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I'm tired and a bit grumpy so,

Camino LS6

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I'm just going to say it.

The US needs to "grow a pair" on so many fronts, or just start to fade away into the mists of history.

I'm tired of all the screwing around with BS and minutae, let's actually do something meaningful for a change.


And ,hey, let's act as a nation for once instead of a bunch of shallow bastards that can't see beyond the end of their own noses.

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I could not agree more. Lets impeach the morons in the white house and the rest of them in both the house and senate for screwing up everything. Especially not taking care of Social Security, Medicare, etc. Everyone willing to say no Pork Barrel Fat, but not willing to actually do it. Sell out this country for an elite few and instant gratification and not think about long term of our country, our senoirs, and leading the world forward. We have lost our space edge, Technology on many fronts including H1 Visa's for workers due to the lazyness of people.

Screw the Republicans and Democratics. Indepentant seems to be the best of all worlds at this point. Why do we have to have a socialist system of health care for everyone? You get what you deserve based on how hard you work. I am so tired of hearing people say they deserve this or that due to the way people have treated them or their relatives or a certain race.

:soapbox: Yea now you got me on the soap box again. I will end now before it gets too long. :mr-t:

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Here are two things I believe we ought to be doing instead of holding pissing contests over how folks live their private lives or how the latest round of regulations will keep us safe and insulated from the world.

1. An all-out national effort to become energy independent via new fuels and technology with immediate real world applications. I'm talking about removing any regulatory road blocks and incentivising the mission. I want to see an all out push with real deadlines for certain benchmarks. Success should be judged by the percent of oil consumption displaced by the new fuels and technologies. Push this in every way.

2. The other aspect should be a project that stirs the soul and expands the boundaries of human experience in a way that all of the world will be in awe of and feel a sense of pride in the possibilities for the entire human race. Of course, I am talking about space exploration. We should already be out there with regularity finding out what we haven't yet imagined. And I am talking manned exploration - humans need a frontier to take them away from the petty bickering over the finite scraps of old resources. We have already lost so much valueable time.

It is way beyond time that we, as a nation, had some ambition and the drive to do what hasn't been done. The bigger things that can, and have, moved the whole Earth forward. It's time to do big things, things that only a nation like ours can do. Instead of wallowing in our own stagnant details and divisive, yet meaningless, squabbles. We used to know how to lead by example, and need to do so again. Or, just take our ball and go home.

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I'd say he was rather effective. Constructive, now that's another matter.

But no one can say he didn't 'grow a pair' in response to a situation he recognized....

EDIT: I have to say that overall I'm not in favor of space exploration because the ROI is so utterly dismal. I recognize the image contribution, but unless we were going manned to Mars or another rock, which is so scientifically & logistically formidable, I don't think even the ROI on anything like another jaunt to the moon compares to the '69-era trips' pep rally.

I would immensely prefer actual ET contact, now that would truely be new and would certainly refocus the trivial. Or, more feasibly, increased Earth exploration, such as oceanic.

Your energy point I can get behind.

Edited by balthazar
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I'd say he was rather effective. Constructive, now that's another matter.

But no one can say he didn't 'grow a pair' in response to a situation he recognized....

Well, I see it as him just getting himself added to the list of wackos and doing nothing to move his agenda forward.

Thus, ineffective.

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I'd say he was rather effective. Constructive, now that's another matter.

But no one can say he didn't 'grow a pair' in response to a situation he recognized....

EDIT: I have to say that overall I'm not in favor of space exploration because the ROI is so utterly dismal. I recognize the image contribution, but unless we were going manned to Mars or another rock, which is so scientifically & logistically formidable, I don't think even the ROI on anything like another jaunt to the moon compares to the '69-era trips' pep rally.

I would immensely prefer actual ET contact, now that would truely be new and would certainly refocus the trivial. Or, more feasibly, increased Earth exploration, such as oceanic.

Your energy point I can get behind.

I think we should be out there, getting used to coping with space and studying all we can find. The potential is unlimited except by our reluctance to explore. Some ROI we can predict, but I feel certain that most of the ROI we can barely imagine. Ultimately, I see it as an evolutionary challenge to our species - what an adaptation if the fruit flies can leave the finite confines of the jar.

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So what do you think is possible: Moon colonization, or space station condos? Those 2 aside, space to me looks like going INTO the jar. You know what I mean- the next galaxy is completely out of reach, what space offers seems, conservatively, to be very little, esp compared to the billions involved. What are we possibly going to get out of the Mars rock samples... beyond a new chapter in geologist's textbooks?

