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Detroit News: Hillary Calls for 55 MPG BY 2030


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Hillary Clinton calls for 55 mpg by 2030

David Shepardson and Gordon Trowbridge / Detroit News Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON -- Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton proposed hiking fuel economy standards to a combined fleetwide average of 55 miles per gallon by 2030.

She also pledged to offer domestic automakers $20 billion in low-interest government loans to help retool factories.

Clinton, the New York Democratic senator, has courted the United Auto Workers and met with domestic auto CEOs, but been at odds with them on fuel economy requirements.

In a speech Monday in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, she joined Democratic rivals in taking a hard line on requiring substantial increases in fuel economy requirements. Clinton proposed a boost significantly beyond what the Senate approved in June, which is to hike combined fleet-wide standards to 40 miles per gallon by 2020. That's a 60 percent increase over the current 25 mpg standard.

A less-aggressive proposal would cost automakers at least $85 billion by 2020.

She argued that engine technology has stagnated, noting that Henry Ford would immediately recognize the engine in a car made today.

"Imagine over the last century if we had advanced as far in powering our autos as we have at making them safer," she said.

Of auto companies, Clinton said: "I want to be a partner, a good partner, to help them transition to the clean economy." She also said she would work with them on legacy health care and retiree costs.

The Senate in June voted 65-27 to increase fuel economy standards to a combined 35 mpg by 2020 -- a 40 percent increase.

The Detroit Three and Toyota have backed a softer increase that would hike fuel economy standards by between 28 and 40 percent by 2022 to between 32 mpg and 35 mpg.

House and Senate staffers are working behind closed doors to try to reach a deal on an energy bill. The House sidestepped the issue of fuel economy when it passed an energy bill in August -- in part because more than 160 House members had backed the increased supported by automakers.

Clinton's presidential campaign rival, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, has been running ads in New Hampshire touting the fact that he spoke to the Detroit Economic Club in May to tell automakers directly they need to do more.

"I went to Detroit to insist that we had to increase fuel economy standards," Obama says in his ad.

Another presidential rival, Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., would hike fuel economy standards to 50 mpg by 2017 and former Sen. John Edwards has said Americans should be encouraged to give up their SUVs.

Sen. Clinton is taking a much tougher line with automakers today than she did in May 2006, when she declined to directly endorse a specific fuel economy increase.

"I do believe it's vital we make progress on fuel- efficiency standards. We can't separate, however, the challenge of making auto manufacturing more energy-efficient and the challenge of making U.S. manufacturing more competitive," she said then at a National Press Club forum. "I believe we could do both. We need to be sure that our high standards don't provide an easy excuse for more auto jobs to leave the U.S., but I don't think that's the reason not to do it."

But since then the ground has dramatically shifted as automakers have lost a series of battles -- in the courts and on Capitol Hill -- amid growing momentum to raise passenger cars standards, which haven't been raised since 1985.

Clinton's campaign said by 2030 "these tough CAFE standards will save consumers more than $180 billion per year and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 730 million metric tons."

Clinton signed a letter last week raising her opposition to a provision in the Senate bill would weaken a provision of U.S law designed to keep 17,000 small car production jobs in the United States -- a key concern of the UAW.

Her 16-page plan notes that "Domestic automakers face serious competitive challenges due to higher labor costs, older equipment, and higher health care costs than their competition."

She would also create $20 billion in low-interest "Green Vehicle Bonds" so automakers could get "immediate help to retool the oldest auto plants to meet her strong efficiency standards."

U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Brighton, in February proposed up to $20 billion in federally backed loan guarantees to automakers and suppliers to cut the cost of obtaining capital.

Automakers could also get a " tax credit for qualifying private and public retiree health plans to offset a significant portion of catastrophic expenditures that exceed a certain threshold."

She would also move to accelerate production of plug-in electric hybrids -- though none are currently commercially available in wide numbers.

Clinton also said she would:

*Invest $2 billion in research and development to reduce the cost and increase the longevity and durability of batteries. Last year, automakers asked President Bush for $500 million in new battery funding -- a request that wasn't granted.

*Offer consumers tax credits of up to $10,000 for purchasing a plug-in hybrid

*Add 100,000 plug-in hybrid electric vehicles to the federal fleet by 2015.

One auto official said "it's futile to comment when the candidates are engaged in one-upsmanship."

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Hmm..... I wonder if you asked her what the Chevy Volt was if she would have a clue?

Second: I wonder if she has a clue to how much reshearch 2 Billion would buy you?

Third: I wonder if she has a clue how much $20 billion in loans would do to retrofit all the pants to meet this goal?

