he had a bent fork, fu&$ed up hand/wrist/leg/arm

not to mention a host of other injuries & damage to the bike.

Sooooo fu#%ing typical of a Toyota owner. If you walk into a

Toyota dealership chances are you should really be buying a buss

pass, economy pack of metemucil &/or extra-absorbent depends.

(not to make light of bladder control)

Let the Toyopet bashing begin! :angry:

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Its funny you bring this up, because my better half allowed me to drive the Prius today, and I'll be damned, as soon as I got in the car, I became oblivious to the world around me. I was running stop signs, driving through yards, cruising down the wrong side of the street, I even exposed my genitals to a gaggle of nuns. Thank you for informing me that it was the vehicle I was driving that caused this behavior and not some sort of free-will, conscious decision to place my priorities on things other than driving. I feel better now knowing that such a great mind has found the root of my odd behavior.

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A good buddy at work and fellow pre-war car fan (esp. Buick) got

hit by a dumb lady in a Highlander... but he was on his "beater"

bike, a late 1970s Honda. Damn near got killed.

He said the lady in the Toyota NEVER looked, beeped his horn not

once but twice as she ran the stop sign, braced for impact &

then 3sec. later he had a bent fork, fu&$ed up hand/wrist/leg/arm

not to mention a host of other injuries & damage to the bike.

Sooooo fu#%ing typical of a Toyota owner. If you walk into a

Toyota dealership chances are you should really be buying a buss

pass, economy pack of metemucil &/or extra-absorbent depends.

(not to make light of bladder control)

Let the Toyopet bashing begin! :angry:

More objective, unbiased observations from the peanut gallery!

I've never seen a geriatric zombie in a Buick :rolleyes:

68, be careful--the backbone of Buick's entire clientele have one foot in the grave.

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At least 65% of the time that I have been tailgated, cut of, or otherwise treated to unfriendly driving techniques, it is a Toyota as the offending vehicle.

I call 'em Toyota drivers, and avoid them at all cost.

Im not joking.

The other 35%? Mostly Asian makes.

The only really bad domestic cars with terrible drivers I encounter would be large SUVs and/or minivans.

More often than not, someone driving an Impala, Neon, Fusion or whatever, will let me merge properly, and use their damn turn signals to show what the hell they are doing.

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Its funny you bring this up, because my better half allowed me to drive the Prius today, and I'll be damned, as soon as I got in the car, I became oblivious to the world around me. I was running stop signs, driving through yards, cruising down the wrong side of the street, I even exposed my genitals to a gaggle of nuns. Thank you for informing me that it was the vehicle I was driving that caused this behavior and not some sort of free-will, conscious decision to place my priorities on things other than driving. I feel better now knowing that such a great mind has found the root of my odd behavior.

Anytime you need some help getting that Prius up a hill, I do carry bungee cords on my road bike and can give you a tow for a small fee.

j/k :D

Now would be a perfect time for Fly to drop in and express his opinion of Toyota drivers.

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And I thought the media was biased!

No wonder I'm the enemy here--you guys are now assigning qualities to what people drive that are simply manifestations of your own irrational hatred. You've never been cut off by an American SUV with its driver on the cell phone? Please.

Just when I thought this site had come to it senses, a thread like this one pops up and devalues every legitimate point you posters actually make. The saddest part is you simply don't see it.

Edited by enzl
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You've never been cut off by an American SUV with its driver on the cell phone? Please.

Of course, but (from my own experience, being as unbiased as possible) Im almost 3 times as likely to be cut of by a Camry or Corolla.

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And I thought the media was biased!

No wonder I'm the enemy here--you guys are now assigning qualities to what people drive that are simply manifestations of your own irrational hatred. You've never been cut off by an American SUV with its driver on the cell phone? Please.

Just when I thought this site had come to it senses, a thread like this one pops up and devalues every legitimate point you posters actually make. The saddest part is you simply don't see it.

