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EVERY stinking car article today is about some dickwad who finds some study about how ethanol has 5 times the carbon footprint of oil, or how America's love for cupholders shows how we will pay the price for ignoring the environment.

A merc sable (huge car) tests out 20 mpg and gets ripped on. why, because it a volvo c30 gets ONE more mpg?

or how GM is killing all large cars so they can sell us all small cars, which no one wants.

every internet story today about cars and the automtive industry seems to degenerate into some SIDE BULLSH1T about the environment and global warming.

how in the Flock do we get from ripping people about cupholders and saying that's the reason for the demise of our environment?

Lutz was right. ITS ALL A CROCK OF SHT. i suppose some dillhole is going to write an article about how the power used by our windshield wipers causes the downfall of society. MY GOD PEOPLE GET A GRIP.

can we talk about the CARS please?????????????????????????

Edited by regfootball
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EVERY stinking car article today is about some dickwad who finds some study about how ethanol has 5 times the carbon footprint of oil, or how America's love for cupholders shows how we will pay the price for ignoring the environment.

A merc sable (huge car) tests out 20 mpg and gets ripped on. why, because it a volvo c30 gets ONE more mpg?

or how GM is killing all large cars so they can sell us all small cars, which no one wants.

every internet story today about cars and the automtive industry seems to degenerate into some SIDE BULLSH1T about the environment and global warming.

how in the Flock do we get from ripping people about cupholders and saying that's the reason for the demise of our environment?

Lutz was right. ITS ALL A CROCK OF SHT. i suppose some dillhole is going to write an article about how the power used by our windshield wipers causes the downfall of society. MY GOD PEOPLE GET A GRIP.

can we talk about the CARS please?????????????????????????

... cause the long-term survival of the automobile relies entirely on minimizing its environmental footprint and solving our energy concerns. I like cars, and I want to keep driving them, so that's why I want reduced emissions, improved safety, and so on. If GM can, say figure out a way to keep cars from bumping into one another or to keep freeway congestion at a minimum, the personal automobile can continue to be an appealing and viable form of transport.

And speaking of wipers, according to Lutz, GM is "working on low-voltage draw windshield wipers" for the Volt...

Edited by empowah
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Sadly, I've noticed that too...it is starting to get annoying...

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THANK YOU. yeah, it's getting overbearing. we don't need that subtopic in nearly every story even remotely related to cars!

The Camaro can't get here soon enough....this way I can drown out the greenies.... :yes:

I don't mind a little Eco-good-stuff....but, :rolleyes:

Of course those eco mags do have another use.... :AH-HA_wink:

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Is it that time of the month already Reg? :P

Actually, I think it's just leftover from last month.

Anyhoo, I know what you feel like Reg... yes, I'm aware there's a problem. Yes, I'm aware people are doing things to solve it. I am too in my own ways. But my God, give it a rest... just maybe a month or two, no global warming affecting every final aspect of our lives.

Sadly, no matter how many articles are written, if someone just doesn't get it, they're not going to get it. Let them buy cars that get 12mpg... after all, there are people still making them. If you give someone a recycling bucket for their home, I'm going to guess 9 out of 10 homes won't recycle every single thing they could in that bucket.

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If you give someone a recycling bucket for their home, I'm going to guess 9 out of 10 homes won't recycle every single thing they could in that bucket.

Sadly, I'd guess that you are correct.

But, that's not how it is here. We recycle every possible thing we can. THAT sometimes, gets annoying. But, what I've been annoyed more at is the fact that, at work, we DO NOT have a recycling program. I've found that almost reprehensible and have spoken about my displeasure about it numerous times. We have a new building manager, so I'm in hopes that we can get something going ... the sooner the better. I hate seeing paper just tossed into the trash and NOT recycled. LUCKILY, we DO recycle aluminum cans....so, that is good.

reg ... I know what you mean. I've often found it a bit humorous that vehicle manufacturers seem to be "under the gun" for helping the earth ... more so than any other company....seemingly, anyway.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker

WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"Beginning to think that I'm wasting time" ... Dobie Gray ... 'Drift Away'

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Well the sooner we destroy the Earth, the sooner it can begin its million year journey to rejuvenating itself. The Few humans that do survive its "destruction" can very very slowly repopulate it.