I know things need to improve but these canadates needs to engage someone who has a clue.

It is just so sad Americans as a whole are getting so uniformed that people running for office can say anything and get away with it so easy.

What is even more sad is there are few in the news media smart eough to call her on this.

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It seems like these Presidential candidates are getting into one-up mode when it comes to fuel economy solutions, to show the sheep voters how commited they are in saving the planet and who is better, without thinking scientifically, financially and literally.

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Cool. $10K for a Volt. And plug-in hybrids will definitely boost manufacturer averages. The proposed method to calculate FE of range-extender-EVs is to drive "repeatedly through federal city cycles (6 miles) until the ICE kicks in, then it is driven one more. The fuel economy would then be calculated as the amount of gas used divided by the miles and controlling for electric consumption."

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OK, so the ICE kicks in after 6.6 city cycles (40 miles), and then it will run for 1 more cycle (6 miles).

The Volt uses 8 kWh per 40 miles. 600g CO2 are produced from a NG power plant per kWh, so that's 4.8 kg CO2 in EV mode over 40 miles. 4.8kg CO2 is equivalent to .55 gallons of gasoline, so that means a Volt (running on electricity from NG) gets an equivalent 73 MPG in EV mode. Factor in the 50 MPG in gas mode over 6 miles, and that's an average of 66 MPG.

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bicycles for everyone!

Recent scientific study funded by Al Gore shows that bicycles pollute!

I will make 5 miles of daily walking mandatory by 2010, and increase that to 10 miles by 2015! And then finally 16 miles by 2020! By then, daily walking should cover the average American commute, potentially decreasing vehicle emissions to 0%!

Vote for me!!

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Recent scientific study funded by Al Gore shows that bicycles pollute!

I will make 5 miles of daily walking mandatory by 2010, and increase that to 10 miles by 2015! And then finally 16 miles by 2020! By then, daily walking should cover the average American commute, potentially decreasing vehicle emissions to 0%!

Vote for me!!

Uh, I will make it a point to eat as many beans and heads of broccoli I can so when I'm doing this 16 mile per day walk, I assure you, although vehicular emissions will be down, other emissions will be on the rise :AH-HA_wink:
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Or we could take away the ban on pebble bed nuclear reactors put in place by the Carter Administration to reduce the chance of nuclear proliferation. The pebble bed reactors that Westinghouse is developing for China could be used here.

The some nice things about pebble bed reactors is they have an inherent, natural, safety system so that if there is a catastrophic loss of coolant, the reactor goes into idle mode. This happens without any human interaction at all. Secondly, the nuclear fuel is recyclable. They don't use water as a coolant so there is no need to locate them near rivers. They use helium as a coolant which is about the most benign element there is. It doesn't pick up radioactivity like most other elements do... so if the coolant escapes, it's not a health hazard.

Then we could replace all those dirty coal plants.

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Sen. Clinton is taking a much tougher line with automakers today than she did in May 2006, when she declined to directly endorse a specific fuel economy increase.

That statement right there is the meaning behind this entire situation.

Hillary doesn't give a rats ass about the environment (Nobody does in Washington) She's merely trying to get votes. In May 2006, being 'green' wasn't favored among voters, but now that it is and politics = business her advisors have told her to whisper exactly what the public wants into it's ear.

So now, we have this 'tough stance' on fuel economy that isn't about the environment or foreign dependence on oil. It's about pleasing the voter who is pissed about paying $3/gallon for fuel.

I can't wait for the day that exciting cars are no longer produced. I guess the liberals decided that they couldn't kill Detroit, so they'd just kill the car entirely. It'll be funny to see how much of this is actually implemented when the reality of the situation proves that these politician's mouths are writing checks their asses can't cash.

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That statement right there is the meaning behind this entire situation.

Hillary doesn't give a rats ass about the environment (Nobody does in Washington) She's merely trying to get votes. In May 2006, being 'green' wasn't favored among voters, but now that it is and politics = business her advisors have told her to whisper exactly what the public wants into it's ear.

So now, we have this 'tough stance' on fuel economy that isn't about the environment or foreign dependence on oil. It's about pleasing the voter who is pissed about paying $3/gallon for fuel.

I can't wait for the day that exciting cars are no longer produced. I guess the liberals decided that they couldn't kill Detroit, so they'd just kill the car entirely. It'll be funny to see how much of this is actually implemented when the reality of the situation proves that these politician's mouths are writing checks their asses can't cash.

Maybe I should pick up a few cars now... :scratchchin:

And upping the MPG is going to save us now.....4-5 bucks a gallon of gas should throw us into a nice recession.....

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because hydrogen is not a fuel source.

