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The Curse hits hard


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Today I went to an auto auction in Salem (the one where the Intrepid came from) for fun...just to see what they had. On my way back I decided to take the highway home. I get off onto the exit ramp, which has a lot of cars on it...it is rush hour. I patiently wait for teh cars to go...they have to wait to go because it merges into a rotary. My turn comes up. I move forward no more than a couple of feet to see if there are any cars coming through the rotary. There are, so I stop and wait for them to go past. As I'm watching I see a big truck barreling towards me in my rear view mirror. I only had enough time to think, 'he's going too fast to stop."

This happened at about 5:10pm

Next thing I know, I've been rear-ended, which forces my foot into the clutch, breaks the driver's seat (it was upright, but after impact was fully reclined against the back seats and wouldn't come back up), and smashes the rear driver's quarter...it also pushes the car into the rotary.

I'm in shock, and shaky/freaking out...I couldn't believe it. I get out and so does the other driver. He asks if I'm ok...I say physically, not mentally...but my foot hurts. He says, and I quote, "I thought you had already gone" I'm like...yeah, that's why I was still there with my brake lights on. Plus, he was going way too fast anyway...like 20-30mph.

One of his buddies in another truck pulls off in front of us. I move the car off the road...it still runs...but it's hard to shift while teh seat is all the way back. We start exchanging info...but then it gets weird because one of these guys has a disposable camera and starts taking pictures...what moving agency just happpens to be carrying a camera with them? The guy in the other truck takes a couple photos of the reclined seat and mumbles something about it. I promptly tell him, with some anger in my voice, that my seat was all the way up and the force of the truck broke it. They seem fishy to me...I don't like either one of them.

The police are here by now, as is a fire truck.They ask if we're okay, the guy who hit me says he's just shaken, I say I am too but my toe hurts some...but I say I don't need to go to the hospital. I tell the officer exactly what happened, and basically just stare at the car...in shock and awe that this happened...I was wishing I hadn't taken the highway home...

To make things worse, Jessica has the cell phone, and she's at work...I had no way to contact anyone. The officer tells me I can't drive the Prizm home because the trunk won't stay closed,so it has to be towed. Of course, they won't let me use AAA, I have to use what they have. It has to be taken to their place because if they take it home (which is on the way might I add) it would cost me a hundred f@#king dollars. I had to let them take it there so the insurance company will handle it. I get a ride home from the tow truck.

The officers and the fireman (who was very nice) told me not to worry, it could have been worse, and that I wasn't at fault...but somehow I don't feel better about it. :(

I got home, called Jessica, she came home...I broke down a bit...it was just so much stress...after all of the $h! that has happened these past 2 weeks. After calming down, I promptly made the phone calls to my insurance and that guy's insurance, they dropped the report paperwork off at the police station...what happens from here I don't know.

On our way back from the police station we stopped off at the towing place, and I grabbed some photos of the damage...

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Here's a picture of the culprit...not the actual one though. But same size and cab and stuff.

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By the way, the only damage he had was a bent bumper.

And here's a look of the Prizm last week, right after I waxed and buffed it... :(

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Lots of mixed emotions right now...sadness, frustration, anger... :cussing::angry::(:banghead::censored:

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Couldve been worse...couldve been the intrepid

That's what my mom said...but that doesn't make it any better. Both cars are family after all.

What I wonder/hope is if the damage can be fixed...the night time pictures are crap, but as you can still see, the trunk/bumper area is pushed in on that side.

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Sorry about the wreck. Dealing with insurance companies are a pain in the butt. I hope your pains go away soon. It would probably be better for the car to be totaled because it will never be the same.

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Wow... this reminds me so much of my wreck a couple of years ago. Same thing; a truck rear ended me.

Sorry to hear about your car man, but you're okay and in the end that's what counts. I would still get checked out by either the ER or a doctors office though just to be safe. When I had my wreck, I felt like a million bucks because my adrenaline was flowing, then I started getting really sore and ended up in the emergency room. From there, it went to having physical therapy 2 times a week for months after the wreck (And still sometimes on occasion if my back decides to be a bitch)

If you're like me and remember the whole thing, you'll experience nervousness about being rear ended in the future as well.

