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Enough With the Autorags


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I'm not sure if this is the right Forum for this but, I have to say this. I'm sick and tired of unfair and bias automags that trash domestics and the middle-class. I mean tell me the last time that any automags reflected a consist positive opinion about any domestic vehicle with in the last 10-15 years. Don't say the Chrysler 300 because, they will be bashing that car in 2-3 years for its "cheap materials", "uncomfortable interior & visabilty" , & it's poor fuel economy, even on the two V-6s. All of these are likely what critics will soon say about the much hyped 300. GM cars get a baseball bat accross the knees as soon as they are out. Ford fairs even worse. Chrysler seems like the darling right now because, all of its new cars a re really modified E-classes. They do not reflect what most Middle Class buyers want in thier vehicles. I don';t like minivans but, millions buy them everyyear so is it really worth the constant bashing of minivan buyers. Motor Trend has done only two comparos of midsize cars since 2001. The automags rarely mention what real car buyers want yet they have hundreds of comparos of luxury and sports cars that no regular American can afford. I don't know about you but, even in the richest state in the nation, New Jersey. You'll still see thousands of regular bread & butter cars & trucks before you'll see one car over $75k. I know that may be what sell magazines but, come on who really cares about Enzo Ferraris when a Corvette X06 is faster and more comfortable and doesn't cost more than a base McMansion. My point is that we must rebel against these autorags. They are elitist and largely anti-American & anti-Canadian. I think it's about time to start a rebellion. When I get out of College I'm starting a new auto magazine that will be fair and just in reviewing and comparing autos in the US & Canada. I think this magazine should also be critical of false comparisons done by other magazines. In other words, inform the masses of this obvious bias towards any import. Finally, this new mag should focus on objectivity.Show only the numbers as they are, nothing more. Rank the cars for their true attributes, their will be no opinions from testers. Even for subjective things like comfort and feel. Get third party volunteers from the public that represent a broad spectrum of autobuyers that are double blind so they can show as little bias as possible. This will allow every automobile to be given a thorough review that is fair, balanced, and just. For fans of American cars and everyday drivers will likely see much more positive reviews in such a magazine. Well, I got three more years to go until I can start. Meanwhile, stop buying the autorags. Edited by carman21
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Don't say the Chrysler 300 because, they will be bashing that car in 2-3 years for its "cheap materials", "uncomfortable interior & visabilty" , & it's poor fuel economy, even on the two V-6s.


Sorry, but the 300 does suffer from a lousy interior, poor visibility, and an underwhelmingly shitty 2.7l V6.

My gripe with car mags is stemmed mainly from the theory that it has to handle like a BMW no matter what it is. If not, its shit. That, and passing on American innovations as gimmicky but foreign ones as true miracles. I think Car and Driver lauded BMW for using a HUD on the 5er "filtering the technology down to more affordable cars" or some B.S. Uh, heard of the LeSabre and Grand Prix? Idiots...
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Most of the rags you describe take pride in their "enthusiast" status. I doubt an average Mr. Smith would suscribe to R&T and Automobile, but I could be wrong. Most would be lost in terms like lift-off oversteer, torque steer, and downforce, and be disappointed that their Camry is nowhere to be found.
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This is why long ago I stopped reading the car rags. I was an avid reader of MT and R&T until about 10 years ago. If you look at what they covered in the '70s, it was mostly American cars, probably because 90% of the market was American cars. Now, no thanks in part to their efforts, American cars are only 50% of the market. Their disdain and comtempt over the years has worked; they no longer have to drive those "crappy" American cars as much. You can imagine the agony, the horror when the editor tells the "writer" to get out of the Bimmer and report on the Cobalt. GASP!
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  You can imagine the agony, the horror when the editor tells the "writer" to get out of the Bimmer and report on the Cobalt.


Yes, that one hallmark of unprofessionalism I've noticed as of late, especially in Edmunds, Motor Trend, and the Linerts. All too often I read, "After a week behind the wheel of our (BMW, Infiniti, Mercedes) tester, it was almost difficult to watch that car being driven away and seeing our new (Cobalt, Focus, Kia) car take its place."
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This is why long ago I stopped reading the car rags.  I was an avid reader of MT and R&T until about 10 years ago.
  If you look at what they covered in the '70s, it was mostly American cars, probably because 90% of the market was American cars.
  Now, no thanks in part to their efforts, American cars are only 50% of the market.  Their disdain and comtempt over the years has worked; they no longer have to drive those "crappy" American cars as much.
  You can imagine the agony, the horror when the editor tells the "writer" to get out of the Bimmer and report on the Cobalt.


I couldn't agree more. That's why I stopped buying them.