I'm all for optimism as long as it's tendered with reality (does that make me pessimistic?) :wacko:

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So what do you think is possible: Moon colonization, or space station condos? Those 2 aside, space to me looks like going INTO the jar. You know what I mean- the next galaxy is completely out of reach, what space offers seems, conservatively, to be very little, esp compared to the billions involved. What are we possibly going to get out of the Mars rock samples... beyond a new chapter in geologist's textbooks?

I'm all for optimism as long as it's tendered with reality (does that make me pessimistic?) :wacko:

Colonization of both the Moon and Mars would certainly be on my agenda. The exploration of near space is so incomplete that we can't even say what our own solar system might have to offer us. Space tourism will become a reality soon, and we should be leading that endeavor. The limits of materials science will be expanded by creating artificial environments for space, the moon and Mars. Certain processes can only be done in zero G, and that branch of science is newborn yet. So much of what is to be learned out there would have profound implications for life on Earth as well. I see infinite possibilities when I think of space exploration and adaptation to its environments both real and artificial. And, I don't believe that other galaxies are forever out of reach - unless we remain afraid to take the first steps. I don't think you are being a pessimist, but maybe there is more to the story than what you (or any of us) have thought of.

Finally, without such a frontier, I believe that we will eventually destroy ourselves. I see it as a safety valve against the fuit fly's fate.

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So what do you think is possible: Moon colonization, or space station condos? Those 2 aside, space to me looks like going INTO the jar. You know what I mean- the next galaxy is completely out of reach, what space offers seems, conservatively, to be very little, esp compared to the billions involved. What are we possibly going to get out of the Mars rock samples... beyond a new chapter in geologist's textbooks?

I'm all for optimism as long as it's tendered with reality (does that make me pessimistic?) :wacko:

Space exploration is a collasal waste of time and money, IMHO. But since Bush has been talking about Mars alot, I'd love to see him and Cheney take a one-way trip to Mars (or the Sun).

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Anyway, you guys get the jist of my point.

What other positive projects should we ,as a nation, undertake?

I know I could think of some.

return to what the founders gave us... a federal government to secure our country from internal and external threats, but if they did that i think 98% of federal government would/should implode.

abolishing the IRS, the FED, the selective service.

positive projects... pay our soldiers well and take care of the injured from the wars we wage at any cost, and prop up soldiers families if they are KIA.

your energy ideas... I can see why you want to have a reward system, but that won't necessarily get the best ideas on the table to production, cause I think growing hemp would supplant our energy/industry needs quite quickly.

as far as space goes... I'd say fund the next gen shuttle (something thrifty, but awesome), not a rehash of the Saturn 5, like planned ( i think )...something like the..X38 or something, don't remember at the moment.... then dwindle NASA funding for 20-30 years.

anything else?

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I think we need to develop a speed limitless road system like the autobahn. I recommend the book American Autobahn. It details how the development of both the autobahn and the US freeway system, how the different countries attitudes on speeding differ, the rise of the "safety Nazis" in the US government and how letting engineers and car guys/gals decide auto regulations is a better idea than letting bureaucrats make all the decisions. We need to follow Germany's example of more rigorous driver training and road maintenance. We need DWI laws that actually get drunk drivers off the road and not just the casual drinkers. We need law enforcement to take the guy blabbing on his phone, drifting from shoulder to shoulder off the road and not the guy doing 80mph in a 70mph. The fastest way to get people to stop speeding is to legalize it, making it boring and less glamorous. In short, we need to make an effort to actually make the roads safer, not just cynically raise revenue while people needlessly die.

very nice. aren't the only speed limits over there in bad weather and maybe some "blind areas", if you're going >120mph...?

engineering cars to be more capable doing these speeds is obviously happening...but the price of gas "now a days" is pushing the spectrum of cars the other way

^- i kinda didn't want to go there, but I think it was inevitable, so i made a comment first.

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To quote some of my MOST FAVORITE, MOST EXCELLENT Lamb Of God lyrics:

"Now.. you've... got... something... to... die... for...

Infidel, Imperial

Lust for blood, a blind crusade

Apocalyptic, we count the days.

Bombs to set the people free, Blood to feed the dollar tree.

Flags for coffins on the screen. Oil for the machine.

Army of the liberation. Gunpoint indoctrination.

The fires of sedation fulfill the prophecy.

Now... you've... got... something... to... die... for...

