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New Samsung BLADE Phone For Sprint

Guest Josh

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This phone destroys the RAZR in every way imaginable.

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We knew it would happen sooner or later, and it looks like the FCC has just approved Samsung’s SCH-V740, or “Blade”, cellphone to be sold in the US as the SPH-A900. According to the FCC filing, this dual-band model will debut on the Sprint network, and will sport a swiveling camera, Bluetooth, external display with media buttons, and EVDO. As usual with these FCC docs, important info such as price and release date are unfortunately absent.


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It's definitely thicker than my RAZR. Is it metal or plastic? From the amount of shine in the pics, my guess is plastic. Buttons look smaller than the RAZR. Isn't the RAZR quad-band? I believe so... It seems alright, but I wish it were less of a blatant me-too product. Even the name is a me-too name. Also...what's EVDO? Never heard of it. I'll have to see one in person to really develop an opinion on it, but so far I don't see the compelling reason to choose this phone over a RAZR (judging just on the phone, not the associated networks).
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EV-DO is broadband web-surfing on a Sprint phone. Verizon calls their system VCast. We call ours "Power Vision." You can surf the web through the phone at broadband like speeds on Sprints network.

Also, this phone will connect users directly to the Sprint Music Store that is launching November 1st. It allows users to download songs from any artist through your handset. Takes 40 seconds or less to download a song to the phone. You get two copies. 1 for the phone, 1 for your PC that is sent to your account at the soon to be up and running http://www.SprintMusicStore.com $2.50 per song, and you get two copies.

EV-DO is going to be sick. I just took the training on it, the stuff you can do is incredible.
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Ummm... I've got a cobalt blue Nokia POS trac-phone. *crickets chirping*
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I can get Cheers and Gears on my Blackberry, so f- you all! Plus, its a company phone, so surfing costs me $bupkus$ so f- you all!



HAH....you have some anger issues you need to deal with. But we're all happy for you that you can abuse company equipment and time to read about the GM/UAW boner pill agreement. Edited by CD/BP
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lol woah buddy. I'm just enthusiastic about my workplace and the many services soon to be available. Sprint is not unholy, and I can recognize a good company. The phone actually has internals to back up it's look. A rotating screen/camera. EVDO, high speed wireless access built in. Higher resolution camera. The RAZR to my knowledge has....a nice design and a 1.3 mega pixel camera.
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What's with the swivel camera? I don't understand the point...and it sounds like something that'll break or detatch easily. I'm def a fan of the KISS method with cell phones. Also, you didn't answer my question of whether the Samsung is plastic or metal. It makes a big difference.
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One of the best features of the RAZR is it's ability to work well in even low signal conditions. Does this new phone do that? I have nothing against Sprint at all. I was actually as much of a fan of Sprint's service as I am of GM till they royally screwed me on a billing issue. In my area, I never dropped a Sprint call. I drop Cingular calls frequently. I haven't upgraded to a RAZR yet. I'm still on a crappy Motorola MPX200.
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Now that you're done jerking yourself and Sprint off. *hands you a tissue*

How does it blow away the RAZR?


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Josh is right. The Blade does seem to beat the RAZR.

Here's a comparison at engadget.

The RAZR's design and size are pretty sweet but it's totally an average phone. This baby, based on Korean specs, has a QVGA screen, external media controls, TF/MicroSD card slot (w00t), Bluetooth (so does the RAZR though), and more all at a thickness that is like, 1MM thicker than the RAZR and does NOT have the bottom 'bulge" that the RAZR does. Plus EV-DO.

The downside is that the blade is really boring and bland looking.