What will happen is the insurance company will get their estimates and everything and then they'll contact you and try to "buy you out" for a fair amount of money. Normally this figure is modest and serves as their way to try and make you forget about all your/their problems. I never have taken the "buy out" (I've been in 5 accidents--none of them my fault) and I would advise against it as you'll need to add up all of your damage and costs. (repairs to the car, if it's not totalled. Medical bills, lost time at work, emotional distress, towing costs, rental car costs, etc.) Then you can pretty much call them and say, this is what I'll settle for and give them a figure (A reasonable figure of course)

Best of luck man.

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Your V.M. woke me up when my celly started beeping. Sorry to miss

your call, I actually went to bed before midnight for once. Anyway

Glad to hear you're okay. With the milage you had on the prizm just

consider it total loss... it most certainly will be. On the plus side you

guys will be doing some car shopping & there's NO way you can get

more $$$ for a car than a total loss. You always get top dollar from

the insurance company.

The Prizm was hardly a car worth getting upset over since it had

some SERIOUSLY high miles. Better that than the Intrepid. More

importantly you need to make sure you NEVER sign anything saying

you're okay or that the accident did not cause any bodily harm. I

hope you do not wake up tomorrow morning with a severe back

ache but that's a big possibility. Again, your health is WAY more

important than some metal box with four wheels.

Wow... this reminds me so much of my wreck a couple of years ago. Same thing; a truck rear ended me.

Yup, I remember that. It was quite a scarry story.

My eyes are always on the rear view, esp. in the B-59.

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Obviously the most important thing is that you're ok....cars can be replaced. I'm not Ocn either but I did do autobody work for a couple of years. Judging my the extent of the rear damage, a new drivers seat....and any possible frame damage, coupled with the age of the car I was say it's a safe bet it's totalled. Good luck and keep us updated.

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I'd recommend another visit to the tow yard to retrieve your belongings before someone "assists" you. That's a common problem when cars are not in your possession while waiting for the insurance company to do their thing. Take everyone's advice and make sure any pains get checked out much sooner than later.

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Well apparently I made the mistake of signing a paper saying I didn't need to go to the hospital. The fireman told me if I needed to go later then to go. This may have been a huge mistake...I dunno...I'VE NEVER TAKEN A CLASS OR WHATEVER TO KNOW I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO SIGN $h!!!!11!

How the f@#k am I supposed to know? I feel fine except the side of my neck is a little sore...just great...

Edited by Dodgefan
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You'll be fine...tomorrow you might just feel a little pain in some muscles....nothing to worry about. I've been rear ended more than once by idiots....the car is totalled, you'll be fine.

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You live and learn, you were also probably in shock.

It happens, just take it easy for the next few days.

They'll give you the book value of the car obviously based on age and mileage. Which won't be a lot.

It WILL be more than the car would sell for on the

open market, KBB & NADA are both high, esp.

compared to the realities of resale in New England.

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That happened to me 10 years ago in my 1979 Impala. A Ford F-150 decided to rear end me. My drivers seat looked like yours does. Lucky though the way that car was made I still drove it home. The frame after the left rear door was bent and there was a little kink in the leaft rear wheel well. It came within $12 of being totalled. I would bet yours is totalled. Go to the doctor ASAP!!!!! Make sure about your health. Insurance will pay the doctor bill. I had a bit of a sore neck but otherwise was fine. Did I mention I was standing still and the guy hit me doing about 30 miles an hour?

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Dodgefan, ack. If the damage were all higher than the bumper, there may have been a chance, but looking at the photos, it looks totalled. It hit the bumper, which is attached to the frame rails. First thing I'd do is empty the trunk and look at the trunk floor, and look under the car at the left side frame rail for kinks. Even if it didn't damage a rail, the quarter panel, decklid and rear body panel could be enough to send it over the line.
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What's the milage on the Prizm? Over 200K IIRC... that's a car that is

totalled very easily. An insurance appraiser will not even bother to

take a close look, if he/she hears "over ten years old, 200K miles" it's

like the kiss of death for a car with rear 1/4 panel damage.

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I am so sorry. I have been in accidents. In 2003 and 2006. I was in other accidents before that as a child and teenager. The first one was in my first Ninety Eight. It was totaled. The entire left side of the car was gone from the front fender to the rear left fender. The suspension was messed up as the wheel was pushed in the car. It took the accident well because it did not open the gas tank. They were good to me and gave me the value, plus the new stuff I had put on the car. They told me they had never seen a car that clean in such good condition totaled. Then in 2006, it was the first Toronado. The right front fender and door was gone. That payoff allowed me to buy the Toronado I have now. Both times I drove the damaged cars home. accidents can be tragic and scary, but I am thankful it was not the Intrepid.