Pretty much every time I've been cut off it's either been a woman in an SUV (on the phone, most likely) or some dumbass in a monster truck (Dodge Ram, Ford Super Duty, etc) with an NRA sticker or other bubba crap (truck nutz, etc).

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At least 65% of the time that I have been tailgated, cut of, or otherwise treated to unfriendly driving techniques, it is a Toyota as the offending vehicle.

I call 'em Toyota drivers, and avoid them at all cost.

Im not joking.

The other 35%? Mostly Asian makes.

The only really bad domestic cars with terrible drivers I encounter would be large SUVs and/or minivans.

More often than not, someone driving an Impala, Neon, Fusion or whatever, will let me merge properly, and use their damn turn signals to show what the hell they are doing.

i pretty much concur with this. if i had a rocket launcher with me when i drove, there'd be about 10 destroyed toyopets within the last month alone.

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guys - it's the boredom that ensues from driving the cars that causes them to weave and dodge through traffic the way they do...they are so bored that they FORGET THEY ARE MOVING. But to say the accident that happened to your buddy was caused JUST because the person was in a Toyota is kind of ludicris. Remember, no matter who made the car, it takes an idiot to turn the key and forget they are piloting a 2 ton weapon down the road. I often think of the amount of trust we put into people we do not even know every single day in this country...think about all the nameless faces you pass on the road daily...how do you know they will stay in thier lane? Stop when they are supposed to? We just trust people to do the right thing...in your buddy's case - she did not.

Could the large number of complaints against Toyota drivers be based on the number of Toyota cars on the road? They do sell a lot of cars in the States you know!

I will say, no bias intended, that I do have a 'toyota driver' mentality on the road. I watch them closely for the digressions that you are all talking about. My dad complains about it too. Like they have this air about them that they are entitled to the space they are taking on the road because they are in a Toyota and saving the world or something. Worst part for me is Toyota Motor Credit is a mile from my house, so I have to cross through Tokoyo every morning and evening going to and from work. It gets seriously dangerous. And the looks I get from the snobs in thier Camrys and Corrolas piss me off when I roll by in my Tahoe...ugh!

I don't live near any Nuns...so I do not know if they get flashed by the genitalia of Toyota drivers often or not...so I will just have to believe Satty.

Edited by toesuf94
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We really need to improve drivers ed in this country. I honestly can't figure out why 1/4 of the people on the road are allowed to drive. And what's bad is that it's not really stupidity, it's more or less "rookie mistakes"

1/4? Are you kidding? It's more like 3/4!

Stupidity knows no brand loyalty...I've seen assholes/idiots in picksups (who think they own teh road) Jeeps (dunno why but so many Jeep owners I've been in traffic with drive like no one else is on the road...must be a Jeep thing), of course the fart can teenage pricks in their Civics and other riced $h!boxes. Although yeah there are more than a few people in Toyotas who seem oblivious to the road....but so are their in Lincolns (can't see my f@#king brake lighst right in front of you asshole?!) Buicks, and so on.

Edited by Dodgefan
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thanks satty, cause now everyone in my scholl library thinks theres something wrong with me because i just burst out laughing uncontrollably

Because it was Toyota reaction post that made you do it, not lack of self-restraint, right? :thumbsup:

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And I thought the media was biased!

No wonder I'm the enemy here--you guys are now assigning qualities to what people drive that are simply manifestations of your own irrational hatred. You've never been cut off by an American SUV with its driver on the cell phone? Please.

Just when I thought this site had come to it senses, a thread like this one pops up and devalues every legitimate point you posters actually make. The saddest part is you simply don't see it.

That's why it's called the lounge...things can get crazy in here... :AH-HA_wink:

This is where we come to goof off or vent....

Enjoy the crazies..welcome to the party.. :thumbsup:

Not every thread has to be serious....