Now that better future for our children than a nice new green earth? sure a few... billion... people might have to die now... but billions later will thank us... for destroying the planet...

~*~The preceding was a paid advertisement for Scorched Earth~*~

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Well the sooner we destroy the Earth, the sooner it can begin its million year journey to rejuvenating itself. The Few humans that do survive its "destruction" can very very slowly repopulate it.

Now that better future for our children than a nice new green earth? sure a few... billion... people might have to die now... but billions later will thank us... for destroying the planet...

~*~The preceding was a paid advertisement for Scorched Earth~*~

Pave the earth!

Pave The Earth

Anyway, as long as things remain ok the next 40 years, I'll be happy...I don't really care what happens after that..

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It has taken Mother Nature 100 million years to brew the oil that we are burning up in a mere 100. In the Laws of Very Big Numbers, we are at a fork in history where a little more effort now may save us from a lot of effort in 20 years.

Or we can just say screw our kids, and all buy Tahoes.

Since I don't have kids, I Really Don't Care what happens, as long as the next 40 years are ok..

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And if the Earth does become an uninhabitable wasteland devoid of human life, it'll be thanks to people like you with that mindset.

Not really..I do my part to recycle, not be too wasteful. I don't drive a Hummer..

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EVERY stinking car article today is about some dickwad who finds some study about how ethanol has 5 times the carbon footprint of oil, or how America's love for cupholders shows how we will pay the price for ignoring the environment.

A merc sable (huge car) tests out 20 mpg and gets ripped on. why, because it a volvo c30 gets ONE more mpg?

or how GM is killing all large cars so they can sell us all small cars, which no one wants.

every internet story today about cars and the automtive industry seems to degenerate into some SIDE BULLSH1T about the environment and global warming.

how in the Flock do we get from ripping people about cupholders and saying that's the reason for the demise of our environment?

Lutz was right. ITS ALL A CROCK OF SHT. i suppose some dillhole is going to write an article about how the power used by our windshield wipers causes the downfall of society. MY GOD PEOPLE GET A GRIP.

can we talk about the CARS please?????????????????????????


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Since I don't have kids, I Really Don't Care what happens, as long as the next 40 years are ok..

Well, buckle up - I doubt this tired old planet will sustain the 10 billion souls that will be on this planet in 40 years, so we'd better start buying real estate on Mars now.

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Well, buckle up - I doubt this tired old planet will sustain the 10 billion souls that will be on this planet in 40 years, so we'd better start buying real estate on Mars now.

But I don't like how I look in red...

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Anyway, as long as things remain ok the next 40 years, I'll be happy...I don't really care what happens after that..

True that...

I couldn't care less about "your kids" (General quote, not directed at anyone) or there future. Your parents certainly didn't care about me or my future.

That said, I do believe in preserving the environment AND doing all that we can to fix things now. My problem is with the politics and possible surrender of freedoms that accompany this panicked mindset that seems to be polluting the minds of everyone without common sense. We DO NOT need to stress out about this and hide under a rock. We DO need to find REAL solutions and innovate our way to a better future for "your kids".

Why does every article wind up like that you ask?

Because the THEORY of global warming (Oh god, the Al Gore zombies are knocking on my door now --- I must be silenced!) is what sells

You know, to SUPPOSEDLY be so "advanced" humans sure are a skiddish, trusting and worrisome bunch aren't they?

Edited by FUTURE_OF_GM
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True that...

I couldn't care less about "your kids" (General quote, not directed at anyone) or there future. Your parents certainly didn't care about me or my future.

That said, I do believe in preserving the environment AND doing all that we can to fix things now. My problem is with the politics and possible surrender of freedoms that accompany this panicked mindset that seems to be polluting the minds of everyone without common sense. We DO NOT need to stress out about this and hide under a rock. We DO need to find REAL solutions and innovate our way to a better future for "your kids".

Why does every article wind up like that you ask?

