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What are YOUR plans for summer-08 ?


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I have three goals.

I will be VERY dissapointed if at least ONE of them is not realised.

1. Buy Pre-war car (1929-1939 is about the era I'd like)

2. Replace B-59 sedan with a HARDTOP B-59!

3. Save one rotted classic car from the junkyard & make a true RAT ROD.


How 'bout u?

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Spring summer plans.

Work and life:

Starting new job in Scottsdale next week. Will be busy with that. Getting used to living in AZ.

There is a huge cruise-in classic car show every weekend at the Scottsdale Pavillions...I want to start going to that when I have time.

Enjoy my vacations. I have a week off the first week of July (up thru the 4th). Not sure yet what I may do...maybe go back and visit family in Ohio, and do some sightseeing in Cincinnati and Pittsburgh (I have this idea of renting a convertible and driving along the river on the backroads between the two cities). Or instead go to Maui for the week. Or San Diego (done that before for the 4th) or Santa Monica.

I'll be taking a few days in mid July to go to my 20th HS reunion in Marathon, Florida..should be fun to be down in the Keys and see how everyone has changed since the 10th one.

I'm going to a software conference in Phoenix in late July..good for networking and staying up to date w/ industry trends and technologies.


Went to a bunch of shows this winter and early spring..only one scheduled for summer so far--Rush at Red Rocks in June.


Keep the Jeep maintained and running, use it for daily driver. Almost 90k miles. Probably will drive my sister's old Benzes some in AZ. Will drive my Mustangs when I get back to Ohio (hopefully a couple times this summer and fall). Nothing new on the horizon...maybe in a year or so after I'm settled in AZ and the new job I'll treat myself to a new car--a CTS maybe (that would be a good turning-39-crisis-before-40 car).

Edited by moltar
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* Getting the Camaros back on the road and back at shows after taking last year off. Although, so far this year has been $h!ty/rainy almost every weekend as opposed to the SEVERE drought of last year. Just my luck, eh? The one year the cars are locked up in the shed is the one year out of 10 that NC is dry.

* Hit at least 1-2 shows per week.

* Finally join AACA

* Continue to build, promote and hopefully pull off my UNCC Relay For Life car show in the fall. I want it to be big, and so it shall be if everything goes well.


* Attend muchos metal shows this year. Took last year off.

* Get better at guitar, pick up a bass and prepare to begin playing violin again (after 13 years of not) when school starts back.


* Continue to establish myself in preparation for 'transition from college into the working world.' (Eventhough my ass has been hard at work pretty much fulltime for 10 years now)

* Get in shape... again...

* Get a better summer job.

* Continue to develop social skills to balance my introverted personality.

* Continue to perfect the image I try to convey (Ever hear of image management in the psychological sense? Look it up. You'll see why I do a lot of what I do)


* Prepare for grad school.

* Landscaping (another hobby of mine)

* Camping. (I'd camp 365 days per year if I could)

* Most importantly, continue to appreciate the things in life that balance out all of my negativity. The company of friends and family. Nature. Never forgetting that life is a gift.

Edited by FUTURE_OF_GM
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Finish school and get a real 9-5 Monday through Friday big kid job so I can finally get on with my life, have my nights and weekends to myself again, and can pursue the things I've been neglecting forever, namely my '67 Eldorado. The coolest car I've had thusfar is the only one I haven't been able to enjoy yet. That bothers me.

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complete Ph.D. program

Cool! In what?

My summer plans are a bit crappy this year:

1. Finish Masters Degree Final Project.

2. Beach & fun in the sun.

3. Try not to go crazy from having to work on school stuff during my Summer holidays.

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I'm finally going to get my freaking house cleaned out. I bought it off my parents, and a lot of their crap is still here, in fact the master bedroom does double duty as my office/everyone else's storage space. My 2-car garage also barely fits my car. I should be able to get most of the crap out of here.

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I plan to finally fish up school and find a real job that pays real money that doesn't involve food but is actually in the field I went to school for. I want have nights and weekends back as well, since I never had a day off anymore. With that free time I plan to work on things I've also been neglecting, like cleaning, working on the cars and so on. Basically my life is just school and work with little else. I plan to have some sort of a big graduation party (you're all invited :P), and do fun things this summer with the time I'll actually have.

As far as cars go I want to replace the Prizm's cracked exhaust manifold, replace the waterpump and hoses on the Shadow and finally, figure out what's up with the Intrepid. I also plan to make good use of the stuff I haul out of Hollands on 50 Dollar day. :P

Lastly, I'm planning to move the hell out of this god-forsaken $h!hole that is Lawrence and hope it spontaneously combusts. Still not sure exactly where that will be but anywhere but here.

