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Nevermind she's from Oklahoma, this could be anywhere, especially in the south, but I'm still blown away. I hope she knows she just destroyed her career.

News Story

Here's the link to the story about it.

Unbelievable :nono:

I grew up in TexAss and Oklahoma was our good neighbor to the North, generally our two states share the same Southern Conservative values which is where I think this woman is coming from. She's pandering for that type vote and you know as well as I do that type of thinking is alive and well in the Bible belt.

I treat people the way they treat me, whether you're straight, gay, or bisexual, doesn't matter. TexAss is starting to change, but it's going to take a long time I think. I noticed the biggest changes in Houston and Dallas, the rest of TexAss maybe another 30 years or so. IMHO!

Edited by Pontiac Custom-S
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Texas and Oklahoma are basically the same I agree, but Texas is coming along much faster than Oklahoma. I'm a conservative Republican but I just have trouble with this I guess. And amazingly enough, Oklahoma is a traditionaly Democratic state. I think it further portrays us Okies as the toothless guy on the news after the tornado takes his trailer, ya know? It frustrates me to no end. Oklahoma and Texas are beautiful places, full of good people, but the national perception of us, I think is we're all that guy on the news, and this idiot woman isn't helping with the perception of our state, and even people who tend to agree with her are not probably as vocal as she is, and don't want the negative publicity on our state, that's all the publicity our little state gets ever.

Edited by gmpartsgirl
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Stupid redneck bitch. Sure you've got free speech, but when you're an a political office, there are responsibilities that you have to adhere to. On top of that, the dumb f@#k must have missed the memo that states that church and state are supposed to be separate. Does a lot of good for Oklahoma's image too. :nono:

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Stupid redneck bitch. Sure you've got free speech, but when you're an a political office, there are responsibilities that you have to adhere to. On top of that, the dumb f@#k must have missed the memo that states that church and state are supposed to be separate. Does a lot of good for Oklahoma's image too. :nono:

These morons that are stuck in the 19th century are all over, not just in the Bible Belt... Colorado has a bunch of these bigoted, hypocritical nut jobs...these are the clowns that gave the Republican party the image it has today--the white, intolerant, bigot bible thumper's party.

Edited by moltar
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Texas and Oklahoma are basically the same I agree, but Texas is coming along much faster than Oklahoma. I'm a conservative Republican but I just have trouble with this I guess. And amazingly enough, Oklahoma is a traditionaly Democratic state. I think it further portrays us Okies as the toothless guy on the news after the tornado takes his trailer, ya know? It frustrates me to no end. Oklahoma and Texas are beautiful places, full of good people, but the national perception of us, I think is we're all that guy on the news, and this idiot woman isn't helping with the perception of our state, and even people who tend to agree with her are not probably as vocal as she is, and don't want the negative publicity on our state, that's all the publicity our little state gets ever.

Hey....hi there! Just saw you are from OK...!

(btw....welcome, or welcome back to C&G)

I was born in OKC.....moved away a bunch of times, (Dad got transferred) and ended up in Dallas for high-school years......

I would agree that the "bible-belt" mentality in Oklahoma is at time really overwhelming. However, that being said......none of my Oklahoma friends OR family has ever had the slightest problem with me being gay.....but my Oklahoma friends and family aren't the stereotypical "bible-belt, christian-conservatives" either.....

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Backward idiot.

You know.....people like her are going to find it tougher and tougher to spread their idiotic, discriminatory crap.......

Just think about how many people are on here at C&G.....from all different parts of the country......and anytime we have a "gay" thread, I'm so amazed (and proud) that so many people on here just consider it a "non-issue."

(And I'm sure there are others on here that maybe feel differently, but they are respectful and don't try to rub their "opinions" in our faces....!)

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Stupid redneck bitch. Sure you've got free speech, but when you're an a political office, there are responsibilities that you have to adhere to. On top of that, the dumb f@#k must have missed the memo that states that church and state are supposed to be separate. Does a lot of good for Oklahoma's image too. :nono:

...and you don't have responsibilities if you don't hold a political office?

the nation has many bigger problems than this problem is showing. we treat the problems usually like it's the sickness, while in reality it's only symptoms of the real sickness.

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...and you don't have responsibilities if you don't hold a political office?

the nation has many bigger problems than this problem is showing. we treat the problems usually like it's the sickness, while in reality it's only symptoms of the real sickness.