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Its funny you bring this up, because my better half allowed me to drive the Prius today, and I'll be damned, as soon as I got in the car, I became oblivious to the world around me. I was running stop signs, driving through yards, cruising down the wrong side of the street, I even exposed my genitals to a gaggle of nuns. Thank you for informing me that it was the vehicle I was driving that caused this behavior and not some sort of free-will, conscious decision to place my priorities on things other than driving. I feel better now knowing that such a great mind has found the root of my odd behavior.


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We really need to improve drivers ed in this country. I honestly can't figure out why 1/4 of the people on the road are allowed to drive. And what's bad is that it's not really stupidity, it's more or less "rookie mistakes"

Exactly...this is one of the smartest things you've said in a whole string of smart things you've said...


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Lack of driving sensation and feedback does tend to dull the senses considerably...

...I agree, and I've driven a Prius and "hated" it for just that reason.


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Its funny you bring this up, because my better half allowed me to drive the Prius today, and I'll be damned, as soon as I got in the car, I became oblivious to the world around me. I was running stop signs, driving through yards, cruising down the wrong side of the street, I even exposed my genitals to a gaggle of nuns. Thank you for informing me that it was the vehicle I was driving that caused this behavior and not some sort of free-will, conscious decision to place my priorities on things other than driving. I feel better now knowing that such a great mind has found the root of my odd behavior.

....Riiight...and then the nuns wanted to know who the funny looking guy with the clitoris was...


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I can't believe he has a Prius and a Fusion time to get rid of the Prius and get a Malibu Hybrid or something... Toyota drivers can be very bad... Especially Prius drivers saving gas and driving like they could care-less if they make a light. :unsure::wacko:

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It would be interesting for someone to do a true demographic study of who buys what. I am sure certain trends would jump out.

When I lived 90 minutes north of Toronto for 11 years, I always observed that when I was stuck in a chain of cars doing about 10 mph under the speed limit, it was invariably some old goat in a F-150 pickup at the head of the line, wearing a baseball cap - probably toothless, too. The old codger was oblivious to the traffic piling up behind him on the single lane highway. I wondered if the baseball cap somehow impeded blood flow to the brain.

I have observed, however, that a disproportionate number of a-holes on the road, speeding, talking on their cell, not signaling, swerving in and out of lanes are in BMWs or Audis. I remember several years ago getting cut off on the highway by a jerk in a BMW coupe, who then sped into a driveway in front of me. It turned out it was my corporate lawyer who I was on my way to meet! He started off with an Olds when I first met him, but now had the corner office and the status car. I took my business elsewhere. There is probably a lot of truth to the alpha-type personalities that gravitate to these type of vehicles and then don't give a $h! about anyone around them.

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I can't believe he has a Prius and a Fusion time to get rid of the Prius and get a Malibu Hybrid or something... Toyota drivers can be very bad... Especially Prius drivers saving gas and driving like they could care-less if they make a light. :unsure::wacko:

I hate to come off as a jerk, but who cares what someone else drives? Honestly, if they liked the Prius so much, who cares if THEY invested the time researching it and spent THEIR money on it. It seems like when people buy a non-domestic product everyone goes into defense/attack mode: "OMG I can't believe you beat up my 86-year old grandmother, stole her life savings and bought a(n) [insert car you hate here]!!!!!11!!! I hope your car catches fire!" Jeez. It's not like I'd want to live with a Prius everyday either, but at least I can keep stupid comments like that to myself.

As for your second point...maybe if the driver in Sixty8's post wasn't "trying to make the light", she wouldn't have hit his friend.

I know not every thread has to be serious, as shown by the LOL CATS thread, but seriously, when you make treads like this EVERY OTHER DAY, it gets rather absurd. Just sticky a thread or something.

