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The O.C. Might Have to Change His Name.....

The O.C.

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The company I was working for went belly-up.......so I've been back on the job market.

Ironically, one of my closest friends (who has owned his own dealerships before, and ran a BMW and a Mercedes-Benz store here in Orange County) has moved recently to Las Vegas and is running a Cadillac dealership there.....and he wants me to come work for him and build and run his internet sales department!

This could be a great opportunity, I'd be working for a Caddy store, with one of my closest friends (whom I've worked for before at Irvine BMW....so we know we work really well together) and it would be a fun career change. What do you guys think?

I'd keep my condo here in SoCal. I could rent it out.....or, a better option in my mind, is not to rent it out and keep it here to come back to on weekends. My friend, who I'd work for, leased a big house in Summerlin (really, really nice suburb of Las Vegas) and it's just him there in like a 3,500 square foot house. (His wife and two girls are still here in Newport Beach and he commutes home on days off.) So he's even offered to let me room with him. That way, I could afford to just keep the SoCal condo to come home to.

If this thing works out, and I decide I want a more permanent life in Las Vegas, then I could rent out the SoCal condo and get my own place in Las Vegas. There are some super nice areas outside of The Strip such as Summerlin, Lake Las Vegas, and to a lesser-extent, Henderson. And L.V. may still be a tacky place to be, but thanks to the recent infusion to the economy within the last 10 years or so, you can find just about any level of shopping or dining that you can in the L.A.s, Chicagos, and New Yorks now.

I'd love to buy something there.....but don't know if I can qualify after having the mortgage already on my SoCal place. The housing market is in shambles there right now with all the foreclosures......a TRUE buyer's market right now......and it's relatively cheap. That being said, the actual economy is quite strong and the car business seems to be doing relatively well there right now. There have been a big influx of companies that are locating regional offices (and even some headquarters) to Las Vegas due to the cost-of-living and the good weather. The economy has REALLY diversified over the last 10 years or so. So that's nice to know.

I've been to Las Vegas more times than I can count......for business mostly......I know it like the back-of-my-hand. I never could see myself living there.....especially after living in SoCal.....but for something interesting to do for a few years, and if I can keep my place here to "come home to" then it might be a fun run. I at least know living there CAN be really nice.....if you are away from The Strip.

We'll see.....I'm driving out there tomorrow for a couple days (it's only about a 3.5hour drive) to see the dealership and hang out with my friend to get a feel for if I want to try this.....

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Cool... I'm doing something similar to that between Denver and Phoenix. I'm keeping my condo in Denver for now (may rent it out), and am going to be in Phoenix at least 6 months or more. My sister is working in Ohio, finding it difficult time-wise/etc to go back and forth every week...since I finished my most recent contract in Denver March 31, I'm down in Phoenix now house sitting for her...taking care of her house in central Phoenix, 4 dogs (my 1+ her 3), and her Benzes, she will probably come back once a month or so.

Phoenix is an interesting place, I've been coming out here several times a year for the last 15 years, but I think it would be a fun place to live a few years...so far, it looks like the job market is still pretty strong here (had 2 in-person and 3 phone interviews this week so far).

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It's nice. We go there once a year almost, usually rent a condo in Mesa a block from the Cubs spring-training field (Casitas at Park Center), with the US Real Estate marked broken six ways from Sunday, we might be able to finally buy in.

Funny...I was listening to one of drive-time radio shows tonight and they were talking about Canadians buying homes in Phoenix due to the weak dollar and relatively cheap cost here...

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Funny...I was listening to one of drive-time radio shows tonight and they were talking about Canadians buying homes in Phoenix due to the weak dollar and relatively cheap cost here...

Half the complex we rent at was already owned by aged snowbirds with gold plated Rivieras with Alberta Plates and Golf Clubs (before the market went in the toilet), wait till phase two of our little invasion begins. :AH-HA_wink:

In all fairness we usually go there in the springtime or in November, the heat was unbearable that one summer. In Mesa you've got everything close by- the Superstition Freeway, Superstition Mall, Fiesta Mall, lots of good eating, Brown and Brown Chevrolet down the street that helped us out of a few binds...

You can now fly down there on WestJet for like 200$ each way if you book a month in advance, It's a good value.

