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'I hate 2008'


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Here's some reasons I hate 2008:

1. Cellphones and the incessant chattering of the masses, anywhere, anyplace

2. Overly refined cars and trucks. To the point of numbness. No sense of being connected to the road and surrounding environment.

3. The Green agenda. Sick to death of seeing it in every newscast, in every magazine and newspaper. The self righteous do-gooders have hijacked any remaining joy in life.

It's the new religion. Cultish almost.

4. Vulgar and low class celebrities.

5. Buicks are no longer Buicks.

I could go on and on.....tell us some reasons you hate 2008.

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OH hey, HarleyEarl ... that is an awesome pic of the Buick with the snow!!! SWEET!!!

As for me and 2008, so far so good....I think.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker

WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"I'm walking down the lonely street of dreams, going down the only road I've ever known" ... Whitesnake ... 'Here I Go Again On My Own'

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Yes!....snow in April.......we got a huge dump of it....I hate that.

Here's a bittersweet photo:


That's beautiful photo.

It's 2008, and there aren't any jetpacks, and Transformers aren't battling it out on our planet as part of their eternal quest for universal supremacy. :P

I'd like to add that we STILL can't drive our own Bumblebee <_<

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3. The Green agenda. Sick to death of seeing it in every newscast, in every magazine and newspaper. The self righteous do-gooders have hijacked any remaining joy in life.

It's the new religion. Cultish almost.

I can't go a day walking through the design college without seeing big fliers posted up about reducing carbon footprints or upcoming green activities. The mindset of people has changed so much...to be a proper design student you must dress like an indie dufus, eat locally-grown organic food, drive a Yaris, and listen to Neutral Milk Hotel.

Sometimes I get the feeling that people jump on the bandwagon because it's the "thing" right now, even though they may not be 100% behind it or believe that there is a so-called crisis.

My additions:

6. Reality TV. The "Idol" shows are so yesterday's news.

7. Music has generally lost its edge. 98% of everything is sanitized, neatly packaged, and easily digested.

8. Mainstream hip hop. It's become a rolling cliche of bad taste.

9. Air bags, slamming, DUBS, and general molesting of pristine Detroit iron.

9. Senseless killings in malls, schools, and universities. What is wrong with people?

10. Everything related to the government and economy. The whole political climate. The wrong people are leading this country, and the wrong people will continue to lead it after elections. Respectable politicians don't exist anymore.

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So far 2008 is going better than 2007. But it is only April. 2007 was still going ok at this point in the year. So we will have to wait and see. I am not going to say any more and jinx it.

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Mustang84.....you articulated some things very well.

Music, oh man....I hate whats happened to pop music....so much is so over produced to the degree it doesn't sound like humans touched it.

And yes, airbags and all the nonsense mandated by gov't regulations. Cars have become so complicated, expensive and heavy. And yet they cry, better mpg!!! Years ago a large American car got as good mileage as some economy cars today. Honestly, its a wonder carmakers don't just give up, they will never satisfy the haters of the car.

Oh and another thing I hate in 2008....the expansive use of cheap plastic in cars.

If I hear that term 'carbon footprint' much more I'm going to jump off some high building.

Edited by HarleyEarl
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People insist on starting pissing matches about anything and everything, be it the car people drive, political beliefs, clothes, location, race, gender, age, social status, ad infinitum, ad nauseam, ad absurdum. The upcoming election is exacerbating this ten-fold. That doesn't mean reasoned debate shouldn't take place about any of these things, but it seems nowadays everyone is eager create false dichotomies and impassioned pleas about the most inane subjects.

What ever happened to agreeing to disagree? What ever happened to accepting that the world will get along just fine without subscribing your every whim? You noticed I'm eating a non-organically grown banana? Does that mean you accuse me of supporting "Big Chemicals" and trying to steal it from me? Only if I can light your hemp clothes on fire and get high off the fumes. :wink:

I like the size and comfort of large American cars and you say you like the fuel economy and maneuverability of small Japanese cars? That's awesome! That doesn't mean you call me a jingoistic hick and I call you a granola munching liberal wiener. That means we peacefully coexist, and maybe (this is a big maybe now,) we can put aside our differences, find some common ground and *GASP* be friends.

