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Japanese Tarrifs


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I've been thinking about this and wanted to start a thread about it because it's so unbelieveable this practice still exists and the US has done nothing about it. Just how much do the tarriffs increase the average price of a Cavalier or Corvette, since I know those are about the only American cars that sell in Japan. This is probably the most backhanded thing any company can do, not because Japan Inc are selling so extraordinarily well, but because of all the other pressures in addition to this ridiculous form of trade GM must follow in Japan. So if anyone knows what the real price difference becomes, can they speak up about it? Does this make anyone else as mad as me. The JApanese sell extraordinary amounts of cars, how would they like it if we did the same thing thier protectionist government does to us. Is it fair that we can't look out for our own industry here? We allow everyone else to take advantage of the glorious American dollar, but other countries have to use practices such as these to stop us from selling product in their market?
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I would GREATLY support heavy tariffs on countries that impose unfair monitary practices on us. I would even enter politics (which I can't stand) to push this cause. We (the USA) should stand up against these practices! Yeah, it would anger the anti-domestic automobile buyers................but that's just too bad!
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Im in favor of huge tarrifs on all Asain built cars, even if they are owned by GM or Ford, also any American manufactured cars by Asain held companies. 2-3 grand per vehical, no wait, how about 20%. Then it wouldnt discriminate against the low priced cars and favor the wealthy in their Lexus's and Infinities. All imported products should have the same 20% tariff. Canada is exempt Perhaps this would help pay for all the babysiting we have done across the world. Or help out on the industries that were sold out and left many retirees high and dry that our government had to step in and help. These tarriffs should stay in effect until all these other countries have raised the standard of their people and environment to that standard we (once) had. Anti protectionalists need their head examined. Do you have children. Do you know anything about the natural tendency to look out for your own. Ya'll make it sound like protectionalism is a dirty word but its not, its natural. You look out for your own kind. If you dont you are a spinless wimp. *you is no one in particular, unless you are one that thinks protection is a dirty word.
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There was an article in Monday's Autonews today about the Yen and how lots of people think it's unfair. Toyota/Honda/Nissan/etc., save an average of $3000 on EVERY normal car made, meaning Civic, Accord, Camry, Corolla, Altima, etc. AND, on every luxury sedan and SUV (not just luxury SUVs though) they save an average of TWEVLE THOUSAND DOLLARS per vehicle. I'm not going to do the math, but when you sell about 4.5 million vehicles a year, and a good portion of them are SUVs and luxury cars (and some expensive crew cab trucks that are probably in the same profit range as the SUVs), you're going to be saving BILLIONS.
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There was an article in Monday's Autonews today about the Yen and how lots of people think it's unfair.

Toyota/Honda/Nissan/etc., save an average of $3000 on EVERY normal car made, meaning Civic, Accord, Camry, Corolla, Altima, etc. AND, on every luxury sedan and SUV (not just luxury SUVs though) they save an average of TWEVLE THOUSAND DOLLARS per vehicle.

I'm not going to do the math, but when you sell about 4.5 million vehicles a year, and a good portion of them are SUVs and luxury cars (and some expensive crew cab trucks that are probably in the same profit range as the SUVs), you're going to be saving BILLIONS.


I cant follow this for some reason, what country, whos saving, and how is it they do so ?
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The Japanese are saving $3000 on every normal bread-and-butter car and $12000 on every SUV and luxury vehicle they sell compared to the Americans makes because of the Japanese government tampering with the Yen (and therefore giving the Japanese a huge trade advantage when it comes to currency). Hopefully that sums things up.
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The Japanese are saving $3000 on every normal bread-and-butter car and $12000 on every SUV and luxury vehicle they sell compared to the Americans makes because of the Japanese government tampering with the Yen (and therefore giving the Japanese a huge trade advantage when it comes to currency).

Hopefully that sums things up.


How to they tamper with the Yen?
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The problem is the government doesn't care about imports and tariffs. I just saw a news story on CNN tonight about the amount of goods being imported from China into the U.S. Something like 100k manufacturing jobs have been lost to China in the past year. To quote Lou Dobbs himself, "The middle class in this country is crumbling and nobody in Washington cares." Sad.
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Im in favor of huge tarrifs on all Asain built cars, even if they are owned by GM or Ford, also any American manufactured cars by Asain held companies. 2-3 grand per vehical, no wait, how about 20%. Then it wouldnt discriminate against the low priced cars and favor the wealthy in their Lexus's and Infinities.