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that would be what mathematicians call "the remainder"


Vegas is great. Lots of 'buyer's' opportunities there, for both cars and real estate. It's still close enough to L.A. County that a person can drive there for a weekend of 'fun.' Sounds like a good idea to me, OC.

As long as this timing isn't too convenient to run away from other...ahem, problems of late.

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holy crap OC, your life is not at all dull lately, is it?

LOL not at all...........

I'll post on here again when I get there or when I get home and let you all know what it's like.............

NOW....I'll just have to try to make bookoo-bucks the next year or so......so that I can trade in my CTS for a CTS v-Series when it comes out......! I have pull.....I know 'da boss....LOL


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As long as this timing isn't too convenient to run away from other...ahem, problems of late.

I think "convenient" is the right word to use for my solution to the other.....ahem, problem I'm dealing with........


I'd really like to see about staying with my friend, and keeping my SoCal condo without having to rent it out. That way, I can drive back on my days off and enjoy a respite from all the sinning and grinning......

I'll just have to see how much money I'll be making.....my mortgage here isn't cheap.....

But worse-case scenario, maybe I can convince the "bf" (for lack of another word) to stay in the condo for me, pay me, and keep it up.......


Then....I'd have some money coming in at least on it......AND would still have a place to come back to on my days off......

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But worse-case scenario, maybe I can convince the "bf" (for lack of another word) to stay in the condo for me, pay me, and keep it up.......


Do we need a whole new thread where we all tell you how bad of an idea that is.... or will this one do?

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Do we need a whole new thread where we all tell you how bad of an idea that is.... or will this one do?


C'mon Chris...are you this naturally naive or do you take some kinda pill for that? You give this guy access to your place, unsupervised, while you're in Vegas, and you're gonna wind up on Judge Judy trying to get some money back after he trashes the place--if he even makes good on the rent payment in the first place without a litany of excuses. Don't be a sugar daddy. Plus he has his friend in Newport to stay with.

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Maybe the new BF is hanging out with my friend Sa-Sa's BF, Frank. Frank and Sa-Sa are supposed to be married in two weeks (reception at my place). Frank flew off to California about 10 days ago 'on business.' Sa-Sa (who is 29, but emotionally 15 because he just 'came out') was suspicious, but found out through a mutual friend that Frank is on vacation. Fine. I gave Frank the benefit of the doubt. I don't know him that well. They have been dating for about 6 weeks.

Today, I find out (via my BF, who is closer to Sa-Sa) that Sa-Sa has sent (get ready for this) $2,500 down to Frank over the past several days. Frank had the balls today to call and ask for another $500. I had to walk away from my BF as he talked to Sa-Sa on the phone while we were in Sears this afternoon. I mean, naive is one thing - but stupid is another. The money angle changes everything. It isn't like Sa-Sa is rich: he works to jobs and is fighting to stay in Canada (he is from Mexico, go figure).

I was just starting to like Frank. We have a lot in common, even though he is about 15 years my junior. However, using people so blatantly is not acceptable. No, Frank is off my Christmas card list.

And I hope he stays in California.

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Maybe the new BF is hanging out with my friend Sa-Sa's BF, Frank. Frank and Sa-Sa are supposed to be married in two weeks (reception at my place). Frank flew off to California about 10 days ago 'on business.' Sa-Sa (who is 29, but emotionally 15 because he just 'came out') was suspicious, but found out through a mutual friend that Frank is on vacation. Fine. I gave Frank the benefit of the doubt. I don't know him that well. They have been dating for about 6 weeks.

Today, I find out (via my BF, who is closer to Sa-Sa) that Sa-Sa has sent (get ready for this) $2,500 down to Frank over the past several days. Frank had the balls today to call and ask for another $500. I had to walk away from my BF as he talked to Sa-Sa on the phone while we were in Sears this afternoon. I mean, naive is one thing - but stupid is another. The money angle changes everything. It isn't like Sa-Sa is rich: he works to jobs and is fighting to stay in Canada (he is from Mexico, go figure).

I was just starting to like Frank. We have a lot in common, even though he is about 15 years my junior. However, using people so blatantly is not acceptable. No, Frank is off my Christmas card list.

And I hope he stays in California.