But it is a possibly much more efficient means to store energy than traditional batteries (key word is possibly). And it can be generated using clean methods such as solar just like electricity. Here's something cool.

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But it is a possibly much more efficient means to store energy than traditional batteries (key word is possibly). And it can be generated using clean methods such as solar just like electricity. Here's something cool.

Really, it doesn't matter. *Everything* needs energy, whether you're creating electricity for li-ion plug-ins, hydrogen for fuel cells, or biofuels for ICEs, so we need to find a way to produce more of it cleanly and to reduce individual consumption of it. There isn't a no-compromise magical bullet; conservation has proven to be the most immediate, cost-effective, and feasible.

Edited by empowah
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I have the best proposal of all. In order to offset the increased emissions of power plants powering electric vehicles we will institute mandatory treadmill runs for 45 minutes a day on treadmills which will generate electricity based on the running of all the obese people in the US. Think of the reduced cost to feed/house all the obese people and the reduced health care costs associated w/ lowered obesity in the US.

Remember a vote for me is a vote for 91z4me!!! :pbjtime:

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Why do these people insist on making me hate my own country?

Raising CAFE won't do a damn thing at this point.

Where are the proposals to encourage alternative fuel and infrastructure development?

The problem with asking folks to sacrifice is that too many of us just don't believe there is much left worth sacrificing for. And that is a problem these politicians won't even acknowledge, let alone face.

They are all bastards.

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+1 to the above. How in the world does Hillary, or any policy maker, know anything about the auto industry. I guess they should think of this before they get in their armored Cadillac limo or big black Ford Excursions. I'd like to see some of their fat asses slide into the backseat of a Hyundai Accent or Kia Rio and be shuttled off to wherever they are going next.

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the politicians would not be against cars if they had like 4 manufacturing plants in their state. or who knows, maybe they still would.

if GM ford and chryco decentralized I think they would get more empathy from the bloodsucker politicians.

People hold a lot of venom against automakers because they think its self serving for Michigan and some industrial states.

But, who lame here? California as a state is the biggest bunch of bitchers and whiners and set the most useless laws, but never in the last 50 years have they stepped up to the plate to develop breakthrough mass scale technology for cars and neither have they stepped up to the plate with radical new infrastructure or manufacturing breakthroughs. yet they consume and consume and consume. And bitch. They could be a huge part of the solution on the 'fix the problem' side. All they've done is pass the buck and pass legislation. That's politics for you. They have enormous potential to fix the mess they created.

Edited by regfootball
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She is just another BIG GOVERNMENT COMMIE who knows NOTHING ABOUT the automotive industry or enginearing but SPOUTS OFF this GARBAGE to get votes from the TREEHUGGING ENVIRO-MENTALCASES!! If you listen to each of her ideas and then COMBINE them they will COST MORE from the economy and the American people and business then we will ever have the ability to pay!!

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She is just another BIG GOVERNMENT COMMIE who knows NOTHING ABOUT the automotive industry or enginearing but SPOUTS OFF this GARBAGE to get votes from the TREEHUGGING ENVIRO-MENTALCASES!! If you listen to each of her ideas and then COMBINE them they will COST MORE from the economy and the American people and business then we will ever have the ability to pay!!

Not just her, about every politician in Washington.

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Really, it doesn't matter. *Everything* needs energy, whether you're creating electricity for li-ion plug-ins, hydrogen for fuel cells, or biofuels for ICEs, so we need to find a way to produce more of it cleanly and to reduce individual consumption of it. There isn't a no-compromise magical bullet; conservation has proven to be the most immediate, cost-effective, and feasible.

The cleanup needs to start in the industrial sector, I agree. I tried to make this point during an environmental discussion for my Eco class.

I think solar panels are the answer, seriously. They are getting cheaper to produce, and are becoming more efficient.

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I have the best proposal of all. In order to offset the increased emissions of power plants powering electric vehicles we will institute mandatory treadmill runs for 45 minutes a day on treadmills which will generate electricity based on the running of all the obese people in the US. Think of the reduced cost to feed/house all the obese people and the reduced health care costs associated w/ lowered obesity in the US.

Every time I go to the gym, I see all the people on the elliptical bikes and other human-powered machines (treadmills are usually powered so they don't count), and I wonder how much potential energy is being wasted....

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Every time I go to the gym, I see all the people on the elliptical bikes and other human-powered machines (treadmills are usually powered so they don't count), and I wonder how much potential energy is being wasted....

my friends and i had a discussion about this... sadly electric generators aren't very efficient in small pakages... but if you could link up lots of bikes to say..screw gears to turn a bigger generator, it could be useful,

ideas were "flying" but it just wouldn't scale very well.