All imported products should have the same 20% tariff.

Well... that would truly kill GTO sales. Most already consider it expensive as it is...
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The problem is the government doesn't care about imports and tariffs. I just saw a news story on CNN tonight about the amount of goods being imported from China into the U.S. Something like 100k manufacturing jobs have been lost to China in the past year. To quote Lou Dobbs himself, "The middle class in this country is crumbling and nobody in Washington cares." Sad.


Since when did the middle class work in factories churning out whatever tasteless crap it is that people buy at Wal-Mart?
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Since when did the middle class work in factories churning out whatever tasteless crap it is that people buy at Wal-Mart?


First, I mean really, saying since when and Walmart in the same sentence ? Whats Walmart in mass 15 years ?

Most of the manufacturing and construction sectors were always middle class. Along with the teachers and Police and local govenment peoples, ect. many Americans worked and lived at that level. In many cases on one income. It was a much more humble middle class at least as far as real estate and what somebody considered a good house and a good car and volumn of toys, but everybody was livin and thats what counts.

We had General Electric and American Locomotive Co. in my basic area as well as some auto industry jobs. Ford had one plant, I forget what was made there. An arsonal, Knolls Nuclear but they are still strong. Albanys a capitol so I see lots of State employees in this area too.
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Im in favor of huge tarrifs on all Asain built cars, even if they are owned by GM or Ford, also any American manufactured cars by Asain held companies. 2-3 grand per vehical, no wait, how about 20%. Then it wouldnt discriminate against the low priced cars and favor the wealthy in their Lexus's and Infinities.
All imported products should have the same 20% tariff.
Canada is exempt

I have no problem with this whatsoever. In fact, I second the motion whole-heartedly.
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How to they tamper with the Yen?


Japan buys billions of dollars on global currency exhanges and thereby artificially weaken the Yen.

In addition to it costing less for the Japanese makers to make vehicles, it also costs US automarkers more to sell cars in Japan. This also means that every dollay the Japanese companies make in the US is worth more in Yen in Japan.

Last week the Yen to dollar ratio was 114 to 1. A fair ratio would be somewhere in the 90-100 to 1 ratio.
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There is nothing "maybe" about saved $5 but yours "maybe" is just maybe. http://www.cheersandgears.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/AH-HA_wink.gif


sure... you may have saved 5$... but that is short term...

in america, every time you spend something built here in the USA, in some # of days, a percent of what you spend will eventually find its way back in your pocket...

example... Henry Ford, doubled the average wage for his assembly builders so they could afford the cars they were producing... he also had workers that didnt need to be there, if the buisness was streamlined, he wouldnt need as many workers as he had, but he was paying them so they could buy his products...

basically if you buy a car that Mr. neighbors assembled down the street, he'll get to see some of you're money, and perhaps he'll goto the local grocery spend that money, and maybe someone at the grocery store, goes to you're place of work and buys something... that money is back in you're company, or back in your hands...

but if you dont buy locally, it wont come back around...

We outsource thousands of jobs to build anything and everything to japan, and we send our money over there... and do they buy any of our products? probably not in the same quanity, because our products are taxed... so... who is really benifiting by sending our money to them, when they wont give it back...?

I say tax the toy soldiers and tax the japanese automakers... until they stop taxing us... Edited by Newbiewar
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If you can't make something and sell it at a competitive price than you shouldn't be making it. It's not my job to support anybodies inefficiencies. I'm self employed and don't think for one minute that anybody ever hired me because they felt sorry for me or because they cared about my standard of living. It's all about what you get for your money.
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It's not my job to support anybodies inefficiencies.


it's not...? you're self employeed?

well I hope no one hired you because they felt sorry for you, but i'm not exactly sure how that applys, but in any event...
I think history is going to repeat itself in the near future, I think the great depression is upon us, and within the next 10 years things are going to be grim... look at the warning signs... an expected real estate fallout, with banks having intrest only loans... Corperate america is starting to go belly up... natural disasters hitting the entire south east and an expected massive earthquake to hit and shock the entire west coast... detriot is negative around 600 billion...
with globalization on the rise, USA is going to need to undo minimum wage, to survive...
if people around the world are willing to live off of 1$ a day, then that is world wide minimum wage...
when a man and his family will do anything to work, and a corperation responds... USA is going down... every great empire falls... without the right leadership... not to say bush isnt doing a good job, he's just not doing the right job... he's worried about others when its time to worry about us...
I hate to sound so Anit America... but in realization... we're very skrewed right now...
so i say tax em... if they want to work for 1$ a day... the US government should make a dime, only politians can stop globilization...
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Im in favor of huge tarrifs on all Asain built cars, even if they are owned by GM or Ford, also any American manufactured cars by Asain held companies. 2-3 grand per vehical, no wait, how about 20%. Then it wouldnt discriminate against the low priced cars and favor the wealthy in their Lexus's and Infinities.

