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Posted (edited)
What does age have to do with good taste?

I was an Oasis fan. I saw them in concert. But they compare to The Beatles in their own minds, nowhere else.

I liked you before you left here months ago, but I have to tell you, since your return, you've been acting like a little bitch. Why is that? Are you still mad about the Josh thing? A lot of your posts have a tendency to kill the vibe here because all you want to do is hold on to "the fight".
Edited by ocnblu
Why are you bringing Josh into this? I have no ill will toward him, if that's what you are insinuating. I don't know what you are talking about regarding being "passed over" as I never was for anything to my knowledge. Just because Josh and I don't see things the same way and are equally passionate about this site, doesn't mean we hate each other...???
One last quick off-topic throwaway: Ted's an admin now too? Is anyone simply a mod?
I don't know, just always kinda figured an admin of a net forum to actually have part of the program on their own server or something and be able to do things like delete or ban accounts, or change other things with the program, while a mod was there simply to direct traffic, and lock, anchor, or delete posts.
Posted (edited)

I was an Oasis fan.  I saw them in concert.  But they compare to The Beatles in their own minds, nowhere else.


I liked Oasis, they were a decent band and had a few hits but comparing them to the Beatles is like saying a 1995 KIA Sephia is comporable to a 1962 Cadillac Coupe Deville. Laughable.

And I stopped paying attention to those two stuck up assholes when I saw an interview with them in the late 90s. The asked them what past or present Bands from the UK they admire or were inspired by or even just listen to. They said all past and present bands and artists from the UK suck. Even the Beatles. They said this in complet serious voices... not with a dry snse of humor or anything like that. They wer actaully serious. :blink:

According to them -- GET THIS -- they (themselves: Oasis) ere the only worthwile music to come out of the UK. Later on that week my dad was listening to wonderwall on WBCN and said it was a good song, when I mentioned that quote from the interview he gave e a deer in headlights look and then just laughed. They're a couple morons with swolen egos.

A lot of your posts have a tendency to kill the vibe here because all you want to do is hold on to "the fight".

Also the whole "pissing contest signature" thing is pretty lame. A $40,000 retractible hardtop 2 seater traditional coupe on a truck chassis with a p/u truck bed and '49 Pickup styling has NOTHING to do with my old sig about Hardtop cars with pillarless windows fixed roofs. A true enthusiast wolud understand that. Edited by Sixty8panther

I don't know, just always kinda figured an admin of a net forum to actually have part of the program on their own server or something and be able to do things like delete or ban accounts, or change other things with the program, while a mod was there simply to direct traffic, and lock, anchor, or delete posts.


What you see now was a result of the latest board crash. Josh Admin'd me and I Admin'd all the old returning Mods in order to get C&G back in shape as quickly and effortlessly as possible.

Administrators are able to access the Invision Powerboard Admin Panel and thereby do all the validate/suspend/ban members to a higher degree than a Mod. Also, Admins can edit forum data, start new forums, and edit forum titles, etc.

The way Invision is currently set up, only those with Admin access can completely add new forums, update forum descriptions, etc. Northstar is an Admin to faciliate his updating of the Artist sections. Others are Admins for similar reasons.

As of now, all ten of us (Myself, Josh, TED, Northie, Z, Camino, James, Ven, FOG, and - of course - Walt) are fully-charged Admins, though Josh is the 'Chief Publicist' so to speak while I'm more the 'Chief Administrator,' overseeing the day-to-day here.

It works out better this way.


Also the whole "pissing contest signature" thing is pretty lame. A $40,000 retractible hardtop 2 seater traditional coupe on a truck chassis with a p/u truck bed and '49 Pickup styling has NOTHING to do with my old sig about Hardtop cars with pillarless windows fixed roofs. A true enthusiast wolud understand that.

This is best left to a PM between you and Croc.

All this tit-for-tat needs to end now.
Rock and Roll is/was Black, Black as can be. Rock and Roll was derived directly from old blues and then sometimes twisted up with some old bebop jazz. The sound that became Rock and Roll dates back to the 20's & 30's anyhow. Old blues was not all slow smokey sounding. If we Whities were not influenced by the sounds of Black jazz, big band swing and blues in the early part of the last century we would most likely think the hymns were all music was ever intended to be. [Im not that serious but lets give credit where credit is due.]