Because the THEORY of global warming (Oh god, the Al Gore zombies are knocking on my door now --- I must be silenced!) is what sells

You know, to SUPPOSEDLY be so "advanced" humans sure are a skiddish, trusting and worrisome bunch aren't they?

I think in general, humans have difficulty in understanding 'gray' issues... global warming/climate change is one those gray issues..not black or white, not 100% or 0% probable... since it can't be definitively proven one way or the other, there is FUD..and also I think naturally, most people are going to see it pessimistically, worst case..

(is the glass half empty or half full? My existentialist leanings would say there is no glass).

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Another point to be made is that in today's world we are being absolutely bombarded with information - way too much information. Any interest group today has to shout from the rooftops just to be heard. Undoubtedly there is an awful lot of hyperbole being exercised with regards to the global warming debate; however, there is no doubt whatsoever that we need to start somewhere.

I made this point before: those of us old enough to remember will remember the state the highways and streets were back in the '60s with respect to litter. My parents generation would have thought nothing about throwing pop can out the window of a moving car, or dumping their ashtray on the street. When I was in grade school, there was a big push against littering and pollution. We drew posters in school, scolded our parents, but it was all for the best. I will walk a block out of my way to drop a pop can in a bin now.

It is all about responsibility, but it does all go back to the root evil: over population. As a species, until we figure out how to convince the lower-income, lower educated peoples of the world that having 5 or 6 kids in a family is irresponsible, we are doomed.

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Actually auto's use something like 14% of the energy we use, so to be fair here are my real world suggestions, of which I think we can't do without...

1. Shut the damned lights off in commercial buildings wwhen no one is there. Cities are full of buildings where there are tons of large buildings burning lights that don't need burned. There are intelligent building energy management systems in use now that can acomplish this painlessly.

2. A real world rail system, including a passenger system that doesn't go from nowhere to nowhere in the middle of the night.

3. Cut down on the size of our retail stores. Why do we need nine million varieties of dogfood, six million varieties of breakfast cereal, a billion kinds of soda, etc? Or why do we need a ton of clothing stores at the mall? This is all space that is heated and cooled at great expense. Smaller stores and more online buying would mean more money available and more choices for those who like nice clothes, not less.

4. Cut down on the amount of busieness travel. The airline industry uses enormous amounts of energy.

5. Stop importing so much stuff. Moving all this stuff (mostly junk) from east asia to the west coast and then across America uses huge amounts of energy. We would do better to build things locally.

6. Cut down on school consolidation. More smaller schools. We wate huge amounts of time busing kids long distances, and they are in much less a state to learn after an hour bus ride to school.

Just a few thoughts, there are millions of ways more to save energy that don't involve automobiles as a main culprit.


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Another point to be made is that in today's world we are being absolutely bombarded with information - way too much information. Any interest group today has to shout from the rooftops just to be heard. Undoubtedly there is an awful lot of hyperbole being exercised with regards to the global warming debate; however, there is no doubt whatsoever that we need to start somewhere.

I made this point before: those of us old enough to remember will remember the state the highways and streets were back in the '60s with respect to litter. My parents generation would have thought nothing about throwing pop can out the window of a moving car, or dumping their ashtray on the street. When I was in grade school, there was a big push against littering and pollution. We drew posters in school, scolded our parents, but it was all for the best. I will walk a block out of my way to drop a pop can in a bin now.

It is all about responsibility, but it does all go back to the root evil: over population. As a species, until we figure out how to convince the lower-income, lower educated peoples of the world that having 5 or 6 kids in a family is irresponsible, we are doomed.

Exactly. Why in India do families still have 9 children?


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I don't believe in global warming, but I do believe oil prices will be $300/barrel within a few years, so many of the things the global warming crowd wants to do will have to be done anyway because of oil prices.

The Volt won't get here a day too soon.

Sadly, I think my days driving my Safari van are numbered.


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Well, he has a point. Once you're dead.. You're dead. Most people generally care about the time they spend alive, not the time after. :P

We want the human race to survive and survive on a planet that is worth living on. Since I have children this concerns me greatly.