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It's true, per car-pita :P (yes I know there's a LOT of Toyotas out there)

Toyota drivers are the most absent minded, clueless, most out of touch

with reality, most non-enthusiast and in some rare cases even blatantly

rude of the bunch. Yes there's a lot of good people drivng Toyotas but

on average in my experience (90% of my driving being Mass & N.H.) I

would say at LEAST 55/60% of dangerous, awkward or otherwise bad

driving experiences are the result of a Toyota car/suv. Not so much the

pickups but they too partake.

I hope to God that 55-60% of the cars on today's roads are not Toyopet,

Sigh-on or Lexi. I think the number would be closer to 15-20% depending

on the town you are in. That's depressing enough!

Its funny you bring this up, because my better half allowed me to drive the Prius today, and I'll be damned, as soon as I got in the car, I became oblivious to the world around me. I was running stop signs, driving through yards, cruising down the wrong side of the street, I even exposed my genitals to a gaggle of nuns. Thank you for informing me that it was the vehicle I was driving that caused this behavior and not some sort of free-will, conscious decision to place my priorities on things other than driving. I feel better now knowing that such a great mind has found the root of my odd behavior.

Where do I begin.........................?

1.) You are aware of my point [bad drivers gravitate towards toyota] and

are just being an A$$. No one buys a Toyota or SUV or a Riced Civic or

for that matter a musclecar without that purcahse, to at least a small

degree, reflecting who they are/want to be preceived as.

2.) YOU have no place to talk... NONE. You used to beat to death this

concept of 3rd gen. F-body = Mullett & asshole diver. Didn't you once

have a whole thread about how you hate 3rd gen. F-bodys and they

should all be crushed, esp. the Firebirds/Trans Ams & IROC-Zs because

of ONE experience with a neighborhood kid who drove his 3rd gen.

around your neighborhood obnoxiously and did burnouts & smokeshows

at 3:00am keeping you up??? You have time and time again stereotyed

cars/drivers on this forum?

3. You bought a Toyota Camry-Solara after totalling your Saturn, and

shortly after totalled it in a ROLLOVER and then went on this forum to

tell us about it.... except you could not even explain how exactly it was

you made the car go shiny-side-down!? So, how can I say this politely?

.....How 'bout a cup of STFU?

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We really need to improve drivers ed in this country. I honestly can't figure out why 1/4 of the people on the road are allowed to drive. And what's bad is that it's not really stupidity, it's more or less "rookie mistakes"

Only a 1/4 of the people?


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It's true, per car-pita :P (yes I know there's a LOT of Toyotas out there)

Toyota drivers are the most absent minded, clueless, most out of touch

with reality, most non-enthusiast and in some rare cases even blatantly

rude of the bunch. Yes there's a lot of good people drivng Toyotas but

on average in my experience (90% of my driving being Mass & N.H.) I

would say at LEAST 55/60% of dangerous, awkward or otherwise bad

driving experiences are the result of a Toyota car/suv. Not so much the

pickups but they too partake.

I definitely agree with this statement. Beyond the fact that a disproportionate amount of dangerous and awkward driving situations I, too, have faced have been the result of somebody in a Toyota not paying any attention, I can also attest to the disproportionate amount of Toyotas I have observed while not driving (like, just walking down the sidewalk or sitting somewhere) going down the road on a half-flat tire or dragging a piece of a broken air dam or splash apron with the drivers apparently oblivious to the associated noise and sensations. And also the disproportionate amount of them sitting in parking lots not even close to being in the lines, or with the headlights left on, with the dome light left on, keys locked inside, and even really serious &#036;h&#33; like pets in the vehicle with no windows open on a hot summer day. It is absolutely the official marque of the brain-dead.

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Oh please...99% of the cars in parking lots are parked horribly. Although the worst are the A-holes in the Giant useless POS Hummer H2's that park sideways. :P

Speaking of running around with a flat, I saw a Saab 900 on Sunday with a donut on it's rearpassenger side that had been on there for too long and was almost flat.

