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Hyundai dubs Buick, Cadillac, Saturn "so-called 'American'"


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2/3 Buick models are built in America

3/4 Saturn models are built in America

All Cadillacs except for the Escalade EXT are built in America

Not to mention that all the money that those brands make goes straight to that great big, shiny tower in Detroit, Michigan.

Who the hell OK'ed this ad?

Edited by AxelTheRed
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Not a good idea poke a stick in the big dog's face.

GM is on the rise, and you just insulted every single GM customer in the United States.

Before this commercial, I simply disliked Hyundai.

Now, it's war.

Don't be at all mistaken.

We don't underestimate you now. No way.

In fact, we're paying homage to you daily.

One piece of toilet paper at a time.

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They're probably defining "domestic" as just the U.S., while most automakers define "domestic" as all of North America. So half of their cars are assembled in the U.S., where do all the parts come from? I bet the percentage of domestic parts in their cars is still well below 30-40%.

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Jeez Aloo! May as well wipe Buick and Caddy off their list completely... as the EXT is made in Mexico, the LaCrosse in Canada, both NAFTA COUNTRIES!!! That is so similar to being American made, I mean geez. So what if the GD Astra is made in Europe!


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Ahh Hyundai, that "American" brand that has been selling econo-priced cars in America since 1986. The brand that has no styling identity of its own and has only recently moved up in the quality rankings. How many people does Hyundai employ in America again? What's the American parts content percentage of an Azera or a Santa Fe? How many dollars does Hyundai annually invest into R&D and the local economy?


Hyundai's treading on thin ice here.

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What a f'ing joke!!

hyundai will never equal anything more than 'sh!tbox' to a great many consumers. You coudn't pay me to buy one.

And I love the short-sightedness that uses where the vehicle is slapped together to determine the legal 'nationality' of the company.

The conundrum with this scenario is: 'domestic' marques are often (erroneously) perceived as inferior to foriegn brands, yet the foreign brands are often striving HARD to be more 'domestic'. Will this 1. 'upgrade' those consumer's perceptions of the American marques, or 2. 'downgrade the perceptions of the foreign brands? Even the typical scatter-minded consumer will not swallow it both ways....

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It's a very good ad in my opinion, although I completely disagree with it, people will buy into it.

For me, an whether a car is American or not depends on the company in comes from. I am sympatheticalto GM's tries to avoid the unions and going to build cars in Mexico, Canada, and elsewhere. In a world where most carmakers (especially GM) are global, where a car is made is irrelevant. Besides, even if its made in my backyard, most of its parts probably come from elsewhere. I understand that GM builds cars in other places because it HAS to (builds them in China to avoid the Chinese tax on foreign cars, builds them in Mexico for the economical aspect of it, and so on). On the other hand, Hyundai and the rest of the Asian carmakers don't build their cars here because they have to or because it would be good economically for them to do so (they'd actually be better off building them in Japan/S Korea), they build them here to appeal to the stupid, ignorant, average american who believes that if a car is made in America it is American. That's BS.

The whole idea of "see the difference between perception and reality" is a great ad campaign though. I had been suggesting that the domestics launched such a campaign to challenge the perceived import quality and show that in reality American cars are at the same level as jap cars in terms of quality

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i saw these ads on tv tonight and decided to bite and look at the website.

wow. what a bunch of wannabes. get praise for one good vehicle (veracruz, which by the way is not a good looking vehicle AT ALL, it looks cheesy in real life) and all of a sudden they think they can go picking fights?

amazing. i liked the term ALMOST AMERICAN that someone posted on gmi earlier. this is what they are or want to be. American enough to rape us blind of our dollars and sent it back home. Not not enough American so as to take us all for fools (although you could argue that is working well) and so as to rip our own bona fide industries of over a century. industries that have made this country the money machine it is they can suck from.

its time for the American manufacturers to start getting nasty. It's time for the American public to wake up. Folks only will when their own industries are outsourced.

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i saw these ads on tv tonight and decided to bite and look at the website.

wow. what a bunch of wannabes. get praise for one good vehicle (veracruz, which by the way is not a good looking vehicle AT ALL, it looks cheesy in real life) and all of a sudden they think they can go picking fights?

amazing. i liked the term ALMOST AMERICAN that someone posted on gmi earlier. this is what they are or want to be. American enough to rape us blind of our dollars and sent it back home. Not not enough American so as to take us all for fools (although you could argue that is working well) and so as to rip our own bona fide industries of over a century. industries that have made this country the money machine it is they can suck from.

its time for the American manufacturers to start getting nasty. It's time for the American public to wake up. Folks only will when their own industries are outsourced.

