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I signed up for an environmental class that dealt with environmental planning and stuff along those lines. I originally took it because it actually sounded kind of interesting and I was genuinely interested in the subject, but I dropped it like a yesterday's news, mostly because I realized I was taking too many credits (18) along with having an independent project and going to work about 15 hours a week. Just too much stuff to juggle.

There were some real strong opinions in that class...polar opposite too. On one hand, you had the conservative ag/forestry/civil engineering kids and on the other you had the liberal political science/environmental studies/design kids. I've made enough rants by now that everyone here probably knows I don't buy into the global warming hysteria and like to look at things from a logical, scientific, and historical perspective. Well, I quickly found out that this was not my class.

Our professor asked the class what they thought of global warming and its "implications on humanity." One of the ag kids sitting up in the second row raised his hand and calmly said that there are many beliefs as to why the earth is warming, such as increased solar activity or a systematic cycle in our climate. Instead, she ignored him and went off on a tangent about the kinds of catastrophes we could see and how we need to lower our carbon footprints, etc. I saw the kid look at his buddy and just kinda laugh under his breath because she completely brushed him off.

I've had political science professors before who do very well hiding their bias and looking at conflicting viewpoints from students, but she just blew off anyone that wasn't in her mindset (which about 2/3 of the class was). Why take a class where you're not going to be challenged to question all possibilities? If I wanted to hear doomsday lecturing and one-sided views twice a week, I could just go to ENS.com instead.

Now don't get me wrong, she's a nice person...but it really got on my nerves how she completely blew off genuine answers that could have spawned some good discussion.


She sounds like one of the instructors who wants to be told what she wants to hear. Be careful in this class.

  K.C. said:

She sounds like one of the instructors who wants to be told what she wants to hear. Be careful in this class.

Don't worry, I dropped it. That's exactly the reason I got out of it.

Ok good. Some people should NEVER be teachers. She is one of those people. Education should be about exploring your own beliefs and expanding on it with facts and different viewpoints from well respected people in the field.

  K.C. said:

She sounds like one of the instructors who wants to be told what she wants to hear. Be careful in this class.

Had a graduate evening class at Univ. of Wash. Same thing. The prof (a real pissy a-hole) ran a discussion oriented seminar. But every time anyone raised their hand to speak, you could tell he didn't care, would cut people off and go on to the next person in a repetitive cycle. He was very cavalier (great word) and elitist and I will not give a dime to the school as a result of the bad slate of profs. there (yet they are always in the Top 50 national universities in US News and World Report).

Some teachers want to teach, others want to research and advance the body of knowledge in a field and still others are dysfunctional a-holes who bring their baggage to class.

Posted (edited)

just curious, mus. how old is this so called teacher? She has a female complex for one.

I am still waiting to see full proof as to why global warming is fact.

I need to watch Al Gore's movie tonight! got it from netflix this week! that will be all the proof i need!

Edited by regfootball
  regfootball said:

just curious, mus. how old is this so called teacher? She has a female complex for one.

I am still waiting to see full proof as to why global warming is fact.

I need to watch Al Gore's movie tonight! got it from netflix this week! that will be all the proof i need!

Female, late 40s, raised in Oregon. That says it right there.
  mustang84 said:

Female, late 40s, raised in Oregon. That says it right there.

oh, Bob, oregon granola girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bet she doesn't even wipe her butt when she poops because its wastes trees!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  regfootball said:

oh, Bob, oregon granola girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bet she doesn't even wipe her butt when she poops because its wastes trees!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mustang, is she ugly to boot? She's gotta be, coming from Oregon and all. I don't know why 2 cities as beautiful as Portland and Seattle have the UGLIEST women and everybody there and who's been there acknowledges it, even Tom Leykus!

The week before I left for Europe from Portland, I drove my mom to Trader Joe's (oops, writing about my mom again, better go to a therapist) since she doesn't drive. It's a West Coast chain that has high end or ethnic foods. In the aisle, I am complaining to her in Italian (dialect) about the woman in front of us who has short gray hair, a liberal t-shirt, Indian jewelry, khakis and hiking boots, telling her she is typical Portland ugly and that my Mom needs to get out of the house more and see how ugly the locals are.

I leave to walk around and sample some free coffee. That woman ran into my Mom by the sauces and told her that her own parents were Sicilian. Hopefully, she just figured we were speaking Italian but didn't deduce I was ragging on her!

Never got to see whether she had a Subaru outside. Bleh!

  trinacriabob said:

Mustang, is she ugly to boot? She's gotta be, coming from Oregon and all. I don't know why 2 cities as beautiful as Portland and Seattle have the UGLIEST women and everybody there and who's been there acknowledges it, even Tom Leykus!

The week before I left for Europe from Portland, I drove my mom to Trader Joe's (oops, writing about my mom again, better go to a therapist) since she doesn't drive. It's a West Coast chain that has high end or ethnic foods. In the aisle, I am complaining to her in Italian (dialect) about the woman in front of us who has short gray hair, a liberal t-shirt, Indian jewelry, khakis and hiking boots, telling her she is typical Portland ugly and that my Mom needs to get out of the house more and see how ugly the locals are.

I leave to walk around and sample some free coffee. That woman ran into my Mom by the sauces and told her that her own parents were Sicilian. Hopefully, she just figured we were speaking Italian but didn't deduce I was ragging on her!

Never got to see whether she had a Subaru outside. Bleh!

LL Bean version I bet

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