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>>"Twelve-month long drop in world temperatures wipes out a century of warming.

Over the past year, anecdotal evidence for a cooling planet has exploded. China has its coldest winter in 100 years. Baghdad sees its first snow in all recorded history. North America has the most snowcover in 50 years, with places like Wisconsin the highest since record-keeping began. Record levels of Antarctic sea ice, record cold in Minnesota, Texas, Florida, Mexico, Australia, Iran, Greece, South Africa, Greenland, Argentina, Chile -- the list goes on and on.

{this morning the national weather predicted 36-degrees in central FL -balth}

No more than anecdotal evidence, to be sure. But now, that evidence has been supplanted by hard scientific fact. All four major global temperature tracking outlets (Hadley, NASA's GISS, UAH, RSS) have released updated data. All show that over the past year, global temperatures have dropped precipitously.

The total amount of cooling ranges from 0.65C up to 0.75C -- a value large enough to wipe out most of the warming recorded over the past 100 years. All in one year's time. For all four sources, it's the single fastest temperature change ever recorded, either up or down."<<

How's it go... oh yea: What goes up, must come down.

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Greenies are already claiming that this is due to global warming that we are seeing extreme weather conditions and that human activities are changing the pattern of the earth atmosphere.

The truth is given the age of the earth and its atmospheric condition, given human data capturing capability and given biased tendency of human nature, we may never know the reality.

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I have to say, this has been one of the mildest winters for us... we've had almost no snow--a couple of inches to date. Tomorrow night another snow-to-rain mix thing happening... where we'll get an inch and it'll wash away. At least it's not doing what it used to do--snow, turn to rain, freeze, then snow again on top of it.

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I have to say, this has been one of the mildest winters for us... we've had almost no snow--a couple of inches to date. Tomorrow night another snow-to-rain mix thing happening... where we'll get an inch and it'll wash away. At least it's not doing what it used to do--snow, turn to rain, freeze, then snow again on top of it.

That's happened a few times here, it's a pain in the ass.

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I have to say, this has been one of the mildest winters for us... we've had almost no snow--a couple of inches to date. Tomorrow night another snow-to-rain mix thing happening... where we'll get an inch and it'll wash away. At least it's not doing what it used to do--snow, turn to rain, freeze, then snow again on top of it.

In talking w/ my mom and brother, it sounds like they've had a lot of the snow/rain/freeze/snow cycle in Eastern Ohio this winter...sounds like it's been a rough one there.

It was a great day here in the Denver today--60 and sunny.

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Pretty heavy winter here in Eastern ND though. We've had at least a foot of snow on the ground at all times since middle of December. Quite a few -30 degree nights and a couple of weeks where it hardly got above zero...we are starting to see a little light at the end of the tunnel though. I was up in north eastern ND this weekend and they have even more. Over 2 feet easily and they got more today. Even all the fields are covered completely which rarely happens.

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Some people just don't get it.

Weather patterns are designed to fluctuate and balance over time. The fact that weather had this drastic of a correction in a one year period is alarming. I agree that global warming is made out to be much more imminent than it probably is, but the bottom line is that since the industrial revolution, the trendlines for climate has been completely insane.

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We've had a very snowy winter (yay :D). It's 18 degrees right now...more snow expected for tomorrow.

We're getting more snow tonight ... about 2 more inches are expected. It's been quite a see-saw winter, with lots of snow, then warmer temps to melt, then more snow.

But, it has also been bitterly cold, too, with subzero temps just about a few days after each snow.

I took some pics of the recent snows we've had and posted 'em here:



We're supposed to have temps in the 40s on Sunday ... followed by cooler temps the next week, but thankfully, mostly above freezing.

Is spring coming YET????

