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Tonight I worked the Rutgers football game as a volunteer- my son's school takes home a % of the gross (averages $2500 per home game), and a bunch of us run the concession stand.

I got to man the iced beverage bin outside of the stand, so I had a wide field of vision along the concourse to scan the crowd. Rutgers was something like 11-1 last year, so the crowds are near capacity this year too, around 40K at home (they lost tonight: 3-2 so far. Frankly, I don't follow college ball; I don't care). Anyway, 95% of the crowd are students or of student age.

My God, what a poon parade.

So... what's the anecdotal line on the college girls these days? Is it pretty tough to hook up, or are any of you straight college pukes hittin it OK?

Also, is it safe to say that 2 chicks walking & holding hands are a couple, or just especially platonically friendly?

Just curious...

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are any of you straight college pukes hittin it OK?


Also, is it safe to say that 2 chicks walking & holding hands are a couple, or just especially platonically friendly?

Most likely just friendly. Don't get excited.

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It's about 60/40 male/female split at my college. Not the really the place to be looking for a serious relationship, but if you want a quick hit, have a condom and a six pack of beer and you're in like Flynn. :thumbsup:

Awesome. When does the enrollment for Spring Start?

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it'd be too easy, especially with the sorority girls, LOL.

Whoa, hold your horses, there.

I found the opposite to be true. Sorority chicks tend to do fraternity guys, for the most part. Non-sorority chicks, but who are still attractive, appear to put out easier because they don't have a "collective" group of expectations to live up to. Plus, once they leave the college setting, sorority girls will always be sorority girls...for life. :lol::rolleyes:

There I go again, stereotyping...

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i went to college in the aids scare/safe sex/sweaters and jeans period of time. at a school where it was like 2/3 men.

today its about teeny tank tops and off the hip shorts and miniskirts. its about 'hooking up' just because you're buddies. and the whole girls kissing and lovin each other bit. plus all they know how to do their makeup professionally by age umpteen. they look and dress like models closer than ever.

if i were a college lad today, i'd be re-writin history. the things i say to young gals in the bars today they just laugh at, where 15-20 years ago, I'd prob get slapped or arrested.

tis' not bad, i just say laddies, make good use of it. back in my day, you had to feign some effort at wanting and having a relationship most of the time so the woman wouldn't feel used and guilty. nowadays, women have so much more confidence and self decision making skills and the ability to not let themselves get controlled........

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$3033.96 for 15 credits and another $500 for books. :smilewide:

*raises eyebrow*

But wait ... why PAY? Why not just go hang out at a college union....wouldn't that be good enough?

*hopes for affirmative answer*

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

WRMNshowcase.lego.HO.model.MCs.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"I think I've handled more than any man can take" ... Carlos Santana ... 'Why Don't You And I?'

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clarification, if you want to nail sorority girls, just wave some cash around and that ought to do the trick. wouldn't hurt to drive up in an imported car, too.

the more cost effective route is to try

environmentally conscious chicks- a good vegetarian salad at a fast food joint and a couple pieces of foam core marked up for the demonstration should do the trick. if the cops don't arrest you at the protest, you can use the chains later in the evening. 2 birds with one stone.

psych majors- some of them are so messed up you might not have to resort to buying their keg cup, but as an insurance policy, it won't hurt. psych majors are willing to try just about anything, be it therapy, or talking, or worse comes to worse, a lot of them are nymphos.

arts majors- this can be tricky. those in drama or theater can be similar to psych majors. But i think drama majors require more ego stroking and maintenance. And even then you are not sure if they are practicing acting in the moment or not. I honestly do not have a good bead on plain old art majors, like sculptors or painters or the ones who makes pots and pans, pottery etc. they might seem predisposed to be looser, but there is an inherent complexity there that you can never generalize about any of them, o they always leave you treating each one on a case by case basis.

that's too hard.

business majors- not a lot of them are smart (at least when i was in school) but some of them can be driven. Analyze the situation and if you are lucky, you will find an ambitious one who is also not sharp as a tack, at least to your advances right away.

journalism and political science majors- i would avoid these with a ten foot pole. these are some heavily opinionated chicks and most often lefty. the price is too high for all the mentalness you will have to deal with.

mass com majors- the opposite actually, they kind of are close to the bubbly HR majors and hospitality majors.

