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Eating plant-based meals conserves natural resources and slows global warming

Looking for small ways to make a big difference for the environment? Why not start by making yourself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?

As members of the PB&J Campaign (no, I’m not kidding) like to say, “You don’t have to change your whole diet to change the world. Just start with lunch.”

Eating a plant-based lunch (such as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a bean burrito, vegetarian chili, or a hearty salad) instead of an animal-based lunch (such as a hamburger, a tuna or grilled cheese sandwich, fish and chips, or chicken nuggets) will save water, preserve land and slow global warming.

How Eating a PB&J Sandwich Slows Global Warming

Every time you eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or other plant-based meal instead of an animal-based lunch, such as a hamburger, you save the equivalent of almost 3.5 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions, including 2.5 pounds of carbon dioxide.

That’s about 40 percent of the carbon you would save by driving a hybrid vehicle for the day instead of a standard sedan.

How Eating a PB&J Sandwich Saves Water

Growing plants for food takes a lot less water than raising animals. As a result, every time you substitute a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or some other plant-based meal for an animal-based meal such as a hamburger, you save about 280 gallons of water. Eat three PB&J sandwiches a month instead of animal-based meals and you can save as much water as you would by switching to a low-flow showerhead.

How Eating a PB&J Sandwich Saves Land

Raising animals for food takes a lot of space. For example, animal products require 6 to 17 times as much land as soy to produce the same amount of protein. Eating a plant-based lunch like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich instead of a hamburger, ham sandwich, or another animal-based meal saves anywhere from 12 to 50 square feet of land from deforestation, overgrazing, and pesticide and fertilizer pollution.

How Eating One PB&J Sandwich Helps the Environment

By eating lower on the food chain—plants instead of animals—you also consume fewer resources. Why? Because, basically, everything you eat comes from plants. You either eat plants directly—in the form of fruits, vegetables and plant products such as peanut butter—or indirectly after animals have converted plants into meat, milk, eggs, butter and cheese.

The problem is that animals are not very efficient as living food factories that convert plants into food for humans. Animals use most of the plants they eat to produce the energy they need to walk around and keep breathing. To stay alive long enough to become part of your lunch or dinner menu, every cow, pig and chicken has to eat much more protein, carbohydrates and other nutrients than it will yield once the ax finally falls. As a result, it takes several pounds of plants to produce one pound of beef, pork, chicken, eggs or milk.

Inevitably, that means it also takes a lot more land, water and fuel to produce one pound of meat, milk or eggs than it does to produce one pound of edible plants. Not only do the animals need food, water and room to roam, but growing the plants to feed the animals that will, in turn, become food for you requires even more land and water as well as fuel for farm machinery and irrigation pumps.

To help provide some context, the PB&J Campaign says the water required to produce the beef in one hamburger could grow enough peanuts for 17 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. And the land required to put that same beef patty on your bun could produce enough peanuts for 19 PB&J lunches.

How You and Your Diet Can Make a Difference

Basically, this all comes down to your power as a consumer. Every time you choose a hamburger, omelet or grilled cheese sandwich over a plant-based meal, you’re telling your local restaurants and supermarkets to buy more meat, eggs and dairy products. By choosing more plant-based meals, you’re asking for less meat and a more efficient use of resources. Either way, your unspoken but unmistakable messages are received by your local merchants and conveyed to wholesalers and farmers.

Want to do more? Share this information with your friends, coworkers and family members and urge them to take action. Urge your school or office cafeteria, or the local restaurants you frequent, to offer more plant-based dishes. Organize a weekly PB&J lunch (or other plant-based meals) at work, home or school and calculate the positive environmental contribution you’ve made.

I realize there's a serious message here, but I can't help but laugh at the way it's presented.

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but what if you make a triple-decker PB+J? then you're using three times as much land/resources!

regardless of the serious message... i now feel tempted to make a 19-decked PB+J sandwich... just to spite these people...

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OMFG: "I8A -----> "PB+J FTW" <---- QFT!" <---- LOL + BBQ = LMAO + TNT = WTF OH T3H NOES!!! <---WOW!! LAWLZ!!1! IIRC UR TEH L0SR1!! JK BUT RLY. ****ROFLCOPTER!!1****

N00BZ I 0WNZ D1$!!11!1!!1!!!!!!!!!ONE!!!!!!1!ELEVENTY@@!!!!!!!!!1!

(You just got served.)

Edited by NOS2006
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{(OMFG: "I8A -----> "PB+J FTW" <---- QFT!" <---- LOL + BBQ = LMAO + TNT = WTF OH T3H NOES!!! <---WOW!! LAWLZ!!1! IIRC UR TEH L0SR1!! JK BUT RLY. ****ROFLCOPTER!!1****)<----- GTFO!!!!}<----IDC!!1 STFU!!!11!! AT&T 0WNZ & I 0WNZ AT&T!!1! I IZ TEH 0WNZ0SAURUS R3X FTMFW!!!11!1!!11!!!!!!1!