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People will suck this up just like McDonalds hamburgers... It's brilliant!

I can't wait to try and tell an already jaded and anti-domestic public that Hyundai is in fact lieing, because you know that's what will be thrown up in your face if you make bad remarks about them.

americans are stupid, and they'll not stop until they've destroyed themselves; this is only part of what we all know is coming.

It's BEEN time for GM and Detroit in general to get UGLY and I mean REAL ugly. We need more of the attitude displayed by Mark LaNeve in the quote in my signature and we need it now.

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Like others had said, I never liked Hyundai, but now after this BS, I completely despise them.

What's BS about it? What percentage of all Hyundais are built in the US? What percentage of all Buick LaCrosses and Chevrolet Impalas are? How about Ford Fusions and Chrysler PT Cruisers?

Please...tell me what's BS about the claim?

My opinion: no matter what they ever do, what they ever build, you will still have to tell people "I own a Hyundai."

Think about it.

The same was said about Volkswagen at one time...and Toyota and Honda. I've recommended Hyundais to several people and they've been very happy with their purchases and have recommended their cars to others. These people are PROUD to say that they own a Hyundai and that it didn't cost them nearly as much as the competition. Edited by Hudson
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"Win the Super Bowl and drive off in a Hyundai"

The stigmata is still there...

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What's BS about it? What percentage of all Hyundais are built in the US? What percentage of all Buick LaCrosses and Chevrolet Impalas are? How about Ford Fusions and Chrysler PT Cruisers?

Please...tell me what's BS about the claim?

1) The posted claim is not validated by actual figures. Does 'cars' mean cars? Or does it count everything made by Buick, etc.?

2) Hyundai conveniently ignores that the vast majority of their lineup is still imported. Spin a wheel, pick a Hyundai, 3/4 of the time, its from Korea.

3) Hyundai apparently doesn't count Canadian-assembled cars, which are considered domestic by the federal government in calculating domestic parts content. Heck, most Canadians consider cars full made in America as 'domestic.'

4) Hyundai also makes more cars in America than Shelby, Panoz, and Saleen. Hyundai is also a full-line low-range manufacturer comparing its figures against a luxury marque and a premium marque. And speaking of marques...

5) Buick, Cadillac, and Saturn aren't 'carmakers'; they're divisions of a large carmaker called 'General Motors.' Want to do the math on that comaprison? Hyundai doesn't. Because it wouldn't make sense.

The B.S. is the same Hyundaized B.S. that comes with most of their advertising - relying on trickily-worded statements and specious arguments to administer shock and awe to the simple minded. 'Hyundai Azera is roomier than the BMW 760i'. Yes. In total interior volume, which is useful if you're filling the car with sand. Additionally, a 1995 LeSabre is roomier than a 760i. Point being what? They use it to imply the car is larger, more luxurious, more comfortable. Improve seat material quality and hiproom on the Azera, then come back and make such a statement.

Of course, their own Chairman is going to jail for corruption, so...

Come back and advertise when the vast majority of both Hyundai and Kia vehicles are assembled in the United States.

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What's BS about it? What percentage of all Hyundais are built in the US? What percentage of all Buick LaCrosses and Chevrolet Impalas are? How about Ford Fusions and Chrysler PT Cruisers?

Please...tell me what's BS about the claim?

The same was said about Volkswagen at one time...and Toyota and Honda. I've recommended Hyundais to several people and they've been very happy with their purchases and have recommended their cars to others. These people are PROUD to say that they own a Hyundai and that it didn't cost them nearly as much as the competition.

I couldn't imagine someone 'proud' to own a Hyundai, unless they moved up from a Kia or old Yugo.

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I couldn't imagine someone 'proud' to own a Hyundai, unless they moved up from a Kia or old Yugo.



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Wait wait wait... Hyundai said the Veracruz would be confused with a Lexus?!

Have the looked at it? I mean, honestly, I do confuse Hyundais with something else... Kias. :AH-HA_wink:

The Veracruz is ugly as sin, and guess what? The name is worse.

