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Well, A Quick Check of AutoTrader shows GSL Chev City has already turned around our old 2005 Venture for sale... I don't know... something about seeing an ad for the thing just gives me a feeling in the pit of my stomach, my dad too incidentally, anyway, I'll take this opportunity to share the last pictures I'll likely ever see of the damn thing ( :cry: )





Posted (edited)

Mom and dad are finally seriously considering getting out of the Venture and in to something else. It's been a good car, and nothing that went wrong with it was really GM's fault (unless they paid the Jiffy Lube guy to put windshield washer fluid into the coolant reservior). The Venture was also the first car I (legally) drove, and up until I bought my own car, it's what I tooled around in the most. I'll kinda miss it.

Edited by DetroitNut90

Yes, as always...especially when you're a car person.

Both when our pristine '02 Avalanche was put up on the dealer lot for sale after trade and then recently when our Suburban was too--kind of the feelings of, whew, now who knows who will get it and how it will be treated. I actually had a discussion with our saleslady about this, after I got the trade price on the Suburban, because as she said "Well, to you it's an emotional thing because you've lived with it everyday, taken it on trips, spent hours detailing it, etc. To us, it's simply a piece of metal that we have to inspect, care for on the lot, take time to sell it, etc."

So, yeah. With the Avalanche, I have a whole collection of pictures I took of it sitting on the dealer lot (they never actually prepped it one bit, as it was kept detailed daily...just put their sticker on the back and parked it out front), and then the same with our Suburban which this time was put up on their website. We actually knew who bought the Avalanche and used to see it frequently before the guy moved, too, but no idea on the Suburban.


Yep, that's how I felt about the s-10...I still miss it. :(

When it goes away when it's old, you can't feel too bad, because usually it led a long life (cause you owned it)

But when they are still new(er), you always wonder what happened to it....

I wonder if I ran a carfax of my old s-10, where it would be now.... :scratchchin:

VV, if it sits for a while, you could even buy it back for a good price.... :yes:


I dont regret unloading the Saturn, too many things about it I didn't want to deal with.

I definitely regret wrecking the Solara.

I doubt I'll regret whatever I end up doing with the Fusion.


I dunno, I counted the DAYS until my lease was up on my '87 Shadow, but as I took the plates off it (and my sister was waiting to take me to the Chevy dealer to pick up my new, factory ordered '91 Caprice), I actually choked up a little because there were so many memories tied up in that car - even though it was a POS and left me stranded on the side of highway 69 (now, girls, no jokes about that - there actually is a hwy 69 in Ontario), went through 2 head gaskets, the rack went...well, I could go on. Still, that car took me and my (long ago ex) BF to MOntreal a million times, Buffalo (when the $C was at .90 - oh, wait, it's better than that now) for cheap drinks, canoeing up in the Timmins area.

So, it wasn't really seller's remorse: I was just damned lucky it was leased and no longer my problem :lol:


Haha I've sold TONS of high performance cars and trucks over the years, the only vehicle I truly miss is a 1956 fargo 3 ton car hauler, I would buy it back in a second if I knew where it was.....


Absolutely! I always regretted selling my 1979 Cadillac Coupe DeVille. It was the first one I ever had and it looked very cool; it was Firethorn Red with a white top and a white interior with black carpets and a black dash. I wanted to kill the kid who bought it when I saw it two weeks later with the windows tinted; who the hell tints those beautiful original aquamarine glass windows and HIDES a white interior? It could have been a beautiful original car with a little love, but instead it has been retired to a life of tinted windows and rims and speakers in every interior panel. Bet he sawed a nice hole in the center of the dash for a CD player too..... :banghead::banghead::banghead:



Posted (edited)

Nope, cuz I keep my cars. There are so many memories that are forged between us and our cars, I just can't see sending one off to some stranger or sending it off to th crusher, especially after years of faithful service.

But I do miss the cars we did get rod of. We had a Dodge Aspen (we called it the "Green Bomber") I loved as a kid even though now I know they were crappy cars. It was a menacing machine. Someone tried to steal it once and ended up cutting themselves on the metal steering column and got blood all over it. After we sold it we later found out it was used in a bank robber. Wonder whatever happened to it.

Von: if you guys miss it so much go and buy it back. :P

Edited by Dodgefan
  Dodgefan said:
Von: if you guys miss it so much go and buy it back. :P

Well... We miss the utility and Captains Chairs... but we're getting 5MPG better with the Impala, so I guess you could say we DON'T miss the 96L Tank and 105$ Gas Bills.