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3. Cut down on the size of our retail stores. Why do we need nine million varieties of dogfood, six million varieties of breakfast cereal, a billion kinds of soda, etc? Or why do we need a ton of clothing stores at the mall? This is all space that is heated and cooled at great expense. Smaller stores and more online buying would mean more money available and more choices for those who like nice clothes, not less.

4. Cut down on the amount of busieness travel. The airline industry uses enormous amounts of energy.

Those are interesting points. There definitely is an overcapacity of commercial real estate, and look for a slump or crash similar to housing in the near future. Even in my medium mediocre Southern town, I can't believe the number of new projects going up now, while stores are moving out of older shopping centers.

Regarding the airlines, one reason why the major carriers are trying to merge is that high oil prices make many domestic routes unprofitable. There is a need to reduce the number of domestic routes, even though some congressmen will be angry at the reduced service for their cities.

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The real problem is factories that aren't being forced to uses cleaner emissions equipment and clean up their act. They dump far more pollutants in the air than cars do, and while cars have become cleaner and more efficient over the years many coal and oil burning factories have not. I recall the Bush administration during the first presidency lifted stricter environmental regulations that were to be imposed on such facilities (you know, in addition to wanting to drill for oil in a wildlife sanctuary in Alaska, one of the few places on earth that hasn't been raped by us). Let's not forget all of the pollution china's facilities dump out either. Naturally all politicians look over this though. <_<

Edited by Dodgefan
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Actually auto's use something like 14% of the energy we use, so to be fair here are my real world suggestions, of which I think we can't do without...

1. Shut the damned lights off in commercial buildings wwhen no one is there. Cities are full of buildings where there are tons of large buildings burning lights that don't need burned. There are intelligent building energy management systems in use now that can acomplish this painlessly.

2. A real world rail system, including a passenger system that doesn't go from nowhere to nowhere in the middle of the night.

3. Cut down on the size of our retail stores. Why do we need nine million varieties of dogfood, six million varieties of breakfast cereal, a billion kinds of soda, etc? Or why do we need a ton of clothing stores at the mall? This is all space that is heated and cooled at great expense. Smaller stores and more online buying would mean more money available and more choices for those who like nice clothes, not less.

4. Cut down on the amount of busieness travel. The airline industry uses enormous amounts of energy.

5. Stop importing so much stuff. Moving all this stuff (mostly junk) from east asia to the west coast and then across America uses huge amounts of energy. We would do better to build things locally.

6. Cut down on school consolidation. More smaller schools. We wate huge amounts of time busing kids long distances, and they are in much less a state to learn after an hour bus ride to school.

Just a few thoughts, there are millions of ways more to save energy that don't involve automobiles as a main culprit.


You make some very good points, but good luck with that. One very interesting point I came across with the vaunted Kyoto Protocal is that oceanic shipping companies are exempt from the emissions calculations. Isn't that very convenient for China and Japan?

Along the same lines of school consolidation, I have often watched 2/3 empty buses plying up and down the streets of downtown Toronto, even during peak hours. The problem is that the unionized driver makes close to $30 an hour with benefits, so although it sounds like a good idea to buy smaller buses and hire more drivers, there would be no cost savings since labor probably costs more than the diesel in the bus. The schools face the same problems, I suspect. I read a couple years ago that Ontario has 4 people in non-teaching jobs for every teacher in the school system. Now there is a sign that the system is broken!

Both our nations highways are choked with truck traffic, thanks to the 'just in time' delivery efficiencies (not) of manufacturers today. Whereas 30 years ago, big plants would stockpile parts shipped by more efficient trains, we now face double the truck traffic for parts shipped on an as needed basis. The trucking lobby is very powerful, but they need to start baring the true costs of their pounding our roadways and highways, which of course would get passed onto the manufactures who may then look at shipping by train again as more cost effective.

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I think in general, humans have difficulty in understanding 'gray' issues... global warming/climate change is one those gray issues..not black or white, not 100% or 0% probable... since it can't be definitively proven one way or the other, there is FUD..and also I think naturally, most people are going to see it pessimistically, worst case..