I understand your fears and frustration. We all grow an attachment to our cars. You will find another Prism or something else. Be thankful it was not your fault. Be thankful you are not mangled in any way.

I offer you my sympathies. Do not let this steal your joy.

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No, the Prizm only had like 175k miles on it, but that is still a lot. But what I am worried about is that DF signed some paper saying that he was fine, then like worse case scenario later on some part of his body starts to hurt, like his neck kinda hurts now, but says it worsens and he has to go to the doctor and all kinds of stuff like that, will we be screwed out of any money paying for his bills? Cause I'm pretty sure if something goes wrong and we have to go to court or something, they are gonna try to make him look stupid and say he had his seat all the way reclined and that he signed papers saying he was fine, which he was not in the right state of mind to make any kind of decisions like that at the time. I think he was too shook up to be asked to sign those papers. So please anyone TELL US WHAT TO DO!! Right now we are trying to get the car looked at by the insurance company, so after they tell us they will give us a lousy 400 bucks for the car or something what do we do then? Say no then gather all of our expenses up because I missed work yesterday, might today and DF is missing work today, should they be paying us for all of this? and if they only say it is worth 400$ and that is all they are willing to give THERE IS NO WAY WE CAN GET IT FIXED OR A NEW CAR WITH ONLY 400$ at least not a real good one. So please anyone advice????? All advise so far has been helpful, but we need more in depth advice PLEASE. Thanks a lot!!!

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Ouch..reminds me of my accident in '94, when a Ford van (driven by a Ford employee) pushed a Town Car into my '86 Mustang LX... did $4000 damage to a $2500 car (it had about 60k miles and was rust-free, which was rare in Michigan). Neither door would open, the decklid was folded up and pushed through the rear window, both rear quarters accordioned. I wore a neck brace for a few weeks, went to a doctor and a chiropractor..

Edited by moltar
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jessi_chan, I know that in NJ the police will ask you if you want to go to the hospital and if you decline, you must sign a waiver stating that you choose not to go at the time. It doesn;t mean you have no injuries, it just means that you refused medical care at the scene - so maybe the same is true where you live. I also know that in NJ, your auto insurance covers your medical expenses from the accident, and whatever isn't covered then goes to your primary healthcare coverage. You should definitely check into these issues with your insurance company pronto, and if DF has any pains, he needs to get checked out ASAP. The car loss is terrible, but deal with the human part first. Again, heed my warning about your personal items in the Prizm being stolen. Take whatever you own out of there real soon before someone "helps" you.
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jessi_chan, I know that in NJ the police will ask you if you want to go to the hospital and if you decline, you must sign a waiver stating that you choose not to go at the time. It doesn;t mean you have no injuries, it just means that you refused medical care at the scene - so maybe the same is true where you live. I also know that in NJ, your auto insurance covers your medical expenses from the accident, and whatever isn't covered then goes to your primary healthcare coverage. You should definitely check into these issues with your insurance company pronto, and if DF has any pains, he needs to get checked out ASAP. The car loss is terrible, but deal with the human part first. Again, heed my warning about your personal items in the Prizm being stolen. Take whatever you own out of there real soon before someone "helps" you.

Well that makes me feel a little better. That's what the fireman told me it was...a waiver saying I declined to go to the hospital.

I'm going to the doctor's office in a couple minutes, followed by getting the rest of the items out of the car....I took the stereo and stuff, but there's some wood for the side porch in the trunk.

Anyway, I got off the phone with the insurance company (their's). They told me that they will be sending someone out to look at the car today, and call me back within 48 hours after they've gotten the info from their client too. They also asked if I was planning to sue...I just told them I want my car repaired or replaced.

Interestingly, they said I can make reservations with Enterprise and ghave the rental company send them the billing instead of me...so we will go and check it out today.

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Someone else here was hit from behind and their seat broke. I think it was RBB in his yellow Mazda. It is a relatively common occurence. Anyone with experience can see the seat recliner and/or seatback frame is broken. No worries there as far as anyone accusing you of driving with a gangsta lean.

I don't get into the injury part of car accidents at all, so nothing to add there.

Hopefully you will get a good price for the car so you can get something else decent. Don't seem to eager to settle. Let us know what the estimator says about the car.