I try to know a little about every subject I can find so no matter who I meet, we can find something to talk about. Fanaticism and obsession of any kind isn't pretty. Expand your horizons. Learn to put up with people who don't agree with you and possibly even embrace them. You don't achieve anything by single-mindedly trying to prove everyone who doesn't think the way you do is an idiot.

Excellent post WMJ. :thumbsup:

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There's so many things in this thread I could elaborate on. :yes:

Here's my top ten: (some of them redundant)

10. People who insist on comparing the IRAQ war with VIETNAM. Yes there's similarities but US Troop deaths in Iraq = 4,000 Vietnam = 58,000

9. Wal*Mart - one of the biggest, faceless corporations that is raping our country & strengthening the economy of our enemies.

8. Toyota! For making bland/ugly, inferior, overpriced $hitboxes & ESP. for playing dirty with our nations economy, the Unions & their customers

7. Ignorant people. Not always UNEDUCATED... I've met some ignorant people who have their masters degree

6. Big Brother - if you think 1984 is not yet a reality you need to look around. Our government no longer considers Privacy a freedom we deserve

5. Pretty much every Politician in office right now... esp. Hilliary Clinton! (I'll spare you the details)

4. Modern Unibody cars - esp. Japanese/S.Korean cars that lack any real structure. Rocker panels do not make a good substitute for a FRAME.

3. FWD. not L29/810 Cords, pre-war Citroens, '67-'70 Eldorados etc... but the crappy transverse-mounted-engine FWD that's become mainstay

2. Elitist Yuppies (the HAVES) who insist on how there is no reason to worry about our country's economic future

1. Global Warming Hysteria & all the other (SKY IS FALLING) "save the planet" agenda that spreads like the black plague

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How about retards that live way beyond their means? The people that buy a house with zero money down with like a fifty-year variable-rate mortgage. Or interest-only mortgages. Balloon payments. Every time they want to go on vacation or buy some stupid ass snowmobile or other piece of crap they've convinced themselves they can't live without they go take out their 29th home equity loan. Everybody's so caught up in keeping up with the Joneses that they're willing to sacrifice financial security for it. Millions of people are living paycheck to paycheck in a giant house of cards, paying off one credit card with another and stupid &#036;h&#33; like that. What happens you get hurt and can't work for six months and you have zero savings and suddenly can't make the payments on the his & hers Yukon Denalis and the 55-inch plasma TVs and the motorcycles? Then what?

Thirty years ago, people weren't nearly as retarded. Thirty years ago, dad could go to work at one job, mom could afford to stay home and watch the kids if she so chose, and everybody had enough to eat and a roof over their head and if you socked away a little each month the family was able to go on vacation for a week or two. What was their secret? Working with what they had! Mom had a Chevy or Oldsmobile station wagon and dad drove whatever he had to. Nobody leased anything, nobody traded up every two years, and nobody had 14 motorcycles and ATVs and dirtbikes and snowmobiles. There was one television in the house, and there wasn't 11,000 channels to watch (if there's anything I'm certain of in my life, it's that nowadays most people would rather starve than go without cable TV). People ate at home, together, at the dinner table every night *GASP* instead of going out five nights a week at 20 bucks a head. Mom and dad each had one credit card which barely ever came out of their wallet.

People need to take a look around and get back to basics.

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I'm also tired of self-righteous drivers. When you mention what you drive or they see what you drive, you get snide remarks like "I bet that hurts at the pump."

You know what, I would rather drive a car I like and gladly pay for the gas than force myself into a subcompact that I could really care less about. And every time the gas prices rise, these a-holes have more of a reason to be vocal. The whole green movement is based on gas prices; if gas was at $2.00/gal, these guys wouldn't have nearly the traction they do.

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Yeah... this whole mentality that PLASMA BIG SCREENS are a MUST have is very laughable.

Once in a while, just to "anti-brainwash" myself how this constant evolution (every new

product is advertised to be 400,000% times better than the one it replaces) I listen to my old

1960s & 1970s vinyl records. You know what? IN good shape they sound JUST fine.

I love the bumper stcker that says: [ KILL YOUR TV ]

Just as we (the USA) are in the same downward spiral the Roman Empire experienced about

1800 years ago (well it was over the course of a couple centuries) we today have many of

the same type of vices: TV is the modern CIRCUS MAXIMUS! The brainless masses that sit

at home and watch mindless "entertainment" are helping by their apathy & distraction to

keep a corrupt and abusive government in power.

