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Ever Been Attracted to the Opposite Orientation?

The O.C.

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See, My partner likes British comedies and SciFi...

One gift for him has been the entire collection of "Are you Being Served"

Another gift for him has been the 10 season collection of "Stargate SG1"

We have Seasons 1 & 2 for the new BattleStar Galactica.

We have all the episodes for "Allo Allo"... Uhm... don't ask how. IIRC they're not all out on DVD yet.

As a gift from him, I received the entire collection of "Keeping Up Appearances"

He seems to think I remind him of Hyacinth. Love the show... but... <_<

He is a little like Richard... well, he will be in about 20 years. :lol:

Wow, sounds like we should have a movie night........... I named my cat Mrs. Slocum, until the Vet informed me that she was a he, so we dropped the Mrs. Luved the way Mrs. Slocum (with the new hair color of the week) used to talk about her pussy.

I used to watch Fawlty Towers, too. Huge fan of John Cleese. When I was running my two video stores I longed to run my business like that!

One of my friends gave me the first couple seasons of Smallville as a Christmas gag because I am in love with Tom Weller. The BF prefers his dad, which is fine by me.

To add what was said earlier, when I look at a hot woman (like Kelly LeBrock from an older generation), I do appreciate her 'hotness.' Put a woman like that in a tight skirt or revealing dress and I will turn my head, too. But the fewer clothes, the less interest. Bikinis can look hot on the right woman, but total nudity is a big YAWN.

Guys, on the other hand. Well, I would drive a Toyota for a week just to see Tom Weller naked for 5 minutes!

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One of my friends gave me the first couple seasons of Smallville as a Christmas gag because I am in love with Tom Weller. The BF prefers his dad, which is fine by me.

I got Smallville seasons 5 and 6....and let me tell you.....Aquaman and Green Arrow BOTH have it workin' WAY more than Welling.....and I'm a Tom Welling fan myself.....so you need to check out those later seasons.

Lots more action too.....lots more of "Superman" coming out of him......

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I went through the motions of dating girls in highschool, just to blend in. My closest friends knew I was gay. I dated one girl in grade 11 (hint: she was the Metal Queen of the mid-80s) because she was very proper (and actually quite beautiful, too) and I knew she wouldn't want me to 'put out.'

This one?

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This one?

Wow! That was fantastic. thanks for finding that. I frankly hadn't known that KELLY GREENING had become famous, until I bumped into a mutual friend in a downtown bar about 15 years ago. He asked me if I knew who Lee Aaron was, and I replied that yeah, all my employees listened to her (I have never been a metal fan). When Keith told me that Lee was actually my old Kelly, I nearly died.

It makes me wonder about the likes of Madonna and others. Kelly was a straight-A student, always did her homework, etc. AND (get this) had a small band together with a couple black guys and did DISCO at our highschool. So now she has moved onto jazz? She was always very talented. Yeah, she was very hot even at 16. I had to laugh when I heard she had become the 'metal queen.' It just shows how made up Hollywood and the music business truly is.

All my old highschool yearbooks got stolen in '81 when I moved between apartments, but I still have some old photos we took backstage of Kelly one night during a talent show. When I've shown the pics to the guys at work, they've blown a fuse.

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I've never had any attraction to the same sex...in fact, when I see women with "manly" chins and broad shoulders, etc. it kinda turns me off. Women that work out a lot and have big muscles is a turn off too. Physically fit and toned is fine.

I think all people can recognize attractiveness in both the same and opposite sex; you know when a guy looks better than yourself. For me there's no physical attraction...it's more of an envy that you wished you looked more like that.

One thing that I've noticed is that quite a few female friends of mine claim to have had bisexual leanings. I found out that the girl I was dating last semester is bisexual, and one of my close female friends has "thought" about doing things with other girls before. None of my guy friends are bisexual as far as I know. Does bisexuality affect girls more than guys, or is it just because the guys who are bisexual don't talk about it as much because of how they might be seen?