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Well today I finished up all of the paperwork and claims stuff...all that's left to do now is wait for the car to be looked at. They are NOT going to just call it totaled and give me a lousy check for like 400 bucks...I will fight that if I can. My mechanic told me to bring it down when I can finally get it out of the tow yard...he also knows a good body shop...so we'll see...it may sound stupid, but the car has a lot of memories...and to us if it's not folded in half, and is still plenty drivable...it's not totaled.

As for me, I went to the doctor's office today to be looked at. My sore neck seem to just be a sprained muscle...but I was sent to get X-rays just to be sure...it's sore if I move it to the side a certain way while looking up.

Meanwhile it appears I will end up with either a Malibu or an Avenger tomorrow courtesy of Enterprise...which the insurance will be paying for.

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Even if they payed me to keep the car I would not want it back...

A car with that many miles and that much damage is not a good

cadidate to get an ass replacement. Stick a fork in her, the Prizm

is done, Myae you'll get lucky and talk them into $1500 or so in

which case take the money & run.

In my line of work, as a trade in your car would be worth at best

$250-$300 (actual cash value) as a trade in. They may tell you

morem, maybve even $2000 but the other $1700 is the discount

on the car you're bying. Trying to explain this to people is one of

the most frustrating things ever.

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Someone else here was hit from behind and their seat broke. I think it was RBB in his yellow Mazda. It is a relatively common occurence. Anyone with experience can see the seat recliner and/or seatback frame is broken. No worries there as far as anyone accusing you of driving with a gangsta lean.

I don't get into the injury part of car accidents at all, so nothing to add there.

Hopefully you will get a good price for the car so you can get something else decent. Don't seem to eager to settle. Let us know what the estimator says about the car.

My seat broke just like that as well.

BTW: DF, the waiver from the fireman was to cover his ass and doesn't mean you weren't hurt. Trust me, my dad was a fire chief for 20 years, the only reason they have to make you sign that is so that you can't come back and sue them a year later if something happens.

I know here in NC you have a set amount of time to get evaluted by a doctor (3 days I think)

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It's a shame about your car... I know it served you well. You should recognize that it had a nice life, was well taken care of, and that it might be the end of the book, sometimes it's just meant to be. My grandfather's 1996 Windstar got written off in 2004 with about 180K Kms on it- he got lucky and got about 8000 for the van (with airbag recharges, the damage was 12000) 8000 was not nearly enough so they dipped into their retirement savings to buy a leaseback 2001 Caravan Sport. The crash was not his fault and the airbag deployment left him deaf in one ear and cracked his spine... so what did he do? He took the flaky woman who caused the accident by blowing a 4-way stop (flashing red lights) situation at 95KPH in the middle of Calgary... to court. Paid for the new van and his hearing aid and his physiotherapy on his back.

Edited by vonVeezelsnider
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Good luck with everything, DF ... hope you feel better soon!

Meanwhile it appears I will end up with either a Malibu or an Avenger tomorrow courtesy of Enterprise...which the insurance will be paying for.

Heh ... tough call on those 2. Which would you prefer? Me ... probably the Avenger....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

WRMNshowcase.lego.HO.model.MCs.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"Hood slidin' like Bo Duke"...Dierks Bently...'What Was I Thinking?'

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Good luck with everything, DF ... hope you feel better soon!

Heh ... tough call on those 2. Which would you prefer? Me ... probably the Avenger....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

WRMNshowcase.lego.HO.model.MCs.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"Hood slidin' like Bo Duke"...Dierks Bently...'What Was I Thinking?'

Avenger...as bad as most people may think it is...it's probably way better than the Malibu....but if I get the Malibu it's something new at least!

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Avenger...as bad as most people may think it is...it's probably way better than the Malibu....but if I get the Malibu it's something new at least!

That's like choosing between green colored crap and brown colored crap; either way you're still choosing crap. :D Edited by blackviper8891
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Well today I finished up all of the paperwork and claims stuff...all that's left to do now is wait for the car to be looked at. They are NOT going to just call it totaled and give me a lousy check for like 400 bucks...I will fight that if I can.

Good luck. Don't have to tell you how fun it is fighting insurance claims assholes.

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Good luck. Don't have to tell you how fun it is fighting insurance claims assholes.


Hey do you or anyone else know if I can refuse/argue with what they want to settle on (claiming it totaled, without it being looked at by a mechanic or body shop). I want the car taken to my mechanic, who has a body shop he can recommend me to, and is willing to go there with me...I want an estimate from them on what it will cost...can I aregue with the insurance company that I want this before settling on them calling it "totaled"?

