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They have to be kidding ...

Blake Noble

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So, I can look forward to regularly scheduled hour-long Ford commercials coming this fall.

And people wonder why I barely watch TV anymore.

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Journeyman was cancelled, but we get this?

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Face it. Everything from an earlier time that you hold special and sacred with fond memories will be cheapened, watered-down, repackaged, and sold to people you hate. That's why there's been like a 90% decrease in original songs, movies, television shows, etc. in the past few years. Everybody shuts their brains off and instead picks the next piece of 1970's or 1980's pop culture to be dusted off and marketed to faggy little kids that act nostalgic for a time period they never lived through.

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Face it. Everything from an earlier time that you hold special and sacred with fond memories will be cheapened, watered-down, repackaged, and sold to people you hate. That's why there's been like a 90% decrease in original songs, movies, television shows, etc. in the past few years. Everybody shuts their brains off and instead picks the next piece of 1970's or 1980's pop culture to be dusted off and marketed to faggy little kids that act nostalgic for a time period they never lived through.

I hate to say it..but QFT.

It's really sad.

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you know what i hate? when they bastardize a song/movie/TV show from the past that i love (im totally before my time, i love all old music) and my generation thinks its brand new, not knowing any of the history!

even worse! many of my classmates have NEVER heard of the camaro before the Concept... <_<

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Actually, when it comes to music, I don't mind seeing old songs dusted off and re-done. There are two examples that come to mind. 1) Gordon Lightfoot did a love ballad in the early '70s 'If You Could Read My Mind.' I barely remember the song (he is a master writer, IMO), but when Viola Wills re-did it in 1980 and it became a smash club hit, I loved the song. It was re-done again in 1998 and became a club hit again. Each version has a life of its own. Another example is Dolly Parton's 'I Will Always Love You.' Although she is an excellent song writer, her voice (to me) is like finger's on a chalk board, but when Whitney Houston re-did the song (and it became a smash hit), the song took on a new dimension.

I have to say when I was younger, I used to loathe remakes, but I have grown to like many of them. The funniest one I remember was when an (now ex) BF of mine heard me playing a Four Seasons Greatest Hits Cd (my mother loved Franki Valy when I was a kid) in my car, he freaked because the only version he knew was Divine's mid-80s club hit of Walk Like a Man, not the Four Season's 1961 hit of the same song. The expression on his face when he heard the 25 year old version was priceless.

With both media, I suspect our acceptance or aversion is more based on which one we saw/heard first. I liked both versions of Planet of the Apes, although the first one certainly had more impact when you didn't know the ending. But there are plenty of examples of movies that should have never been done, like the Brady Bunch Movie, Bewitched, Beverly Hillbilliies..well, actually the list is pretty endless now that I think about it. The 1976 King Kong was awful but I liked the more recent one. The new Godzilla was as stupid as the original, but with much better special effects. (Not even Matthew Broderick could save that movie for me.)

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Journeyman was cancelled, but we get this?

.....and Bionic Woman was cancelled and we get this....?

I thought BW was an interesting re-imaging of the original......I've liked David Eick's and Ronald Moore's work on the new BSG, and I liked this BW.

The Knight Rider pilot, however, totally sucked.......yuck......

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Face it. Everything from an earlier time that you hold special and sacred with fond memories will be cheapened, watered-down, repackaged, and sold to people you hate. That's why there's been like a 90% decrease in original songs, movies, television shows, etc. in the past few years. Everybody shuts their brains off and instead picks the next piece of 1970's or 1980's pop culture to be dusted off and marketed to faggy little kids that act nostalgic for a time period they never lived through.

And what's with all this reality-show crap? I'm probably the only one that thinks reality shows are the worst thing to hit network TV.....ever......I....can't.....stand.....any.....of.....them......

Okay.....I watch alot of HGTV, which I guess you could say is a total "reality" channel.....but at least it's a whole channel focused to one topic.....houses.....

BSG is the ONLY regularly-scheduled show that I watch. Other than that, I have old DVDs in playing of Star Trek, Golden Girls, Frasier, and Nip/Tuck. I'd rather go out to the DVD store and buy old seasons of old sitcoms that I used to grow up with (Alice, Three's Company, etc., etc.) then watch most of the crap on TV today. So that's what I end up doing.

Music is the same way. I hate ALL this Britney "crap" they pass off as "music".......I use "Britney" as an example.....but they are all like her. No true singing or writing talent....IMHO, they are nothing but marketing tools.