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Most definitely can't wait until Dodgefan gets out of school! I hope to throw him a great grad party! Hopefully we will be moving back home to Springfield, MO! I really can't wait for that! :cheering: Maybe we can meet you Satty! :smilewide: I really miss my friends and family! And finally start the rest of my life with Andrew. :wub: And become happily ever after.

Oh, And fix up our cars.

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Basic Plans...

1) New Job... i work at a super market right now, and i hate it. Im going for an interview soon at S&K speed ( a local speed shop) if this works out, ill be estatic

2) spend a lot of time with my girlfriend

3) Nova! since ill have a daily driver by the time summer hits, i will be doing some work.. i have a rear end build planned with some 3:73s or maybe 4:11s... Stick swap, either a Super T10 4 speed or a T56 6 speed. Also, hopefully i get to do bodywork and possible paint.

4) SHOP? me and my friends are looking to rent out some industrial space as a personal workshop... between the three of us, we can swing a nice place to work for a few hundred a month... :smilewide:

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I'm building control system software right now (there's a test running on the other machine, nothing like working and surfing C+G).

It's a control / monitoring program for a robot that inspects fuel tubes in the Ontario nuclear plants.

Nothing beats actually implementing and experimenting with control systems. What exactly are you controlling, the robot motion? How (what theory did you use) did you design the controller?

Aha! Any particular career choice for you afterwards, or will you stay in the academic world?

I'm hoping for a mix of academic (non-research driven school) and industry.

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I am taking a month off, going to Lake Tahoe for a week, then driving through, Sacramento, Fremont (visiting the NUMMI Plant), Fresno, Bakersfield, Palm Springs, ending in San Diego where I will spend another week, before heading back east for home.

Nice! Tahoe is awesome. I prefer "North Shore" to "South Shore." San Diego is also nice, it's too bad I haven't seen more of it in the 5 years I've been there (grad school).

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Will be the first "real life" one for me 8)

1) Finally graduate with by Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering (not a PhD, but still noteworthy). May 18th. Yikes. Less than a month now.

2) Career! Oddly, like getting into college, this is looking to be a last minute thing. Lots of prospects, waiting on at least one sure thing, still exploring others, etc. Less than a month...so just a little on edge :AH-HA_wink: Anyone with auto industry connections...I'm all ears.

3) Moving. Completely dependent on #3. Wherever the job is, I shall go. Probably still east coast, but open to anything. Once #3 is actually known, will have the rush of finding the right place to live, too.

4) Car. Possibly selling the Fleetwood (well, I've already talked about it for a while), possibly keeping it and finally giving it the tune-up & maintenance it's due for, or who knows. The plan has always been something new, but it depends on finances starting out, and the if/who/when I could sell the boat. Comes down to what I could get out of the car and what I could possibly afford to replace it with, particularly that's smaller and much newer. Alas, and the old, paid off and gas & maintenance bill only OR car payment & gas bill dilemma. I'm split, either way.

5) After about 2 months of this^^ ? Life finally as a real adult, working everyday, paying more bills, etc. and hopefully doing something that pays well and doesn't make me want to run away screaming--hah!

I've made it this far, and to what will be 22 this upcoming Sunday (always at the WORST and busiest time of my year, so far)...and still have yet to figure out that thing called life and what I want to do with it. Shall the ride begin...SUMMER 2008 :thumbsup:

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I'm graduating in mid-May, then moving to Cedar Rapids, IA to start my job as an intern architect. I'm still searching for apartments and am planning on getting a different car since the Lumina is showing its age. I'm shooting for an '05 Mustang GT, but I probably will only be able to afford the V6. Either that, or get a gently-driven Fox Body and wait a few years to see what else Ford and GM have coming out.

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I'm graduating in mid-May, then moving to Cedar Rapids, IA to start my job as an intern architect. I'm still searching for apartments and am planning on getting a different car since the Lumina is showing its age. I'm shooting for an '05 Mustang GT, but I probably will only be able to afford the V6. Either that, or get a gently-driven Fox Body and wait a few years to see what else Ford and GM have coming out.

Sounds just like me! Well, except for actually knowing the where & what that you're doing specifically :AH-HA_wink:

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4) Car. Possibly selling the Fleetwood (well, I've already talked about it for a while), possibly keeping it and finally giving it the tune-up & maintenance it's due for, or who knows. The plan has always been something new, but it depends on finances starting out, and the if/who/when I could sell the boat. Comes down to what I could get out of the car and what I could possibly afford to replace it with, particularly that's smaller and much newer. Alas, and the old, paid off and gas & maintenance bill only OR car payment & gas bill dilemma. I'm split, either way.