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I don't know if this helps you with your insurance mess, but here in Alberta there was a supreme court ruling a while back that said that even if your car had been written off, you can still have it back and sell it for parts (the insurance companies were keeping the cars unlawfully)... Check to see if Massachusetts has the same allowance, and if it does, you can get some extra money off of salvage companies. (The engine and what not are all probably still good.)

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Guest YellowJacket894

I'm sorry to hear this. Good thing you weren't seriously hurt.


I don't know if this helps you with your insurance mess, but here in Alberta there was a supreme court ruling a while back that said that even if your car had been written off, you can still have it back and sell it for parts (the insurance companies were keeping the cars unlawfully)... Check to see if Massachusetts has the same allowance, and if it does, you can get some extra money off of salvage companies. (The engine and what not are all probably still good.)

That's actually a really good alternative if you decide you want another car, just part out what wasn't damaged on eBay and go back to the auction for another Intrepid or something. Plus, it's your car, so why not get it back anyway and see if that would be worth a try.

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I'm sorry to hear this. Good thing you weren't seriously hurt.

That's actually a really good alternative if you decide you want another car, just part out what wasn't damaged on eBay and go back to the auction for another Intrepid or something. Plus, it's your car, so why not get it back anyway and see if that would be worth.

That's my thinking. If nothing else I want the car back...they are NOT keeping it. Like I said, I want to see if it can be fixed, I don't care if it's an economy car, or even that it's a damn Toyota underneath...it's been a great car with a lot of good memories...I learned to drive stick in it.

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We just got back from Enterprise...apparently Liberty Mutual hasn't gotten a hold of their client yet, and they haven't determined liability...so basically I'd be taking a risk putting in the $200 deposit for a rental since they haven't determined liability...until they do, they won't set up payments to Enterprise. The Enterprise rep was very nice, as well as very honest...he suggested waiting until Monday and calling them to see if they've determined liability...so for now we're still one car short..also they'd only pay for an economy car...so I'd end up with a Neon or Cobalt or something.

I know this: if they somehow don't find that idiot completely at fault, I will take them to court. :angry:

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We just got back from Enterprise...apparently Liberty Mutual hasn't gotten a hold of their client yet, and they haven't determined liability...so basically I'd be taking a risk putting in the $200 deposit for a rental since they haven't determined liability...until they do, they won't set up payments to Enterprise. The Enterprise rep was very nice, as well as very honest...he suggested waiting until Monday and calling them to see if they've determined liability...so for now we're still one car short..also they'd only pay for an economy car...so I'd end up with a Neon or Cobalt or something.

I know this: if they somehow don't find that idiot completely at fault, I will take them to court. :angry:

Welcome to the world of dealing with insurance companies and the stress that comes along with it. I sometimes think they're worse than car salesmen haggling you to buy a car eventhough you've made it clear you're just looking.

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Guest YellowJacket894

That's my thinking. If nothing else I want the car back...they are NOT keeping it. Like I said, I want to see if it can be fixed, I don't care if it's an economy car, or even that it's a damn Toyota underneath...it's been a great car with a lot of good memories...I learned to drive stick in it.

Yeah, I hear you on that. Why should it become their property, anyhow? If anything other than parting out the car if it's 100 percent impossible or too costly to repair, do what my parents did when they had to have a new roof put on the house this past May (Farm Bureau refused to properly fix our roof, while also stating that it's possible to patch up a roof with different color shingles and have it properly match and look good as new): take what money they give you, and invest it in fixing what's broken.

That's like choosing between green colored crap and brown colored crap; either way you're still choosing crap. :D

Sounds like the 2004 Presidential Election. :smilewide:

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Yeah, I hear you on that. Why should it become their property, anyhow? If anything other than parting out the car if it's 100 percent impossible or too costly to repair, do what my parents did when they had to have a new roof put on the house this past May (Farm Bureau refused to properly fix our roof, while also stating that it's possible to patch up a roof with different color shingles and have it properly match and look good as new): take what money they give you, and invest it in fixing what's broken.

Sounds like the 2004 Presidential Election. :smilewide:


I passed by it while working (driving the Supah Shadow with no A/C for now)...made me so sad...They aren't keeping it, that's for sure.

So I have a qestion to anyone know knows...can I argue with their verdict of it being totaled or not?

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