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker

WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"I guess the winter makes you laugh a little slower" ... Counting Crows ... 'A Long December'

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33 here in anderson sc. seems that each year since i've been around we see less and less snow til for a few years we didnt get any. mostly see the freezing rain and sleet. if we get snow its about 2". we had a "blizzard" here in '96 all of 6" in a 3 day period of time. as far as the warming thing goes they did a thing on the history channel or the discovery channel, cant remember which on the topic "Little ice age" it was very interesting stating that there is factual evidence of the planet both warming and cooling over short periods of time. citing one instance of warming that may have contributed to the black plague.

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33 here in anderson sc.

That's about the high we are supposed to have tomorrow (Friday).

And, shoot, cletus ... I missed you when I was in Anderson last fall ... to meet up with Kevin and Jared from the First Gen MC club ... and see this:


Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker

WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"Are we having fun yet?" ... Nickelback ... 'This Is How You Remind Me'

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Some people just don't get it.

Weather patterns are designed to fluctuate and balance over time. The fact that weather had this drastic of a correction in a one year period is alarming. I agree that global warming is made out to be much more imminent than it probably is, but the bottom line is that since the industrial revolution, the trendlines for climate has been completely insane.

I don't feel like getting into this argument. i just want to point out one thing. We have roughly 100 years of reliable and at least somewhat accurate temperature records. Who is there to say that 12 month drastic changes in weather haven't occurred before? or perhaps used to be very common before. 100 years of climate data is useful, don't get me wrong, but theres still 20,000+ years of human history that are unrecorded as far as climates go (at least descriptively recorded).

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It's 13 degrees out right now--and if I don't get my arse out in the next 5 minutes, I won't be there when the kids walk in :AH-HA_wink:

It just seems like a day you want to stay in bed all toasty and warm!

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That's about the high we are supposed to have tomorrow (Friday).

And, shoot, cletus ... I missed you when I was in Anderson last fall ... to meet up with Kevin and Jared from the First Gen MC club ... and see this:


Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker

WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"Are we having fun yet?" ... Nickelback ... 'This Is How You Remind Me'

holy, those are 2 sweet montes right there. is that coke monte the street legal race copy that was in hemmings muscle machines about 2 months ago?

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Well, here in SoCal, we've had what I can best describe as a more "normal" winter.

Usually we get periods of rain from the end of November through May. Last year, we almost didn't get a drop of rain. This year, it's been more typical. We'll have a week or so of on-and-off rain, then followed usually by a week of paradise.....sunny skies, temps in the late-60's at the coast to mid-80s a bit more inland.

This last week, it has been glorious......even where I live, a scant 3 miles inland from the beach.....we've had constant sunshine and 3-4 days of mid-80's weather. Funny thing is....even with those warm daytime temps, we still get down to the mid-40's at night.

Forecast is for more sunny weather through the weekend....then we'll probably get our next stretch of cooler temps and rain.

A funny thing here is the micro-climates we get. I can remember a few weeks ago, during one of our stetches of rain, all the newscasts were talking about wide-ranging rainstorms. However, here in south O.C., we had 2-3 days of bright, sunny weather. However, when I drove about 30miles north towards L.A. to about the Long Beach city limits, all of a sudden the skys darkened and the weather changed dramatically. Got home, sunshine again. Wierd watching NBC news and them showing scenes around L.A. with all the rain and the traffic clogged delays due to weather....and looking out of my windows (45mins south of downtown L.A.) and seeing nothing but blue skies....

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Apparently averages over time mean nothing to you people.

You can't take the average for the past 100 years then suddenly change the timescale to 12 months.

and temperature is not a cumulative effect... a dramatic drop in temperatures over 12 months does not "wipe out" the damage and averages of the previous 1,200 months.

NONE of the above means we shouldn't do our best to reduce our use of fossil fuels to remove dependence on the middle east nor should we stop doing our best to reduce the creation of pollution.

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Apparently averages over time mean nothing to you people.

You can't take the average for the past 100 years then suddenly change the timescale to 12 months.

and temperature is not a cumulative effect... a dramatic drop in temperatures over 12 months does not "wipe out" the damage and averages of the previous 1,200 months.