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I think some women find the power politics of sex exhausting and seek out female affection as a substitute. I have often bumped into foxy babes at gay dance clubs, who tell me that they are just there to get a little high, dance and have a good time without the BS of guys hitting on them. Not all women like sex. Maybe they were abused as a child or maybe they are afraid of the male physique. Let's face it - to a woman who has never been around before, a 'manly' man can be a pretty daunting prospect. A co-worker of mine (umpteen billion years ago), who was 17 at the time and (ahem) shall we say rather well endowed had a hard, er, difficult time finding female companionship because they were put off by the size of his appendage. (Frankly, I was totally aghast at their reluctance and even offered to intervene on their behalf, being the good Samaritan that I was.)

Most lesbian relationships that I know of (and I am making broad generalizations here - no pun intended), are more based on affection, cuddling, etc.; whereas, most male gay relationships are more passionate, sex based. One would imagine that the male-female arrangement would be a more 'natural' pairing of talents and expectations, but since our society is so generally terrified of sex, most young adults enter into relationships totally oblivious to sex and the opportunities therein. From what I have observed, a lot of hetero relationships fizzle and burn out because one of the partners is totally inept in the sack, or just plain scared to explore. Gay people tend to be more open to exploring, but often that can reach to insane heights. The old role over in the middle of the night, stick it in, 2 minute happy ending and then back to sleep can get old real fast.

Besides, women are raised to show their feelings more. At sleep-overs, the gals will often sleep in the same bed; whereas, the guys are probably too busy punching and kicking each other (which in of itself is a form of homo-eroticism, IMO).

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Wow! That was fantastic. thanks for finding that. I frankly hadn't known that KELLY GREENING had become famous, until I bumped into a mutual friend in a downtown bar about 15 years ago. He asked me if I knew who Lee Aaron was, and I replied that yeah, all my employees listened to her (I have never been a metal fan). When Keith told me that Lee was actually my old Kelly, I nearly died.

My pleasure.. Literally.. I was 17 when this video came out and it rocked my world :-). Being Canadian content, it was on tv a lot.

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I think some women find the power politics of sex exhausting and seek out female affection as a substitute. I have often bumped into foxy babes at gay dance clubs, who tell me that they are just there to get a little high, dance and have a good time without the BS of guys hitting on them. Not all women like sex. Maybe they were abused as a child or maybe they are afraid of the male physique. Let's face it - to a woman who has never been around before, a 'manly' man can be a pretty daunting prospect. A co-worker of mine (umpteen billion years ago), who was 17 at the time and (ahem) shall we say rather well endowed had a hard, er, difficult time finding female companionship because they were put off by the size of his appendage. (Frankly, I was totally aghast at their reluctance and even offered to intervene on their behalf, being the good Samaritan that I was.)

Most lesbian relationships that I know of (and I am making broad generalizations here - no pun intended), are more based on affection, cuddling, etc.; whereas, most male gay relationships are more passionate, sex based. One would imagine that the male-female arrangement would be a more 'natural' pairing of talents and expectations, but since our society is so generally terrified of sex, most young adults enter into relationships totally oblivious to sex and the opportunities therein. From what I have observed, a lot of hetero relationships fizzle and burn out because one of the partners is totally inept in the sack, or just plain scared to explore. Gay people tend to be more open to exploring, but often that can reach to insane heights. The old role over in the middle of the night, stick it in, 2 minute happy ending and then back to sleep can get old real fast.

Besides, women are raised to show their feelings more. At sleep-overs, the gals will often sleep in the same bed; whereas, the guys are probably too busy punching and kicking each other (which in of itself is a form of homo-eroticism, IMO).

i think you hit on a lot of things here. there are a lot of women who were raised to be almost 'anti-sexual' for one.

LOL on the two minute happy ending.

true also, many adults are too afraid to explore, or do not want to go out of their comfort zone. quite often its also the religious undertones scares many off from exploring. they think anything besides sex 101 is a sin.

mustang- i didn't think those kind of shenanigans went on at a wholesome place like IA st.!

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So I guess it's not as big a deal for women to be attracted to other women, so It'll probably come as no surprise that I am attracted to other women. I do notice pretty women, but most of my attraction is to my friends. But the feeling is mutual, we usually only do anything about it when we're drinking though. So...

Edited by gmpartsgirl
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:blush: now now, a girl has to have some secrets. Just drunk chicks making out, like you've never had that experience before. lol

Actually--that's pretty common with a lot of the girls I know. When we were in college, we'd get to parties, the girls would get drunk, stripping as a joke would commence, and some girls would kiss.