That's a theory about TV I came up with in College and it's more and more true every day!

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Yeah... this whole mentality that PLASMA BIG SCREENS are a MUST have is very laughable.

Once in a while, just to "anti-brainwash" myself how this constant evolution (every new

product is advertised to be 400,000% times better than the one it replaces) I listen to my old

1960s & 1970s vinyl records. You know what? IN good shape they sound JUST fine.

I love the bumper stcker that says: [ KILL YOUR TV ]

Just as we (the USA) are in the same downward spiral the Roman Empire experienced about

1800 years ago (well it was over the course of a couple centuries) we today have many of

the same type of vices: TV is the modern CIRCUS MAXIMUS! The brainless masses that sit

at home and watch mindless "entertainment" are helping by their apathy & distraction to

keep a corrupt and abusive government in power.

That's a theory about TV I came up with in College and it's more and more true every day!

Agreed, I've studied the Roman Empire before for a couple classes and the similarities to then and now are uncanny. Our occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan pretty much mirrors Rome's takeover of the Anglo-Saxons.

The time that would normally be reserved for TV is spent here and other internet message boards, where I learn so much more than I would watching some program on TV.

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Like I've said a million times:

Owning a super-cool Cadillac (the 7.0 liter Banana Boat) OUTRIGHT & getting

10-15mpg puts me in a much BETTER economic situation than buying some

modern &#036;h&#33;BOX that gets TWICE that.

Guess what? I don't HAVE a $500/month car payment! And yet I enjoy my

Cadillac more than almost any car that could be bought for that kind of

money. I know poor schmucks paying way too much vehicles that are less

appealing. $700/month for a used F350, another person I know is paying

$650/month (for 7 years!) for a PT Cruiser he bought new. He'll end up

paying like $28K (or whatever it comes out to) for a car that will have over

130K miles by the time he pays it off! (bad credit= high interest rate)

Plus I save on Sales Tax, Excise tax, Insurance, & can do most my own

maintenance as far as "used car inconvenience" that goes.

For $500 a month I can buy a LOT of gasoline!!!

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People insist on starting pissing matches about anything and everything, be it the car people drive, political beliefs, clothes, location, race, gender, age, social status, ad infinitum, ad nauseam, ad absurdum. The upcoming election is exacerbating this ten-fold. That doesn't mean reasoned debate shouldn't take place about any of these things, but it seems nowadays everyone is eager create false dichotomies and impassioned pleas about the most inane subjects.

What ever happened to agreeing to disagree? What ever happened to accepting that the world will get along just fine without subscribing your every whim? You noticed I'm eating a non-organically grown banana? Does that mean you accuse me of supporting "Big Chemicals" and trying to steal it from me? Only if I can light your hemp clothes on fire and get high off the fumes. :wink:

I like the size and comfort of large American cars and you say you like the fuel economy and maneuverability of small Japanese cars? That's awesome! That doesn't mean you call me a jingoistic hick and I call you a granola munching liberal wiener. That means we peacefully coexist, and maybe (this is a big maybe now,) we can put aside our differences, find some common ground and *GASP* be friends.

I try to know a little about every subject I can find so no matter who I meet, we can find something to talk about. Fanaticism and obsession of any kind isn't pretty. Expand your horizons. Learn to put up with people who don't agree with you and possibly even embrace them. You don't achieve anything by single-mindedly trying to prove everyone who doesn't think the way you do is an idiot.

Post of the year!

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Just as we (the USA) are in the same downward spiral the Roman Empire experienced about

1800 years ago (well it was over the course of a couple centuries) we today have many of

the same type of vices: TV is the modern CIRCUS MAXIMUS! The brainless masses that sit

at home and watch mindless "entertainment" are helping by their apathy & distraction to

keep a corrupt and abusive government in power.

That's a theory about TV I came up with in College and it's more and more true every day!

Funny you mention that...

A few of the "Crazy preachers" came to campus the other day. It was a beautiful day, so I decided to sit outside and listen because I had nothing better to do. The preacher said something to this effect: "americans are never content with what they have. As americans, we never sit down to be thankful for the luxuries we enjoy that others can only dream of. This society is vulger, perverted and cynical just like the roman empire was when it fell. And just like with the roman empire, god will destroy and dispose of america."

I'm not as huge fan of Christians (such as these guys) who appear to be extremists. But I agree 100% with what he said about this country. And I believe that we will see our empire fall in this life time, it has already begun.

