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Posted (edited)

Look what oil can build you...

Burj Dubai Tower
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
160-200 floors
2132 ft (705 m) to 3116 ft (950 m)
Completion in 2007

Estimated cost to build: $1 billion

To get an idea of how tall this thing will be, the Sears Tower is 1,454 feet tall excluding the antennas...this could be anywhere from 700 ft to 1700 ft taller.

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Edited by mustang84
Isn't it great how so many tall buildings are going up in Arab countries, because they don't have to fear the Mooselimbs bombing their own structures? :lol: :angry: Fuckers.
The US has been shifting away from large skyscrapers since the early 90s. Most of the reason is due to companies moving their headquarters out to sprawling suburban complexes where they can get a "university-like" atmosphere. Skyscrapers used to symbolize the power and might of the company located within them, but now that we're in a digital age, that old concept is becoming outdated as centralized downtown locations have become less desirable due to the internet and other communications. It's kinda sad, because I would love for the US to hold the title of having the 'world's tallest building' again.
Beautiful in artist renderings. However, we're all paying for it. Would we rather see the Twin Towers rebuilt or this Saudi rip off produced because of our money? We won't be shit in 10 years.
And they build it in a f*&%ing swamp. :mellow: Yes, yes & yes... good points. I LIKE the concept of the freedom tower. We'll have to wait for the execution.
Posted (edited)
Looks like they put alot of thought into the structural architecture so say something like a big ol' jet airliner couldnt take it down. :P Once symbols of industrial power and might. Stay tuned America :( American history are becoming two interesting words...... when put together in same sentence Edited by razoredge
I wouldn't discount America/Americans, just yet. What makes us #1 is not our ability to do something bigger, but our ability to be the first on the block to come up with the idea, and the first on the block to make the billions on the idea. China, Saudi, Japan, & India all have the same problem. Dreaming is not a part of their society. They will only go so far by copying us. In the end, as long as we are the head dreamers will be the richest country. Think of it another way. Who cares if you pay your people $0.5 an hour to do something because you have to compete with the rest of the world on a cost basis to produce something. Here in the US, the auto industry, the computer industry and the like have set the world on fire. We will continue to be the inovators because that's what we are. That's who we are. When you travel around the world you'll see they can't and don't teach about dreaming like we do here. You can't without a free press, without schools that emphasis individuality, etc.
Countries like the UAE are only in the limelight because of their oil money and their ability to buy outside ideas. Foreign nationals are not allowed to own anything in these countries. Can't even become direct citizens. With that kind of attitude, these countries will always be backwaters on the world stage. The true world leaders are ALL western democracies because we encourage individual freedom and excellence. We promote outside ideas and encourage dissent. What terrorists view as our major weakness is, in fact, our greatest strength. Hell, if for no other reason, the West shall prevail just because we embrace the other half of the world's population - WOMEN.

Beautiful in artist renderings. However, we're all paying for it.

Would we rather see the Twin Towers rebuilt or this Saudi rip off produced because of our money?

We won't be shit in 10 years.


If the Republicans stay in power, we will continue the downward spiral into oblivion, I'm afraid...

We won't be shit in 10 years.


I agree.

Look we all want America to be great again, but we wont unless every one helps. Our lower class citezen is the highest its ever been and is still raiseing. our "Perfect" middle class is gone because big corp. won't pay there there employees 27-40 dollars an hour. the only jobs that pay that are Autos but, there going down the shit tube really fast.

I could go on and on but, we have to take things in to are own hands like government. how about WE make descions not some guy we vote in to office that only one half country wants.

Try to get more Uninions back, before i get ridiculed, I will state that poeple died to get uninions and they are great just that modern ones run like crap.

Education here where I live 20% of kids didnt pass there grade in high school. also they all could care less about there future.


(O Canada O Canada :CanadaEmoticon: I might have to move overe there)

If the Republicans stay in power, we will continue the downward spiral into oblivion, I'm afraid...


Let's not get into a direct political discussion. *oops too late* Our current WhiteHouse hood ornament is quite the retard but he's NOT the enitre Rep. party....

Personally we need change and a good/better/competant president. Not a fuckoff like Clinton but not another blind Dubbya either. Persoanlly I just hope to god, pray and pray that Hillary does not end up in the white house. That carpet bagging Hag is pure evil.

