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My Moderately Good Week...


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Just got a billion times better.

There's a girl I've been trying to date for two solid years now. Solid. We dated off and on a couple times and finally a few months ago she told me she just wanted to be friends, and I was fine with that because I honestly want whatever makes her happy. Well tonight she told me she wants to date and basically she's sorry for what happened before.

You can't imagine the craze in my head right now.

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Just be careful. Girls will occasionally play games like that...

Now I'm interested.

Now I'm not.

Now I'm interested.

Now I'm not.

It just keeps going.

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Just be careful. Girls will occasionally play games like that...

Now I'm interested.

Now I'm not.

Now I'm interested.

Now I'm not.

It just keeps going.

Yeah, I'm going to watch out for that. My mom actually told me the same thing last night. But, then again, I've always believed in this little poem/quote:

If you love something, let it go.

If it comes back, it is yours.

If it doesn't, it never was.

We'll see what happens. Unfortunately, I think this might honestly be the only girl in the world that could hurt me. Every girl who could've hurt me in the past I kind of just looked past it, broke it off, and went on my merry way.. but it's always been different with her. Like I said, we'll see what happens...

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Good for you NOS. I hope she gives turns out to be your missing rib.

Kinda gives me inspiration to keep my own year-and-a-half long chase going.

Oh, and :useless:

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Thanks, gents. :smilewide:

I'll post a pic later, you'll all approve. :AH-HA_wink:

And Z, don't give up my friend. If she's worth it and you know she is, don't be afraid to try to let go a little, but don't give up. I've been everything from stranger to almost-boyfriend with Brianna, and it's lasted just over 2 years now (I remember being particularly nice to her Valentine's Day two years ago...). Don't give up, brother!

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Yeah, I'm going to watch out for that. My mom actually told me the same thing last night. But, then again, I've always believed in this little poem/quote:

If you love something, let it go.

If it comes back, it is yours.

If it doesn't, it never was.

We'll see what happens. Unfortunately, I think this might honestly be the only girl in the world that could hurt me. Every girl who could've hurt me in the past I kind of just looked past it, broke it off, and went on my merry way.. but it's always been different with her. Like I said, we'll see what happens...

Bud....congrats! You deserve it....! Just be careful and mindful like others on here have said......

I'm guilty myself of letting my defenses down once too many times....but I also know how great it feels to have something you've longed for......

Good luck!!!!!!

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I don't think I can be of any meaningful advice personally given my ever evident status... but I have a friend who has since left town for college, let's call him "James". He had a GF from the September at the start of the 12th Grade for an entire year... Let's call her "Christina". Nice enough girl though a bit of a drama queen. He was committed to the relationship 100% (too committed to a HS relationship if you ask me), but she left him once every two weeks (literally) and came back the next day... It was very taxing on the relationship and it was like they went through twenty years of marriage in eleven months... They both moved to the same university town and almost the second she was in with another "school of fish", so to speak, she was gone like the wind.

I would approach your potential newfound relationship with caution, because girls make next to no sense, she could be using you etc, etc...

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Nope, you haven't already seen her.. that I know of. haha


I'll agree that girls make no sense, and your buddy's story is nuts. I couldn't stay a month with a girl like that, let alone eleven. But I am a kind of different person I guess. I won't honestly date a girl unless I know that I absolutely can't find any flaws in that girl or myself at that time. There have been a few girls in the last 6 months or so that I could've seen myself dating, but every time I thought of getting closer to these girls, I couldn't think of anything but Brianna, so I couldn't commit myself to someone else knowing that's not the person I'd be thinking of all the time.