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Road Trips are awesome.


Indeedy they are :).

PCS ... your cross country tour ... you coming through Chicagoland?

As for my plans:



= NMCOA Monte Carlo Nationals:


...itinerary (route, times, stops) TBD


= multi-group car gathering, Paul Wolff Shelter at the Paul Wolff/Burnidge Forest Preserve off Big Timber Rd:


FRIDAY-TUESDAY, AUGUST 8-12 ... MI, OH, PA, NJ, MD, northern VA, WV

= Family reunion in PA (Saturday, August 9)

= Family gathering in northern VA (Sunday, August 10 or Monday, August 11)

= mini road trip (itinerary including stops, dates, times, route TBD) through Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, northern Virginia and West Virginia


= ACHA/VR joint Mini Reunion


= Car show, along IL RT 72


= Midwest MC Meet:


I hope also to get to Nashville/Jackson TN sometime.

AND ... I hope to get the older 4 MCs out a LOT earlier than I did last year (they didn't make their 2007 debut until July).


Guess we'll see what else happens ;).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker

WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"The more things change the more they stay the same" ... Kenny Chesney ... 'Summertime'

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Indeedy they are :).

PCS ... your cross country tour ... you coming through Chicagoland?

No Sir, as much as that would appeal to me, we are taking the Southern route, so I can stop and see my mom (yes I have one), who lives in Plano, TexAss.

Maybe next time I will take a Northern route, but that would put me in Yankee Land! :AH-HA_wink:

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Caddy, if you've got to sell your boat, sell it to your dad, he's got a newer Fleetwood and it stays in the family.

Oh, if you only knew how many times he himself has said that...except for the fact that the '93 he has just sits collecting dust in the driveway and that his idea of a deal would leave me with a few bucks :AH-HA_wink:

Or you could sell it to your very favorite fellow Delawarean. :smilewide:

Sure, one of a few offers. Actually the only reason it hasn't been placed up for legitimate sale yet is there's some small bugs I need to fix, such as interior lights stuck on after the two new doors (a switch issue), repainting some lower trim, and some other small things that at least have been on my list for a while. Also due for a complete tune-up. If you want a mini project with an already stunning exterior, interior, wheels, etc...;)

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You know what? I need a vacation...just a plain and simple vacation. I've lived "at the beach" for years, yet my days have been filled with nothing but school and work...any breaks, I work again.

Oh wouldn't I like to just head somewhere for a week this summer and just blah.... :rolleyes:

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Well, we'll be working as usual. Mike doesn't have vacation yet because he hasn't had his job long enough. We'll probably take a long weekend and go float the river in Noel, Misery with our friends and stay drunk and sunburned. Lots of grilling out and hanging with the neighbors, watching the kids run around and play. My brother is getting married in June, so that will be nice and long overdue. Other than that, the summer is like any other time of year for us. I only get 2 weeks max vacation at my job. Hopefully we'll get to spend more time at the lake with Mike's sister this year, so the boys can get in some skiing time. I want to take a road trip soooo bad. Maybe next year.

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My friend and I, both with 5 years experience with legal assistance and an international buisness degree and almost an english and marketing degree between us are starting a temp agency specifically for the need of lawfirms with temporary heavy litigation needs. We'll be able to help out some friends with jobs and make ourselves a percentage.

Getting that off the ground is my number 1 priority.

Getting a new car is my number 2.

Decorating my new apartment is my third.

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No Sir, as much as that would appeal to me, we are taking the Southern route, so I can stop and see my mom (yes I have one), who lives in Plano, TexAss.

Maybe next time I will take a Northern route, but that would put me in Yankee Land! :AH-HA_wink:

LOL! Yes, that would put you in Yankee land ... but, you don't have to stay here for long, if ya don't want to ... he he.

Have fun on your trip :).

And, Olds Guy ... you still going to be in the Detroit area?

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker

WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"We'll feel so alive" ... Boys Like Girls ... 'The Great Escape'

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You Sir Cort, are a mad man.

Best of luck on all those road trips, I'm visciously jelaous! )

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hmmm lets see...

once i get it all sorted out i should be working at a gymnastics camp this summer as i have been for the past 2 years...

possibly a family vacation... depends on what they decide to schedule

and i really want to go to texas for a week or two to visit my girlfriend

outside of that... not much really... just hoping to get accepted into my major so i can start learning stuff im actually interested in starting next fall

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