Edited by NOS2006
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{(OMFG: "I8A -----> "PB+J FTW" <---- QFT!" <---- LOL + BBQ = LMAO + TNT = WTF OH T3H NOES!!! <---WOW!! LAWLZ!!1! IIRC UR TEH L0SR1!! JK BUT RLY. ****ROFLCOPTER!!1****)<----- GTFO!!!!}<----IDC!!1 STFU!!!11!! AT&T 0WNZ & I 0WNZ AT&T!!1! I IZ TEH 0WNZ0SAURUS R3X FTMFW!!!11!1!!11!!!!!!1! <---- LOLZ JOO NOOBZ1!!1 MCI PWNZ AT&T & I PWNZ MCI LMAO!!1 K? THNKZ BIE TTYL

Edited by Dodgefan
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{(OMFG: "I8A -----> "PB+J FTW" <---- QFT!" <---- LOL + BBQ = LMAO + TNT = WTF OH T3H NOES!!! <---WOW!! LAWLZ!!1! IIRC UR TEH L0SR1!! JK BUT RLY. ****ROFLCOPTER!!1****)<----- GTFO!!!!}<----IDC!!1 STFU!!!11!! AT&T 0WNZ & I 0WNZ AT&T!!1! I IZ TEH 0WNZ0SAURUS R3X FTMFW!!!11!1!!11!!!!!!1! <---- LOLZ JOO NOOBZ1!!1 MCI PWNZ AT&T & I PWNZ MCI LMAO!!1 K? THNKZ BIE TTYL<-----RU4MF R3ALZ?!111!!! UR M0M OWNZ MCI & I PWNZ URZ M0M [MY GF & BFFE!!!1!!!!]. UR MY S0N!!?!?1??! N00B OMGZ. U R NOT TEH L33T3ST. T!GHT WH1P$ FTL!!!!!1!!1!11

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{(OMFG: "I8A -----> "PB+J FTW" <---- QFT!" <---- LOL + BBQ = LMAO + TNT = WTF OH T3H NOES!!! <---WOW!! LAWLZ!!1! IIRC UR TEH L0SR1!! JK BUT RLY. ****ROFLCOPTER!!1****)<----- GTFO!!!!}<----IDC!!1 STFU!!!11!! AT&T 0WNZ & I 0WNZ AT&T!!1! I IZ TEH 0WNZ0SAURUS R3X FTMFW!!!11!1!!11!!!!!!1! <---- LOLZ JOO NOOBZ1!!1 MCI PWNZ AT&T & I PWNZ MCI LMAO!!1 K? THNKZ BIE TTYL<-----RU4MF R3ALZ?!111!!! UR M0M OWNZ MCI & I PWNZ URZ M0M [MY GF & BFFE!!!1!!!!]. UR MY S0N!!?!?1??! N00B OMGZ. U R NOT TEH L33T3ST. T!GHT WH1P$ FTL!!!!!1!!1!11<---B1TCH I M T3H L33T3ST & UR M0M OWNZ3D BIE SATTY 3V3RY NITE LOLZ!!11 UR HZ SON NUT MAH SON!!11 I HAZ NOES SONZ!!1

Edited by Dodgefan
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{(OMFG: "I8A -----> "PB+J FTW" <---- QFT!" <---- LOL + BBQ = LMAO + TNT = WTF OH T3H NOES!!! <---WOW!! LAWLZ!!1! IIRC UR TEH L0SR1!! JK BUT RLY. ****ROFLCOPTER!!1****)<----- GTFO!!!!}<----IDC!!1 STFU!!!11!! AT&T 0WNZ & I 0WNZ AT&T!!1! I IZ TEH 0WNZ0SAURUS R3X FTMFW!!!11!1!!11!!!!!!1! <---- LOLZ JOO NOOBZ1!!1 MCI PWNZ AT&T & I PWNZ MCI LMAO!!1 K? THNKZ BIE TTYL<-----RU4MF R3ALZ?!111!!! UR M0M OWNZ MCI & I PWNZ URZ M0M [MY GF & BFFE!!!1!!!!]. UR MY S0N!!?!?1??! N00B OMGZ. U R NOT TEH L33T3ST. T!GHT WH1P$ FTL!!!!!1!!1!11<---B1TCH I M T3H L33T3ST & UR M0M OWNZ3D BIE SATTY 3V3RY NITE LOLZ!!11 UR HZ SON NUT MAH SON!!11 I HAZ NOES SONZ!!1<-----ZOMG!1!11! S@TTY IZ TEH GAWDZ!!!1! HE IZ TEH 1MM0RT@LZ!!1 WTF!?11??1! UR TEH SUPR N00BZ IF U TH1NKZ I !Z N00BZ! UR LYK TEH N00BZ + TEH N00BZ! UR TEH N00BZE$T!!1!! I 0WNZ UR FAM!LY & DSL!!!11

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LOL, funny &#036;h&#33;. Last summer while cruising in the '76 LeSabre hardtop Julie

and I encountered a Prius at a red light, the driver was chain smoking and

Julie thought that was super hypocritical, blowing carcinogens and flicking

cigarette butts on the ground....

