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Thank You, C&G

The O.C.

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Well, I don't know what's in me tonight.....maybe it's the glass of wine going to my head.....but I've been going through somewhat of a tough time lately, and while soaking in the hot tub in my complex and drinking my wine, I was thinking about some of the positive things in my life and wierdly so, my mind wandered to C&G. Everyone knows...I'm quite the opinionated critic on here when it comes to cars, but I don't usually post too much personal stuff on here....so here goes.....

Now, I'm older (37) than alot of you (most of you?) and I didn't grow up in the internet age. Truth be told, C&G is the ONLY website of this sort that I go on and post comments/blogs to. Lord knows, it seems like it's tough enough to find time to contribute to C&G.....let alone the myriad other sites out there.

But I've come to realize that we live in another age today. I met my ex online.....and I met my current BF online.....and I've realized what true enjoyment I get out of my "friends" online here at C&G.

Even those of you on here that I banter with the most (ok maybe "fight" is a better word? lol) like Oldsmoboi and CARBIZ.....I still think fondly of you guys and don't think my time on here would be as lively, and yes, enjoyable......if it wasn't for the "back-and-forth" we get into sometimes. Maybe that's what, in the real, non-online world, makes friends stay true. You can have common interests and things that bring you together.....but when you have disagreements, or battles, you can still ultimately look past them.

Oldsmoboi....for example....he and I really get into it alot of times. But when he posted about breaking up with his ex a while back, my heart sank for him. I truly felt like I would feel for a friend that had the same thing happen. Sounds like he has someone new in his life now, and I couldn't be happier for him.

And Fly.....I don't know where the f*ck that little bastard went, but I miss him. We also went at it alot. But not seeing him on here makes me feel....I don't know....sad?.....as it sounds like alot of you also feel....

Am I alone in thinking this way? Do I need to "get a life" because I'm thinking about "friends" that I've never even met in person? Maybe I'm just psycho? Who knows....

Then there was that brief chance to meet NOS in person at NAIAS. We only had about 30mins to hang.....but it was so cool to actually meet someone that I'd been chatting with for so long. Even though maybe NOS and I didn't chat or banter that much with each other, it was still really cool to <gasp> shake his actual hand...! LOL. He's a sweetheart.....and even after just meeting him in person for 30mins, when I see him posts things like about the girl he loves, I kinda feel like I can relate....just that little bit more....it's wierd....

So....I'm not going anywhere....but I just wanted to slap down some feelings on here. We're all on here for a reason....and I hope none of us ever take for granted what our "friendships" on C&G have brought us.....

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Dude, it's mutual. That's why I've been coming back for this long (I'm positive it's been seven years now). This is a family to me. We're a really close-knit community and I think that's a great trait. I've had the honor of meeting many of you in person: O.C., smallchevy, knightfan, schuby, mightymouse, AAS, Josh (haha), and maybe even some others (I apologize if I'm missin' ya). I really want to meet more of you, too.. I especially want to take a route through PA one day and meet all of our members through there because I know there are a ton of you.

But anyway, I agree completely. This is where I come if I rant. I don't usually go back to my family about a lot of this stuff, I come to you guys or one of my two best friends if I have something I need to get out. Hell, I've posted everything from relationships, to being pissed, being drunk, making fun of trolls, having whore threads, etc. You're not alone in this, my friend. Just keep living it up!

Oh, and you're definitely not old, or one of the oldest, on the site.

Edited by NOS2006
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Dude, it's mutual. That's why I've been coming back for this long (I'm positive it's been seven years now). This is a family to me. We're a really close-knit community and I think that's a great trait. I've had the honor of meeting many of you in person: O.C., smallchevy, knightfan, schuby, mightymouse, Josh (haha), and maybe even some others (I apologize if I'm missin' ya). I really want to meet more of you, too.. I especially want to take a route through PA one day and meet all of our members through there because I know there are a ton of you.

But anyway, I agree completely. This is where I come if I rant. I don't usually go back to my family about a lot of this stuff, I come to you guys or one of my two best friends if I have something I need to get out. Hell, I've posted everything from relationships, to being pissed, being drunk, making fun of trolls, having whore threads, etc. You're not alone in this, my friend. Just keep living it up!

Oh, and you're definitely not old, or one of the oldest, on the site.

Thanks bud....