The one thing I did consider. I'm guessing very few of us are Consumer Reports subscribers. If you mostly praise foreign cars, your going to get foreign buyers (of your magazine). How could they expect a realistic poll without a broad view?
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You are right - they don't get a natural sampling of the demographics, and so the spiral continues fresh again. This is the point, the negative feedback loop is feeding on itself. Even in the car business you can see them coming. We call them the "clipboard customer." They ask tons of silly questions, like what is the ground clearance (on a Malibu??), have a portfolio with dozens of brochures. I pull out JD Powers, they pull out CR. These people are impossible to win over because they are overwhelmed by information. Most salesmen just run from them. A lot of effort with these people, yet they are paralyzed.
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The 300C is not perfect, of course but it beats the shit out of ANY Buick, Chevrolet or Pontiac sedan on sale right now. I would not take some watered down Lacrosse/06 Impala/Grand Prix/Lucerne over a 300c. CM21 is right, the 300C is RWD, has a huge V8 option for much less than a typical Northstar powered Caddy, hsa killer looks and great overall quality. Give me an SRT8 wiht soe redline tires and I'm a MOpar guy. :) As far as the rags I'm sick of them too. From like 1999 to 2005 I don;;t think I remember them reviewing the Grand Am GT even once. Every time they had a sport Sedan for UNder $25,000 review they drove the shit out of the Accord, Stratus, Corolla, Altima, Contour, 626 Sonata etc. but it was as if the Grand Am did not even F$#&ing exist. My parents love their 2002 and I know from personal experiemce that it goes like a bat out of hell. Hate the torque steer and lack of ability to steer wiht the throttle but it's not like we have ANY $23,000 RWD midsize sedan choices. (hello Kappa sedan) Anyway thta's just an exampkle off the top of my head. Most AutoRags suck. MT seems to be doing beter now that an Australian editor is there... it seems no one is less patriotic these days than a average American. <_<
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I'm not sure if this is the right Forum for this but, I have to say this. I'm sick and tired of unfair and bias automags that trash domestics and the middle-class. I mean tell me the last time that any automags reflected a consist positive opinion about any domestic vehicle with in the last 10-15 years. Don't say the Chrysler 300 because, they will be bashing that car in 2-3 years for its "cheap materials", "uncomfortable interior & visabilty" , & it's poor fuel economy, even on the two V-6s. All of these are likely what critics will soon say about the much hyped 300. GM cars get a baseball bat accross the knees as soon as they are out. Ford fairs even worse. Chrysler seems like the darling right now because, all of its new cars a re really modified E-classes.
They do not reflect what most Middle Class buyers want in thier vehicles. I don';t like minivans but, millions buy them everyyear so is it really worth the constant bashing of minivan buyers. Motor Trend has done only two comparos of midsize cars since 2001. The automags rarely mention what real car buyers want yet they have hundreds of comparos of luxury and sports cars that no regular American can afford. I don't know about you but, even in the richest state in the nation, New Jersey. You'll still see thousands of regular bread & butter cars & trucks before you'll see one car over $75k. I know that may be what sell magazines but, come on who really cares about Enzo Ferraris when a Corvette X06 is faster and more comfortable and doesn't cost more than a base McMansion.
My point is that we must rebel against these autorags. They are elitist and largely anti-American & anti-Canadian. I think it's about time to start a rebellion. When I get out of College I'm starting a new auto magazine that will be fair and just in reviewing and comparing autos in the US & Canada. I think this magazine should also be critical of false comparisons done by other magazines. In other words, inform the masses of this obvious bias towards any import. Finally, this new mag should focus on objectivity.Show only the numbers as they are, nothing more. Rank the cars for their true attributes, their will be no opinions from testers. Even for subjective things like comfort and feel. Get third party volunteers from the public that represent a broad spectrum of autobuyers that are double blind so they can show as little bias as possible. This will allow every automobile to be given a thorough review that is fair, balanced, and just. For fans of American cars and everyday drivers will likely see much more positive reviews in such a magazine. Well, I got three more years to go until I can start. Meanwhile, stop buying the autorags.


I can't say I disagree at all. The magazines all have become quite elitist, mostly to appease the readers who have big $$$$ to spend on cars, whereas the low-middle class (i.e. average everyday folks) can't even buy a new Impala without figuring out 'how in the hell do i pay for this'?

I think Road and Track has remained relatively objective and hasn't turned into a big yuppie book. Motor trend used to be very populist but has turned into a yuppie bent now too, although I think they're actually quite readable. they aren't as pompous as Car and Driver. Car and Driver is the worst these days. Its like the editors there are a bunch of spoiled children and they all sit around talking about their new toys (i.e. cars they get to test drive). But the worst offenders are the half assed internet journalists. Nearly every one of them is a pain in the ass. James healy is a good read on USA Today, but hacks like the jobs, Lienerts etc. need to turn in their badges.

I do think the time is right for the everyday folks magazine. I mean seriously, Car and Driver doesn't even test vehicles anymore that most normal folks buy.

C/D didn't really roast Ford for the Freestyle or 500, which I acutally think is an example of where they were complimentary and fair in their review.