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Ven, I have a lot of experience with people who just 'came out.' (I used to work on a peer support gay youth hotline.) It doesn't matter if the person is 25 or 40, if they have been in denial all their life, dating women, etc., when they finally meet a man and come out, it is literally like a moth into a buttefly. However, one of the drawbacks is that these people tend to go overboard with everything they do: drink too much, party too much, sleep around, or fall in love with every person they sleep with. Emotionally, they are very much 15, no matter what their calender age is. I think the people who struggle with it in their childhood are the ones who are vulnerable to suicide, addictions or emotional drama. Perhaps they feel they have to make up for lost time or perhaps they feel like they want to forget those 'lost' years, but I have witnessed it a lot. Some can work it out of their system very rapidly and then move on, while others can spiral into addictions and self-pity. I know where our friend is coming from, and I am trying to get him over the pitfalls.

Those who never felt the remorse or tried to pretend they were straight are very rare, indeed. :smilewide: <-- Me

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Either way good luck...

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. . . The company I was working for went belly-up.......so I've been back on the job market . . . This could be a great opportunity, I'd be working for a Caddy store, with one of my closest friends

Hear that sound? That's opportunity knocking! Losing one's job would typically throw anyone for a loop, but it sounds like you're doing ok, with some different possibilities. Good luck! :thumbsup:

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Well, looks like I'm doing the Las Vegas thing.......(lordy...)

But I think it's a great opportunity.......now, since I'll be working for a Caddy store, I have about 1.5 years (on the CTS lease) to figure out what to get to replace it......CTS sedan 6-speed, CTS Coupe, etc.....

Part of me still has a hard time seeing myself living in Las Vegas.....with all the fakery and tourism crap......

But I do have to admit, away from The Strip, it's a whole 'nuther Las Vegas.......beautiful actually........and there's lots of outdoors stuff to do in the nearby mountains and Lake Mead. Summerlin really is a nice area.....although granted it's all less than 15 years old, or so it seems......but it doesn't seem "generic" suburb as there are many of the high-end stores and shopping you also have on the strip, and some really great restaurants it seems.....not just typical "chain" suburban-fare.....(although there's plenty of that too.) The area has to cater to the people that live there.....it's where most of the entertainers and casino executives live.

Plus....no question if I'm looking for a show to go see, or a fancy club or bar, it's all down at The Strip.

Wish me luck! Hopefully the job will work out, and hopefully I can enjoy living somewhere different I've never lived before....at least for a few years......

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Glad to see you'll be staying in the GM fold! :AH-HA_wink:

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Glad to see you'll be staying in the GM fold! :AH-HA_wink:

Even more so....!

I'll also be handling the ordering of all the new Cadillacs at the store......something I'll enjoy as well.......

DI CTSs seem to be the strong-seller at this store.....I'm surprised how many people are moving up to the more expensive engine. That's good. However, they have a good mix of FE2 performance-package cars, but not a single FE3 (summer-tire) package. I wonder if that's on restriction for some reason?

STS does almost nothing at this store, and they sell a few DTSs.....but most DTSs are the "granny-mobile" with the luxury package and the bench-seat/column-shifter. I'll have to try a few "performance" package DTSs and see if they move.....they don't have a single one on the lot now.

Escalades? Uh......those behemoths are STILL selling like hotcakes.....although I have to rant a bit on GM's product planning decisions..........when I was at the store last week, I overheard a middle-aged, obviously well-to-do couple talking about the Escalade they just test-drove. They are also looking at the GL450. The woman was short, and of small stature.....and was complaining about how difficult it was for her to reach in, or get inside the Escalade to lower/remove the third-row seats. Of course, she was raving about the power-folding rear-seat in the Mercedes. She liked the Caddy and thought it looked really sweet......however, with three small kids, she'd be using the third-row quite a bit....up-and-down....depending on when the kids were all in the truck, etc. She said for this simple reason, she was most likely going to get the GL450. Also, she was complaining about the lack of cargo space with all seats in the "up" position.....said the Mercedes also had more room. (An ESV was "too bulky" for her to drive.)

I've said from day one that this lack-of-IRS in the GMT-900s was a bonehead decision.....and have wondered how many sales Cadillac (and Chevy and GMC) have lost to Ford and the imports due to this........(forcing a cumbersome-to-fold/remove third-row seat, and swallowing up third-seat roominess and luggage capacity.)

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Even more so....!