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I think all people can recognize attractiveness in both the same and opposite sex; you know when a guy looks better than yourself. For me there's no physical attraction...it's more of an envy that you wished you looked more like that.

Yep. Definitely an envy.

Course, hearing/reading about others' sexual conquests/experiences also tends to a bit of envy, too.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker

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"Your friends have shown a kink in the single life" ... The Raconteurs ... 'Steady As She Goes'

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There's one good thing to being a gay guy.......

------getting laid is BEYOND easy.....


Guys are guys....whether they are gay or straight....we are ALL horny....!!!!!

....and guys wanna get laid.....



Girls just jerk you straight boys around.......<ugh>

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There's one good thing to being a gay guy.......

------getting laid is BEYOND easy.....


Guys are guys....whether they are gay or straight....we are ALL horny....!!!!!

....and guys wanna get laid.....



Girls just jerk you straight boys around.......<ugh>

O.C., as a gay man, who's easier to get in bed, another gay man or a straight man? Also if you got him into bed, was he really straight in the 1st place? :scratchchin:

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:blush: now now, a girl has to have some secrets. Just drunk chicks making out, like you've never had that experience before. lol

unfortunately, the 80's at a midwestern university wasn't that cool or terribly frequent. nowadays i know that is fairly usual. why couldn't it have been more fun back then?

I have a theory that women love to make out as foreplay and guys probably don't kiss well, so girls like to kiss each other because they are better kissers and get turned on more by it than guys do. and they do it for practice. if they're drunk, they can just say, oh my i was drunk i didn't mean to do it.


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Actually--that's pretty common with a lot of the girls I know. When we were in college, we'd get to parties, the girls would get drunk, stripping as a joke would commence, and some girls would kiss.

that sounded very technical and informational. Didn't you enjoy watching that? ;)

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O.C., as a gay man, who's easier to get in bed, another gay man or a straight man? Also if you got him into bed, was he really straight in the 1st place? :scratchchin:

Oh....obviously another gay man......

I've messed around with a few guys that claimed they were "straight".....and even though they seemed "straight" I guess you really never know......

Perhaps the most interesting one was a friend of a former roommate.....now he worked at a gym, had a GREAT body, and always dated hot girls. He seemed the epitome of "straight".....and I had a huge crush on him anyways. (He was smokin')

One day, my roommate was gone, and he called relatively early in the morning and wanted to know if he could come "hang out" and have some coffee before he had to go into work. I said "sure." (Not unusual as he had hung out at our place before....)

Well, he came over and soon enough, the conversation moved into all about me being "gay." When did I realize? How did I "come out." All that stuff. THEN, (and I swear I never saw this comin') he told me he had thought about it before and wondered what it would be like to do stuff with another guy. I almost fell out of my chair....!!!!!!

So we talked for a bit longer and I helped him "Frasier Crane-like" analyze his feelings. Then, at one point....he looked at me....and asked me if I "wanted to help him try?"

Needless to say....we went upstairs and had a rock-roarin' time......!!!!!! (edit: I almost didn't do it....cause I didn't want to mess with his mind or anything, but he was insistent...and said he wanted his "first time" to be with someone that was a friend, at least friend of sorts.)

He came over one more time for some more action a few weeks down the road. However, after that, I never talked to him again and I wonder if he is now dating guys, or if he's still dating girls.

I don't know if he really is gay or just curious.....only time would have brought that answer to him.

But it was probably every gay-man's dream......a HOT, smokin', gym-bod "straight" guy that ASKS you to have your way with him!

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new subtopic. y'all ever envision another when you're going at it with the one at home? this morning i was just sh-ggin the mrs silly (really, it was sick) and i kept thinking, 'man what if it was 'so and so' in place or 'maybe one or 2 extra at the party would be a hoot right about now'.

you feel kinda guilty about it. you let is distract you for a bit and then you just get back to full speed. IYKWIM.

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Well, which one is it son? I'm dying to know!

There are 3 models (in the theory).

The idea is based in comparison to the only other model that can be compared-heterosexual relationships. Within those heterosexual relationships, the chief differentiation between two individuals is gender. In gay relationships, that natural difference doesn't exist. Therefore other differences are used.

First is one based on masculinity and femininity. One member of the relationship will take up masculine roles while the other has more feminine traits.