NONE of the above means we shouldn't do our best to reduce our use of fossil fuels to remove dependence on the middle east nor should we stop doing our best to reduce the creation of pollution.

You've hit the proverbial nail-on-the-head.

Plus, look at today's cars and trucks. Wildly better-performing than anything in the last 20-30 years, while getting as good or, more times than not, better fuel economy.....all the while utilizing much-cleaner powertrains.

A Malibu with a V6 engine (not to mention the Camry, Accord, Altima V6s) will outrun easily many of the top (edit....re: mainstream) "performance" cars of the last 3 decades.....while still achieving fuel economy as good or better than their predecessors (that 20 years ago went 0-60 in around 3-4 seconds slower....with similar or even worse fuel economy over what we get today.)

I also was just reading the MT comparo on full-size sport utilities. Now no one can claim these beasts are fuel-efficient.....but I was astonished at the new Sequoia. 0-60 in a sports-car-rivaling 6.2 secs.....while averaging 13-14mpg......about what a full-size SUV of 20 years ago would average....with far less power, torque, refinement, towing ability, etc.....

Edited by The O.C.
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Apparently averages over time mean nothing to you people.

You can't take the average for the past 100 years then suddenly change the timescale to 12 months.

and temperature is not a cumulative effect... a dramatic drop in temperatures over 12 months does not "wipe out" the damage and averages of the previous 1,200 months.

NONE of the above means we shouldn't do our best to reduce our use of fossil fuels to remove dependence on the middle east nor should we stop doing our best to reduce the creation of pollution.

Oh I agree, but it's nice to have a real winter for once, and I felt like pointing out that it was 5 degrees. :P

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Apparently averages over time mean nothing to you people.

You can't take the average for the past 100 years then suddenly change the timescale to 12 months.

and temperature is not a cumulative effect... a dramatic drop in temperatures over 12 months does not "wipe out" the damage and averages of the previous 1,200 months.

NONE of the above means we shouldn't do our best to reduce our use of fossil fuels to remove dependence on the middle east nor should we stop doing our best to reduce the creation of pollution.

I agree.

the only 2 things about that info that could be wrong is if "fossil fuel" is a misnomer and it is endless for the length of our dependence on it, and only if every day out of the year breaks a record, somehow... not likely at all, provided no nuclear winter.

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Pssh, it's 5 degrees here right now. :P

It turns out it was a smart move to go to work... I left the 13 degree cold morning and walked into a balmy 50 degree classroom--while the classroom across the hall had to have been 85. Gotta love the efficiency of "the lowest bidder" when building a new school...

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It turns out it was a smart move to go to work... I left the 13 degree cold morning and walked into a balmy 50 degree classroom--while the classroom across the hall had to have been 85. Gotta love the efficiency of "the lowest bidder" when building a new school...

Oh the stories I could tell you...

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Its been a rather cold and snowy winter here, right now it's 0c or 32F. Lets forget about climate change and focus on immediate environment damage. We all know about smog but how many know about the footprint that "new" oil finds are leaving. I work at the Suncor Oil Sands in Fort McMurray and Its surreal (It is the plant featured the the documentary). Take a look at the documentary:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ilv8enuRp9g...feature=related

Edited by Cremazie
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holy, those are 2 sweet montes right there. is that coke monte the street legal race copy that was in hemmings muscle machines about 2 months ago?


Indeedy it is!

Two people also signed the car for him:



Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker

WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"You might miss what you left behind" ... Dierks Bentley ... 'Slow Down'

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wow, that things a beast, i cant fathom the man hours invested in that car alone.

Tell me about it.

As I noted in one of those pics, it sure did not look like that when I visited Kevin 2 years ago during my 2005 road trip. It was, at that point, just a shell (more or less) with a few ideas attached to it. The amount of time and effort and work he (and others) put into that car the last 2 years is simply phenomenal. He has a few other cars, including the '70 MC seen in a few of the pics ... and a older model Cadillac station wagon.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker

WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"I could never get enough" ... Eddy Raven ... 'I Could Use Another You'

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