What happened to music and groups like we had, even in the 80's...? Not all that long ago? Not to mention the GREAT music we had in the 70's and 60's. All I do now, is listen to talk radio.....or CDs that I have in my collection. I don't even own a radio in my house......just the DVD player I can play my CDs through.

OK....enough of my rant on today's "pop culture."

Edited by The O.C.
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Face it. Everything from an earlier time that you hold special and sacred with fond memories will be cheapened, watered-down, repackaged, and sold to people you hate. That's why there's been like a 90% decrease in original songs, movies, television shows, etc. in the past few years. Everybody shuts their brains off and instead picks the next piece of 1970's or 1980's pop culture to be dusted off and marketed to faggy little kids that act nostalgic for a time period they never lived through.

have you reserved yout tickets for the speed racer and A-Team movie yet? heheh

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.....and Bionic Woman was cancelled and we get this....?

I thought BW was an interesting re-imaging of the original......I've liked David Eick's and Ronald Moore's work on the new BSG, and I liked this BW.

The Knight Rider pilot, however, totally sucked.......yuck......

I was going to mention the BW, but was too embarassed. I especially liked the alter ego character that the girl from BSG was playing on BW. And we're into the last season of BSG. I think I'll chuck the TV from the balcony once that show is over. Nothing else to watch. Something about all those shows shot in Vancouver..............

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you know what i hate? when they bastardize a song/movie/TV show from the past that i love (im totally before my time, i love all old music) and my generation thinks its brand new, not knowing any of the history!


Ya know ... change a few of those words, and you pretty much have my feelings about some of the new cars, from about 1995 on...........

Hmm...and yes, it will be interesting to see how well the TV series does....

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker

WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"For a moment you can hardly breathe" ... John Mayer ... 'Dreaming With A Broken Heart'

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Well, there are worse vehicle-themed series from the'70s- '80s that they could have revived..I remember 'Supertrain' and 'Highwayman'.

How about something new and different--instead of Knight Rider being a Mustang, how about a Prius that goes 300mph and get 300mpg? Used to fight ecoterrorists and evil CEOs? Or Robocop on a Segway? :)

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have you reserved yout tickets for the speed racer and A-Team movie yet? heheh

I saw "Superhero Movie" tonight.....(VERY funny if you are willing to accept that it's nothing more than a very stupid movie)......and the extended-version trailer for "Speed Racer" was shown.....and I damn near popped a woodie in the movie theatre!

I'm SO excited to see Speed Racer. It's like an icon to me from my childhood.......! Plus, the special effects look awesome....and there's some great people in the movie.......

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I was going to mention the BW, but was too embarassed. I especially liked the alter ego character that the girl from BSG was playing on BW. And we're into the last season of BSG. I think I'll chuck the TV from the balcony once that show is over. Nothing else to watch. Something about all those shows shot in Vancouver..............

So Ron Moore admitted that the Galactica WOULD find Earth before the season is all done with. But he didn't tell how or why.....and he even said not to expect that it would necessarily happen in the series finale either.....so it COULD be somewhere mid-season.

So....the question is....what will BSG's "earth" be like? Will it be "our" earth as we are today? Or something in the past? Or something in the future?

I know what I'd like to see.......I'd love to see them find a wormhole, or something to take them across the galaxy near earth.......and plop them down......directly....in the middle of......the Federation....!

Those cylons and their crude nuclear weapons would be NO MATCH for a Galaxy-class starship!


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I'm SO excited to see Speed Racer. It's like an icon to me from my childhood.......! Plus, the special effects look awesome....and there's some great people in the movie.......

I was with my friends and a commercial for Speed Racer came on, and they had no idea what it was. They thought it was a video game adaptation. :duh:

Now what really intrigues me is the new Get Smart adaptation, for answering a question I'm sure we've all asked at some point: Why haven't Steve Carell, Anne Hathaway and The Rock ever done a movie together?

Edited by Enzora
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I saw "Superhero Movie" tonight.....(VERY funny if you are willing to accept that it's nothing more than a very stupid movie)......and the extended-version trailer for "Speed Racer" was shown.....and I damn near popped a woodie in the movie theatre!

I'm SO excited to see Speed Racer. It's like an icon to me from my childhood.......! Plus, the special effects look awesome....and there's some great people in the movie.......

I'm looking forward to it also...I loved Speed Racer as a kid. I think 'Superhero Movie' is from the same folks that did 'Epic Movie' and 'Date Movie', those were funny in a very stupid sort of way...