Ag and farm sciences majors- this will require a separate post. no one has hope for this group anyways.

architecture majors- I'll leave that one for bob. I would rather stick chopsticks through my eyeballs.....with a few exceptions..... :)

dieticians, nursing and pharmacy majors- women who might earn big bucks and who have nice caring personalities. I never heard any cases where these groups of lasses are particularly loose, but the whole caring thing has sort of a fruedian mommy thing to it that is hard to ignore. plus, the dieticians might be game for sampling tasty food. like at a good solid chinese buffet or mongolian. mmmmmmmmm

engineers- women engineers, meh, I'll leave that one for bob again. let's just say there's not anything real promising there. not gonna elaborate cuz i want to not be too harsh.

teachers- i would avoid. lots of women who get into teaching are cranky (the elementary ed teachers are nice though) and can be real vocal lefties. And they don't seem to party too much. At least what I recall.

what other groups am I leaving out? There's bound to be plenty of other groups of chicks I can stereotype in a sentence or two. avoid social worker majors, too messed up themselves, at least the few i knew.

your results may vary.

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teachers- i would avoid. lots of women who get into teaching are cranky (the elementary ed teachers are nice though) and can be real vocal lefties. And they don't seem to party too much. At least what I recall.

your results may vary.

Interesting analysis about ed majors. All of the edmajors I knew were multi-faceted. They partied on the weekends and are goody goody in schools because they have to be. I've known some teachers who were very wild, but at the same time kind of prude. I guess you could call some of them a tease, others of them would sleep with you if you told them that your dad was a principal at any good school district.

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clarification, if you want to nail sorority girls, just wave some cash around and that ought to do the trick. wouldn't hurt to drive up in an imported car, too.

Precisely, $$$ + booze gets you a free pass. Except here (NC) they seem to gravitate toward trucks/SUVs instead of imported cars. The more 'bling-bling' the better.

the more cost effective route is to try

environmentally conscious chicks- a good vegetarian salad at a fast food joint and a couple pieces of foam core marked up for the demonstration should do the trick. if the cops don't arrest you at the protest, you can use the chains later in the evening. 2 birds with one stone.

LOL.. Yep, the only way to even register on the envirochick radar these days is to 'take up the cause' Damn Al Gore and his passion inducing propaganda!!!
psych majors- some of them are so messed up you might not have to resort to buying their keg cup, but as an insurance policy, it won't hurt. psych majors are willing to try just about anything, be it therapy, or talking, or worse comes to worse, a lot of them are nymphos.

I'm a psych major and I really wasn't impressed with the 'other sex' offerings in the psych department in my school, so this really isn't my area of expertise. But I could definitely see them being nymphos.

arts majors- this can be tricky. those in drama or theater can be similar to psych majors. But i think drama majors require more ego stroking and maintenance. And even then you are not sure if they are practicing acting in the moment or not. I honestly do not have a good bead on plain old art majors, like sculptors or painters or the ones who makes pots and pans, pottery etc. they might seem predisposed to be looser, but there is an inherent complexity there that you can never generalize about any of them, o they always leave you treating each one on a case by case basis.
True that 100% on the drama majors; the world revolves around them. I only know one true art major (Pots and pans art) and she is very promiscuous.
business majors- not a lot of them are smart (at least when i was in school) but some of them can be driven. Analyze the situation and if you are lucky, you will find an ambitious one who is also not sharp as a tack, at least to your advances right away.

Here it seems to be a 'better than you mentality' (I'm also a business major) so money plus a severe attitude problem (Maybe even abusive) will probably advance your prospects.

journalism and political science majors- i would avoid these with a ten foot pole. these are some heavily opinionated chicks and most often lefty. the price is too high for all the mentalness you will have to deal with.
architecture majors- I'll leave that one for bob. I would rather stick chopsticks through my eyeballs.....with a few exceptions..... :)

My GF is an architecture major. They enjoy hearing themselves talk A LOT. Expect someone kinda overbearing that isn't all that open to new things or new views. (My GF is not like that tho --- she's bit of a black sheep) Architecture curriculums often take like minded people and conform them to be even more like minded.

dieticians, nursing and pharmacy majors- women who might earn big bucks and who have nice caring personalities. I never heard any cases where these groups of lasses are particularly loose, but the whole caring thing has sort of a fruedian mommy thing to it that is hard to ignore. plus, the dieticians might be game for sampling tasty food. like at a good solid chinese buffet or mongolian. mmmmmmmmm
Not sure about this one, but I do know one pharmacy major who is wild as hell and would probably try anything.
engineers- women engineers, meh, I'll leave that one for bob again. let's just say there's not anything real promising there. not gonna elaborate cuz i want to not be too harsh.