I've always said a C&G reunion would be a total hoot......I don't know where we'd have it.....I'd offer to sponser it, but I know $$$ travel to SoCal would be prohibitive for alot of people on here.....but I'd do it if people wanted to....LOL

Maybe someone in PA will sponsor it....? Our midwesterners could travel by car easily.....east coasters could travel easily.....and lord knows I have enough frequent flyer miles that I could make it out there with little problem....

.....maybe a reunion....in....



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I don't know much about him......prolly not as much as some of you guys.....but I do know that I got QUITE defensive when that poster came on that other thread and was like threatening him.....saying he was gonna turn him into GM and &#036;h&#33;.....

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As odd as it (the concept of online "family"/friends) sounds, I do agree... It was cool to MEET NOS AT NAIAS '06(?). And, I have to admit, while driving around the O.C. or L.A. I always think how fun it would be to spot a fellow C&G'er on the road (then of course post about it in the car spotters thread).

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Thanks bud....

I've always said a C&G reunion would be a total hoot......I don't know where we'd have it.....I'd offer to sponser it, but I know $$ travel to SoCal would be prohibitive for alot of people on here.....but I'd do it if people wanted to....LOL

Maybe someone in PA will sponsor it....? Our midwesterners could travel by car easily.....east coasters could travel easily.....and lord knows I have enough frequent flyer miles that I could make it out there with little problem....

.....maybe a reunion....in....



Yeah talk about reunion. Fly and I were planning to have C&G reunion at GM Heritage center when the weather was good. I think he knew a way by which we could find a tour for the day and then have dinner at some restaurant he mentioned.

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As odd as it (the concept of online "family"/friends) sounds, I do agree... It was cool to MEET NOS AT NAIAS '06(?). And, I have to admit, while driving around the O.C. or L.A. I always think how fun it would be to spot a fellow C&G'er on the road (then of course post about it in the car spotters thread).

Hey.....until we get a country-wide reunion going.....

I'd LOVE to host a SoCal gathering....! There's plenty enough of us here.....(of course anyone else outside of CA would be welcome).......I envision a Saturday morning romp to "Cars and Coffee" in Irvine followed by lots of drinking and partying afterwards.......(for those that partake, you see....).....and LOTS of talking about cars.....

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I don't know much about him......prolly not as much as some of you guys.....but I do know that I got QUITE defensive when that poster came on that other thread and was like threatening him.....saying he was gonna turn him into GM and &#036;h&#33;.....

Yeah, as teasing as he is sometimes, when the chips are down, he's family too :lol:

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Well, well, well, my wife thinks so. :AH-HA_wink: O.C. Thanks for defending my honor the other day, but der Börger is well protected within GM, besides how did that guy know that when he called 1-800-RAT-U-OUT that I wouldn't answer the phone? :P Anyway I'm older than you I will be 39 in June. As for NOS keep your paws off of him as Mrs. PCS wants to turn him every which way but loose. All in all if I were you I would prescribe two new GM cars of your choice and call me in the morning. :smilewide:

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Well, well, well, my wife thinks so. :AH-HA_wink: O.C. Thanks for defending my honor the other day, but der Börger is well protected within GM, besides how did that guy know that when he called 1-800-RAT-U-OUT that I wouldn't answer the phone? :P Anyway I'm older than you I will be 39 in June. As for NOS keep your paws off of him as Mrs. PCS wants to turn him every which way but loose. All in all if I were you I would prescribe two new GM cars of your choice and call me in the morning. :smilewide:

'08 CTS DI, 6-speed manual, loaded..........and a Z06 for fun.

And...BTW....NOS is a HOTTIE in person....for those gay boys on here....he's got it WORKIN'.....(sorry NOS....don't get offended)...that chick he's after better treat him like a GOD....!

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Dude, it's mutual. That's why I've been coming back for this long (I'm positive it's been seven years now). This is a family to me. We're a really close-knit community and I think that's a great trait. I've had the honor of meeting many of you in person: O.C., smallchevy, knightfan, schuby, mightymouse, AAS, Josh (haha), and maybe even some others (I apologize if I'm missin' ya). I really want to meet more of you, too.. I especially want to take a route through PA one day and meet all of our members through there because I know there are a ton of you.

But anyway, I agree completely. This is where I come if I rant. I don't usually go back to my family about a lot of this stuff, I come to you guys or one of my two best friends if I have something I need to get out. Hell, I've posted everything from relationships, to being pissed, being drunk, making fun of trolls, having whore threads, etc. You're not alone in this, my friend. Just keep living it up!