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These people are PROUD to say that they own a Hyundai and that it didn't cost them nearly as much as the competition.

not yet, they haven't traded them in yet, to find out how much money its NOT worth anymore. It will end up costing them MORE.



wednesday! HYUNDAI!

thursday, friday saturday! HYUNDAI!

sunday, everyday a HYUNDAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anytime i want to relive the smell of urine i can go to a hyundai dealer and sit inside one of their new cars, and it brings me back, all over again........

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I couldn't imagine someone 'proud' to own a Hyundai, unless they moved up from a Kia or old Yugo.

I couldn't imagine it 20 years ago, but my NEIGHBOURS bought a Hyudai, and I had to hear the whole shmear! The warranty, the fit, the finish, etc etc etc. They think a Hyundai is built like a BMW. (Well, I'm not in love with BMWs either! LOL)

Truth is, this IS brilliant advertising. It is just as effective as Consumer Reports' slanted appraisals of domestic versus imports over the last 40 years.

It embeds the SEED of a thought, and that thought grows and grows. And multiplies.

Statsitics can be made to reinforce ANY point of view in this scenario, and I'm sure you will all see just that. Domestic vs imported content can be skewed all sorts of ways, with hard numbers to back up the claims.

As far as an ad, it is going to do EXACTLY what they hope, and the posting here and elsewhere is just the start IMO.

I stick with the big two. OK, the HUGE one and the little one, because I'm not a Ford lover. But no imports for me thanks!

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What's BS about it? What percentage of all Hyundais are built in the US? What percentage of all Buick LaCrosses and Chevrolet Impalas are? How about Ford Fusions and Chrysler PT Cruisers?

Did you actually just compare an entire manufacturer with a few select models? Cuz... that's dumb.

The entire "buying an import brand assembled in the US is just as good as buying an american brand car" thing is just so frustrating. When you buy that american assembled import brand car, you're employing american factory workers. When you buy an american assembled american branded car, you're paying factory workers... and engineers... and marketing staff... and support staff... and managers... and stockholders... and likely a larger percentage of parts suppliers.

Wait wait wait... Hyundai said the Veracruz would be confused with a Lexus?!

By this guy...

Posted Image

...he was missing his glasses that day, and had the sun in his eyes.

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I can't see any scenario that would result in my buying a Hyundai or Kia. Possibly a Honda, Acura or Infiniti, but other current Asian, not too likely.

The complexity and reliability issues make German cars less likely for me to buy again...I love BMWs for their driving feel, but the price/complexity/reliability factors are getting hard to justify to myself. I'm thinking GM or Ford for my next purchase, possibility another Jeep...

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Drive a Hyundai and get holes in your hands.

LOL :lol: You smarta$$! :P


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When I see an actual DEBATE break out over a subject that is so clearly wrong and stupid, i just despair at what our future will hold. Frankly, I thing the Western world is dying and deserves to become extinct.

When foreign companies can set up wherever the hell they want to on our soils, open a warehouse, then declare themselves 'American', and then supposedly intelligent people debate the issue, all is completely lost.

We are being beaten over the head with our own stick.

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No, there's the CAW there. Isn't there some US-Canadian agreement though that forces GM to build 2 out of 3 cars it sells it Canada..in Canada.

If you're referring to the Auto Pact, no. The Auto Pact is pretty much dead. Superseded by NAFTA. As a Canadian, I have always felt the Big Three were 'ours.' Growing up here in the '60s and '70s, that is all we saw on the streets.

In reality, the big difference between Canada and the Asian invaders is that Canadians bought nearly a half million GM cars and trucks last year. How many did the Japanese buy? 50k? The Koreans? Zilch? Korea is a more open market than Japan, but only because it still needs American money, not to mention American protection along its northern border.

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I just saw one of the ads on a web page I was looking at and I had to view it three times! It was shot from a moving a car and it showed a horse taking a dump...I swear. WHAT THE F^CK is that??? And why are they discussing my ego in the ad as I watch a horse defecate...and what does it all mean? STUPIDEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!

AND I like the DUH! ads they play - but to follow it up with this crap...ugh.

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They should!!!! Maybe this will prompt some quicker action on GM's part to get some better product to the market that s worthy of those brand names.

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