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Why would you get more of the younger people out?! That is where the future talent comes from, they need fresh blood and new ideas.

Why would you get more of the younger people out?! That is where the future talent comes from, they need fresh blood and new ideas.

+1 Though if they're needing to reduce the workforce by say 10,000 and they could buyout 5,000 and have another 5,000 that are going to retire soon anyway, that could work out. Good to keep some of the older, er, "more experienced" folks around if they're still doing their job and doing it well. Don't want to narrow it down to a bunch of newbies. lol Best people to target: the slackers. Get 'em out - they'll just hold the company back. I'm sure there's only so much targeting they can do, though, and be fair about it.


Yes, keep some of the "more experienced" workers around as long as they are productive and don't have something like 36 years in but still want to stay but aren't necessarily working. It's time to go and make way for some of these younger people salary/hourly and CONTRACT(AHEM!) to get a piece of the pie.

Why would you get more of the younger people out?! That is where the future talent comes from, they need fresh blood and new ideas.

Because the younger people who joined under the old contract pose the highest long-term cost liability to GM. You can buy them out now and hire a new batch under the new contract that pays a lot less.

Because the younger people who joined under the old contract pose the highest long-term cost liability to GM. You can buy them out now and hire a new batch under the new contract that pays a lot less.

Just get rid of the contracts completely and then maybe GM will have a chance at survival.

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