Oh, and you're definitely not old, or one of the oldest, on the site.

I feel pretty much the same way as NOS......it's like an extended family thing here......

I wouldn't mind meeeting up with some of the Michigan people here...even if most of you guys live on the east side... :AH-HA_wink:

I wouldn't too much about the age thing O.C., as many of us are not far behind you.... :yes:

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Well, well, well, my wife thinks so. :AH-HA_wink: O.C. Thanks for defending my honor the other day, but der Börger is well protected within GM, besides how did that guy know that when he called 1-800-RAT-U-OUT that I wouldn't answer the phone? :P Anyway I'm older than you I will be 39 in June. As for NOS keep your paws off of him as Mrs. PCS wants to turn him every which way but loose. All in all if I were you I would prescribe two new GM cars of your choice and call me in the morning. :smilewide:

Hey, I'm glad your back buddy.....we missed ya.... :yes:

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haha Thanks for the compliments, OC. However, I must say, I am already taken by both Mrs. PCS and C&G's first lady, Staceface. :P

How long ago did you stop working for GM again? I don't remember. C&G has been around for.. 8 or 9 years now? I think I came about 1.5-2 years after it started.

Dave: I, too, wouldn't mind meeting up with the other Michigan C&Gers. I know there are a few of us... We should try to make something happen in the summer or something.

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haha Thanks for the compliments, OC. However, I must say, I am already taken by both Mrs. PCS and C&G's first lady, Staceface. :P

How long ago did you stop working for GM again? I don't remember. C&G has been around for.. 8 or 9 years now? I think I came about 1.5-2 years after it started.

Dave: I, too, wouldn't mind meeting up with the other Michigan C&Gers. I know there are a few of us... We should try to make something happen in the summer or something.

Yep, that could work-maybe even spring, since we all want our cars out like..now.

Bring on spring! :thumbsup:

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haha Thanks for the compliments, OC. However, I must say, I am already taken by both Mrs. PCS and C&G's first lady, Staceface. :P

How long ago did you stop working for GM again? I don't remember. C&G has been around for.. 8 or 9 years now? I think I came about 1.5-2 years after it started.

Dave: I, too, wouldn't mind meeting up with the other Michigan C&Gers. I know there are a few of us... We should try to make something happen in the summer or something.

June of 1999.....I cut my ties with GM....!

But I didn't hear about C&G until many years later.......

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You're not crazy, either that or many of us are! I keep coming back here not only because it is, despite being a GM board, an excellent place to get up to date automotive news from all of the companies, but because I like the close feeling of the community here. This is the first forum I've ever been dedicated too, most I loose interest very quickly, and even though I post sometimes on Dodgetalk now, it's not with the same regularity. I think that's mainly because I've gotten to know a lot of you guys and I enjoy the conversations and discussions we have. Plus I've met some cool people through this site (Sixty8, XP) and want to meet more down the road.

There should be a C&G meet in New England!

Edited by Dodgefan
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With so many "home bases" spread all over the country, it'd be hard to come up with a single spot to have a big meet. So far, I've been able to meet up with some of you at Hershey, Carlisle, and Camino's house. It'd be cool to meet up with more of you guys sometime.
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Wow, some of you guys like stayin' up late on a weeknight! :lol:

OC, you are Spring chicken, compared to me (although I do TELL people I am 37, ha, ha). The 'fights' are what makes this place lively, sir. It would be about as monotonous as talking to my sister if everyone here agreed. Besides, it's all good practice when one comes across 'import humpers' in the real world. And ya never know, sometimes you do pick up the odd tid-bit about how the 'other side' thinks.

I used to haunt Toyota Nation for a while, but that place was scary. I didn't post much there, just observe. Still, I felt I was in a bad episode of Twilight Zone, so I stopped. I don't have a lot of time for the internet. It seems that whenever the BF sees me on C&G, he catches me staring at a pic of BV :P and thinks I am on some twink porno site!

I may come across as one of the more 'forgiving' members on the board because I am not as 'demanding' (perhaps) in what I expect a vehicle to do and because I have lived through much worse - the Eighties, for example. My partner thinks I take life too seriously, but I get frustrated when I see both our countries changing for the worse and most people too oblivious or selfish to notice or care. That includes Detroit. I ran my own company for 11 years, so I have a pretty good idea how getting kicked from all sides can be rough, so that may make me a little more sympathetic to Detroit's plight, too.