Holly, Valens, JP Richardson all very important in bringing the Black jammin blues sound to American youth but Elvis towed his end of the line very well and deserves the credit he has recieved. However many, many Elvis fans will tell you his ballad's were what tugged most at the heartstrings, not hound dog, jail house rock and the rest. BTW Im pretty sure Houng Dog was an old blues tune that probably no one knows who really wrote it ! Then lets please not forget Ray Charles and Chuck Barry.

Now I was not a Beatles fan much at all. I was more of a Rollin Stones boy myself and if you look at the turn R&R took, my opinion is that the Rollin Stones raw edged, bad boy sound went much further or was more of an influence than the Beatles more pop rock, bubble gum, sound, in fact later in their career the Beatles rocked it up alittle more. Still both the Stones and the Beatles were necessary pieces of the puzzel that led us in so many enjoyable musical directions.

So please fella's let us not forget from where we came, in any respect B)

And I stopped paying attention to those two stuck up assholes when I saw an interview with them in the late 90s. The asked them what past or present Bands from the UK they admire or were inspired by or even just listen to. They said all past and present bands and artists from the UK suck. Even the Beatles. They said this in complet serious voices... not with a dry snse of humor or anything like that. They wer actaully serious.  :blink:

According to them -- GET THIS -- they (themselves: Oasis) ere the only worthwile music to come out of the UK. Later on that week my dad was listening to wonderwall on WBCN and said it was a good song, when I mentioned that quote from the interview he gave e a deer in headlights look and then just laughed. They're a couple morons with swolen egos.


I can't believe they actually said that...what about Led Zeppelin, The Who, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, Queen, Judas Priest, et al? Are they nuts? I've never really gotten into Oasis, but with attitudes like that, I don't think I really want to. Black Sabbath defined a whole music genre...what the hell did Oasis do? Without the Beatles, there would be no Oasis nor a lot of other bands.
Posted (edited)
No, Oasis was one of the most prominent bands of the mid-90s. They came out of Manchester with an extremely successful debut album, Definitely Maybe that became the fastest selling debut record in British history, then and took the world by storm with their second album (What's the Story) Morning Glory that spawned such international hits as "Don't Look Back In Anger," "Champagne Supernova," "Some Might Say," "Roll With It" and, most famously, "Wonderwall."

I'm 95% sure you have heard "Wonderwall." If you haven't, you were not listening to any mainstream music in 1995.

(What's The Story) Morning Glory was voted as one of the most defining and best overall albums of the 90s as well as being the second biggest British album in history. Edited by Croc

No, Oasis was one of the most prominent bands of the mid-90s.  They came out of Manchester with an extremely successful debut album, Definitely Maybe that became the fastest selling debut record in British history, then and took the world by storm with their second album (What's the Story) Morning Glory that spawned such international hits as "Don't Look Back In Anger," "Champagne Supernova," "Some Might Say," "Roll With It" and, most famously, "Wonderwall."

I'm 95% sure you have heard "Wonderwall."  If you haven't, you were not listening to any mainstream music in 1995.


I havent heard of any of them :P But I'm sure you havent heard of alot of the stuff I listen to either.
I like Oasis, even if Liam is an egomaniac... my favorite of their older songs is probably 'Live Forever'. I like the new album, saw them last month at Red Rocks...gave a good show...saw them the day after I saw Green Day..interesting contrast. I also saw the Foo Fighters earlier this month..excellent show with Weezer.
Liam def has his issues. The new album is pretty good; "Lyla" is alright, "Guess God Thinks I'm Abel" is my favorite track from it. My favorite older song is prolly "Morning Glory" or "Wonderwall."

Who the hell is Oasis ?

Did they cater to little girlies or something because I never heard of them.

I guess that sums that one up


When the song for "beep beep, dot com" comes on, I DIVE for the remote. It's like teeth grinding and nails on chalkboard all mixed together. Also that "yoo hoo, yoo hoo hoo" from the vontage commercial. It's just evil music to "obey the voices in your head and commit multiple justified homicides" to.
No register Croc. I must have heard a song or two though. You are correct however I do not like mainstream music much. I do appreaciate it but I cant diet on it, like not even a coffee break. I have had this problem throughout the decades theres some stuff that just never registers as more than background noise to me. Its most likely a syndrome associated with being a guitar player. The 90's had me shutting the radio off and pulling out my CD's and tapes. I even aquired a taste for country which was were the guitar players and story tellers were by that time. Stafford - welcome back, I do on occasion run around the house on a Vontage rampage, its perhaps early senility or just plain fed up with maturity for a moment :rolleyes: Its actually more self destructive than homicidal. I have a dog here whos life is based on hoo hoo, hoo hoo hoo. Quite a character.