Send the children to the fire, sons and daughters stack the pyre.

Stoke the flame of the empire, live to lie another day.

Face of hypocrisy, raping democracy.

Apocalyptic, we count the days.

We'll never get out of this hole, until we've dug our own grave.

And drug the rest down with us. The burning home of the brave... BURN!"

(from; "Now You've Got Something To Die For")

That shows you how much hope I hold for the future of this country.

But, since we're focusing on positivity (Not my forte, obviously) I like to see sociological changes in this country.

If you MAKE people happy again, then good times will come and prosperity will begin again. We need to promote unity and pride in this country. NOT through forced homogeny. We need to promote a sense of community through charity and goodwill. NOT through fashion and status. We need to celebrate our identity and what is (was) good about this country. NOT be the loathsome creatures that we've become. The culture in this country is so cynical and eff-ed up that I'm not sure it can be saved.

As far as economics... I'd like to see a level playing field for what tiny bit of manufacturing we have left. I'd like to see the government work to foster small businesses to breathe new life into the countless towns that have been devastated by the death of manufacturing. I'd like to see an administration that can stop and maybe reverse the spread between the lower and upper classes. I'd like to see an adminstration that can actually improve future generations quality of life. (Something that has been falling since Gen X)

As for security... Alternative fuels is a must, but so is variety. There is no silver bullet to replace oil, so why try to force ONE option on us? I'd like to see the border secured and the illegals sent home. I'd like to see a REAL war on drugs and gangs to clean up our streets, you know, like the good ole days when cops were actually allowed to do their jobs without having to worry about bull$h! litigation. I'd like to bring our troops home (That certainly will NOT be an easy or immediate task) and strengthen our military. We, as a country, need to address our crumbling empire before we police the world. If there is a genocide or something that threatens us, then yes, we must get involved. But the US cannot and does not need to have it's hands in every pissing match around the world IMO. I'd like for the justice sytem in our own country to work, for once.

EXAMPLE: I have a friend (who is actually a smart guy) has been busted for drugs and underage drinking twice now. Last summer he got messed up and among a SLEW of other stupid things, commited armed robbery (with a gun). He had the trial postponed and right before court, got caught smoking pot and drinking again. Wanna know what he got for all of that? 15 DAYS in jail, and to top it all off HE could pick when he wanted to serve the time.

So, not surprisingly, he hasn't changed a bit... I mean, after all, he got away with pulling a loaded gun on an innocent person, so what's next, right?

There is just so much, it's hard to get too specific.

Edited by FUTURE_OF_GM
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We need to promote a sense of community through charity and goodwill. NOT through fashion and status. We need to celebrate our identity and what is (was) good about this country. NOT be the loathsome creatures that we've become. The culture in this country is so cynical and eff-ed up that I'm not sure it can be saved.

I think you have a good point here, this is why I think Obama's campaign is doing so well, because this is the message he is giving the people. It's the same message Ronald Reagan gave the country when he was campaigning in 1979, and John Kennedy in 1959, it's the message that, we can be better than we ever thought we could be, it's the message of hope for a better future, for everyone, not just the rich, powerful and well connnected.

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But my issue with him is that he never says HOW.

He gives a great pep talk, but we all know it takes strategy for the team to actually win.

That is his problem and that's why I'd rather Hilary win. She's got more experience, and while I don't like her that much, she has the know-how and she knows our country is screwed up, unlike the Republicans who refuse to even admit there's a problem.

If Obama gets more experience I'd vote for him next time around.

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Not to be too political or anything, I'm fully behind Obama because he has demonstrated 1) good judgment and ost importantly 2) the ability to bring people together, republican, democrat, independent or otherwise. This country has grown so apathetic, and it makes me so happy to see a politician getting people to CARE and be involved. Truth is, the President only has the power to veto bills, make appointments to his cabinet, nominate Supreme Court justices, and act as Commander-in-Chief during times of war. Other than that, Presidents generally meet with foreign leaders and tell Congress what bills they'd LIKE to see. Those are the essential powers given to the President under the constitution. It really doesn't matter to me what "experience" someone has since most of the real "work" and policy decisions are made by Congress and advisors/the cabinet. Both Obama and Clinton will appoint equally-knowledgeable and prominent democrats to the cabinet, and both will nominate less-conservative justices to the Supreme Court. What sets the apart, though, is that Hillary, as shown by her recent attacks/ads, is very divisive and the kind of democrat who thrives on confrontation--she likes to "go to war with the Republicans" (her words), whereas Obama said thet "if a Republican has an idea, he has an idea!" (South Carolina acceptance speech). Obama will bring all people from all walks of life together in this country to unite them in the common goal of fixing the mess we're in. To me, bringing people together is more than just support--it's encouraging people to make their voices and opinions heard. The sooner Americans get off their asses and start participating in politics, the sooner Congress will be held accountable to the American people and boneheaded decisions will cease to be made (or made less often, with more public outcry). Obama's speaking skills may also prove to be better at convincing foreign leaders to work with us, and will definitely be more charismatic in improving our relationships with the global society.