And as a general rule, I try to stay off C&G Saturday evening (which is the only time I drink, or worse), because I tend to be even more type-first-think-later :lol:

It would be a blast to meet someplace with a bunch of the east coast/midwest types. I used to make weekend excursions to Chicago, Buffalo, Montreal, even down into the Allegheny State Forest (in my younger days.)

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Well O.C., I 'd like to echo all of the sentiments above. You and I have locked horns a time or two (okay, maybe more than two), but I have always considered you to be a positive part of C&G. You bring a level of professional input to the site that is essential to quality debate.

I joined C&G at the very end of 2001, as member #15 (or thereabouts). It amazes me not only that it has become such a huge part of my life, but that the site has attracted and maintained such a loyal group for whom this place has really become our home on the internet. The fact that C&G is still here after all that time is really amazing, and the reason is the membership and the very real sense of community we have developed here. So no, O.C., you are not alone in how you feel about this place.

As for a meet, we are planning on getting as many of us together as we can for the All GM Nationals in Carlisle this year. I can't think of a more natural venue for a gathering of the C&G family and our cars.

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As for a meet, we are planning on getting as many of us together as we can for the All GM Nationals in Carlisle this year. I can't think of a more natural venue for a gathering of the C&G family and our cars.

For those of us too lazy or retarded to read (me), when is that again? I would like to attend if at all possible.

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I'd be down for a SoCal meet up sometime. But Irvine? Let's go someplace with some character or something. One of the beach cities, Santa Monica or even Pasadena.

Ah.....but Irvine has "Cars and Coffee" every Saturday morning.....held in the parking lot at the Ford PAG building......one helluva car show......as for character, we can hit Laguna Beach for brunch afterwards......(10mins away)

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Thanks bud....

I've always said a C&G reunion would be a total hoot......I don't know where we'd have it.....I'd offer to sponser it, but I know $$$ travel to SoCal would be prohibitive for alot of people on here.....but I'd do it if people wanted to....LOL

Maybe someone in PA will sponsor it....? Our midwesterners could travel by car easily.....east coasters could travel easily.....and lord knows I have enough frequent flyer miles that I could make it out there with little problem....

.....maybe a reunion....in....



Well O.C., I 'd like to echo all of the sentiments above. You and I have locked horns a time or two (okay, maybe more than two), but I have always considered you to be a positive part of C&G. You bring a level of professional input to the site that is essential to quality debate.

I joined C&G at the very end of 2001, as member #15 (or thereabouts). It amazes me not only that it has become such a huge part of my life, but that the site has attracted and maintained such a loyal group for whom this place has really become our home on the internet. The fact that C&G is still here after all that time is really amazing, and the reason is the membership and the very real sense of community we have developed here. So no, O.C., you are not alone in how you feel about this place.

As for a meet, we are planning on getting as many of us together as we can for the All GM Nationals in Carlisle this year. I can't think of a more natural venue for a gathering of the C&G family and our cars.

I belive it is in June, but I'll have to check on the dates. Expect some official C&G info. on this soon.

Okay, the date for the All-GM Nationals show at the Carlisle Fairgrounds in Carlisle, PA (central PA, not too far off exit 226 of the PA Turnpike) is Friday June 20 through Sunday, June 22. I of course will only be able to attend on Saturday (21st) myself, and Camino & I have talked about arranging a C&G group meet there (there is a way for your "car club" to meet and park on the grounds of the show). Camino, we'll need to chat about this more in PM, if you're still interested. :AH-HA_wink:

And here's a link to the show's webpage: http://www.carsatcarlisle.com/gm/index.asp

Anyone interested? I'd like to see how many would *possibly* attend.

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Here's the event details menu, right off the webpage link I posted:



June 20-22, 2008 is right around the corner!

Don’t be left out in the cold. Pre-register TODAY!

Here are few of the highlights. However, keep checking back for updates and the latest news hot off the presses! The All-GM Nationals forum and our web site will have the latest news available. Not to mention comments from those planning to attend. (Click here for the AGM Forum).


The General will be here in full force with concepts, celebrities, displays and test drives. Check out your favorite model and take a test drive. Perhaps it’s time for that new car? Come celebrate 100 years with The General and friends.