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Actually, when it comes to music, I don't mind seeing old songs dusted off and re-done. There are two examples that come to mind. 1) Gordon Lightfoot did a love ballad in the early '70s 'If You Could Read My Mind.' I barely remember the song (he is a master writer, IMO), but when Viola Wills re-did it in 1980 and it became a smash club hit, I loved the song. It was re-done again in 1998 and became a club hit again. Each version has a life of its own. Another example is Dolly Parton's 'I Will Always Love You.' Although she is an excellent song writer, her voice (to me) is like finger's on a chalk board, but when Whitney Houston re-did the song (and it became a smash hit), the song took on a new dimension.

I have to say when I was younger, I used to loathe remakes, but I have grown to like many of them. The funniest one I remember was when an (now ex) BF of mine heard me playing a Four Seasons Greatest Hits Cd (my mother loved Franki Valy when I was a kid) in my car, he freaked because the only version he knew was Divine's mid-80s club hit of Walk Like a Man, not the Four Season's 1961 hit of the same song. The expression on his face when he heard the 25 year old version was priceless.

With both media, I suspect our acceptance or aversion is more based on which one we saw/heard first. I liked both versions of Planet of the Apes, although the first one certainly had more impact when you didn't know the ending. But there are plenty of examples of movies that should have never been done, like the Brady Bunch Movie, Bewitched, Beverly Hillbilliies..well, actually the list is pretty endless now that I think about it. The 1976 King Kong was awful but I liked the more recent one. The new Godzilla was as stupid as the original, but with much better special effects. (Not even Matthew Broderick could save that movie for me.)

I definitely like some covers of music... when I was in college, a girl I dated introduced me to the Pet Shop Boys cover of 'Always on My Mind', I was only familiar with the Willie Nelson original, she didn't know who Willie was/is. (I like that cover, BTW). Or more recently, the version (which isn't that recent) of 'Comfortably Numb' with Van Morrison from 'The Departed'...I love that version and the original (I'm a huge Pink Floyd fan). Or 'Hurt'---I think I like the Johnny Cash version more than the NIN version, I think. Or Bob Dylan's songs---many of them, I prefer the cover version more than the original.

I saw Tori Amos perform 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' live in '94, and love her cover of the song, even though I don't particularly like Nirvana.

Remade movies and shows on the other hand...I'm still a big fan of the '80s Miami Vice from my teenage years, though I did like the movie...(having Michael Mann as the director is probably the only way I would have liked it).

I liked the original Battlestar Galactica, but have never seen the reimagined series...too many things to compete with for my tiVo space.

I liked the original Dukes of Hazzard when I was 10, but found the remake movie ascinine.

Now stuff that has been ongoing off-and-on and not necessarily remakes, I usually like (i.e. 40+ years of James Bond and Doctor Who).

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I find all three of those movies crass and horribly written. I find it hard to laugh at any of them.

yeah..the laughs were pretty few and far between in the ones I saw (Date Movie, Epic Movie).... just an overall incompetence.

I liked parts of 'Not Another Teen Movie' (esp. the toilet going thru the floor) and liked 'Van Wilder' and 'Old School' (and most anything w/ Will Farrell).

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yeah..the laughs were pretty few and far between in the ones I saw (Date Movie, Epic Movie).... just an overall incompetence.

It is getting quite hard to find an honestly well-written movie anymore, to tell the truth.

The only movie I have seen over the past few months that truly gripped me and just didn't let go throughout the entire course of the film was Frank Darabont's adaptation of Stephen King's The Mist. The ending was changed dramatically from King's novella of the same name, and the impact that it had was actually quite powerful and it leaves an impression. I walked away from that film not regretting that I had seen it.

Disturbia was a great film as well when I had seen it debut in theaters, although it was basically a remake of Hitchcock's Rear Window, which is an even greater classic film.

I am also a fan of the Saw series, but I will admit that the films did not get off to a strong start (Leigh Wannel and Cary Elwes' performance lacked painfully in places) and now are beginning to run perhaps a little long-in-the-tooth. However, the films are very involving and I appreciate that in a film.

But what I would really like to see is a film that is totally original, not based on anything, and that is very well written from the start and totally involving. I haven't seen anything like that in mainstream cinema for quite some time now.

I liked parts of 'Not Another Teen Movie' (esp. the toilet going thru the floor) and liked 'Van Wilder' and 'Old School' (and most anything w/ Will Farrell).

All three movies were quite funny, although Van Wilder tends to wear thin after seeing it multiple times.

Edited by YellowJacket894
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So Ron Moore admitted that the Galactica WOULD find Earth before the season is all done with. But he didn't tell how or why.....and he even said not to expect that it would necessarily happen in the series finale either.....so it COULD be somewhere mid-season.