Brianna hasn't really "toyed" with me at all though AFAIK. We started out as friends and I quickly developed a like for her.. that's about when I made a go for it the first time two years ago at Valentine's. She appreciated my motive, but I could tell she wasn't into me the same way that I was into her, so I chilled it out and we remained friends. Well, time had passed and about 3-4 months ago I decided to give it another try. After a week or two of dating, she kind of politely let me know that she didn't think of us as anymore than friends and asked if that was okay, and I agreed that it was fine, but on the inside it wasn't. I tried to push those feelings back as deep as I could and, since, she's invited me to dinner with just her (basically a date), and she'll write me all the time and we'll talk. She tells me all the time that we need to hang out more, too.

However, it wasn't until last night that she was sending all these "I like you" signals and I was going crazy. I was talking to my best friend at the same time saying, "You know.. I know she knows I like her, but she keeps doing this. I'm going to have to say something before I let my emotions get the best of me." He agreed and I ended up talking to her about it. I reminded her that I liked her and have gave a very honest try to push those feelings back, but the things she's been saying are really getting to me and I can't let that happen if I know she doesn't feel the same way. She replied with something along the lines of, "Honestly, I started feeling something I used to feel with you in the past while we've been talking lately, too, and I think that we should at least try dating again."

She went into detail that she's the type of person who will get a little bit into something and push out because she's scared of commitment or something. She knows her fault, and that's huge to me; that means she understands. Maybe she does want to give it an honest try. And she told me that the last time she did try, her boyfriend was a real douche and hurt her, and she isn't really ready for a full relationship yet, but is definitely ready to date. So, I'll go with the flow and see where this takes me...

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I saw that same picture last time I was shopping for picture frames. :scratchchin: :AH-HA_wink:

:rotflmao: Blu, be nice to him, he is broken hearted.

But.. but they said it was a one-of-a-kind frame!

Damn mass marketing...

I think she looks like a Russian mail order bride. ;)

I hope best for you Frank.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh boy, well let's just let this sum up my night and feelings the last year or so on the subject. I wrote this last night:

I’m not perfect…

…but damn it I already know that. Heck, I’m even listening to country right now and I bet that right there is something that would make me imperfect to you, but that’s alright because I’ve learned something tonight. They say you learn something new everyday, and they also say everything is meant to be. Well, today’s lesson was meant to be, and even though it’s taken a long time to learn it, it’s in my head now. Hopefully writing this will let me look back again one day when I’m again feeling sorrow on this subject and it will remind me of the lesson that I’m writing about now.

Let’s go back to just over two years ago. I don’t remember why, but you and I started talking. During that whole time I know all I could think about is how beautiful you were. Then I got to know you better and started to really like you. I acted on the situation that Valentine’s Day by giving you the most thoughtful thing I’ve ever given a single person. You said you liked it, but time went by and we grew further apart and remained friends. We would talk every once in awhile, nothing really too special, but I already had it in me that I liked you even if I didn’t know how to “get to you.”

Time kept passing and about six months ago we started dating again. I tried to do different things other than the regular “dinner and a movie” because I like spontaneity and I had to try something to stand out a bit. In the end, it was just another time that you and I didn’t work out, ending in a “let’s just be friends” sort of deal. But you know what? That was absolutely fine because being your friend is infinitely better than being nothing to you at all. If you wanted to be single that was fine with me because all I honestly ever wanted was for you to be happy, regardless of whether or not it made me happy.

So we kept talking and it’s come to the third time, and damn it it’s a charm. A couple weeks back you told me that you were starting to feel old feelings for me again and you’d like to date. I was so happy I couldn’t talk. I tried calling my best friend, Joe, after I heard that and I honestly couldn’t get half a word out without losing the word to the rapid rate my heart was beating. Well guess what, nothing happened again. I won’t even ask why because it’ll be the old “no chemistry, let’s just be friends” deal. Call me a hypocrite, but I hate that excuse. Today I got myself all excited only to be let down. You’re too busy for me, you don’t feel the same, and I completely understand. I really do.