I'd also like to point out that I've had several Toyota driver's actually take an entire 10 seconds out of their day to let me go..igf more peopel did that I bet we'd have a lot less wrecks.

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...I agree, and I've driven a Prius and "hated" it for just that reason.


I drove a Prius for about 200miles one day as a rental in and around L.A.......and I didn't "hate" it.....but also didn't "get" it either. It was a perfectly acceptable, comfortable, car to drive with no major faults......but so is any other number of compact-to-midsize cars.

BUT....I just didn't get the big attraction to the car. I dutifully topped it off when I picked it up, then topped it off when I returned it.....and I averaged, over 200+ miles in mixed L.A. traffic, "just" 37mpg.

I drove the car like I would any of my others......not "trying" to get the "maximum" mileage.....so I'd have a consistent comparison.

To me, when I drive the A4 2.0T in similar conditions, I average 25-26mpg. Now I know the Audi is more expensive, and does require 91-octane gas.....but lord....I'd rather take the Audi and the 25-26mpg.....to get a car that is FAR quicker.....FAR more luxurious......and actually offer a very attractive design.

To me, the Prius wierd interior and wierd exterior (neither that caused any problems....but didn't make me proud to drive it either) and the somewhat jerkiness of the drivetrain made me more convinced that Hybrids are not for me. If we were talking mileage in the 50's- to 60's....in REALISTIC driving conditions......then I might rethink my assessment....

I can understand why Prius drivers are such dolts. It takes a very unique mindset to actually buy and live with one of these things........

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I hope to God that 55-60% of the cars on today's roads are not Toyopet,

Sigh-on or Lexi. I think the number would be closer to 15-20% depending

on the town you are in. That's depressing enough!

Where do I begin.........................?

1.) You are aware of my point [bad drivers gravitate towards toyota] and

are just being an A$$. No one buys a Toyota or SUV or a Riced Civic or

for that matter a musclecar without that purcahse, to at least a small

degree, reflecting who they are/want to be preceived as.

2.) YOU have no place to talk... NONE. You used to beat to death this

concept of 3rd gen. F-body = Mullett & asshole diver. Didn't you once

have a whole thread about how you hate 3rd gen. F-bodys and they

should all be crushed, esp. the Firebirds/Trans Ams & IROC-Zs because

of ONE experience with a neighborhood kid who drove his 3rd gen.

around your neighborhood obnoxiously and did burnouts & smokeshows

at 3:00am keeping you up??? You have time and time again stereotyed

cars/drivers on this forum?

3. You bought a Toyota Camry-Solara after totalling your Saturn, and

shortly after totalled it in a ROLLOVER and then went on this forum to

tell us about it.... except you could not even explain how exactly it was

you made the car go shiny-side-down!? So, how can I say this politely?

.....How 'bout a cup of STFU?


So basically, what you're saying is that Satty is the STEREOTYPICAL Prius owner...


Once again; stereotypes ARE founded in fact.

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Its in my name, but in 10 days of ownership I have gotten exactly 0 miles behind the wheel, so :P

She needed a new car with room for 4 and good gas mileage (30 miles one way to work, it adds up) so we started looking, and higher mpg vehicles began looking like the way to go. Aura hybrids dont exist in this part of the country, apparently Malibu hybrids dont exist at all, and those dont get appreciably better mileage than their traditionally propelled counterparts, so why bother? We ended up flipping a coin to pick between the Civic Hybrid (about $7k less) and the Prius (loaded) and the Prius won. It is true that we could have bought a 10 year old Saturn , gotten 30-40 mpg and spent $28k less for it, but, um, why? I'll take the comfort, space, warranty and features (except the backup camera, every one I have ever seen has been nausea-inducing) of the new car over the cheap alternative, especially when there is no real good reason to be cheap.