All imported products should have the same 20% tariff.

Canada is exempt

Perhaps this would help pay for all the babysiting we have done across the world.

Or help out on the industries that were sold out and left many retirees high and dry that our government had to step in and help.

These tarriffs should stay in effect until all these other countries have raised the standard of their people and environment to that standard we (once) had.

Anti protectionalists need their head examined. Do you have children. Do you know anything about the natural tendency to look out for your own. Ya'll make it sound like protectionalism is a dirty word but its not, its natural. You look out for your own kind. If you dont you are a spinless wimp.

*you is no one in particular, unless you are one that thinks protection is a dirty word.


20% sounds about right. I think though, that this should apply to ANY country (including Canada) that engages in certain shady economic practices that hurt the USA economy. Also, if this tax did happen, most likely the offending countries would change their practices quickly (meaning the tax would not last long). Prices would be closer to their "real" price, then the USA would be more competative (like they should be). In this case, the USA might not have to ship as many factory jobs to China and Mexico...................at this time we can all drink a Coke, hold hands, and sing.
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sometimes companies need to stay competitive too, the Ranger plant here in St. Paul keeps slowing down, because Ford hasn't updated the damn truck in like 15 years!!!!!!! no wonder they are always bemoaning the possibility of plant closure.


That is so true. Ford is slowly killing the Ranger by refusing to change. Just compare the TACO and the FRONTIER to the RANGER and it is hardly surprising that FORD is steadily losing ground.
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It doesn't matter which side of the debate you are on, it is very difficult for American companies to do business inJapan. Toys R Us and other companies are forced to form "partnerships" if they want access to Japanese markets. The real question here - and the point of this thread - is does anyone out there know exactly what duties Japan imposes on imports of American cars? I have heard that is basically doubles the price of a Mustang sold there. Is this true? And if so, what is Washington going to do about it, or are they going to wait until GM goes bankrupt and then wonder who will build the Hummer for them?
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Im in favor of huge tarrifs on all Asain built cars, even if they are owned by GM or Ford, also any American manufactured cars by Asain held companies. 2-3 grand per vehical, no wait, how about 20%. Then it wouldnt discriminate against the low priced cars and favor the wealthy in their Lexus's and Infinities.

All imported products should have the same 20% tariff.

Canada is exempt

Perhaps this would help pay for all the babysiting we have done across the world.

Or help out on the industries that were sold out and left many retirees high and dry that our government had to step in and help.

These tarriffs should stay in effect until all these other countries have raised the standard of their people and environment to that standard we (once) had.

Anti protectionalists need their head examined. Do you have children. Do you know anything about the natural tendency to look out for your own. Ya'll make it sound like protectionalism is a dirty word but its not, its natural. You look out for your own kind. If you dont you are a spinless wimp.

*you is no one in particular, unless you are one that thinks protection is a dirty word.


What's the difference between strangers in Alaska and strangers in Thailand?
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The real question here - and the point of this thread - is does anyone out there know exactly what duties Japan imposes on imports of American cars? I have heard that is basically doubles the price of a Mustang sold there.  Is this true?
  And if so, what is Washington going to do about it, or are they going to wait until GM goes bankrupt and then wonder who will build the Hummer for them?


According to what Buzz Hargrove was saying last month Japan only imports 26,000 American cars a year. They're a lot smarter than us they won't give us full access to their market cause they know any foreign cars sold in their country means less sales for their companies.
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Since when did the middle class work in factories churning out whatever tasteless crap it is that people buy at Wal-Mart?