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The best thing the goverment can do for technology development and support of our indusry is to get fully behind the space program again.

For the last so many years we have had NASA just going through the motions with budget cuts. They have not been a big help in developing new technology in great quanities like in the past.

The space race in the 60's and 70's did more for the human race advancement than any one thing ever done. The objective of NASA was not to just go to the moon but to develope technology to get there.

The talk of going to Mars would be a big step to bring us new power systems and bateries that could change our lives in ways we can not even understand yet.

Let face it GM and Boeing have already built a car for the moon in the 60's that was electric, light, AWD and 4 wheel steering. Hmmm What do you thing the largest American car company and the builder of some of the highest tech planes can do working to gether funded by the goverment? Things learned there could carry over into the private sector so easily.

Lets face it we would not be here today debating this as we are without a space program. Add to that there are some here alive today with things learned by NASA. I know a few people with pace makers or have had heart surgery that would not have been possible with out what was learn going to the moon.

China and Japan are on their way to the moon and learning more every day. They can't steal much anymore since we are not learning as much. If we want to be a viable technology leader our goverment needs to jumpstart the program again. NASA is a gold mine that is still able to produce a fortune of technology.

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The best thing the goverment can do for technology development and support of our indusry is to get fully behind the space program again.

For the last so many years we have had NASA just going through the motions with budget cuts. They have not been a big help in developing new technology in great quanities like in the past.

The space race in the 60's and 70's did more for the human race advancement than any one thing ever done. The objective of NASA was not to just go to the moon but to develope technology to get there.

The talk of going to Mars would be a big step to bring us new power systems and bateries that could change our lives in ways we can not even understand yet.

Let face it GM and Boeing have already built a car for the moon in the 60's that was electric, light, AWD and 4 wheel steering. Hmmm What do you thing the largest American car company and the builder of some of the highest tech planes can do working to gether funded by the goverment? Things learned there could carry over into the private sector so easily.

Lets face it we would not be here today debating this as we are without a space program. Add to that there are some here alive today with things learned by NASA. I know a few people with pace makers or have had heart surgery that would not have been possible with out what was learn going to the moon.

China and Japan are on their way to the moon and learning more every day. They can't steal much anymore since we are not learning as much. If we want to be a viable technology leader our goverment needs to jumpstart the program again. NASA is a gold mine that is still able to produce a fortune of technology.

You are playing my tune, Hyper!

I agree completely. Funding NASA fully is high on my list of things the federal government should be doing. In addition to the gains in technology, it gives us the frontier that humans seem to require in order to continue prgressing in a positive way. Done properly, the psychological boost sould be as valuable as the tech we would gain. Then maybe we could ease up on tearing ourselves apart for a while.

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That's it!!

I'm emailing Hillary right now. Mars or bust!

I have been fascinated with space and Mars since I was a kid, and have been consistently disappointed with our society's current lack of development (in the correct direction at least). As more money is poured into useless entertainment such as reality TV and nascar (:AH-HA_wink:), it will make it harder for our society to change directions, monetarily at least.

I can take solace in the fact that computers still seem to be churning along at a fairly fast development pace. Ironically, a lot of computer development is driven forward by entertainment (3D games, home-theater, etc).

The U.S. government won't put any serious resources into the space program until we have serious competition that we need to beat. Advancement thrives in competition after all. I predict that when Japan lands a rover on Mars there will be another space-race!

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If you elect me, I will lower CAFE to 10 MPG.

I promise that I will initiate a government program to put a gas pump in every garage.

I will drill for oil everywhere necessary to get my self elected.

I will eliminate the metric conversion of our engine sizes. Engines will be measured in CUBIC INCHES of displacement.

Alternate modes of transportation (bicycles) will be required to have electronic stability systems, airbags, ABS brakes, cup holders, Onstar, Blue Tooth and tire pressure monitors to make them safe enough for Ralph Nader. They must also be biodegradeable for the green party.

Eating Corn will be made a felony, as it should be turned in to E85. Government agents will search house to house for corn or switch grass and they will be confiscated.

I will issue a government grant to GM, to build a coal fired steam engine for all it's cars and trucks. As coal is abundant in North America, this will solve our energy problem.

Thank you for your vote.

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Tell 'er to git back in the kitchen and russtle up some red meat & 'tatoes.

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Hmm..... I wonder if you asked her what the Chevy Volt was if she would have a clue?

Second: I wonder if she has a clue to how much reshearch 2 Billion would buy you?

Third: I wonder if she has a clue how much $20 billion in loans would do to retrofit all the pants to meet this goal?