No register Croc. I must have heard a song or two though. You are correct however I do not like mainstream music much. I do appreaciate it but I cant diet on it, like not even a coffee break. I have had this problem throughout the decades theres some stuff that just never registers as more than background noise to me. Its most likely a syndrome associated with being a guitar player. The 90's had me shutting the radio off and pulling out my CD's and tapes. I even aquired a taste for country which was were the guitar players and story tellers were by that time.

Stafford - welcome back, I do on occasion run around the house on a Vontage rampage, its perhaps early senility or just plain fed up with maturity for a moment  :rolleyes: Its actually more self destructive than homicidal. I have a dog here whos life is based on hoo hoo, hoo hoo hoo. Quite a character.


OMG you have to tell us about the yoo hoo hoo dog!!! LOL!

Welcome back, Lord Stafford.  I was asking about you the other day.


Thanks! I've missed the forum, but work has conspired to interfere with my leisure time! LOL! Hopefully things are calming down so that I can get back in the groove.
LS: Hello Buddy great ot have you back... hope all is well. :) Moltar: I think I shat myslef from laughing so damn hard at Adam West clip... effin awsome. LOL Jumping Jehovah Robin, I have to go change my underwear! :P

That one last summer by whosits - Slash and Co

Every time Im falling
Im falling
When Im falling
I keep falling......write some friggin lyrics or shut up

THANK GOD!!!!! I'm not the only one that HATES this song!!!!!

GEEZ, talk about BANKRUPT of ideas.... The entire song is just filler and very BAD filler at that!

My personal peves:

Anything Nickelback, I hate this band and wish they had NEVER been discovered. Manufactured POP rock at it's best... LAME.

Anything Nirvana and Alice in Chains. I actually like both of these bands but since my local station plays them 200 times a day I feel like I'm gonna puke everytime I hear them.

Also that "yoo hoo, yoo hoo hoo" from the vontage commercial. It's just evil music to "obey the voices in your head and commit multiple justified homicides" to.

NO kidding... I'm so glad the Cobalt ditched this song as it's advertising theme.

And I stopped paying attention to those two stuck up assholes when I saw an interview with them in the late 90s. The asked them what past or present Bands from the UK they admire or were inspired by or even just listen to. They said all past and present bands and artists from the UK suck. Even the Beatles. They said this in complet serious voices... not with a dry snse of humor or anything like that. They wer actaully serious.

According to them -- GET THIS -- they (themselves: Oasis) ere the only worthwile music to come out of the UK. Later on that week my dad was listening to wonderwall on WBCN and said it was a good song, when I mentioned that quote from the interview he gave e a deer in headlights look and then just laughed. They're a couple morons with swolen egos.

(No offense anyone, this is my personal taste) Well, I do agree about the Beatles... But then again, Oasis sucks worse IMO. I do at least respect the Beatles, same can't be said for Oasis.

A $40,000 retractible hardtop 2 seater traditional coupe on a truck chassis with a p/u truck bed and '49 Pickup styling has NOTHING to do with my old sig about Hardtop cars with pillarless windows fixed roofs. A true enthusiast wolud understand that.


Oh man, and I thought he was being serious; maybe had seen the light and expanded his view of the automotive world. I read that sig and was like "NOW you're talkin'..."

So much for giving people the benefit of the doubt and taking what they say at face value!
Posted (edited)

It was a response to my signature. I had rotated photos of several 50s/60s GM cars (see below) in my sig for a couple weeks with this text underneath the photo:

Let's start a petition for GM to bring back Hardtop Coupes and Sedans.

Then some smart a$$ prompted me to change it to "pillarless" hardtop and then Croc made up this silly SSR signature and argued it was a pillarless hardtop even thougth it has only one piece of glass on each side of the greenhouse, how the hell would there be a pillar to begin with? Then when I mentioned it was a BOF truck not a car he said the SSR is more of a "sports car." :huh:

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I had this one cut down a bit.... one of my favorite Google finds as of late.