My experience with this = overt masculinity. I don't like hanging out with a girl that thinks she's more of a man than me.

teachers- i would avoid. lots of women who get into teaching are cranky (the elementary ed teachers are nice though) and can be real vocal lefties. And they don't seem to party too much. At least what I recall.

I'm a Sociology minor, so I take a lot of classes with future teachers. They do tend to be lefty and they seem to be one of the most paranoid bunches of people I've ever come into contact with.

Another one right off the top of my head: Bio majors. I know one of them who is a self admitted "freak in bed" I did not venture further in that conversation with her eventhough I certainly wouldn't mind to; 1) because I'm a guy and 2) Because I'm a psychology major.

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business majors- not a lot of them are smart (at least when i was in school) but some of them can be driven. Analyze the situation and if you are lucky, you will find an ambitious one who is also not sharp as a tack, at least to your advances right away.

architecture majors- I'll leave that one for bob. I would rather stick chopsticks through my eyeballs.....with a few exceptions..... :)

engineers- women engineers, meh, I'll leave that one for bob again. let's just say there's not anything real promising there. not gonna elaborate cuz i want to not be too harsh.

your results may vary.

You are my effin' hero based on the incisiveness of the above post. I swear. Most of these generalizations have validity, that's why they career profile and use this stuff for career/personality fit tests.

To me, ANY chick in an artsy and/or granolafied field of study is generally in the "stay away" category. They would have not liked someone like me, even in architecture, because I looked, acted and talked like a business major. They are out to "change things," make a useless statement, work at being different for the hell of it, or whatever. If they like you, I guess they might bed you, but to conservative me, a chick with piercings, tattoos, funky hair and the like would just seem...well...kind of dirty.

Women in architecture - can be weird, reclusive, alternative, granola, and generally not personable. I enjoyed hanging with very few of them. They can be dour and combative. Oh, yes, the sorority and/or attractive chick who gets in there with the "Oooh, I think it would be neat to be an architect": give them, at the most, 2 years before they've moved over to a generic liberal arts curriculum. When I was in my grad program for unrelated bachelor's degrees, the only people I hung around with were: 1) those in the joint MArch/MBA program because they were normal, 2) those coming from other schools to do the +2 masters part because they were open to meeting new people as opposed to those coming straight through from the undergrad portion at U of I who kept to themselves, and 3) believe it or not, a few undergrads who actually sought out and wanted to hang with the grad students from other places because they found us intriguing or something.

Women in engineering - about 80:20 between cold bitches:nice down to earth girls. I have worked in an A/E firm that wanted both disciplines so badly but the culture dictated that architects were not respected. The young female engineers weren't particularly friendly, except for one who liked my warped sense of humor and would send me racy and politically incorrect video attachments (but then, no surprise, she was doing at MBA at night at the same place I was). The rest of them there were rags.

Women in business - in my mind, the best of the lot and I had no problem getting along with them...except for the obvious get-ahead-at-all-costs vibrator-kick-startin' dykey types. Most of the chicks in business were smart and practical though not stellar enough to be in the real rigorous fields. Most of them wanted to work in a company or at a firm and do some analytical or meaningful work. Most of them had no problems finding boyfriends and were easy to get along with, for the most part, minus the few sorority chicks who thought that their A-list status would carry them forever....always great to see grades passed back and the looks on their faces.

Women in the health fields - eh, we disagree here, once on the bio-chem treadmill to med/dental school, you are on a different path. That becomes a fraternity in itself and once they get into upper division, it's really hard to cross paths with those people. They tend to hook up with each other as well as socialize. This extends into the work world. They operate in such a specific arena that they generally don't befriend people in other professions....plus, why would they want to hang around architects or bean counters who can't spend what they can at restaurants, while traveling and so forth.

Women who become teachers - get along with them, but can also be kind of weird. I've found that hanging around 3rd graders all day long tends to stunt them chronologically. It's just not like talking to someone in your own age group any more. Case in point: Mary Kay Latourneau and her ugly mo-fo now husband --- what a train wreck that is!