Five years ago maybe most of the stuff China was producing was toys and junk for Wal Mart and Dollar stores. Now its everything from car parts,electronics, TVs, and washing machines. Middle class Americans used to work in these industries.
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Do you think that 35 years ago Sony, Hitachi, etc. built better TVs, than Zenith, Philco, etc.? No, they dumped them on the American market while receiving sugar import quotas from the Ministy of Industry and Trade while at the same time restricting imports. One by one, all the American manufacturers went under or were bought out by foreign interests. Sound familiar?
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Im in favor of huge tarrifs on all Asain built cars, even if they are owned by GM or Ford, also any American manufactured cars by Asain held companies. 2-3 grand per vehical, no wait, how about 20%. Then it wouldnt discriminate against the low priced cars and favor the wealthy in their Lexus's and Infinities.
All imported products should have the same 20% tariff.
Canada is exempt

I have no problem with this whatsoever. In fact, I second the motion whole-heartedly.


Me three, me three. Perhaps make Australia and UK exempt as well... either way Japan is the most important one.

Was it like 98 when there was talk of this for the first time. I was actually on the fence about it until I relised it would simply level the playing field.
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Im in favor of huge tarrifs on all Asain built cars, even if they are owned by GM or Ford, also any American manufactured cars by Asain held companies. 2-3 grand per vehical, no wait, how about 20%. Then it wouldnt discriminate against the low priced cars and favor the wealthy in their Lexus's and Infinities.

All imported products should have the same 20% tariff.

Canada is exempt

Perhaps this would help pay for all the babysiting we have done across the world.

Or help out on the industries that were sold out and left many retirees high and dry that our government had to step in and help.

These tarriffs should stay in effect until all these other countries have raised the standard of their people and environment to that standard we (once) had.

Anti protectionalists need their head examined. Do you have children. Do you know anything about the natural tendency to look out for your own. Ya'll make it sound like protectionalism is a dirty word but its not, its natural. You look out for your own kind. If you dont you are a spinless wimp.

*you is no one in particular, unless you are one that thinks protection is a dirty word.


There's a HUGE tariff on imported trucks......look what THAT did.....now the imports just build 'em here instead and avoid the tariff all together....
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none....but if we built them in Japan wouldn't there still be a tarriff since technically it is still an American car company. And I'm sure the Japanese impose huge restrictions on foreign companies trying to build on thier soil----has to be. That and the Japanese sense of self pride, they'd probably leave the screws unscrewed, damn disciplined self-righteous Japanese (sarcasm)...... I'm sure there is a logical reason NO American company, or foreign company for that matter has decided to build there. Could it just be a weak market?
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none....but if we built them in Japan wouldn't there still be a tarriff since technically it is still an American car company. And I'm sure the Japanese impose huge restrictions on foreign companies trying to build on thier soil----has to be. That and the Japanese sense of self pride, they'd probably leave the screws unscrewed, damn disciplined self-righteous Japanese (sarcasm)......

I'm sure there is a logical reason NO American company, or foreign company for that matter has decided to build there. Could it just be a weak market?


Japan doesnt exactly have tons of free land lying about...

besides it isnt 1985 anymore, taxing japan only would be completely unfair and ultimately would not have the impact you guys want.
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Obviously, such a taxation would be meaningless if U.S.-assembled japanese cars skated under the tariff. In order for it to 'have the impact we want', all foreign company vehicles --regardless of point of assembly-- would be taxed.
Wouldn't affect me in the least; I say 'go for it!'


Stop living in a dream world. It ain't gonna happen. The new TUNDRA and SEQUOIA are going to be built in Bush's home state. You really think he will be stupid enough to impose tariff on Texas built TUNDRAS ? I dont think so.
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Obviously, such a taxation would be meaningless if U.S.-assembled japanese cars skated under the tariff. In order for it to 'have the impact we want', all foreign company vehicles --regardless of point of assembly-- would be taxed.
Wouldn't affect me in the least; I say 'go for it!'


Its better to make Japanese companies build cars here (at least the jobs are here) than build them over in Japan. Another good part is it would provide for a little extra revenue for the Gov't in the short term, which would be rolled over to American Car maufacturers
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This thread has meandered back and forth between fantasy and reality. The REALITY is that Japan puts up so many roadblocks for foreign interests to sell or manufacture automobiles in that country that they are the only country in the world where foreign car sales are negligible. I am amazed that so few Americans know about this or care. In every other market in the world - whether Brazil or Germany or China or Thailand, there is healthy competition from automakers that represent all the major manufacturers. Japan is the only market (that I am aware of) that virtually prohibits foreign car sales. Even Russia's market is more open. Yet Washington ignores this even as Detroit goes down in flames.
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