Only one I really missed for a long while was my '57 F-250 Styleside, only owned it about a year & never really got it up & going, but I really was smitten by it. That whole in my 'car heart' was plugged with my '40 COE, tho.


Yeah ... seller's remorse on only one of mine:

1988 Monte Carlo LS

Sold it because it was nickeling and diming me to death and, at the time, I had just put the '79 MC Landau (my 1st car) back on the road ... and I was not willing to deal with sibling rivalry ;). he he

The other cars I've owned that are no longer with me ... no regrets. Course, I still have 5 of 'em ;).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker

WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"The truth is discovered" ... Squeeze ... 'Tempted'


Wish I had the 1979 Impala though I had to part with it. I am trying to avoid the same thing with the Bonneville. I am trying to be able to keep both the Caprice and Bonneville. Sometimes I think I wish I had the 2000 Monte Carlo. I did like that car. Good fuel mileage and spacious interior. But I have used the Equinox for a lot of things the others couldnt have did. I liked my 1981 Caprice 2-door but I would get one in better condition than that one was in.


my biggest car related regret was trading in my 01 alero gls on my 06 malibu SS. The alero was so much more fun I really don't know why I did it to be perfectly honest. It handled way better, stopped better, looked better, was better on gas. The only things the malibu had on it was acceleration and space. Plus i had put a couple grand into improving my alero (KYB struts, prokit springs, brembo OEM replacments with performance pads and Perelli P-Zero Nero tires and CAI.) The car was genuinley fun to hussle around curves. was resonably quick and gave awsome highway milage. Such a better city car to. Plus it was the first car I got with my own money. I miss it very much and wish I had saed the money I spent on the malibu and just kept the far more fun to drive alero. Plus i feel like I got shafted because I didnt realize the way better 3.6 6 speed combo came to the epsilons after I got my 3.9 4 speed combo inthe malibu. Id have held out for the 3.6 for sure.


I miss our Cobalt. Not for the ride, or the excitement of the car, but for the great gas mileage and super low car payment.

Really though, there has been a few cars I wish I still had;

1. 1971 VW 411 (broke down ALOT, but I have great memories)

2. 1985 Volvo 765 Turbo (wife wrecked, but I really liked it)

3. 1998 Oldsmobile Intrigue (all around great car)

4. 2002 Alero GL2

5. 1996 Oldsmobile Bravada (would have made a great "play" rig)

6. Roach I - Then we wouldn't have had to buy Roach II and Roach III

7. 1979 Volvo 245 wagon

In the end, Volvo wagons and Oldsmobiles have been my favorite cars along the way.


When I got rid of my '95 Regal for my Grand Cherokee, I didn't think it would even phase me, but honestly, I still miss it. Granted, I love my Jeep and wouldn't trade it for anything available right now, except for maybe another GC. Anyway, I know the kid who bought it and as soon as I saw him driving it, I felt bad for my poor old car. He didn't deserve a car I tried to take such good care of. :banghead:


I've owned 40+ vehicles in the past 12 years since I got my driver's license.

Many of them are/will be missed... esp. a few of the ultra-rare classics that

I was lucky enough to buy cheap and enjoy for a short time. But in the end

the '77 Cadillac is "the one that got away". Sofia was just old enough when

I got it to notice that dad had a different unique car every couple of weeks,

& I really sold her on the yellow paint, white leater interior & luxurious ride.

Even now, after about 8 months she asks me why we don't have the yellow

Cadillac anymore. To that end, as much as I love the '62 Special it is a

stepping stone to getting the Cadillac back. XP's quest for a rock-solid box

Suburban and my desire to buy the Banana Boat back might work out very

well after all... in the end the '62 will have to be sold/traded but that's a

whole 'NOTHER story.

I'll miss that little Buick when it's gone... what a great little solid car.


A rock-solid barn door square 'Burb would be the perfect trade for the yellow Cadillac. I love that car to death, but my need and want for a truck and looking for a change of scenery (seven Cadillacs in four years, usually owning more than one at a time) makes it seem like a very logical choice.

Now, back to the topic of seller's remorse. I failed to mention in my initial post about my Firethorn Red 1979 Coupe DeVille that I also regret having to sell my 1974 Lincoln Continental Executive Limousine.


Unfortunately I got this awesome car for free at the wrong time in my life. And the worst part about the whole situation: when I have a big piece of property some day and a place to store such a vehicle, nobody's gonna be around to give me another one for free.