Ocnblu, babe, where are you? Revel in the stereotypes a bit, will you? :AH-HA_wink:

Edited by trinacriabob
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thanks Bob for filling in the blanks on the stuff I did not have time to type! You are 100% dead on what I read. Wow.

fogm, RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!!!!! Its not worth it!!!!!! Although I'll leave that one up to you. :)


Annie Choi's rant on architects is now LEGENDARY and SOOOOOOOOO dead on.

I want to find the link for her rant, but it escapes me right now. Can I upload a pdf to the message board?

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Man, this environment you guys talk about at your colleges certainly didn't exist at mine.

I had better luck with women in high school, and I have much better luck now, after leaving university. Everyone I met at university was either too worried about school or just looking to marry the first guy they met. University was rather lonely for me.

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or just looking to marry the first guy they met. University was rather lonely for me.

Wow, were there any pretty and fairly slender Italian girls with brown hair/brown eyes who might actually finish their degrees and maybe even spoke the language? I guess I grew up on the wrong coast if there were?
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Why switch to girls now, Bob? :AH-HA_wink:

RELAX, I'm kidding of course, it's just that you fit a certain stereotype...

Yeah, yeah, I know, that of a misogynist as you've previously said ... and that must mean something, right?...:scratchchin:....sorry, but I like hanging on to my "valuables" and I've fielded such accusations before...

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Wow, were there any pretty and fairly slender Italian girls with brown hair/brown eyes who might actually finish their degrees and maybe even spoke the language? I guess I grew up on the wrong coast if there were?

One caveat you may want to consider is, Italian girls have hairy backs. If you don't believe me, ask your mother! :smilewide:

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One caveat you may want to consider is, Italian girls have hairy backs. If you don't believe me, ask your mother! :smilewide:

We are not Sicilians of the Greco-Arab strain. Not the case in our family, sorry.

In that case and having seen one of your ever-changing Avs, please don't produce any daughters.

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We are not Sicilians of the Greco-Arab strain. Not the case in our family, sorry.

In that case and having seen one of your ever-changing Avs, please don't produce any daughters.

Ahhh, but I didn't marry Italian, I married Irish. You know, blonde hair etc, at least the one I married. With my wife's genetic code and half of my genes being German, that would make any child I have only one quarter Italian. Let's pray that is enough to surpress the FIHBS (Female Italian Hairy Back Syndrome). :AH-HA_wink:

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First year of college, I met up with some of my high school friends. One of them brought a nice Italian chick to try to fix me up with. Pretty face, nice body, she wore a belly shirt. When I saw her from the back and noticed the preponderance of black hair on her lower back in a swirly pattern, it made me almost vomit.
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When I saw her from the back and noticed the preponderance of black hair on her lower back in a swirly pattern, it made me almost vomit.

Oh brother, that is the EXCEPTION and not the rule. I just spent almost a month during the summer lying on beaches in Italy and I DID NOT see anything like that. However, what I did see is that Italian women, who are obsessed with being thin, have gotten chunkier...my cousins said it's the importation of fast food and bad on-the-run eating habits over the last decade or so.
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I was a royal idiot when I was in college. I dated the same girl all four years.

Oh well, at least I didn't catch the 'HIV or crabs. :P

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First year of college, I met up with some of my high school friends. One of them brought a nice Italian chick to try to fix me up with. Pretty face, nice body, she wore a belly shirt. When I saw her from the back and noticed the preponderance of black hair on her lower back in a swirly pattern, it made me almost vomit.

there was a gal i worked with one time who had fuzzy/hairy arms and fuzzy (huge) chest, a bit of a moustache, not black hair, but for some reason, it really was cool.........

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I find that by this time (I'm a senior and know everyone, can buy booze legally and am totally networked into New Rochelle - where my school Iona College is) I can score o easily when I feel like putting in the effort.

I tried keeping a relationship going in college but there is rarley someone i am compatible to have one with and if there is they aren't interested in a serious relationship.

I've been loving senior year for the most part and I'm really looking forward to my super senior year next year - I'm double majoring and I took a semester off to work last year.

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I tried keeping a relationship going but there is rarley someone i am compatible to have one with

and if there is they aren't interested in a serious relationship.


Ain't that the truth

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He's just trying to catch up to you sweetie.

You know....you're in more dire need of a blowjob than any man in history.

Thanks, Har. I have NO trouble getting some when I decide to.

It's also fairly uncool to keep posting under the name of a person that's gone from C&G. I'm surprised the other mods haven't shut this down. It takes down the overall credibility of the site.

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