But if you get a chance to read this, I think I’ll tell you a few random things about myself that you might not have known before. It won’t help matters at all and I know that, but I figured you should know more about me since I want to know everything there is to know about you. Now I’m quite possibly one of the most modest people you’ll ever meet and very conservative in how I talk about myself. I cannot stand conceit and I know I am absolutely not perfect in any one way, but this is who I am and what I am proud of:

  • I hold a black belt in the martial arts and took classes for nine years of my life and would never take a moment of that back.
  • While working for my instructor back then, I got my first job. I now make more than four times the amount I made back then in an hour.
  • I am honest and will never purposely lie unless it’s joking around or to protect you. I don’t always tell the full truth, but I always try to avoid telling a lie.
  • I put other people first; you can see that in my academics. I will help another person or group before I help myself because I feel my intent here on earth is to cater to others and make the earth a somewhat better place in my time.
  • While at school, I try to donate at least a couple hours of my time every week to help out kids whose parents have been incarcerated. I also donate time to “Adopt-a-School” and help kids at the local elementary school once in awhile.
  • On that subject, I’m currently raising money and helping as much as I can with my school’s annual Relay for Life event and have raised more money than anybody else on my team.
  • I have never lost a significant other, but I constantly think about what it would be like if I did and how different life would be. This helps me cherish every moment just a little bit more.
  • I really like cars and can work on most things that go wrong. I blew the engine in my Camaro and fixed it with my dad. Just in the last couple months I removed the engine from my Cobalt twice in my own garage. It works and runs properly now.
  • I take pride in most of the work I do. I feel that if I’m going to do something, I might as well do it as well as possible the first time so I won’t have to go back later.
  • I’m usually not afraid to try something new and different. In the next month I plan on getting my eyebrow pierced. Hopefully this year I’ll be able to go skydiving for the first time.
  • I listen to basically all mainstream music. Top 40, rock, classic rock, heavy metal, alternative, punk, ska, rap, country, techno; you name it and I probably listen to it.
  • I always put my family first no matter the situation, but I have my own opinion on everything, which is usually the only place where I clash with them. My fraternity brothers are an extended family to me.
  • I am the newly appointed Design Moderator on a reputable car forum online. I love to Photoshop and sketch cars, but I’m not very good at the latter.
  • I am my fraternity’s Recording Secretary and hope to one day be vice-president, then president of it. I am also on the executive board of the Inter-Fraternity Council at Kettering.
  • I will always admit my faults and I try to stay as unbiased as possible in all situations.

Like I said, I’m proud of who I am, but I can certainly always be a little better. I’ve got faults, everybody does, so please excuse me for those. I honestly don’t know if I’ve ever liked a girl as much as I’ve liked you the last two years of my life, and I sure as hell know I haven’t ever liked a girl for that long. In the end though, I finally realize that it probably won’t work out. I feel that it takes a good amount of commitment from two parties to make a relationship work, but that’s not existent right now, and I’m finally realizing that it never really has been. I don’t know what it is about you, but I like it all. Every single part of you is flawless to me, except the part that means you and I will never be. Other than that, I can’t pick a single damn flaw, and that is really impressive coming from me because I am one of the pickiest people I know.

So from today on, you and I are friends. Unless you can somehow prove that you can like me or can be committed to me half as much as I feel I like and commit myself to you, friends it shall be. I’m a loser in this winning game, but today I think I’ve learned the lesson that comes with every loss, and it’s not to try harder next time because I’m not sure I could.

As much as I hate to admit it, I love you for who you are and we probably will never be. If that’s how it is, so be it. You’ll find that guy with the perfect key to unlock the beautiful locket that is your heart, and I’ll find the girl who will fill in the empty puzzle pieces that my heart is missing. It just looks like we’re looking for different things. My cardboard puzzle pieces will never be the hard, rigid, perfect fit that one man’s key will be. I wish you and him the best.

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NOS...do you have a filter on what you post on the internet? Because that should have kicked in last night...Seriously man you're not doing yourself any favors posting that, especially if she finds out about it.

Edited by Croc
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