I have been to Oklahoma more than a few times. I have never met someone from Oklahoma that I did not like. In 1995, I gave three pints of blood to the victims of those who were injured in the Oklahoma City bombings. I am a rare blood type (AB -) and lied about my sexuality just to give blood to people who really needed it. Following the F5 tornado of 1999 and the F4's that hit OKC in 2003, I gave more blood (two pints each) for those who were injured. After hearing her words and feelings regarding the GLBT community, I was thinking of my blood being sent to people who were in need, and this is a slap in the face to me and every other gay person who gave to the people in and around Oklahoma City when they were in need. Gay, straight, doesn't matter. We're all people, and I would think that a woman from an area who received more than enough direct hits of tragedy would be more thankful for human beings as a whole, considering the outpouring of help they got from the rest of the PEOPLE (gay, straight, transgendered, jewish, muslim, buddhist, kabbalah, christian) in this country.

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Last year a gay councilman in Chapel Hill posted a link to a website spewing filth like that to the city's website so that people could see that such views still existed and were a problem that shouldn't be ignored. The people on the hate site started posting comments on the town website professing their beliefs and even threatening the councilman. To counter them, citizens started donating money to a pro-gay charity every time someone posted this hate speech. Needless to say, it shut them up pretty quickly.

Unfortunately, these people have been able to use the internet like a klan hood to hide behind as they spread their hate that they would never be bold enough to say in person.

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Frankly, what she has to say doesn't really bother me at all: it is so far 'out' there and full of untruths - any idiot can see she epitomizes the toothless, backwater mid-western trailer trash.

I particularly liked the bit about no state lasting more than a few decades that had some sort of gay agenda. :rolleyes:

Tell that to the Greeks. Their empire lasted a helluva long time and they were over-run by fags and dykes.

IMO, it is the religious zealots (of all stripes) that have done more damage to America, and to civilization in general than any 'gay agenda.' All her stupid arguments about gays having a lower life span, more suicides, etc. is the cart before the horse syndrome. Since some gays have problems coming to terms with themselves, thanks to toothless hags like this woman, then that is the cause of their emotional probems - not their homosexuality itself. If some teacher or guidance counselor (who is probably married) sought sex with children, it is more probably because they are afraid of their own feelings and can't come to terms with them. If kids could send valentine's cards to same sex people they had crushes on, openly date the same sex in highschool and have their parents equally excited when they took a same sex person to the prom, then and only then will these problems with suicide and other issues go away. How can dumb bitches like this not see that is the case? Do people like her seriously think that if children were educated and suddenly given a choice that 80% of them are suddenly going to 'turn' gay?

If her fears weren't so dangerous, they would be laughable.

News flash: there is no Gay Agenda, we only want the same rights as others and people to dress better. (Oh, and do their hair.) (Oh, and go to Penngintons and not Wal-Mart.)

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You guys are so awesome. I know there are people like her everywhere, it pisses me off she's from here. Even though we're in the bible belt, most people I know are cool, but most people I hang with are my generation or younger. I think my generation and younger are more open minded than our parents. Why can't people just see that as sh*tty as this world has become that none of this crap matters anymore. As hard as it is to get by anymore, why can't everybody be allowed to do what they want to find happiness. I don't give a damn what somebody does in the privacy of their own home as long as they are happy, decent citizens. I'm way more worried our suck a*s school system, government and our security. And yes I do think crazy back woods bible thumpers like her do believe it's a "disease", and it's going to "turn" our children gay. So sad...but again, please don't hold it against Oklahoma, we ran to NYC in force after 9/11. There are alot of great people here and it is a beautiful place, with great architecture, music, art, museums, and scenery. Hey we got Cains Ballroom. :lol: I was just so apalled at someone making those kinds of statements in public, I thought we had come farther than that. I've never heard something like that here.

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Why can't people just see that as sh*tty as this world has become that none of this crap matters anymore. As hard as it is to get by anymore, why can't everybody be allowed to do what they want to find happiness. I don't give a damn what somebody does in the privacy of their own home as long as they are happy, decent citizens. I'm way more worried our suck a*s school system, government and our security.

You are playing my tune with this part of your post.

Like my Dad used to say, our "leaders" are "worrying about $h! that ain't even $h!"

With all of the real problems facing us, wasting time taking asinine positions like this woman has is tantamount to professional malpractice.