I'm not going to make any apologies for the cars I own, its my money (ok, our money, still cant get used to that) but please, continue giving me advice on how to spend it. I've done ok so far ignoring it, in fact, I'll be here living the life most Americans can only dream of: owning a home, having health insurance, a happy and healthy child, a beautiful fiancée, a psychotic Jack Russell and his playmate, the retarded black lab, student loans out the ass and a sleep schedule that is permanently screwed up.

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Well shoot, the Civic is more car-like if she really wanted a hybrid, but hey, you're right sir, it's your money. I cannot argue that I'm not spending too much of mine on gasoline. Fore!:)
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You know, I joke with my wife too about Toyota drivers, but I think there's at least the slightest measure of truth to this.

A big reason there are a lot of bad Toyota drivers is simply that there are a lot of Toyotas on the road. It's just numbers. But think about it - by and large, the people who drive Toyotas are not driving enthusiasts. They're simply commuters, who view their cars as an efficient way of getting from point A to B, and nothing more. As such, many of this type of driver is not interested in driving well, just getting from place to place.

It's my supposition that the type of vehicles Toyota produces (efficient and reliable, but uninspiring to look at and drive) attracts a type of person that's not as likely to pride themselves on driving prowess. Hence, a higher percentage of Toyota intenders are by their nature on the bottom-end of the driving-skill bell curve.


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At least 65% of the time that I have been tailgated, cut of, or otherwise treated to unfriendly driving techniques, it is a Toyota as the offending vehicle.

I call 'em Toyota drivers, and avoid them at all cost.

Im not joking.

The other 35%? Mostly Asian makes.

The only really bad domestic cars with terrible drivers I encounter would be large SUVs and/or minivans.

More often than not, someone driving an Impala, Neon, Fusion or whatever, will let me merge properly, and use their damn turn signals to show what the hell they are doing.

i pretty much concur with this. if i had a rocket launcher with me when i drove, there'd be about 10 destroyed toyopets within the last month alone.

Your guys' general dislike of Toyota is more than likely the cause, and it has nothing to do with the type of people that buy Toyota's versus other makes. You see a Toyota tailgating you, and it registers more negatively than another make tailgating you. The reality is, there is no difference between makes or models, as far as plain-jane family sedans or SUV's go. Now sports cars and other more niche vehicles are a different story.

I am equally as guilty as you however, and I often find myself spouting derogatory statements or generally thinking more negatively towards Toyota drivers, because of my dislike for the brand. "F'in slow-ass Toyota, only going 5 over the limit, wtf", while if it was another make I would say something like "Damn slow-ass" leaving the brand-name out of the insult.

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Even if Toyota drivers somehow drive slower than others, does that make them worse than the asshole in his BMW M3 who goes 80km/h through a school zone, or the guy in the Mini Cooper who nearly hits two of my co-workers as he zips through my workplace's parking lot in order to quickly beat someone to the last parking stall? Or how about the lady in her Audi wagon who is backing into a parking stall, and yammering on her cellphone, only to be scared &#036;h&#33;less when she backs right into a lamp post?

Idiocy on the road is not limited by brand.

Plus, saying Toyota drivers suck is kinda like saying my mom sucks, because she drives a Toyota, and I take issue with that. :P

Edited by Captainbooyah
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The truth is out there.... just start paying attention.

I started observing this with my college friends years ago, then I befriended

XP and SP and a few other local car guys and I get txt messages DAILY

about "my theory". The other day at the local AutoZone SP saw not one but

TWO Toyopet drivers hop a curb. Have I done something stupid like that

before? Sure. But what are the chances that two people would do it in the

same day and BOTH would drive a Toyota.

Again, I AM adjusting for the fact that Toyotas are more plentiful

than any other car in my area... they are everywhere but it's still a

disproportionately LARGE percentage that are driven by clueless retards who

deserve to own nothing with a GVWR higher than a Segway.

That's why I made the per caRpita joke, a few of you obviously did not

read that part of my last post.