The second is based on age differences. A lot of time you will see one gay man who is in their 40's with another in their 20's. The 40 year old brings experience and stability into the relationship, while the 20 year old brings youth, charisma, and energy.

The third is actually a bit different. In this model, a twinning effect is seen. You'll often see two men from the same socioeconomic background, ethnic background, age, etc. together. They seem to throw out the entire concept of differentiation out in exchange for similarities.

And there you have it, is the secret... not really...

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I don't believe monogamy is natural. As a society, we have tried to enforce it for millenia, and it isn't working. IMO, a lot of straight couples just become unbelievably fat, stop looking after themselves and sit in front of the TV because they have grown bored of each other sexually. Rather than opening a can of worms about threesomes, swinger's clubs or 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell Alternate Fridays," they just bloat out and give up on sex. It is easier to say,"she won't have sex with me because I have a beer gut and haven't cleaned my toenails in 6 months," rather than admit you are just boring in bed.

Sex is waaaay too much fun to be left to amateurs. Then there is porno, which raises (no pun intended) people's expectations way too much. I was the chauffeur at my (now ex) brother-in-law's stag party. I drove 8 drunken straight guys to a stripper bar (my Caprice was a 9 passenger, boy did it get a work out that night!). I remember watching the ladies bumping and grinding on stage and thinking to myself, "My sister looks nothing like that. This is soooo cruel to Brian."

Gay relationships have a better chance of survival when they are open and honest with each other about their sexual expectations. For straight people, it seems like it is just too taboo to even mention. The trouble is, if one of the partners manages to hold onto their looks, they inevitably will stray. I guess 'threesomes' are more complicated for straight people because, obviously, one of the partners has to either be bisexual, or at least put up with the concept of 'it's your turn, honey.' I would bet half the marriages that break up could have been saved if the couple talked about 'opening' the relationship - or at least building a decent dungeon in the basement.

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i honestly couldn't say, but i wonder how many problems in marraiges today 'would not be problems' if the sex life between the two people was awesome and open etc.

Like would the piddly things man and woman fight about even be issues if the sex life was fresh, inventive, etc. and both were interested.

as for me, its not like i am tired of what i got by any stretch. its just that its kind of like you just want more, your appetite is what is big. can't have it though. it's like the chinese buffet. you can't overdo it.

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There are 3 models (in the theory).

The idea is based in comparison to the only other model that can be compared-heterosexual relationships. Within those heterosexual relationships, the chief differentiation between two individuals is gender. In gay relationships, that natural difference doesn't exist. Therefore other differences are used.

First is one based on masculinity and femininity. One member of the relationship will take up masculine roles while the other has more feminine traits.

The second is based on age differences. A lot of time you will see one gay man who is in their 40's with another in their 20's. The 40 year old brings experience and stability into the relationship, while the 20 year old brings youth, charisma, and energy.

The third is actually a bit different. In this model, a twinning effect is seen. You'll often see two men from the same socioeconomic background, ethnic background, age, etc. together. They seem to throw out the entire concept of differentiation out in exchange for similarities.

And there you have it, is the secret... not really...

That's interesting. Thanks for sharing that knowledge. I didn't know that.

I have had a few tricks with "cubs" in the late 20's, early 30 who like "Daddy bears", but I would never seek a relationship with them because I didn't want to support another partner and be "the daddy" anymore. It's nice to just be with someone and share good times and bad.

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unfortunately, the 80's at a midwestern university wasn't that cool or terribly frequent. nowadays i know that is fairly usual. why couldn't it have been more fun back then?

I have a theory that women love to make out as foreplay and guys probably don't kiss well, so girls like to kiss each other because they are better kissers and get turned on more by it than guys do. and they do it for practice. if they're drunk, they can just say, oh my i was drunk i didn't mean to do it.


The chicks definately make out at NDSU now-a-days!

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HA...the farm chicks aren't so much my style. I think NDSU has changed a lot since your day. There is still the S&S crowd, but a large majority of the kids who come up here now are from the Minneapolis suburbs and want to go to a good, decently sized college that isn't the U. Once they actually get to Fargo, they usually regret there decision, with the bitter cold winds and absolute lack of hills and trees. Most of them still stay though. Even though I am a farm kid, I don't hang out with that crowd much at all. Belt buckles and cowboy hats look ridiculous anyway.

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