But try to search any web sites or magazines for any past road tests on say, a Saturn Vue or Ford Escape 4 cylinder 5 speed and what do you find? Almost nothing. Cause cars like that aren't good enough for them.
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carman, they already have Consumer's Reports magazine. That seems what you are wanting to create. I don't see a problem with magazines having a bias. Wherever there are human beings in any endeavor, there is always bias and opinion. You either agree or disagree. I have read in many magazines where they have criticized the Chrysler 300 and it's cheap interior, too low roofline. They have also trashed the Crossfire. Maybe you have a bias against magazines that seem to have a bias.
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It's the situations like the recent C&D sport lux compairo where: 1. The BMW had 4 major componant failures, yet still took first place. 2. The Lexus had nearly identical performance numbers, no component failers, and came in second. 3. They complained about the font on the non-NAV CTS screens, yet if they had spent the same amount on the CTS as they had on the BMW, they would have gotten NAV and the better screen. that really put a bee in my bonnet
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I suppose that I do have abias. But the autorags are very obvoius in thier disgust for American brands and everyday drivers. There is a pecking order Exotics=>Ultraluxury cars=>Import Sports Cars=>Domestic sports cars=>Import luxury=>domestic luxury=>Mainstream Imports(an average person's vehicle,say a Camry)=>Mainstream Domestics.If you read even Consumer Reports even they show this pecking order. Although they are litle less excited about expensive exotics and ultralux cars than other mags. Have you seen Motor Trend lately in Oct & Nov issues. They give a subjective review of each new 2006 vehicle. 80 percent or more of the domestics got a skepitical or negative view. The Impala is refered to and I paraphrase from memory," I know the Impala doesn't show up on your radar screens. Some how GM sells these cars.How? We're not sure." Yeah, right the Impala just mysteriously sells enough to be on of the top ten best sellers in the country. Thats not all rentals That's for sure. If that isn't bias well, then,thats insane. Edited by carman21
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I beefed on CR a few months back... so i won't bother here. But I have to agree, the car mags have been getting progressively more pointless. Granted, they are published for car enthusiasts, but not all "enthusiasts" only care about super cars comparos or super luxury match ups. I'm sick and tired of the same damn cars being reviewed over and over as if there are only like 20 vehicles on the market. Ever see reviews for something that isn't loaded out with the biggest engine and options? Rarely. Even ten years ago they did things like "bang for the buck" or best car under $12000... Now they wouldn't touch a car that list for less than 20 grand. I think it was an issue of MT a few years back had a letter to the editor asking WHY they didn't test many real-world cars. The response was so infuriating to me... Basically they said only fast and expensive cars are appealling to drive/review, so they don't feel they have to test anything else. HA! Cancel your subscriptions please!
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I would like to start a Car Rag that rates vehicles based on their intended purpose. This means rather then putting a Fleetwood through a slalom, I would test to see how much road imperfections are minimalized compaired to a Roadmaster/TownCar/New Yorker. Rather then testing 0-60 times in an Aveo, I would test the real world gas mileage of the car when driving normally and make sure it had enough power to get up the hills of Western PA with two people and luggage. Rather then compairing a CTS to a 3-series simply because they share a price point. I would compair a CTS to a 5-series because they are similar dimensions and weight.
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Too much of this sounds like another Consumers Report type of magazine. I like that magazines or any media have a point of view. I get po'd of course, but that's the fun of it. Some media criticism is justified. At the end of the day, the media is just a collection of people with opinions and points of view. Just like us.
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There should be mainly two genres of articles - analytical and enthusiast. Enthusiast articles talk mainly about styling, feel, and other nontangible qualities while analytical articles discuss the roadhandling index, fuel economy, and other statistical points. Its when publications that purport to be purely analytical like Consumer Reports starts talking about 'feels like' and 'seems to be' and when short 'enthusiast' reviews dumb-down technical information to terms like 'sloppy' and 'outdated' that gets annoying.
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  • 4 weeks later...
GM trucks are still the longest lasting trucks in the industry, and let's not forget...the cheapest to maintain. When a toy-ota needs a new muffler, it's generaly alot more expensive than a domestic. That's how they get ya. If you want to buy a new vehcle every 3 yrs. than stick with the imports, but if you want to someday pay it off and still have a few yrs. of reliability and no payment (I know I would like to invest my $400/month somewhere else-like my house which gains equity) then the domestics are clearly the better long term choice. The rags never talk about that. And why do people need their cars to be as comfortable as a freakin hot tub anyway? So they can fall asleep at the wheel and smash into me? I have a stripped down 05' Silverado. Not one problem so far (1 yr.). I love it...I'll be driving it for atleast ten more unless gas is so high that I'm forced to upgrade for better fuel economy. But if it's paid off before then, the $400 will hopefully still be way more than the adjustment for gas.
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