Edited by FUTURE_OF_GM
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Funny you mention that...

A few of the "Crazy preachers" came to campus the other day. It was a beautiful day, so I decided to sit outside and listen because I had nothing better to do. The preacher said something to this effect: "americans are never content with what they have. As americans, we never sit down to be thankful for the luxuries we enjoy that others can only dream of. This society is vulger, perverted and cynical just like the roman empire was when it fell. And just like with the roman empire, god will destroy and dispose of america."

I'm not as huge fan of Christians (such as these guys) who appear to be extremists. But I agree 100% with what he said about this country. And I believe that we will see our empire fall in this life time, it has already begun.

As an atheist, I definitely don't believe in heaven and hell or afterlife, judgement day, all that stuff...but the American Empire is definitely on the way out...I don't know what country or region will rise to be #1 in the 21st century--China? India? the EU? But the US has been for a while eroding into a second rate power, IMHO...and the war mongering corrupt administration in the White House currently hasn't helped (weren't the Repubs supposed to be about fiscal conservatism? Not these guys--cut taxes but massively increase spending!).

But we are still #1 in certain areas, esp. high tech. Alot of the commodity back office work was outsourced to India, etc but a lot of the innovation is still happening here, in the Silicon Valley and other high tech areas around the country, incl. Denver, Boulder, Scottsdale and Tempe (areas that I'm familiar w/ the tech market). These are definitely interesting times...

As far as big plasma screens, I've been content with my big rear projection HD TV for the last few years....not sure what I'll get next, probably LCD. With tiVo and cable, I actually don't watch a lot of TV, but watch specifically what I want and not surf too much. Big clear screens w/ surround sound are great for watching concert DVDs, sports, and action movies.

I'm content with my 8 yr old JGC for now, nice not having a car payment..but over the next few years, I definitely want a convertible (as a winter car for AZ) and a luxury sedan of some sort (it's wierd..I like both old school luxury cars (Town Car) and the modern style ones (CTS, 5-series)...

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3. The Green agenda. Sick to death of seeing it in every newscast, in every magazine and newspaper. The self righteous do-gooders have hijacked any remaining joy in life.

It's the new religion. Cultish almost.

You know, there are so many ways to be green OTHER than cars. Don't hate on an entire movement just because one of their agendas focuses on something you like. If I had the time, I would write a column here on non-automotive ways to be green. There are so many minor and unobtrusive adjustments that can be made in your daily life that can really green make you much more green than driving a hybrid would.

I know I'm in the minority here in that I am an environmentalist and actually prefer taking public transit to work, but I'm also a automotive fanatic. As such I've managed to meld the two mindsets quite nicely.

Gluttony has been a "sin" for a long time..... not exactly new.

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You know, there are so many ways to be green OTHER than cars. Don't hate on an entire movement just because one of their agendas focuses on something you like. If I had the time, I would write a column here on non-automotive ways to be green. There are so many minor and unobtrusive adjustments that can be made in your daily life that can really green make you much more green than driving a hybrid would.

I know I'm in the minority here in that I am an environmentalist and actually prefer taking public transit to work, but I'm also a automotive fanatic. As such I've managed to meld the two mindsets quite nicely.

Gluttony has been a "sin" for a long time..... not exactly new.

I've been a fan of public transit for ages..I take the light rail here in Denver whenever I go downtown. Phoenix is just now building their's, we'll see how it does there. As far as gluttony goes, well conspicous consumption and the relentless pursuit of more stuff has been an American value or pastime for as long I can remember...i.e. people have always wanted to do better than they are doing today and move forward, onwards and upwards..unfortunately, a lot of people live beyond their current means and overextend themselves.

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I've been a fan of public transit for ages..I take the light rail here in Denver whenever I go downtown. Phoenix is just now building their's, we'll see how it does there. As far as gluttony goes, well conspicous consumption and the relentless pursuit of more stuff has been an American value or pastime for as long I can remember...i.e. people have always wanted to do better than they are doing today and move forward, onwards and upwards..unfortunately, a lot of people live beyond their current means and overextend themselves.

While what you describe is bad, that's not even my point.

I'm referring to the disposable economy we have now.

1. How many rolls of paper towels to you <this is to everyone, not just moltar> go through in a month? Did you know that you can buy dishtowels from ikea for 49c each? You can re-use them many many many times...there is very little a cup of OxyClean or SimpleGreen can't fix to bring them back to new.