I know things need to improve but these canadates needs to engage someone who has a clue.

It is just so sad Americans as a whole are getting so uniformed that people running for office can say anything and get away with it so easy.

What is even more sad is there are few in the news media smart eough to call her on this.

You are obviously ignorant of her concept for the Balsawood Car, powered by the legendary Wen-Mac engine. They laughed at Fulton, they taunted Edison, they ridiculed Marconi...Gentlemen, and Ladies, I give you...the 'Hillary'!!!
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I have been fascinated with space and Mars since I was a kid, and have been consistently disappointed with our society's current lack of development (in the correct direction at least). As more money is poured into useless entertainment such as reality TV and nascar (:AH-HA_wink:), it will make it harder for our society to change directions, monetarily at least.

I can take solace in the fact that computers still seem to be churning along at a fairly fast development pace. Ironically, a lot of computer development is driven forward by entertainment (3D games, home-theater, etc).

The U.S. government won't put any serious resources into the space program until we have serious competition that we need to beat. Advancement thrives in competition after all. I predict that when Japan lands a rover on Mars there will be another space-race!

I have great interest in space/NASA, have since I was smaller.

ah, "Moore's law" don't forget efficiency now a days... with video cards drawing more power than pc's ~6 years ago and 1W processors chugging at 500mhz for mobile platforms, the tech is pushing the limits in both directions. and the 90nm tech going to 65nm to 45 nm

NASA should have pushed the ...x-31 (i think) ahead instead of scrapping it. faster, cheaper, safer flights into space would have done great things. but no, we had the Columbia disaster, and the mars bound replacement is, essentially, a redux of the saturn V.

"Local" space is going commercial faster than ever, and NASA can profit from it, if they have the right vehicles...

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There is a lot of compition for space right now. Europe, China, Japan Russia, and many private interest. IF we don't get back into the game now we will get left behind.

The Space Shuttle is late 1960 and early 1970's technology and we are far behind.

Lets face it the new Cadillac CTS is more advanced than many of the Space programs we are still using.

Hell I use a main rear landing gear tire from the Space shuttle for weight in my truck in the winter.

It is 190 pounds of space age technology that is working for me and it fits under my bed cover.

Besides the truck rides better with it in the bed!

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There is a lot of compition for space right now. Europe, China, Japan Russia, and many private interest. IF we don't get back into the game now we will get left behind.

The Space Shuttle is late 1960 and early 1970's technology and we are far behind.

Lets face it the new Cadillac CTS is more advanced than many of the Space programs we are still using.

Hell I use a main rear landing gear tire from the Space shuttle for weight in my truck in the winter.

It is 190 pounds of space age technology that is working for me and it fits under my bed cover.

Besides the truck rides better with it in the bed!

I hope we'll find oil in space. Additionally, I hope we'll find a race of anaerobic people who're easy to subjugate. This would justify the billions spent to get there, and would make sh*t a whole lot easier down here.
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I hope we'll find oil in space. Additionally, I hope we'll find a race of anaerobic people who're easy to subjugate. This would justify the billions spent to get there, and would make sh*t a whole lot easier down here.

I just hope we employ 10's of thousands of people here and develope a new battery or power plant that will still give me cheap long range and good 0-60 times.

If along the way we develope something that will zap all the terrorist while feeding the world and keeping us young with my heart beating 150 years I will take it too.

I would hate to see today if we had not had NASA in the past. It would be me still picking up the phone and saying Sara you all need to connect my phone to Barney.

Besides my father is alive thanks to spaceage technology and still be able to see my son grow up. That is worth a billion right there to me.

I may have been to Canton Ohio but I still don't speak Cantonise So lets keep our technology lead here in the USA.

Besides anyone who had to take trig. can thank NASA for the calculator.

Edited by hyperv6
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Have even one of these idiots in Washington ever taken a Chemistry, Physics, or Engineering course? :scratchchin:

Where do they come up with these figures? To get 55 mpg, we would all have to drive Japanese minicars that seat 2 people and have a 400 mL engine. That's right. In the future, car engines in America will be measured in mililiters.

Maybe it's time to move to a new country. Or split off and start a new country.

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Have even one of these idiots in Washington ever taken a Chemistry, Physics, or Engineering course? :scratchchin:

Where do they come up with these figures? To get 55 mpg, we would all have to drive Japanese minicars that seat 2 people and have a 400 mL engine. That's right. In the future, car engines in America will be measured in mililiters.

Maybe it's time to move to a new country. Or split off and start a new country.

Modern diesels can get 55 mpg...even old diesels got that (my '84 Escort diesel got 55 mpg highway).

But to get a fleet average that high is another thing...

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