I once owned a '79 Datsun 510. Great little car. Good on gas. Fun to drive. Cool 'louvered' rear deck. Sadly, the body started to go (just like my ex-GF). Rust was the great enemy to those early Datsuns, which is why I prefer Ford and Chrysler, for the most part.


Yup.... de javu all over again. It broke my heart to drive off the dealership lot

this afternoon in a baby blue Suburban and look at my little '62 Special in the

rear view mirror. I LOVED that car, absolutely was smitten by it, BUT....

not as much as I love/d the Banana Boat '77 Cadillac Coupe deVille.

...more on that later.

The good news is the '62 Special is in great hands, the new owner has it parked

next to his tripple red '77 Pontiac Bonneville coupe with only 43K miles.

That big, luxurious 301-powered couch on wheels complements the 1962 Buick's

flat black paint very well, they're both in loving hands.

  Sixty8panther said:
The good news is the '62 Special is in great hands, the new owner has it parked

next to his tripple red '77 Pontiac Bonneville coupe with only 43K miles.

That big, luxurious 301-powered couch on wheels complements the 1962 Buick's

flat black paint very well, they're both in loving hands.

Huh? The Buick is gone already? Wow...you change cars fast....

  Sixty8panther said:
Yup.... de javu all over again. It broke my heart to drive off the dealership lot

this afternoon in a baby blue Suburban and look at my little '62 Special in the

rear view mirror. I LOVED that car, absolutely was smitten by it, BUT....

not as much as I love/d the Banana Boat '77 Cadillac Coupe deVille.

...more on that later.

The good news is the '62 Special is in great hands, the new owner has it parked

next to his tripple red '77 Pontiac Bonneville coupe with only 43K miles.

That big, luxurious 301-powered couch on wheels complements the 1962 Buick's

flat black paint very well, they're both in loving hands.

Baby blue?



sky-blue, baby-blue, light-blue metallic... poetic license. :P


I always miss all my cars, but the worst one was my first. A black '84 2-door Cutty. My grandma bought it for me for my 16th bday, she died 6 months later. I drove it daily for 11 years, we were together through thick and thin. Even after a lady pulled out in front of me and destroyed the front clip, I bought a parts car and put her back together. 2 engines, 3 trannys, 2 rear ends, 2 interiors. We did alot of upgrading. hehe I finally had to sell it for the money, we were broke and needed a fresh start. That car bought our way to another town and a whole new life. I have a framed picture of it in my living room. Saddest day of my life, except grandma dying. I'll always love that car, I think about it almost daily. I hear it's still around. Alot of people know the car and give me updates, but it only makes me sadder. It's in such poor condition now, I don't think it could be brought back. After the wreck, I sat in the floor and stared at it through the back door and cried for a week. It was the most beautiful car I have ever seen. I've had many like her, but none could hold a candle. Unique color scheme, never find another one just like her. I'm sad now. :cry:

Posted (edited)

Well... It's strange how things work out... There's always something about a U-Body van that just get's into my dad's blood.

My dad and I went to the dealer today, and our salesman is getting us a price quote... There is actually a good 1/3 chance or better that we'll buy it back. When the lease was over on this 40K$ van the cost to buy it out was the same price as buying our Impala... but now the dealer is selling it for 11000$, take 1000$ off for the "Scottish Family Discount" due to how many people we have befriended at the dealer, including the owner, and 2500$ trade in offer for my Cavalier, and it's around 8 Grand... :scratchchin:

So yeah, we're actually considering it for now... My dad and I would share the Impala and Van, hell, after the ABS Light came on my Cavalier today, I'll take anything with Power Windows and a functioning stereo- even a Venture.

Edited by vonVeezelsnider
  gmpartsgirl said:
I always miss all my cars, but the worst one was my first. A black '84 2-door Cutty. My grandma bought it for me for my 16th bday, she died 6 months later. I drove it daily for 11 years, we were together through thick and thin. Even after a lady pulled out in front of me and destroyed the front clip, I bought a parts car and put her back together. 2 engines, 3 trannys, 2 rear ends, 2 interiors. We did alot of upgrading. hehe I finally had to sell it for the money, we were broke and needed a fresh start. That car bought our way to another town and a whole new life. I have a framed picture of it in my living room. Saddest day of my life, except grandma dying. I'll always love that car, I think about it almost daily. I hear it's still around. Alot of people know the car and give me updates, but it only makes me sadder. It's in such poor condition now, I don't think it could be brought back. After the wreck, I sat in the floor and stared at it through the back door and cried for a week. It was the most beautiful car I have ever seen. I've had many like her, but none could hold a candle. Unique color scheme, never find another one just like her. I'm sad now. :cry:

I'm sure it's not the same, but you can have mine! :P

  gmpartsgirl said:
I always miss all my cars, but the worst one was my first. A black '84 2-door Cutty. My grandma bought it for me for my 16th bday, she died 6 months later. I drove it daily for 11 years, we were together through thick and thin. Even after a lady pulled out in front of me and destroyed the front clip, I bought a parts car and put her back together. 2 engines, 3 trannys, 2 rear ends, 2 interiors. We did alot of upgrading. hehe I finally had to sell it for the money, we were broke and needed a fresh start. That car bought our way to another town and a whole new life. I have a framed picture of it in my living room. Saddest day of my life, except grandma dying. I'll always love that car, I think about it almost daily. I hear it's still around. Alot of people know the car and give me updates, but it only makes me sadder. It's in such poor condition now, I don't think it could be brought back. After the wreck, I sat in the floor and stared at it through the back door and cried for a week. It was the most beautiful car I have ever seen. I've had many like her, but none could hold a candle. Unique color scheme, never find another one just like her. I'm sad now. :cry:

That's ashame, I know how you feel. Why not find the car and buy it back?

  blackviper8891 said:
I'm sure it's not the same, but you can have mine! :P

Yeah, BV would probably pay you to take his. :P


Because from what I've heard from those who have spied it, it's too far gone. These G-bodies are so hard to find good interior parts for. I have thought about it believe me.

The day I got her.


About 4 years before I sold her.



Read/heard countless stories about seller's remorse RE their first car.... to the point that although I have no near-term plans for touching it (there are 2 projects in front of it), I still have mine, even tho many who remember it have offered to buy it: '64 GP.

  Dodgefan said:
That's ashame, I know how you feel. Why not find the car and buy it back?

Yeah, BV would probably pay you to take his. :P

Well.. I need to get something for it for the amount of money that's been put into... Parts and gas wise. :P

  gmpartsgirl said:
Because from what I've heard from those who have spied it, it's too far gone. These G-bodies are so hard to find good interior parts for. I have thought about it believe me.

The day I got her.


About 4 years before I sold her.


Unless it's ripped in half it can't be too far gone. :P


I suppose you're right. But, I'll have to live with a pretty jacked interior for a long while. Guess I'm gonna have to put all my buddies on the lookout for her.

  gmpartsgirl said:
I suppose you're right. But, I'll have to live with a pretty jacked interior for a long while. Guess I'm gonna have to put all my buddies on the lookout for her.

Pssh, you can find anything you need if you look hard enough, if not at the junkyard there's this little, obscure site called ebay. :P


Yeah, I guess I've been without a builder so long, I forgot about all the new ways. I'm used to hunting down parts cars and combing salvages. :yes:

  gmpartsgirl said:
Yeah, I guess I've been without a builder so long, I forgot about all the new ways. I'm used to hunting down parts cars and combing salvages. :yes:

Hunting down parts is half the fun...junkyards are like toy stores to me :P

You should go buy it, if it means that much to you some TLC should be well worth getting your first car back.


It would be the greatest day of my life next to having my son. :) I will start looking, I've got a cop buddy, maybe he can find it somehow with the VIN, I think I still have it memorized.

  gmpartsgirl said:
It would be the greatest day of my life next to having my son. :) I will start looking, I've got a cop buddy, maybe he can find it somehow with the VIN, I think I still have it memorized.

Go for it! :thumbsup:

  gmpartsgirl said:
These G-bodies are so hard to find good interior parts for. I have thought about it believe me.

The day I got her.


About 4 years before I sold her.

WOW ... that was one SWEET Cutlass, gmpartsgirl!

I say go for it ... find it, buy it back ... and put it back the way you want it ... no matter how long it takes!

  balthazar said:
Read/heard countless stories about seller's remorse RE their first car.... to the point that although I have no near-term plans for touching it (there are 2 projects in front of it), I still have mine....


Same here ... I still have my first car ... my '79 MC Landau. I've _considered_ selling it a few times over the years, but each time, I get the "wake up call" and keep it. I can't imagine selling it.....

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker

WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"Can you make these big wheels burn?" ... Ronnie Milsap ... 'Smokey Mountain Rain'

  • 1 year later...
  Satty said:
I doubt I'll regret whatever I end up doing with the Fusion.

Well its been like 6 months and I'm still g lad the f@#king thing is gone.

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