IMPALA-50TH Anniversary

While General Motors Corporation celebrates 100 years in business, we will focus on the 50th Anniversary of the Impala. Register your Impala as part of a special display celebrating the birth of one of the most popular models ever produced by The General. This is a GREAT chance for everyone to enjoy a huge number of Impalas in a special display area. The cars will be assigned to various classes of stock and modified and participant balloting will determine first, second and third place for each class. Awards will be given to class winners and other selected awards will be a part of this event. You don’t want to miss this one!

50TH Anniversary - ALL 1958 GM Makes & Models

1958 is known as the year of change in the auto industry. Many models were changed drastically this year. After the success of the Shoe Box era, GM made many changes to their product lines resulting in some truly unique one-of-a-kind vehicles that remain popular and highly collectable today. The 1958 Impala is just one fine example. Come and see more!

If you own a 1958 Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Olds, Pontiac, or other GM brand, this will be a GIGANTIC event that you don’t want to miss! We will display 1958 General Motors production vehicles in a special area that will include makes & models of this spectacular year of automobile. The cars will be assigned to various classes and participant balloting will determine first, second and third place for each class. Awards will be given to class winners and other selected awards will be a part of this event.


NOTE: Building “T” will house a special Invitational Display of Impalas and other GM vehicles of significance. To have your Impala or other Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Oldsmobile or Pontiac considered for the indoor invitational display, please complete the 2008 Invitational Display Form and send it with photos of the exterior, interior and engine along with any magazine coverage and a description of vehicle to:

Carlisle Events

Attn: GM Invitational Display (Rick)

1000 Bryn Mawr Rd

Carlisle, PA 17013

This is not a competition area. Vehicles selected to be part of the display will need to arrive on Thursday, June 19th before 7pm and remain in the building until 3pm Sunday, June 22nd. There is no admission fee, but display space is limited so don’t hesitate. The display is open to ALL General Motors produced vehicles – from custom to original. Vehicle selection will be determined based on quality of craftsmanship. All selections will receive a recognition plaque.


The American Camaro Association (www.AmericanCamaro.org) is back hosting their tenth anniversary Camaros at Carlisle here at the All-GM Nationals. Judging your Camaro is Not Required. Over 500 Camaros Expected, 49 Classes in 10 Levels, From non-judged to concours, 2 Goodie Bags for Early Registrants, Hundreds of door Prizes, Huge Classic Car Corral (Over 200 Cars), and Camaro Memorabilia Auction.

This year the call goes out to the other F-Body, sister of the Camaro, the Firebird. We’re looking to see 1000 F-Bodies gathered on our show field. The ACA has done their part in gathering over half of that number every year with the Camaro. Let’s see those Firebirds, Formulas and Trans Am F-Bodies make that magical number and see Scott Settlemire have to sit down and take a breath after viewing all that F-Body finery!


The immortal star of the movie will make a personal appearance at the show. This in honor of The General’s 100 year anniversary, and to trumpet the second coming of one of his sons, the newest Camaro, due to be released in 2009. John Fitzgerald and Scott Settlemire will hold a Transformer Signing Session. So bring your Transformer toys and make them special! There will be a Transformer Movie Display at the Auction conducted by the American Camaro Association.


If another incentive is necessary, here it is. Pontiac Enthusiast Magazine is sponsoring the “Pontiac Pavilion”. This will be home to some of the cover & feature cars that graced the pages of their magazine over the last couple of years. Want to be a Feature Car and grace the pages of their magazine? You’ll have to be here and be a part of the All-GM Nationals to be considered. ALL the Pontiac classes will be located in close proximity of the “Pontiac Pavilion”. This will make it easier for the editors and photographers to find your ride, and quite possibly make “Your Car A Star” here at the All-GM Nationals. Don’t be left out of the party.