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You guys are so awesome. I know there are people like her everywhere, it pisses me off she's from here. Even though we're in the bible belt, most people I know are cool, but most people I hang with are my generation or younger. I think my generation and younger are more open minded than our parents. Why can't people just see that as sh*tty as this world has become that none of this crap matters anymore. As hard as it is to get by anymore, why can't everybody be allowed to do what they want to find happiness. I don't give a damn what somebody does in the privacy of their own home as long as they are happy, decent citizens. I'm way more worried our suck a*s school system, government and our security. And yes I do think crazy back woods bible thumpers like her do believe it's a "disease", and it's going to "turn" our children gay. So sad...but again, please don't hold it against Oklahoma, we ran to NYC in force after 9/11. There are alot of great people here and it is a beautiful place, with great architecture, music, art, museums, and scenery. Hey we got Cains Ballroom. :lol: I was just so apalled at someone making those kinds of statements in public, I thought we had come farther than that. I've never heard something like that here.

Just don't tell her about you and your girlfriends that you mentioned in that other thread, or you just might end up with her holding a prayer meeting on your front lawn.

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Like my Dad used to say, our "leaders" are "worrying about $h! that ain't even $h!"

With all of the real problems facing us, wasting time taking asinine positions like this woman has is tantamount to professional malpractice.

And you have someone like Bush actually making an effort to make an amendment to the constitution to insure that gay people can never get married.....all in the order of "protecting the sanctity of marriage....."


What about all the stupid f*cks like Britney Spears....who got married in Las Vegas to a high-school friend.....only to get it annulled 55 hours later? Yeah....we need to keep "The Gays" from getting married so more and more straight people can "uphold the sanctity of marriage."

Oh and.....this gal not only got married a second time, had two babies, then got divorced....now I hear she's knocked up again....and unmarried.....

And people like this senator are worried about GAYS and their "immorality?"

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Why can't people just see that as sh*tty as this world has become that none of this crap matters anymore. As hard as it is to get by anymore, why can't everybody be allowed to do what they want to find happiness. I don't give a damn what somebody does in the privacy of their own home as long as they are happy, decent citizens. I'm way more worried our suck a*s school system, government and our security.

some words come to mind from a famous paper... "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" I wonder what happened to that piece of hemp paper. I bet someone a long time ago essentially scribbled over parts of it... and encased it for no one else to mess with.

edit: spelling

Edited by loki
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And you have someone like Bush actually making an effort to make an amendment to the constitution to insure that gay people can never get married.....all in the order of "protecting the sanctity of marriage....."


What about all the stupid f*cks like Britney Spears....who got married in Las Vegas to a high-school friend.....only to get it annulled 55 hours later? Yeah....we need to keep "The Gays" from getting married so more and more straight people can "uphold the sanctity of marriage."

Oh and.....this gal not only got married a second time, had two babies, then got divorced....now I hear she's knocked up again....and unmarried.....

And people like this senator are worried about GAYS and their "immorality?"

Yeah, and then you have all the hypocrisy...down in Colorado Springs there was this evangelical nutjob preacher Ted Haggard who was always railing against gays and immorality and preaching the 'family values' BS that the evangelicals obsess about, while he was secretly having an affair w/ a gay prostitute and had a coke habit..

I hate the hypocrisy of the 'moral majority'..they are neither.

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And you have someone like Bush actually making an effort to make an amendment to the constitution to insure that gay people can never get married.....all in the order of "protecting the sanctity of marriage....."


What about all the stupid f*cks like Britney Spears....who got married in Las Vegas to a high-school friend.....only to get it annulled 55 hours later? Yeah....we need to keep "The Gays" from getting married so more and more straight people can "uphold the sanctity of marriage."

Oh and.....this gal not only got married a second time, had two babies, then got divorced....now I hear she's knocked up again....and unmarried.....

And people like this senator are worried about GAYS and their "immorality?"

Britney Jean Spears was born in rural Louisiana, need I say more? :AH-HA_wink:

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I grew up in TexAss and Oklahoma was our good neighbor to the North, generally our two states share the same Southern Conservative values which is where I think this woman is coming from. She's pandering for that type vote and you know as well as I do that type of thinking is alive and well in the Bible belt.

I treat people the way they treat me, whether you're straight, gay, or bisexual, doesn't matter. TexAss is starting to change, but it's going to take a long time I think. I noticed the biggest changes in Houston and Dallas, the rest of TexAss maybe another 30 years or so. IMHO!

You know there is a town of Borger, Texas? Your relatives, perhaps?

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