Sorry for the mini-rant, but since network TV's been off the air, I've been keeping up with this race and feel very strongly about it.

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But my issue with him is that he never says HOW.

He gives a great pep talk, but we all know it takes strategy for the team to actually win.

FOG, you usually seem quite reasonable on issues so I'm a bit surprised at you on this one.

Obama has very detailed layouts of his plans on his website. If there is a particular issue you have concern with, check out the "Issues" section of his website for details on how he wants to handle things. Now if you disagree with how he wants to address something that's one thing, but you can't say he doesn't explain himself. It's all written out there on his website for you.

Not everything can be detailed in a speech or presentation on T.V. Look what happened to Ross Perot when he did that.

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That is his problem and that's why I'd rather Hilary win. She's got more experience, and while I don't like her that much, she has the know-how and she knows our country is screwed up, unlike the Republicans who refuse to even admit there's a problem.

If Obama gets more experience I'd vote for him next time around.

Again, check Obama's website. He details his plan to almost boring levels. Not something you want in a stump speech. If you don't want to vote for him because of his plans, that's fine. But you can't say that he doesn't have them just because you haven't taken the time to do your research.

As for actual political experience, they're about the same.

Saying that Hillary's time in the Whitehouse gives her Presidential experience is like saying Yoko Ono was a Beetle.

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The entire political process is broken, both in your country and in mine. Only crooks and egomaniacs want to go into politics or become lawyers: anyone who actually has ideals and visions inevitably becomes crushed by the hypocrisy, lies and corruption in the System, and gets out. Cynical? I have seen this with my own eyes.

We are nations of lawyers and posers. You talk to real people on the street, and you get a totally different opinion than what the politicians and pollsters come up with. Why is that, I wonder? There is a complete, total disconnect between what ALL the levels of government do and what people actually want them to do.

As wierd as this sounds, I think the entire political system needs to be smashed. I am not an anarchist, but the system is hopelessly broken and only the lawyers are benefiting right now. Here is my proposal: Everyone born in the country, over the age of 21 with no criminal record, has their name put in a lottery and a list of 50 or so names are picked: one for each State for you guys, plus a manager. They are then in charge of EVERYTHING. No city councils, no governors, no petty local politics. It is all pure crap. I watch the in-fighting and back stabbing, whether it is at the city, state or federal level and it makes me sick. Everyone protects their turf; everyone blames another leve of government.

Ultimately, these 51 randomly picked people would be responsible for revamping everything: the court system, the police, all the laws - everything. Nothing would be sacred. Not the Constitution, not the religious sects, not the military - nothing would be exempt. Give them a fixed budget, a fixed time frame ( 2 years?), a loose set of guidelines and unlimited access.

That would shake things up a bit. Fresh pairs of eyes on everything. People with no axe to grind, no agenda, no vested interest. The world that the U.S. was formed in during the 1780s and Canada was formed with by the BNA has greatly changed. Nobody envisioned the internet, gay marriage, the influx of immigrants who are here to suck us dry, the exodus from organized religion, divorce rates, the murder rates, teenage pregnancies, television, cocaine, Britney Spears, landing on the moon.....none of these were even imagined when our countries were formed. The system is completely busted; completely overwhelmed. Conflicting systems are smashing into each other, rather than working together. People are corrupted by their own petty interests and cannot see the big picture. As an organism, we have become too complex and too big for systems that were designed 200 years ago.

With the monies you guys spend on your military, you could have cured cancer, put the Pope on Mars and had money left over to fix the pension crisis. With the money my governments blow on cover ups, studies and passing the buck, we could have invented cold fusion.

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Oh, and Obama? Forget it. Anyone who has watched the West Wing or Yes, Minister will know in a second that he will get bogged down in his own agendas, own grievances and the system will just suck him in and spit him out. Three years in his watch, he will age a decade, become petulant and get caught in some damned scandal, just like the rest of them.