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Edited by Sixty8panther
This is wrong on so many levels, but about a year ago, a good friend of mine started working at the same store I work at delivering pizza. I had my (then) gf's cd case in my car and it had Elephunk in it, so I could listen to Lets Get Retarded anytime I wanted to, as could anyone who wanted to borrow any of my cds. Well, my friend got a delivery to, whats a nice way of saying this, a retard commune. Basically an assisted living apartment complex for people with mental illness. So when he went, he took Elephunk and pulled into the parking lto blasting Lets Get Retarded.

Satty's going to burn in hell... :P

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Posted (edited)

Oh man, and I thought he was being serious; maybe had seen the light and expanded his view of the automotive world. I read that sig and was like "NOW you're talkin'..."

So much for giving people the benefit of the doubt and taking what they say at face value!


No I actually like the SSR. I'd buy it in a heartbeat. I don't quite know what you mean by "expanding" my view, though; I'm not closeminded like some people on these boards are; if a vehicle is good and appeals to me, it doesn't really matter if it's FWD/RWD, BOF/Unibody, etc etc. Sure, I have certain preferences, but I don't limit myself.

I still maintain that the SSR is more of a sports car than a pickup. I have yet to meet someone who cross-shopped an SSR with an F-150 or Dodge Ram :lol: Edited by Croc

No prob, FOG...you were at least respectful about your opinion, and that in turn is why I have respect for you.


Thanks man.

It's just opinions, sometimes I think some of us take things too seriously (And I'm definitely guilty of this)... I mean, I sit here and say I dislike Oasis yet many here could easily make fun of me because a lot of the stuff I listen too is barely audible at times (Talk about no culture) I mean, why does what I say matter anyway, afterall I haven't been talented enough to make millions like Oasis.

My point: Take what is said for what it is worth, a different view and that's all.
Differing views made this country great. It's when people harp and harp and harp in defense or offense it really gets old.

It was a response to my signature. I had rotated photos of several 50s/60s GM cars (see below) in my sig for a couple weeks with this text underneath the photo:

Let's start a petition for GM to bring back Hardtop Coupes and Sedans.

Then some smart a$$ prompted me to change it to "pillarless" hardtop and then Croc made up this silly SSR signature and argued it was a pillarless hardtop even thougth it has only one piece of glass on each side of the greenhouse, how the hell would there be a pillar to begin with? Then when I mentioned it was a BOF truck not a car he said the SSR is more of a "sports car." :huh:

I had this one cut down a bit.... one of my favorite Google finds as of late.

Posted Image


Of course you're right on about what a pillarless hardtop is. You said it all!

GORGEOUS PICS!!!! That Caddy is (IN MY OPINION) a great example of what to me was the near the pinacle of GM design; before the dark times, before the gas crisis.

Yup. that '69 SDV is now my wallpaper for the second time in a month. :wub: My neighbor has the exact carbon copy of that car but in a coupe and his is a '70. Same colors, top, hubcaps... everything. His car needs a fuel line that's been a long time coming. It's sat for almost a year now. :(
Shoot, my dad makes those in his sleep. All you need is the right diamteter tubing and a flange tool.

Shoot, my dad makes those in his sleep. All you need is the right diamteter tubing and a flange tool.


Yup, and he (Brad) has both, as a matter of fact he lent me his steel line cutting tool and some line when the fuel lines on the Suburban (that he sold me) rotted out. He's just a tad busy with life in general. His mom died about two years ago and then he got married and just two weeks ago they welcomed a little daughter inot the world. (which reminds me we still have not sent a card!)

Anyway he's got a huge barn in the back of his house that has three floors, the lower floor has only one entrance accesible from the back, the doors were so overgrown with poison ivy and some other big ivy that he had to take a chain saw to them. He says I can have (as in for free) a early 80s Thunderbird thats sitting in there and has not seen the light of day in about 8 years. It last ran in the mid 90s and the trans was sliping already. I, being a crackpot that I am was like Sure I'll take it! :P

He also has a late 60s/early 70s Dune Buggy in there and a bunch of other stuff that he barelly remembers.

Right now in his back yard is his brohter's AWD Celica turbo... Brad's AMC Concord and his newest 'project': an early 80s AMC SX4. It's in rough shape but drivable.

Posted Image

Talk about cool neighbors. Plus his dad is like 81 years old and served in WWII. He was one of the first US "special ops" guys, trained by the UK's special ops. Never talks about it but Brad has told me some stories. I guess watching Saving Private Ryan was a bit too much for him. He kept walking out of the room. :mellow:

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