2. How many plastic or paper store bags do you bring home a month? Most of the big grocery chains will sell you a sturdy reusable bag for $1. Keep them in your car. They are far sturdier than any disposable bag and have excellent handles. Did you save all your old plastic bags? Bring them back to the grocery store to be recycled rather than thrown in a landfill. If you go into the store for one or two things, don't let the cashier bag them.

3. Do you automatically reach for the Fantasic when cleaning the kitchen? Why not try SimpleGreen? It's non-toxic and bio-degradable. Don't tell me it isn't strong enough, I've used it to clean up old paint spills and after some of the dirtiest tenants I've rented to.

4. Are you still getting paper cups at Starbucks? Many places that serve coffee offer a "refill mug". It keeps the coffee warmer and helps the environment.

5. Have you tried compact florescent bulbs lately? The newest ones are indistinguishable from incandescent. I'm not advocating throwing out perfectly good incandescent bulbs, however keeping a 4 pack of 60w equivalent CF bulbs that you bought on sale at Home Depot for $6.88would be a good idea for when an "old fashioned bulb burns out. If you need dimable or 3way CF bulbs, those are available to. I have a CF bulb that is over 10 years old. I bought it at the beginning of 1998 when I started college. It has outlasted the lamp that I bought it for and is now doing duty in the light fixture over my front door.

Five very easy and very inexpensive steps to live "greener" that even save money over the long run. Some here may call it "cult like".... I simply think it is sensible.

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While what you describe is bad, that's not even my point.

I'm referring to the disposable economy we have now.

1. How many rolls of paper towels to you <this is to everyone, not just moltar> go through in a month? Did you know that you can buy dishtowels from ikea for 49c each? You can re-use them many many many times...there is very little a cup of OxyClean or SimpleGreen can't fix to bring them back to new.

2. How many plastic or paper store bags do you bring home a month? Most of the big grocery chains will sell you a sturdy reusable bag for $1. Keep them in your car. They are far sturdier than any disposable bag and have excellent handles. Did you save all your old plastic bags? Bring them back to the grocery store to be recycled rather than thrown in a landfill. If you go into the store for one or two things, don't let the cashier bag them.

3. Do you automatically reach for the Fantasic when cleaning the kitchen? Why not try SimpleGreen? It's non-toxic and bio-degradable. Don't tell me it isn't strong enough, I've used it to clean up old paint spills and after some of the dirtiest tenants I've rented to.

4. Are you still getting paper cups at Starbucks? Many places that serve coffee offer a "refill mug". It keeps the coffee warmer and helps the environment.

5. Have you tried compact florescent bulbs lately? The newest ones are indistinguishable from incandescent. I'm not advocating throwing out perfectly good incandescent bulbs, however keeping a 4 pack of 60w equivalent CF bulbs that you bought on sale at Home Depot for $6.88would be a good idea for when an "old fashioned bulb burns out. If you need dimable or 3way CF bulbs, those are available to. I have a CF bulb that is over 10 years old. I bought it at the beginning of 1998 when I started college. It has outlasted the lamp that I bought it for and is now doing duty in the light fixture over my front door.

Five very easy and very inexpensive steps to live "greener" that even save money over the long run. Some here may call it "cult like".... I simply think it is sensible.

I use the CF bulbs.. but admit using the paper cups at Starbucks and work.. I use Simple Green--good stuff. I keep the plastic bags from the store and use them to bag up doggy doo..

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You know, there are so many ways to be green OTHER than cars. Don't hate on an entire movement just because one of their agendas focuses on something you like. If I had the time, I would write a column here on non-automotive ways to be green. There are so many minor and unobtrusive adjustments that can be made in your daily life that can really green make you much more green than driving a hybrid would.

I know I'm in the minority here in that I am an environmentalist and actually prefer taking public transit to work, but I'm also a automotive fanatic. As such I've managed to meld the two mindsets quite nicely.

Gluttony has been a "sin" for a long time..... not exactly new.

Actually, I would love it if Des Moines had some sort of light rail mass transit system. I'm definitely an advocate for better mass transit. I love trains and Amtrak recently announced they are building a new line from Chicago to Iowa City, which I hope they extend to Des Moines. Not only is it economically beneficial for the area, but I wouldn't mind taking a 5 hour train to Chicago for the weekend while enjoying the ride.