We will be conducting seminars on drag racing for those interested in taking a trip down the 1320! Well actually, the newly renovated Quarter Aces Drag-O-Way (formerly South Mountain Dragway) is 660 feet, or a one-eighth mile track. This program is for first-timers as well as those who have a burning passion to acquire a greater knowledge of drag racing techniques. Conducting the seminars will be some of drag racing’s most notable stars, like Bruce Larson. He will be joined by other drag racing stars to teach the tricks of the trade they have perfected over the years of storied competition. It will begin on the Carlisle Events fairgrounds with a “chalkboard” explanation of some the terms, tricks and techniques required to have a good drag racing experience. Learning how to be competitive, if that is your goal, will be offered as well. Following the “chalkboard” session, is a “Trip to the Track” where the stars will continue to share their tricks and techniques of drag racing on the racing surface. There will be exhibition passes made by the “Great Ones” in some the actual surviving drag cars from yesteryear. You will then be able to make passes in your car with training from the “Great Ones” making your trip down the track more fun and enjoyable. Who knows, some of you may take home a trophy from your “trip to the track”.

On top of all this, we still have our very popular “regular” features. They include the Manufacturers Midway, Swap Meet Vendors, Awesome Food Vendors, Beauty Contest, Burnout Contest, Rock Crawling Display and the Dyno. New for this year is the Mechanical Bull. Yup that’s right, a mechanical bull will be available for those who think they can “ride with the herd”. Or just hang around watching others try to stay on the bull. That should make for some good visual entertainment. Perhaps we can “encourage” some kind of bull riding contest? Hmmm….

Take a look at the 2007 recap and see what fun we had. Don’t miss all the fun and action at the General’s Grand Celebration!

Please note: No "For Sale" signs on the show field. If you would like to sell your vehicle, please call 717-243-7855 to reserve a corral space.

$30 – Advance Registration Fee: This includes all activities available at the event. However, all registration fees will increase $10 June 02, 2008. Registration includes weekend admission for two people. After registering, a receipt will be mailed to you via regular mail - please bring this receipt to the event.

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There is just something about this place that keeps people coming back...

I've wanted to quit the site numerous times, and actually did once, but I just can't seem to stay away.

As far as the people here; I feel the same way in that I consider everyone to be an extended family. A lot of times my negativity and sarcasm come across in a way that offends people, but I respect the heck out of everyone here (yes, even my new 'arch enemy' enzl :)) I promise, I'm actually a really nice guy despite what my online persona portrays.

It all boils down to a difference of opinion and that's what makes the place so great. I'm not nearly as closed minded as I used to be because I've learned so much from people here with differing opinions.

Online interactions is a very interesting field of study in Psychology and that's one reason why the board fascinates me so much. I wouldn't know most of you if you passed me on the street, yet I still feel sadness when you experience hard times and happiness when something great happens.

I was thinking the other day; I've posted with some of you for the better part of a decade now. Through good times and bad, well really, horrible times for the company we kept standing strong and pretty much built a family of sorts. Nothing like a little adversity to unite folks.

EDIT: I would definitely be interested in attending.

Edited by FUTURE_OF_GM
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Ouch, I won't know until sometime in June if I can go to the Carlisle meet up or not. My final exams are June 19-21st, depending on the class. And it seems like I have a Saturday exam every semester, and Carlisle is an 8.25 hour trip from Flint, plus stopping by home to drop off all my stuff from school.

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The O.C. - sorry I :hijacked: your thread with a plug for a C&G gathering in Carlisle. I, like you, feel that this place is a BIG part of my life; if my computer is down at home, I'll find other ways to get back on :P I can't leave this place for a couple of days without wondering what is going on in my absence. If I attend overnight conferences or trips, I'll use a hotel computer (even if I have to pay out of my pocket for Internet time) just to stay "connected".

Now, back to the :hijacked:'ing

If there are 25 members willing to bring their GM car/truck and show it off as part of a car club (C&G Car Club?), we'd be able to get reduced admission and a FREE 20x20 club tent to use. If we have less than 25 cars/trucks, then we are going to be charged $160 for the tent in addition to the admission costs. Just some food for thought.

So not to take away from The O.C.'s post, please see this thread to continue the All-GM Nationals Gathering discussion.

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Ah.....but Irvine has "Cars and Coffee" every Saturday morning.....held in the parking lot at the Ford PAG building......one helluva car show......as for character, we can hit Laguna Beach for brunch afterwards......(10mins away)

OK you've sold me on it. It'll have to be a Saturday, though as the rest of the days of my week are generally packed.

Edited by Croc
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Ouch, I won't know until sometime in June if I can go to the Carlisle meet up or not. My final exams are June 19-21st, depending on the class. And it seems like I have a Saturday exam every semester, and Carlisle is an 8.25 hour trip from Flint, plus stopping by home to drop off all my stuff from school.


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