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I like this thread. I'll contribute more later after I take my midterm exam, but just have some quick comments.

We need to worry about China. I've been studying China extensively for a project and unless we stop messing around, China is going to overtake the US economically and maybe politically. They have a space program that will be sending up 10 spacecraft this year. They have 1.6 billion people that all want the same lifestyle we have. They are investing lots of money into their cities and education, building huge public works projects on a scale that the US used to do when we were a stronger nation 30-40 years ago. They may be communist now, but they are slowly transitioning to capitalism and the coastal regions have become largely Westernized. They are going through industrialization like the US saw in the early 20th century, and while they currently have problems with environmental issues and resource waste, they are improving both with each passing day.

The idiots in Congress and the White House better wake up.

Edited by mustang84
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I may come off sounding like a politician running for office here, and normally I keep these opinions to myself, but since the thread was posted I thought I would chime in on my feelings on the matter.

What I think we need is an America that can depend on itself for all of its goods and services instead of depending on other countries like they are our colonial servants. I think that American should invest in itself. I think America was at its best when it was self sufficient. I think Americans could be better if they actually practiced what freedom actually is. I think that too many Americans think their opinion is fact. I think that Americans can do anything they set their mind to. I think that Americans can accomplish anything they set their mind to.

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Anyway, you guys get the jist of my point.

What other positive projects should we ,as a nation, undertake?

I know I could think of some.

High speed train service from coast to coast and border to border, maybe Mag-Lev.

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High speed train service from coast to coast and border to border, maybe Mag-Lev.

No Mag-Lev... far too expensive with not enough return.

Maglevs cost nearly 10 times the amount of conventional track on a per mile basis.

The fastest MagLev to ever run had a top speed of 581 km/h in 1999.

The fastest TGV to ever run had a top speed of 574.8 km/h last April.

I think I can sacrifice 7kph for a 90% cost savings and the ability to run conventional trains on the same network if needed.

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Agreed on the high-speed train service. Other countries are embarrassing us with their advances in rail transportation. There are instances where I'd rather take a train than fly.

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Agreed on the high-speed train service. Other countries are embarrassing us with their advances in rail transportation. There are instances where I'd rather take a train than fly.

Would be nice to have more train service... the big hinderance to wide spread rail is how large and spread out the US is (compared to Europe, which is compact and more densely populated).

Denver had done a good job so far and is continuing to expand it's light rail around the metro area.

I see the potential benefit of commuter rail up and the down the Front Range here--such as Denver to Ft Collins, Denver to Colorado Springs, along I-70 into the mountains, etc...but it's been talked about for years with nothing happening so far.

But as far as heavy rail, the nearest major cities are all 500 miles away or more, so flying is quicker to get to them.

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Well, you gotta hand it to the Chinese, they are getting our technology for Free. The Toronto Transit Commission (also known as Take The Car) is tendering a billion dollar contract for new subway cars. The unions are up in arms because Canada doesn't have any 'official' requirements for Canadian content on big government projects. I was not surprised to learn that both the U.S. and Europe expect a minimum of 50% local content of assembly (the Americans even want final assembly down there) to even be considered for a contract. Not surprisingly, the Chinese want the same, but they also expect a 'transfer of technology' :rolleyes: .

In Japan, foreign companies need not apply. They aren't even allowed to bid on subway contracts and others. :banghead:

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Well, you gotta hand it to the Chinese, they are getting our technology for Free. The Toronto Transit Commission (also known as Take The Car) is tendering a billion dollar contract for new subway cars. The unions are up in arms because Canada doesn't have any 'official' requirements for Canadian content on big government projects. I was not surprised to learn that both the U.S. and Europe expect a minimum of 50% local content of assembly (the Americans even want final assembly down there) to even be considered for a contract. Not surprisingly, the Chinese want the same, but they also expect a 'transfer of technology' :rolleyes: .

In Japan, foreign companies need not apply. They aren't even allowed to bid on subway contracts and others. :banghead:

IIRC, Phoenix's new light rail system that's under construction is going to be using European-built cars.

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I hoped that this thread would provoke thought, and you guys have not disappointed me in that regard.

I was trying to have this stay apolitical, and focus on the ideas. I guess that was something of a vain hope, but I'd like to see us stay away from politics if we can. Even with that said, it is great to see that we have so much common ground and pragmatic ideas about where the country should go. Most of these ideas really do go beyond the bounds of party, and that is heartening.

Thanks for the great responses.