Isn't it great how so many tall buildings are going up in Arab countries, because they don't have to fear the Mooselimbs bombing their own structures? :lol:




Oh, boy... <_<

Muslim/Arab doesn't necessarily equal "terrorist".

Personally, I think it's stupid and unnecessary to have that tall a building.

Good to see my $.80/gal increase in gasoline over the past few months is going to something worthwhile.


Are they stopping us from building more refineries?

Are they stopping us from building more refineries?


Na its probably got something to do with that "better global world thing"

Less is more in America or is it More is more ? Boy we just cant make up our mind can we ?


Are they stopping us from building more refineries?


No we are!! Stupid "Green People" are they keep on wanting to shut them down. I say we build more it would also come with jobs. I might be looking for one.

If the Republicans stay in power, we will continue the downward spiral into oblivion, I'm afraid...


Let's not get into a direct political discussion. *oops too late* Our current WhiteHouse hood ornament is quite the retard but he's NOT the enitre Rep. party....

Personally we need change and a good/better/competant president. Not a fuckoff like Clinton but not another blind Dubbya either. Persoanlly I just hope to god, pray and pray that Hillary does not end up in the white house. That carpet bagging Hag is pure evil.


Good to see my $.80/gal increase in gasoline over the past few months is going to something worthwhile.


Okay... keep politics out of it. "No political talk. There are plenty of forums on the 'net for that. Lets keep C&G free of political talk." Did you miss that at the top? Please do so... before I have to get into another of my "defensive" modes. :D

Anyways... interesting. Really interesting. I just don't quite get why a building that tall is necessary, but whatever. Make sure it's airplane proof.

Anyways... interesting. Really interesting. I just don't quite get why a building that tall is necessary, but whatever. Make sure it's airplane proof.


They are at the point where they will do stuff just to show the whole world how successful they are. We were there 80-90 years ago. At this point we don't have to build tallest building, biggest bridges etc., in order to prove that we are the greatest nation in the world. Today, unless a sound business case can justify it it's not going to be built in this country.

Today, unless a sound business case can justify it it's not going to be built in this country.


Theres still lots of money squandered in this country. Not that I care about tall buildings. Im glad NYC has them though. If they dropped everything down to 3 stories the population would over run the entire state. Keep the ants down in that ant hill and stack em up to the sky.
The UAE (country where Dubai is located) isn't that bad of an Arab country and is actually quite modern and tolerant for an Arab nation, which may not be saying much. In fact, development in the country has to be more than the rest of the Middle Eastern nations combined. I don't have any hard facts but just seeing what is being built there (apart from this, Dubai has more skyscrapers under construction than it already has completed and man-made islands are being created off the coast) that conclusion has to be reached.

According to Wikipedia, the UAE has the 3rd largest oil reserves in the Middle East after Saudi and Iran.

Its generosity with oil revenues and its moderate foreign policy stance have allowed it to play a vital role in the affairs of the region. In recent years the government has sought to diversify its sources of income and lessen its dependence on finite oil reserves. One result of these efforts is a steadily developing tourism industry, centered on coastal, desert and sporting resorts and infrastructure. The success of these ventures, along with other factors like the relatively low price of commodities, the warm temperatures that prevail for most of the year, the engineering marvels such as Burj Al Arab and The Palm Islands, and friendliness to the West have led many to call it the Singapore or Hong Kong of the Middle East.


Keep the ants down in that ant hill and stack em up to the sky.


What the hell is that supposed to mean? Honestly, sometimes I wish Members like you would refrain from posting when all you have to add is ignorant bullshit.
Basically, here, members are conservative/ignorant/racist/intolerant when it's convenient.....not naming names or situations, just calling it like I see it.... I mean hey, calling anything from SE Asian countries "rice" is accepted, so I don't know how one can expect a higher standard on other issues... If political talk was OK here, you'd see the real deal with a lot of people.
For what it's worth I've never called something "Rice" just because it's made in Japan, but yet I'm narrow minded and and idiot according to some (not you LA) because I've refined my Automotive tastes over the past 10 years of my "adult" life to exclude most FWD cars. There's a lot of B.S. on this forum. But calling New Yorkers as a whole "Ants" is not racist or ignorant. As far as conservative being a bad word, wel if it was up to the "liberals" we'd be at peace right now... probably no war in Iraq but there woudl have probably been another succesfuil attack on our soil, instead of in the UK or Spain. And instead of killing Terrorists in the Middle East we'd be condoning drilling holes in baby's heads and other disgusting partial birth abortion practices.... And BTW: In do not agree wiht the war in Iraq, just making illustrating a point.