So now I'm extra happy that I ate Wendy's today in the banana boat.

Gotta love the dollar menu.

$.99 - Jr. Bacon Cheesburger

$.99 - 5-piece Chicken Nugget

That's THREE animals. Pig, Cow & Chicken. :P

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LOL, funny &#036;h&#33;. Last summer while cruising in the '76 LeSabre hardtop Julie

and I encountered a Prius at a red light, the driver was chain smoking and

Julie thought that was super hypocritical, blowing carcinogens and flicking

cigarette butts on the ground....

So now I'm extra happy that I ate Wendy's today in the banana boat.

Gotta love the dollar menu.

$.99 - Jr. Bacon Cheesburger

$.99 - 5-piece Chicken Nugget

That's THREE animals. Pig, Cow & Chicken. :P


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{(OMFG: "I8A -----> "PB+J FTW" <---- QFT!" <---- LOL + BBQ = LMAO + TNT = WTF OH T3H NOES!!! <---WOW!! LAWLZ!!1! IIRC UR TEH L0SR1!! JK BUT RLY. ****ROFLCOPTER!!1****)<----- GTFO!!!!}<----IDC!!1 STFU!!!11!! AT&T 0WNZ & I 0WNZ AT&T!!1! I IZ TEH 0WNZ0SAURUS R3X FTMFW!!!11!1!!11!!!!!!1! <---- LOLZ JOO NOOBZ1!!1 MCI PWNZ AT&T & I PWNZ MCI LMAO!!1 K? THNKZ BIE TTYL<-----RU4MF R3ALZ?!111!!! UR M0M OWNZ MCI & I PWNZ URZ M0M [MY GF & BFFE!!!1!!!!]. UR MY S0N!!?!?1??! N00B OMGZ. U R NOT TEH L33T3ST. T!GHT WH1P$ FTL!!!!!1!!1!11<---B1TCH I M T3H L33T3ST & UR M0M OWNZ3D BIE SATTY 3V3RY NITE LOLZ!!11 UR HZ SON NUT MAH SON!!11 I HAZ NOES SONZ!!1<-----ZOMG!1!11! S@TTY IZ TEH GAWDZ!!!1! HE IZ TEH 1MM0RT@LZ!!1 WTF!?11??1! UR TEH SUPR N00BZ IF U TH1NKZ I !Z N00BZ! UR LYK TEH N00BZ + TEH N00BZ! UR TEH N00BZE$T!!1!! I 0WNZ UR FAM!LY & DSL!!!11<--- J00 R MOR N00B TAN MEH!!11 N FAKT J00 ARE T3H F00B (FUKIN NOOB)!!1 HAH11!! I HAXX YOUR MOM AND DSL + I PWNZ BRODBND!!!!111!!!!1111!!1111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111ELEVENTYBILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111
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>>"Eating a plant-based lunch (such as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a bean burrito..."<<

Nope, sorry, the Flatulence Campaign has issued a PR that informs everyone how they can do their part to reduce methane gas emmissions; bean burritos are O-U-T for the environmentally-aware !

I'd post it here but it's 11 pages long and includes many diagrams.

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I like peanut butter, but not jelly. Does that still work? :P

Pfft... give me a my bologna and cheese!

If your ever in Ohio, try a fried Balonga sandwich at the bar in Waldo. They are world famous for a reason.


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>>"Eating a plant-based lunch (such as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a bean burrito..."<<

Nope, sorry, the Flatulence Campaign has issued a PR that informs everyone how they can do their part to reduce methane gas emmissions; bean burritos are O-U-T for the environmentally-aware !

I'd post it here but it's 11 pages long and includes many diagrams.

But if we could capture and burn that Methane we could have renewable fuel.

Perhaps future cars will have ducting from the drivers seat to the intake manifold?


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>>"Eating a plant-based lunch (such as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a bean burrito..."<<

Nope, sorry, the Flatulence Campaign has issued a PR that informs everyone how they can do their part to reduce methane gas emmissions; bean burritos are O-U-T for the environmentally-aware !

I'd post it here but it's 11 pages long and includes many diagrams.

Eh, the methane emissions from humans are negligible. What scientists are concerned about are cows, but there have been several developments around the problem. Fish oil additives can cut belching by almost half, and high-grade alfalfa grass helps in the other direction. Researchers in Australia have isolated the bacteria in kangaroos that allow them to eat the same grasses as cows but with a fraction of the methane. The Aussies also have created a vaccine that inhibits gas-producing microbes in sheep. And the Welsh are working on organic acids that prevent methane buildup in cow tummies..

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