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The entire political process is broken, both in your country and in mine. Only crooks and egomaniacs want to go into politics or become lawyers: anyone who actually has ideals and visions inevitably becomes crushed by the hypocrisy, lies and corruption in the System, and gets out. Cynical? I have seen this with my own eyes.

We are nations of lawyers and posers. You talk to real people on the street, and you get a totally different opinion than what the politicians and pollsters come up with. Why is that, I wonder? There is a complete, total disconnect between what ALL the levels of government do and what people actually want them to do.

That would shake things up a bit. Fresh pairs of eyes on everything. People with no axe to grind, no agenda, no vested interest. The world that the U.S. was formed in during the 1780s and Canada was formed with by the BNA has greatly changed. Nobody envisioned the internet, gay marriage, the influx of immigrants who are here to suck us dry, the exodus from organized religion, divorce rates, the murder rates, teenage pregnancies, television, cocaine, Britney Spears, landing on the moon.....none of these were even imagined when our countries were formed. The system is completely busted; completely overwhelmed. Conflicting systems are smashing into each other, rather than working together. People are corrupted by their own petty interests and cannot see the big picture. As an organism, we have become too complex and too big for systems that were designed 200 years ago.

You are a VERY smart guy! I agree 100%!

I've thought about getting into politics but I'm FAR too honest and opinionated to make it very far. I'm not as extreme in person as I appear on this board, but I'm sure I'd piss someone off 'on the way up'.

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well its not much but i like the isolationism idea that was prevalent in the early and middle part of last century. you know the whole mind your own business stuff and not truble trouble til trouble troubles you. i hate how we end up baby sitting the world and then everyone hates us because we are the global police. a 3rd world country gets recognized officially and then 3 yrs later theres a war and we go get involved... i think we have plenty of things here to occupy our time and energy for a good 10 or 15 yrs. secured border as mentioned before is high on my list. but as far as i am really concerned... december 22, 2012 baby... <boom> hehe

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The entire political process is broken, both in your country and in mine. Only crooks and egomaniacs want to go into politics or become lawyers: anyone who actually has ideals and visions inevitably becomes crushed by the hypocrisy, lies and corruption in the System, and gets out. Cynical? I have seen this with my own eyes.

That would shake things up a bit. Fresh pairs of eyes on everything. People with no axe to grind, no agenda, no vested interest. The world that the U.S. was formed in during the 1780s and Canada was formed with by the BNA has greatly changed. Nobody envisioned the internet, gay marriage, the influx of immigrants who are here to suck us dry, the exodus from organized religion, divorce rates, the murder rates, teenage pregnancies, television, cocaine, Britney Spears, landing on the moon.....none of these were even imagined when our countries were formed. The system is completely busted; completely overwhelmed. Conflicting systems are smashing into each other, rather than working together. People are corrupted by their own petty interests and cannot see the big picture. As an organism, we have become too complex and too big for systems that were designed 200 years ago.

With the monies you guys spend on your military, you could have cured cancer, put the Pope on Mars and had money left over to fix the pension crisis. With the money my governments blow on cover ups, studies and passing the buck, we could have invented cold fusion.

I have long wondered if things would be better in the US and Canada if we formed a North American Union (i.e. a structure like the EU).

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No Mag-Lev... far too expensive with not enough return.

Maglevs cost nearly 10 times the amount of conventional track on a per mile basis.

The fastest MagLev to ever run had a top speed of 581 km/h in 1999.

The fastest TGV to ever run had a top speed of 574.8 km/h last April.

I think I can sacrifice 7kph for a 90% cost savings and the ability to run conventional trains on the same network if needed.

That's a good point. I was not thinking of the cost effective way to do it, just the highest technology. I think that the high speed service on the regular rail line with NO vehicle crossings is the best commuter rail as well as long distance travel.

I also believe that the government should fund better mass transit for large metro areas to make getting around easier and giving people a choice on how to commute into the cities.

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That's a good point. I was not thinking of the cost effective way to do it, just the highest technology. I think that the high speed service on the regular rail line with NO vehicle crossings is the best commuter rail as well as long distance travel.

I also believe that the government should fund better mass transit for large metro areas to make getting around easier and giving people a choice on how to commute into the cities.

The government is too dumb to fund rail properly. Every time Amtrak needs money there is moaning about how Amtrak always loses money and how we should just scrap the service entirely.

Well brainiacs... how much profit does the Interstate Highway system return? how much profit do the big, publicly funded, airports return?

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