If 20% of the cars on the road are Toyota... but six out of ten bad drivers you

observe on the road are in a Toyota, Lexus or Scion, it does NOT take a math

wizzard to figure out that it is a clear indication of Toyopets being driven, on

average by people of inferior driving skills.*

* lets pretend it is that high, but it;s probably closer to 12%

But this is a very rudementary example of the breakdown:

20% toyota

10% honda

15% GM

15% ford

15% chrysler

10% german makes

10% other japanese

5% "other"

XP: Braindead is a good example. I remember the story of the dome lights.

Edited by Sixty8panther
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The problem is that he needs someone to hate and Toyota is a convenient target. If he gets tired of toyota, he could always hate Democrats or Republicans or whomever...


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The problem is that he needs someone to hate and Toyota is a convenient target. If he gets tired of toyota, he could always hate Democrats or Republicans or whomever...


Or midgets with attitudes.

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To me, the Prius wierd interior and wierd exterior (neither that caused any problems....but didn't make me proud to drive it either) and the somewhat jerkiness of the drivetrain made me more convinced that Hybrids are not for me. If we were talking mileage in the 50's- to 60's....in REALISTIC driving conditions......then I might rethink my assessment....

I can understand why Prius drivers are such dolts. It takes a very unique mindset to actually buy and live with one of these things........


No I totally agree with the OC on this... Also aside of the fact I don't care what people spend there money on although I prefer it is a domestic car or truck by far. If they go import I say go Honda or possibly Nissan. Never have nor will I suggest a Toyota it is there mindset of taking over the world and building over-rated products that don't appeal to me that really put me off. Aside of that if I am sending my money to Japan INC. I would rather it be to Honda or Nissan (if) I had too.

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To me, the Prius wierd interior and wierd exterior (neither that caused any problems....but didn't make me proud to drive it either) and the somewhat jerkiness of the drivetrain made me more convinced that Hybrids are not for me. If we were talking mileage in the 50's- to 60's....in REALISTIC driving conditions......then I might rethink my assessment....

I can understand why Prius drivers are such dolts. It takes a very unique mindset to actually buy and live with one of these things........


No I totally agree with the OC on this... Also aside of the fact I don't care what people spend there money on although I prefer it is a domestic car or truck by far. If they go import I say go Honda or possibly Nissan. Never have nor will I suggest a Toyota it is there mindset of taking over the world and building over-rated products that don't appeal to me that really put me off. Aside of that if I am sending my money to Japan INC. I would rather it be to Honda or Nissan (if) I had too.

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I don't see the point of all the hatin'...it's ultimately futile and accomplishes nothing...better to focus your energy on something productive. I wouldn't buy a Toyota as they have nothing that really appeals to me...though I would consider Acuras (TL), Hondas (Accord), Nissans (350z) and Infinitis (G35,G37).

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Hate is too strong a word. I don't even dislike Toyota, for that matter. I just dislike Japanese vehicles in general. When I was studying Japanese trade practices in at U of T, I decided that with the power that MITI wielded (at the time), I was never going to give Japan my money, unless there was no choice. It's interesting because at the time I was in university, the American electronics industry was under seige (much the same arguments were going back and forth at the time then, except there were no bloggers sites) and, one by one, American TV manufacturers were either bought up, absorbed or bankrupted. I deliberately sought out and bought a Zenith TV in '85 (with the Space Command telephone, of course!) as a show of support. Alas, my one purchase was not enough and Zenith, too, was absorbed a few years later.

Call it an instinctive defense mechanism, but when a friend of mine bought a new '87 Corolla, I shunned him after that. In all fairness, the car purchase was just the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak.

I just view sending $20-30k of my money overseas pretty much nationalist suicide.

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Call it an instinctive defense mechanism, but when a friend of mine bought a new '87 Corolla, I shunned him after that. In all fairness, the car purchase was just the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak.

That approach wouldn't work for me... if I lived that way, I'd have no friends.. :(

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