For what it's worth I've never called something "Rice" just because it's made in Japan, but yet I'm narrow minded and and idiot according to some (not you LA) because I've refined my Automotive tastes over the past 10 years of my "adult" life to exclude most FWD cars.

There's a lot of B.S. on this forum.

I hope you're not referring to me...

There's a lot of B.S. on this forum. But calling New Yorkers as a whole "Ants" is not racist or ignorant.

As far as conservative being a bad word, wel if it was up to the "liberals" we'd be at peace right now... probably no war in Iraq but there woudl have probably been another succesfuil attack on our soil, instead of in the UK or Spain. And instead of killing Terrorists in the Middle East we'd be condoning drilling holes in baby's heads and other disgusting partial birth abortion practices....

And BTW: In do not agree wiht the war in Iraq, just making illustrating a point.


2) No political talk. There are plenty of forums on the 'net for that. Lets keep C&G free of political talk.

Not only that, but you say there's alot of B.S. on the forum, then say if it were up to liberals we'd all be drilling holes in babies' heads.


2) No political talk. There are plenty of forums on the 'net for that. Lets keep C&G free of political talk.

Posted (edited)
The majority of liberals do favor abortion. LA, being conservative does not mean you're ignorant or racist. I've seen way too many liberals say they're "open minded" but turn very nasty whenever someone says something they don't agree with. Razor is the furthest thing from conservative, too. Just read his rants on the economy and unions. Edit: spelling. Edited by sciguy_0504

What the hell is that supposed to mean?  Honestly, sometimes I wish Members like you would refrain from posting when all you have to add is ignorant bullshit.


Calm down there, NY city is an anthill, are we going to argue that ? So please stop your ignorant bullshit ! And really more ignorant is steriotyping me as " Members like you" may be being cruel to others here. :) Ow!!!!

Im not a racist. I am however completely against any further immigration. It something that suits my worldly tastes. I like open land, country, I dont favor surburban sprawl and huge metropolis. Its my flavor of the world, nothing to do with race. This also should further explain my views of the citys as Anthills, if you can absorb it.

I do have a problem with middle east people, always have. I grew up on a diet of plane hyjackings, the endless war in Jordan or where ever it was, watching footage of the idiots fireing guns off over thier heads, mindlessly into the air. Chanting Kill America, Kill America.

Dont believe me, ask someone who was around in the 60's 70's and had to watch the news everynight. Damn me for my feelings on these people ????? Once again Ow !!!!!!!!

The majority of liberals do favor abortion.

LA, being conservative does not mean you're ignorant or racist.  I've seen way too many liberals say they're "open minded" but turn very nasty whenever someone says something they don't agree with.  Razor is the furthest thing from conservative, too.  Just read his rants on the economy and unions.

Edit:  spelling.


Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, what did I do now ?

Conservative ? YES ! Im for conserving resources, economys, the countryside, American industries, jobs, good life

Liberal ? YES! Im for spending liberal amounts of time to stand ones ground for what they believe in. Which in my case is conserving things

open minded YES! I try very hard to see the whole picture. However I draw a hard line at what I believe is right and what I belive is wrong. When it comes to fast gains for a few and screw all else. Yep ! The doors are shut on that one.

Rants ? Yep, this one really hurts me, you'll can use this one when you want to cut me. However if standing my ground is ranting, so be it. Pretty sure more than a few ranted back and in some instances ranted first.

If you want the best discription of my political mind - Im a bleeding heart radical....... ranting bleeding heart radical


Calm down there, NY city is an anthill, are we going to argue that ? So please stop your ignorant bullshit ! And really more ignorant is steriotyping me as " Members like you" may be being cruel to others here.  :)  Ow!!!!

Congratulations. You've displayed the maturity of an 8-year old girl.

I'd say "OWW!!!", but I'd rather not look like a complete asshole.
Going nowhere fast and will be closed because of it. The lack of maturity has been shining through in the Lounge lately. I sincerely hope it's due to the impending winter weather and will pass through like a bad snow storm.
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