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Blade: Looks cheap, lots of stuff I wont use, I'd have to switch companies. RAZR: Looks less cheap, lots of stuff I wont use, I wouldn't have to switch companies. RAZR wins. I'd never switch from Cingular just because someone else has a new phone, especially one that looks the the cell phone equivalent to any GM interior from the early 90's. I like the idea of the Motorola Rokr, but one of those would make it pointless for me to buy a new iPod, so that wont be my next phone.
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I use Rogers Wireless in Canada and I baught the Motorola V635 over the Razr because the Razr has an awful camera compared to the V635 and I dont care if I have the smallest cell phone out there. Also to get this new Samsung phone I would have to switch networks and I dont want to do that, especially now because Bell Mobility and Rogers are building one of the most "technologically advanced" networks in the world next year that they will be sharing.
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It can give the best blow jobs in the world for all I care but if I drop calls 3 times on the way home from work it doesn't do me much good as a phone now does it?


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Can I chime in?

Yes, I am a RAZR owner to start that off...but how about we take a look at this a little differently...

The RAZR, introduced over two years ago, is over a generation behind this phone. Yes I will grant that, now realize that it took Samsung two generations to come out with something comparable.

Now yes, the Samsung weighs more, the Samsung is slightly thicker (which doesn't mean that much with 1 mm at sizes of 13/14mm), personally I like the bulge at the bottom and the incredibly loud speaker it allows me to have, also being able to use the same computer cable as my MP3 player and digital camera means I can pack lightly on the go and only have to carry my laptop charger as the cell can charge off of that. Now in the Blade's favor is the camera, the V3 only has a VGA camera (a .3 MP camera, 640x480 = 307,200 pixels)... There have been some other points made, but I won't delve into them.

Now, the Blade really competes with the V3x........which isn't being sold here...only in Europe. 2 MP camera with 8x zoom, macro, and LED flash, 2 way video calling from the 2nd internal VGA camera, onboard photo manipulation (think photoshop-lite), touchscreen, transflash removable memory, progressive downloading, and some more junk that I can't even remember....nearly the same size and same aluminum (this time colored a dark blue...truly beautiful and there is also ash black and something silver)
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Though through all of this, I'll take the Nokia 888 concept phone anyday over any of them. ^_^
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Edited by Alpha
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While I have more info, I may as well share it... The V3 2nd Generation is actually out there, with the 1.3 MP camera, larger outside screen, only available in bronze color...it's a mild upgrade to say the least... And yes the CDMA RAZR is due out sometime here...one of the first high end phones to be available in both GSM and CDMA... So Verizon fans will finally have a phone that is decent...but I'm sticking to GSM and Cingular...nothing can beat it right now.
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yup, Cingular sucks ass.

--- what? I haven't said anything for a while. [/bartsimpson] :P

I'd rather argue about cars then cell phones. And BTW Croc: if you belong to the KISS school of thought when it comes to cell phones then you would not own a FLIP phone. I prefer to stay away from flip phones as there's another moving component (hinge) that can break.

THIS is simple:

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Edited by Sixty8panther
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Flip phones are actually more simple than non-flip phones because you don't have to worry about breaking your keypad, or messing with keylock. As much as I loved my old Nokia, after a year a few of the buttons weren't working so well. Don't have that problem with a flip phone. Hinges only break if you drop a phone repeatedly on them, or if the phone is just that poorly constructed. The RAZR's hinges are very heavy-duty, and I have yet to understand the concept of dropping a phone. I've dropped my phone maybe 5 times total in the 4 years I have has a cell phone. I just don't understand how people are so clumsy with something so delicate and expensive?
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Well I have a Virgin moblie Slider phone! :huh: No contract. So i dont have to pay monthly and i only use it for emergencies. Also Since it uses Sprints network. ITS HORRIBLE!!! I rarely get service. EX. I had no serive. A Nextel had no service. A Sprint had no service. Cingular had 1 bar service. Verizon had full out 5 bar service. So if i get a contract Phone, Sorry Josh, Its Verizon, Untill Sprint/Nextel get better service. Who needs internet on there Phone? (As they smash into a parked car down the street looking at footbal scores on there phone) Another plus of Virgin they dont no where i live. or my house Phone. Also no one wants to call me anyway. :( -_- :lol: Edited by capriceman
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Hey Josh, quick question: Why on Earth does Sprint not want it's customers to pay their bills in the Sprint store? They charge their customers (including my mother) to pay their bills in the store. I know of no other company who does that. My sister went to pay my mother's bill since my mother had no time to do it, and they wouldn't let her since she didn't own the phone. It's not like she was taking money out, she was giving them money, and they wouldn't take it from her. My mother called up sprint to complain and they never gave her a clear answer. Could you clear that up for me?
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Certainly. First, you should not be charged a dime to pay your bill to a Sprint representative. There was a policy that required us to charge $5.00 for you to pay your bill with a sales rep, I never used to charge anyway for obvious sales reasons. Second, there should be an APC (Automatic Payment Machine) available in your nearest Corporate store. There is no charge to use this machine and it accepts Cash & Check. Credit Card is coming before the end of November. Simply enter your cell phone # and account password (usually the last 4 of your soc) and it gives you your balace as well as payment options. Third, after January 1st you will no longer (at all) be able to pay your bill with a rep. You must use the APC machine available in the store, mail in your payment or pay via *4 by check or CC. When I had Cingular, I'd never be able to speak to a rep regarding bill payment. It was always the machine. I should be getting my Sanyo 9000 about this time next week with EV-DO capability. Simply can't wait!
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Almost every car salesman I know who has/had a flip phone has damaged or broken thre hinge at least ONCE. NOt everyone works in a cushy office... try running around a construction site or even an asphalt parking lot all day.
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Almost every car salesman I know who has/had a flip phone has damaged or broken thre hinge at least ONCE. NOt everyone works in a cushy office... try running around a construction site or even an asphalt parking lot all day.


I do. :rolleyes:

Year and a half running all over the tarmac at an airport and the past three/four months at multiple construction sites.

I just don't drop crap all the time.
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First, you should not be charged a dime to pay your bill to a Sprint representative. There was a policy that required us to charge $5.00 for you to pay your bill with a sales rep, I never used to charge anyway for obvious sales reasons.

Second, there should be an APC (Automatic Payment Machine) available in your nearest Corporate store. There is no charge to use this machine and it accepts Cash & Check. Credit Card is coming before the end of November. Simply enter your cell phone # and account password (usually the last 4 of your soc) and it gives you your balace as well as payment options.

Third, after January 1st you will no longer (at all) be able to pay your bill with a rep. You must use the APC machine available in the store, mail in your payment or pay via *4 by check or CC.

When I had Cingular, I'd never be able to speak to a rep regarding bill payment. It was always the machine.

I should be getting my Sanyo 9000 about this time next week with EV-DO capability. Simply can't wait!


Alright. Thanks for the clarification. It was just one of many different issues we've had with Sprint (not saying they're bad) but we've been with them long enough to have dealt with a few snags here and there. For example, they still haven't spelled our last name correctly on each bill. :rolleyes:
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I've been through three phones this year because I keep dropping them. Its never the hinges that break, its always something internal that makes the phone not work correctly. I like flip phones because I can leave it in my pocket and not worry about having it accidentally dial someone. A few years ago, I had my old Nokia in my pocket in class, I forgot to lock the keys, and it called a friend of mine who answered, then just left his phone sitting there, still connected for like 45 minutes.
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Almost every car salesman I know who has/had a flip phone has damaged or broken thre hinge at least ONCE. NOt everyone works in a cushy office... try running around a construction site or even an asphalt parking lot all day.


Ah, but that's the problem with the old bulky type phones, the new slim ones fit just fine in your pocket and you don't need the belt carrier anymore which is typically the cause of the drops at places of business.

And as far as phones go, I am still planning on getting a Nokia flip once it comes time to upgrade again. The functionality of a Nokia is far superior to any other company, and to combine it with the flip aspect...wins my vote.
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