(is the glass half empty or half full? My existentialist leanings would say there is no glass).

especially Americans. either all on, or all off.

glass half full? as long its not plastic, cause plastic kills our earth! OMG!

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I wrote this on BON, it pretty much sums up my feelings about global warming:

You bring up some good points. As long as Gore gets to shuttle around the country in cozy Learjets, the starvation in Africa or the genocide in Sudan can take a backseat. Maybe he should be giving that money he spends on his lectures to someone halfway around the world who could really use it.

One thing to remember is that technology has always saved us in the past. When people of Europe were starving in the 14th century, someone figured out the concept of crop rotation and ways to produce higher yields. When a situation becomes dire enough, we have had a tendency to overcome it through technological innovation. People stuck in this "doomsday" mindset will truly drive us into chaos one day; reactionary measures are usually inefficient and ineffective. CAFE is one of these absurd, reactionary measures; rather than attempting to work with the auto industry, you have states like California and others trying to push a patchwork system of different CAFE laws that will damage an industry that is dependent on having set standards.

The reason the U.S. succeeded in the early 20th century was due to the unified vision of many and the optimism that we can solve any problem. Now we are a country full of pessimists that are divided between red and blue states. It's quite sad really.

The people that push this mindset that we are "doomed" is what really disturbs me. Instead of getting sh*t done and solving problems, we sit around and write "oh woe is me" opinion columns about how we're all going to die in [insert number] years due to [insert catastrophe]. Meanwhile, all the companies that market with the word "green" are making a killing. It's the same garbage that was happening in the 50s when people like Joseph McCarthy made everyone paranoid of the Soviet Union and bomb shelter sales were through the roof.

I'm not against sustainability and improving our impact on the environment, but I absolutely loathe the way people are pushing this into every facet of our lives and blaming automakers when the real problem is a much larger scale than automobiles. Hell, buildings account for 51% of energy consumption alone, and look at the Sun Belt states that continue to build sprawling new homes in the desert. Never mind that there is no conclusive evidence that this is not a natural cycle or due to increased solar activity. It's just an excuse for Gore and others to pad their pockets and keep living large while the average American gets the guilt-trip lecture about how we're killing the Earth.

Edited by mustang84
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I agree global warming is a crock of &#036;h&#33;. So is this hybrid bull&#036;h&#33;. The only way we can really change is with a total new fuel. I have no clue what that is. But diesel is sounding better every day. Also I think E85 despite what the critics say is a step in the right direction. I think hybrids are just a croc and a clear greenie move adding significant cost to a vehicle with large gains in fuel economy yet run on the same old gas. Now an E85 hybrid I will start thinking... How about 6spd. in a tranny GM? FOR ALL YOUR PRODUCTS. Or at least 5spd's. It makes a difference the more I drive the Torrent the more I realize. Are the 5.3L and 6.0L GMT-900's products getting six speed auto's next year? As rumored for 2008? They better cause Ford is doing it for there new trucks. Better do it. Anyone heard yet. But yes to agree with the first point this green bull&#036;h&#33; has got to end, and the G8 and Camaro are a great start.

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I agree global warming is a crock of &#036;h&#33;. So is this hybrid bull&#036;h&#33;. The only way we can really change is with a total new fuel. I have no clue what that is. But diesel is sounding better every day. Also I think E85 despite what the critics say is a step in the right direction. I think hybrids are just a croc and a clear greenie move adding significant cost to a vehicle with large gains in fuel economy yet run on the same old gas. Now an E85 hybrid I will start thinking... How about 6spd. in a tranny GM? FOR ALL YOUR PRODUCTS. Or at least 5spd's. It makes a difference the more I drive the Torrent the more I realize. Are the 5.3L and 6.0L GMT-900's products getting six speed auto's next year? As rumored for 2008? They better cause Ford is doing it for there new trucks. Better do it. Anyone heard yet. But yes to agree with the first point this green bull&#036;h&#33; has got to end, and the G8 and Camaro are a great start.