So....the question is....what will BSG's "earth" be like? Will it be "our" earth as we are today? Or something in the past? Or something in the future?

I know what I'd like to see.......I'd love to see them find a wormhole, or something to take them across the galaxy near earth.......and plop them down......directly....in the middle of......the Federation....!

Those cylons and their crude nuclear weapons would be NO MATCH for a Galaxy-class starship!


This could be a twist on the Chariots of the Gods theme, or perhaps that has been done to death. It's interesting that the actor that plays Dr. Valtar was also in one of my other favorite shows, Babylon 5.

I've always thought that the new BSG was somehow in our distant future, perhaps lost colonists or refugees from our planet going POOF! However, there is a certain symmetry to their 'discovering' Earth in the past and seeding it for the future.

And it would be real cool to see a Cylon/Enterprise show down!

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I definitely like some covers of music... when I was in college, a girl I dated introduced me to the Pet Shop Boys cover of 'Always on My Mind', I was only familiar with the Willie Nelson original, she didn't know who Willie was/is. (I like that cover, BTW). Or more recently, the version (which isn't that recent) of 'Comfortably Numb' with Van Morrison from 'The Departed'...I love that version and the original (I'm a huge Pink Floyd fan). Or 'Hurt'---I think I like the Johnny Cash version more than the NIN version, I think. Or Bob Dylan's songs---many of them, I prefer the cover version more than the original.

I saw Tori Amos perform 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' live in '94, and love her cover of the song, even though I don't particularly like Nirvana.

Remade movies and shows on the other hand...I'm still a big fan of the '80s Miami Vice from my teenage years, though I did like the movie...(having Michael Mann as the director is probably the only way I would have liked it).

I liked the original Battlestar Galactica, but have never seen the reimagined series...too many things to compete with for my tiVo space. I liked the original Dukes of Hazzard when I was 10, but found the remake movie ascinine.

Now stuff that has been ongoing off-and-on and not necessarily remakes, I usually like (i.e. 40+ years of James Bond and Doctor Who).

I think you and I are about the same age, but being a SF freak since I was about 14, I loathed the original series. I dragged my first real BF to see the movie at the theatre, which was bad enough, but the series, especially with those stupid frackin' robots and those smarmy little brat-kids on the show made me want to scream. I was very, very discerning for 19.

Other than a few of the names remaining the same, there are absolutely no similarities between the original series and the current one. There was a rash of very bad early '80s 'science fiction' (and my quotation marks are deliberate) shows, such as Flash Gordon and 'V' - all travesties. Until TNG and Babylon 5 came along, I had despaired for mainsteam SF.

Please understand that at the age of 15, I understood 2001, I loved THX1138 and Silent Running - those are the SF shows that I cut my teeth on. Even Star Wars was a bit cheesy for my sensibilities. (I forgave Logan's Run because I had a crush on Michael York, and Space:1999 had cool special effects, even if the moon would, in reality, tear itself apart leaving Earth's orbit.)

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And it would be real cool to see a Cylon/Enterprise show down!

LOL....c'mon.....projectile weapons and nuclear bombs would be no match for phasers and quantum torpedoes.......

I always thought that the new BSG had an interesting take on weapons technology for what is envisioned to be "the future." If any of you have seen the new BSG, their ships all have "projectile" weapons......kinda like futuristic machine guns. The big "guns" are simply nuclear weapons/bombs.

The Galactica doesn't even have "shields" as we know of them from Star Trek. Of course it's heavily armored.....and seemingly can withstand multiple nuclear missile hits.....so there's some futurism in the armor she has.....but it's interesting, and perhaps a vision that BSG is not as far into the future as we seem to think it is.

I guess we'll all just have to wait and see!

It kindof makes me think that earth was the first colony (of the 13 colonies) and perhaps the earth WAS populated by intelligent humans prior to the ice-age. Then, when the meteor collison was imminent (one that killed the dinosaurs) the early-earth humans escaped to the heavens....and populated the 12 colonies from BSG. But, that being the case, where did all their technology disappear to? Or was it all so decimated by the meteor impact that nothing was left to be discovered over the centuries?

Or are the early-earth "cities" at the bottoms of our oceans, yet to be found by us? (Atlantis.) Perhaps they were land-based cities and the meteor impact changed the nature of our oceans to such a great extent, the cities that used to be on land are now at the bottoms of the seas.....

(God, I need to lay off the caffeine this morning......)

Edited by The O.C.
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