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What Are You Listening To?

Delta Force79

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This song remains funny in perpetuity.

Released when most people could make a go of it in Los Angeles.

The main "actor" in this resembles a young Ron Howard and that lady sitting there in the beginning looks like she's had one too many smoke breaks while waiting on tables in a diner in a rough part of Reno.


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I always had it in my mind that Buckwheat and Dr. Feelgood were the same person.  Two mythical deadbeats whose story was told differently by the people from their respective Coast.   Hip Hoppers in the East and Rock-N-Rollers in the West.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I was listening to music to mellow out. (from Covid fatigue)  

I came across this. I think Ive mellowed out.  I love '50s rock.  This version is more...cha cha.  I guess the beautiful girl dancing the cha cha in soothed my tortured soul.    It has been on loop for the last 40 minutes.  My lovely wife doesnt get why Im dancing to the same song over and over.  Oh well.   Ill make it up to her when the kids go to bed ce soir!   






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3 hours ago, oldshurst442 said:

I was listening to music to mellow out. (from Covid fatigue)  

I came across this. I think Ive mellowed out.  I love '50s rock.  This version is more...cha cha.  I guess the beautiful girl dancing the cha cha in soothed my tortured soul.    It has been on loop for the last 40 minutes.  My lovely wife doesnt get why Im dancing to the same song over and over.  Oh well.   Ill make it up to her when the kids go to bed ce soir!   


I remember dancing to this song 4 plus decades ago. Was good then as it is now today. Course lovely woman bouncing around does help. :P 

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17 hours ago, trinacriabob said:

Probably Rod Stewart's best work ... my favorite, at any rate.  Also, there is great footage of NYC and its subways in the video.  Enjoy.


Great song..it's a cover of a Tom Waits track, here is the original video for the Tom Waits version..


Another train-themed song I like is Elton John's 'Runaway Train' w/ Eric Clapton on guitar... 


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Many of us remember the exact time and place we heard some songs.  That's the deal with me and this one.  I was in a nice rental car, running the A/C, and driving along the curves near San Timoteo Canyon along the 60, instead of using flatter I-10, going from L.A. out to the Coachella Valley (basically Palm Springs and the many desert towns that surround it).

The song matched the fairly empty roadway at the time.  There were some decent songs that are very '90s in character.

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Chemical Brothers 'Block Rockin' Beats'.  A time and place song, driving around Centennial, Colorado in my buddy Steve's black '91 Acura NSX on a sunny April Saturday in 1998.  He had just bought the car in Portland, OR and driven it back to Colorado, I went over to his house and we went for a drive in it--I drove it also..we went out 470 to Morrison and up into the foothills..  This track was playing...first mid-engine car I'd driven.. will never forget the sound of that car under acceleration and this track... anytime I hear this track, I remember that car and first day I saw and drove it..good times.


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Heard this is an indie coffeehouse tonight, which unlike the chain ones, was open for eat-in.

I prefer this instrumental version; there's also one with vocals.  Vince Guaraldi and his group may not have put a voice to the Charlie Brown series, but it would be hard to imagine the Charlie Brown series, and the Christmas holidays, without his unique music. 


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On loop

A week late...but as the lyrics go...



"Bah, humbug!" no, that's too strong
'Cause it is my favorite holiday
But all this year's been a busy blur
Don't think I have the energy

Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
But I think I'll miss this one this year


Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Couldn't miss this one this year!
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Couldn't miss this one this year!




Here's hoping that 2021 will be better. At least by the time 2022 rolls along...








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"What are you listening to?" says the thread title.

It didn't say it had to be a song.  Here's a comedy skit a friend of mine from Calif. made me listen to.

It's 100% clean.  It's a Mexican-American girl doing a skit where she talks about her Mexican family in the first half and takes us along on an excursion to an obviously Vietnamese run nail salon in the second half.  My friend knew I like different accents and would enjoy this video.  Her small stature and unassuming nature make her comic delivery all that more convincing.

If you've lived out West and wanted to get a good, inexpensive haircut, these shops for men and women would often be owned and operated by Vietnamese folks.  So, at $8 plus a tip, you're on your way in 20 minutes for about $10 or $11.

As for her stories of growing up Mexican, the accents and inflections she does are spot on with those of a lot of my SoCal Catholic school friends' Mexican parents.  As for the Vietnamese part, the accents are spot on with what I've experienced getting my hair cut, minus any of the upselling and theatrics in the skit.

When I need a random laugh, I'll put this on and forward it to 4:25, and it puts me in a better mood.  However, the whole skit is damn good.

Happy New Year.

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most of the movie theatre laughed at this scene 

I got soooooooo pissed.   I mean...I like Led Zep and all, but there is no-way/no-how that ANYBODY on the planet that could get an AC/DC song wrong!  Especially THAT one. 



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That was supposed to be the punchline, yes. I suppose.

But not when THAT song is (over)played in movies*cough like in this one cough*  as it is and it being a sports anthem song all over the world no matter what sport.  

But I guess the joke got its cheap laughs no matter what I thought of it. 

And yeah. I like AC/DC for me to be so anal about a shytty joke like that. 

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One of my favorite Led Zeppelin tracks...'In the Evening'..


7 hours ago, daves87rs said:


Just heard that song....strange. Good song though!

She's interesting...can't recall the track, but did see an LDR video that had a '69 Mustang in it...

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5 minutes ago, Robert Hall said:

They are fun...I like their version of 'Always On My Mind'...

Fan of quite a bit of their music... ? 

On 1/1/2021 at 10:58 PM, balthazar said:

Brian Johnson had some sort of new tech hearing restoration and was cleared to perform again. He's 73.
Boys still have gas in the tank


Good music anyways.....

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I recently happened into this and it's pretty damn funny ... hello Jersey Shore.  

It brings up the notion as to whether most stereotypes have some accuracy.

If enough people didn't notice them, they wouldn't exist.  I guess that means "yes."

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Hooked on this Singer Dami Im from Australia. Signed by Sony after winning the singing competition in her country.


Here is how Dami Im started, a 24 year old piano teacher that auditioned on the X Factor.


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This song is playing recently on a TV commercial . Dont remember which product (or service) this song is helping to peddle.  These past few days it has been on my mind and I was going through the lyrics...

On the wrong side of history is where we are at right about now.  What a reversal of what this song is trying to say...


How the phoque did we get here this way since 1991?  I certainly did not see this coming...

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On 1/13/2021 at 8:27 PM, oldshurst442 said:

This song is playing recently on a TV commercial . Dont remember which product (or service) this song is helping to peddle.  These past few days it has been on my mind and I was going through the lyrics...

On the wrong side of history is where we are at right about now.  What a reversal of what this song is trying to say...


How the phoque did we get here this way since 1991?  I certainly did not see this coming...

Always liked that song, remember when it came out when I was in college.  Kind of a one hit wonder band.  Where have the last 30 years gone? 

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