getting 5-6speeds in smaller cars should be high on the schedule too,at least for the "LTZ" models (like the 'bu, soon), cause everyone knows "SS's" should be manuals. having a 5 or 6 speed across the board for the NG 'balt would be great.

the H2 moved to the 6.2L 6speed combo this year.

having the CAFE reward/penalty system is a hindrance

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I wrote this on BON, it pretty much sums up my feelings about global warming:

The people that push this mindset that we are "doomed" is what really disturbs me. Instead of getting sh*t done and solving problems, we sit around and write "oh woe is me" opinion columns about how we're all going to die in [insert number] years due to [insert catastrophe]. Meanwhile, all the companies that market with the word "green" are making a killing. It's the same garbage that was happening in the 50s when people like Joseph McCarthy made everyone paranoid of the Soviet Union and bomb shelter sales were through the roof.

I'm not against sustainability and improving our impact on the environment, but I absolutely loathe the way people are pushing this into every facet of our lives and blaming automakers when the real problem is a much larger scale than automobiles. Hell, buildings account for 51% of energy consumption alone, and look at the Sun Belt states that continue to build sprawling new homes in the desert. Never mind that there is no conclusive evidence that this is not a natural cycle or due to increased solar activity. It's just an excuse for Gore and others to pad their pockets and keep living large while the average American gets the guilt-trip lecture about how we're killing the Earth.

Amen brother!


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E85 may indeed be the wave of the future. In some places in Brazil, they've got a ratio of 8 gallons of ethanol for every gallon of dino juice they put in.

Plus look at all of the open wheel drivers that are Brazillian. Ya just gotta love the Brazillians...


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E85 may indeed be the wave of the future. In some places in Brazil, they've got a ratio of 8 gallons of ethanol for every gallon of dino juice they put in.

Plus look at all of the open wheel drivers that are Brazillian. Ya just gotta love the Brazillians...


Yeah...I did love a Brazilian once... (my ex-fiancee was from Brazil, unfortunately, our neuroses/psychoses proved incompatible).

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EVERY stinking car article today is about some dickwad who finds some study about how ethanol has 5 times the carbon footprint of oil, or how America's love for cupholders shows how we will pay the price for ignoring the environment.

A merc sable (huge car) tests out 20 mpg and gets ripped on. why, because it a volvo c30 gets ONE more mpg?

or how GM is killing all large cars so they can sell us all small cars, which no one wants.

every internet story today about cars and the automtive industry seems to degenerate into some SIDE BULLSH1T about the environment and global warming.

how in the Flock do we get from ripping people about cupholders and saying that's the reason for the demise of our environment?

Lutz was right. ITS ALL A CROCK OF SHT. i suppose some dillhole is going to write an article about how the power used by our windshield wipers causes the downfall of society. MY GOD PEOPLE GET A GRIP.

can we talk about the CARS please?????????????????????????

You've had it up your ass? How was your first experience? It's always rough for someone the first time they bottom, but no worries, you'll be taking it like a champ in no time. Today it may be painful, but soon you'll be one hell of a size queen always demanding bigger, thicker, longer. I really am proud of you for being so open about your first time, although I'm not sure what all of that rambling on about cars and emissions is about...

Welcome to our team buddy. You're going to be one hell of a catcher.

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You've had it up your ass? How was your first experience? It's always rough for someone the first time they bottom, but no worries, you'll be taking it like a champ in no time. Today it may be painful, but soon you'll be one hell of a size queen always demanding bigger, thicker, longer. I really am proud of you for being so open about your first time, although I'm not sure what all of that rambling on about cars and emissions is about...

Welcome to our team buddy. You're going to be one hell of a catcher.

:lol: Thanks for returning C&G to "normalcy" again.

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You've had it up your ass? How was your first experience? It's always rough for someone the first time they bottom, but no worries, you'll be taking it like a champ in no time. Today it may be painful, but soon you'll be one hell of a size queen always demanding bigger, thicker, longer. I really am proud of you for being so open about your first time, although I'm not sure what all of that rambling on about cars and emissions is about...

Welcome to our team buddy. You're going to be one hell of a catcher.


What about it Reg?

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