I don't mind the things you mentioned above; I actually tend to save plastic bags and reuse them for other purposes, just like we've always done at home. But when people give me attitude on what I drive / want to drive, what I eat (high food miles), etc., it starts to aggrivate me...especially when the trendy jeans and sweaters they wear probably came from Indonesia on a fuel-sucking cargo ship, and the iPhones they are on 24/7 came from Shenzen, China.

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2008, like 1988 (HS graduation), 1994 (moved to Michigan for grad school), 1997 (moved to Colorado Springs), and 2002 (moved to Denver) is another big transitional year for me. I'm optimistic that things will go well for me in Arizona..

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Actually, I would love it if Des Moines had some sort of light rail mass transit system. I'm definitely an advocate for better mass transit. I love trains and Amtrak recently announced they are building a new line from Chicago to Iowa City, which I hope they extend to Des Moines. Not only is it economically beneficial for the area, but I wouldn't mind taking a 5 hour train to Chicago for the weekend while enjoying the ride.

I don't mind the things you mentioned above; I actually tend to save plastic bags and reuse them for other purposes, just like we've always done at home. But when people give me attitude on what I drive / want to drive, what I eat (high food miles), etc., it starts to aggrivate me...especially when the trendy jeans and sweaters they wear probably came from Indonesia on a fuel-sucking cargo ship, and the iPhones they are on 24/7 came from Shenzen, China.

If people have the impudence to personally attack you for your choices, ignore them. There's no point in arguing with these bullies. Don't let them taint your world view and create new stereotypes and reactionary antagonism of your own, because that would be succumbing to their wishes. They are like trolls, and if you decide to feel threatened by their antics, then they have succeeded.

I think lots of perfectly reasonable and legitimate ideas - public transportation, sustainable agriculture, protecting natural resources - lose their "message" because some individuals self-promote themselves, or try to make money, in the name of some movement. And, of course, they tend to act saintly and holier than thou, which in turn makes the topic politicized and loathed, spoiling it for the rest of us. Assholes come in every way, shape, and form.. :lol:

Edited by empowah
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If people have the impudence to personally attack you for your choices, ignore them. There's no point in arguing with these bullies. Don't let them taint your world view and create new stereotypes and reactionary antagonism of your own, because that would be succumbing to their wishes. They are like trolls, and if you decide to feel threatened by their antics, then they have succeeded.

I think lots of perfectly reasonable and legitimate ideas - public transportation, sustainable agriculture, protecting natural resources - lose their "message" because some individuals self-promote themselves, or try to make money, in the name of some movement. And, of course, they tend to act saintly and holier than thou, which in turn makes the topic politicized and loathed, spoiling it for the rest of us. Assholes come in every way, shape, and form.. :lol:

Really good advice.

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If people have the impudence to personally attack you for your choices, ignore them. There's no point in arguing with these bullies. Don't let them taint your world view and create new stereotypes and reactionary antagonism of your own, because that would be succumbing to their wishes. They are like trolls, and if you decide to feel threatened by their antics, then they have succeeded.

I think lots of perfectly reasonable and legitimate ideas - public transportation, sustainable agriculture, protecting natural resources - lose their "message" because some individuals self-promote themselves, or try to make money, in the name of some movement. And, of course, they tend to act saintly and holier than thou, which in turn makes the topic politicized and loathed, spoiling it for the rest of us. Assholes come in every way, shape, and form.. :lol:

+2 on the "great post!"

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I had a year of glut when I took time off from college and worked full time. Ended up with about 4500 in CC debt even though I was making very good money. I have since tried to reform and have brought my current spending in line with what I make and my fixed expenses. I still I have about 1500 left in debt from 2007 because i still spend a little to much on partying and haven't paid it all back yet. Anothre 2 months and I'll finally be debt free again. (doesn't include college loans but I digure owing 24k for two BAs isn't bad debt to carry in this day and age)

Still US citizens in particular need to find ways to live within their means. I'm just worried how such drastic spending cuts could effect the econemy if many people simulataniously started being financial responsible.

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Still US citizens in particular need to find ways to live within their means. I'm just worried how such drastic spending cuts could effect the econemy if many people simulataniously started being financial responsible.

the first to go would be all the banks. They make their money on interest and transaction charges and they're already in it up to their neck.

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