I'll also be handling the ordering of all the new Cadillacs at the store......something I'll enjoy as well.......

I've said from day one that this lack-of-IRS in the GMT-900s was a bonehead decision.....and have wondered how many sales Cadillac (and Chevy and GMC) have lost to Ford and the imports due to this........(forcing a cumbersome-to-fold/remove third-row seat, and swallowing up third-seat roominess and luggage capacity.)

Speaking of Caddys, I'm living less than a mile from Coulter Cadillac on Camelback here in Phoenix...cruised by their lot the other night--several '08 CTSes and STSes and a maroon XLR on the lot. Sweet.

I've been amazed over the last week how many Escalades I've seen around the Phoenix/Scottsdale area... lots of them blinged out as well. Lots of SUVs here, but not as many as I'm used to seeing in the Denver area percentagewise(where the climate actually warrants owning one). I see lots of 2wd SUVs here, which is laughable (a 2wd SUV is just a tall station wagon). Plenty of BMWs and M-Bs as well (I've driven my sisters' old Benzes around this week some, incl. the red 300CE with no B-pillar and no cupholders.. :( )

(By the way, my job hunt has gone well over the last week---4 in-person interviews so far, 3 offers pending now... all have a bit of a commute--2 in Tempe, 1 in Chandler, and 1 in N. Scottsdale--my favorite so far).

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Even more so....!

I'll also be handling the ordering of all the new Cadillacs at the store......something I'll enjoy as well.......

DI CTSs seem to be the strong-seller at this store.....I'm surprised how many people are moving up to the more expensive engine. That's good. However, they have a good mix of FE2 performance-package cars, but not a single FE3 (summer-tire) package. I wonder if that's on restriction for some reason?

STS does almost nothing at this store, and they sell a few DTSs.....but most DTSs are the "granny-mobile" with the luxury package and the bench-seat/column-shifter. I'll have to try a few "performance" package DTSs and see if they move.....they don't have a single one on the lot now.

Escalades? Uh......those behemoths are STILL selling like hotcakes.....although I have to rant a bit on GM's product planning decisions..........when I was at the store last week, I overheard a middle-aged, obviously well-to-do couple talking about the Escalade they just test-drove. They are also looking at the GL450. The woman was short, and of small stature.....and was complaining about how difficult it was for her to reach in, or get inside the Escalade to lower/remove the third-row seats. Of course, she was raving about the power-folding rear-seat in the Mercedes. She liked the Caddy and thought it looked really sweet......however, with three small kids, she'd be using the third-row quite a bit....up-and-down....depending on when the kids were all in the truck, etc. She said for this simple reason, she was most likely going to get the GL450. Also, she was complaining about the lack of cargo space with all seats in the "up" position.....said the Mercedes also had more room. (An ESV was "too bulky" for her to drive.)

I've said from day one that this lack-of-IRS in the GMT-900s was a bonehead decision.....and have wondered how many sales Cadillac (and Chevy and GMC) have lost to Ford and the imports due to this........(forcing a cumbersome-to-fold/remove third-row seat, and swallowing up third-seat roominess and luggage capacity.)

I am sure Cadillac would argue that they have FOUR SUVs to satisfy most everyone's taste. It's the BOF design of these that makes the 3rd row seating a little inflexible.

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I am sure Cadillac would argue that they have FOUR SUVs to satisfy most everyone's taste. It's the BOF design of these that makes the 3rd row seating a little inflexible.

Ford figured out how to do the 3rd row seating w/ IRS and BOF on their big SUVs, so I think GM was just saving $$$$ on the 900s.

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Ford figured out how to do the 3rd row seating w/ IRS and BOF on their big SUVs, so I think GM was just saving $$$$ on the 900s.

exACTly.......and they saved dollars in one of the worst areas IMHO......

Escalade is sweet.....and has a kickin' interior.....but the third-row is a joke in comparison to it's competition........

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Yo, O.C., do keep your ties to So. Cal. Las Vegas's retention rate for transplants is very 50:50. Pick your suburb wisely, especially being spoiled by a South Orange Co. existence. Summerlin sounds good. What about Scottsdale AZ? Some of my friends who have done the PHX move seem to adjust to Scottsdale well and it only adds about 1-1/2 hour to the jaunt "back home" when needed.

Good luck and keep us posted, bud.

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