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Things that make you shake your head


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as f'ed up as the war effort is right now, please know this isn't really a war about WMD's as much as it is a war designed to aid in finding and removing Saddam Hussein.

I still find it comical that no one 'gets that'. Perhaps the most evil human on the planet. We found him, got him, he's toast and six feet under.

Does that mean we should still be in there, running around in circles? Probably does mean we need to get out.

Here's the deal, we are not in there with a full effort. People in this country don't get what war is about so they limit our resources. We are namby pamby in our commitment to anything because the softies in this country (90% of the population) think we make more of a difference making pretty signs and talking about global warming than we do to talk collectively as a nation and put forth the needed effrot to have full extermination of the pest. We do it in the name of votes.

I am sure if we had the resources and effort the govt really wants, we would wax ass all over that region and leave a definite message.

Problem is those folks over there are wacko. We could kick their ass with a lead pipe till they pass out and they would find a way to keep taking a beating over and over and over in the name of Allah.

War is ugly, and WWII was the last war we probably put forth the proper effort.

Truth be told, no one int he USA anymore really gets the amount of sacrifice that's required as a country to fight a real and proper war and win. Except for those oldsters who are almost no longer with us.

As a nation, we have no idea what it takes to win anymore, or how to fight. We have no fierce desire or belief to succeed. We have no concept of what it means to join together for a cause as a ####ry. We care more about American Idol and what is crawling around in Lindsay Lohan's snatch than we do foreign policy to protect our nation long term. The movers and shakers in the country as a matter of fact would prefer we fail as a nation and berate anything with an American basis. The grass is greener in Europe and Asia and everywhere else.

Meanwhile, our enemies become more resistant like viruses to antibiotics. It takes more and more to kick the bug.

We shouldn't have gotten into this war unless we could go full frontal in our assault. As it is, we probably only invest 10% of the effort we should. America is a collective nation of pansies and the other countries know it. You can bet if we put forth a real effort in Iraq you would have no suicide bombers and stuff. If we just went over there and let loose to get rid of the pest, I think you would see it end pretty quickly.

Our nation of pansies back home won't let it happen though because we don't want the reality of war that comes with it.

So our plan B never works, but the exception here is we removed Saddam and that alone is a major component of this whole 'to do'. Anyone who thinks it was not a good thing to remove Saddam and make him carbon ought to have their head examined.

The whole reason all the twinkies in this country are so focused on global warming and stuff right now is becuase they cannot figure out how to triumph over the real war going on and they want to get a big chubby about waging a causal / political war on something, so it feels good to champion the environment because you aren't killing anyone to win. You get to make signs and not cut your hair and chant little sayings and stuff, and you get to villify 'the big guy'. It all feels great and fuzzy and like your doing your part. But it really is taking focus away from how we really end this war and move on and put the pest in their place long term.

Edited by regfootball
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as f'ed up as the war effort is right now, please know this isn't really a war about WMD's as much as it is a war designed to aid in finding and removing Saddam Hussein.

I still find it comical that no one 'gets that'. Perhaps the most evil human on the planet. We found him, got him, he's toast and six feet under.

Does that mean we should still be in there, running around in circles? Probably does mean we need to get out.

Though we started the war on questionable pretenses, and took out Saddam, it's not our war anymore..it's a civil war within Iraq...the $h!es are fighting the Sunnis....let them fight amongst themselves... it's not worth the lives of our soldiers to try and settle disputes amongst a bunch of Muslim nutjobs that have been fighting amongst themselves for centuries.... The idea of trying to start a democracy in Iraq is noble, but futile...these are people that for generations have only known monarchies and dictatorships...again, NOT OUR PROBLEM.

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I was doing yard work, today, so I had my gasolene mower, and my gasolene leaf blower out. It wasn't two minutes after I fired up the blower that some women and her boyfriend who were walking by, motioned to me to turn it off. I did, and she asked... 'Do you really need that? It wastes so much gas, and it pollutes.'

It's not the first time I've been bugged about it, either. I'm the one who has three properties to keep maintained, not her. Why can't people just mind their own business these days?

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I was doing yard work, today, so I had my gasolene mower, and my gasolene leaf blower out. It wasn't two minutes after I fired up the blower that some women and her boyfriend who were walking by, motioned to me to turn it off. I did, and she asked... 'Do you really need that? It wastes so much gas, and it pollutes.'

It's not the first time I've been bugged about it, either. I'm the one who has three properties to keep maintained, not her. Why can't people just mind their own business these days?

Self-righteous, short-sighted, self-important, clueless asswipe!

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as f'ed up as the war effort is right now, please know this isn't really a war about WMD's as much as it is a war designed to aid in finding and removing Saddam Hussein.

I still find it comical that no one 'gets that'. Perhaps the most evil human on the planet. We found him, got him, he's toast and six feet under.

Does that mean we should still be in there, running around in circles? Probably does mean we need to get out.

Agreed 100%!!! This wasn't a war without merit, yet I do agree that it is time Iraq becomes responsible for itself and we bring our soldiers home.

War is ugly, and WWII was the last war we probably put forth the proper effort.
Back before our country became a "has been"
Truth be told, no one int he USA anymore really gets the amount of sacrifice that's required as a country to fight a real and proper war and win. Except for those oldsters who are almost no longer with us.

I agree 100%... *MOST* of this country, epecially those that yell the loudest, are spoiled, pompous assholes who care more about whether or not their Wal-Mart goods were discounted properly by their '10% off' coupon than their fellow americans.

As a nation, we have no idea what it takes to win anymore, or how to fight. We have no fierce desire or belief to succeed. We have no concept of what it means to join together for a cause as a country. We care more about American Idol and what is crawling around in Lindsay Lohan's snatch than we do foreign policy to protect our nation long term. The movers and shakers in the country as a matter of fact would prefer we fail as a nation and berate anything with an American basis. The grass is greener in Europe and Asia and everywhere else.
That is probably one of the best paragraphs I've ever read on this forum... BEAUTIFUL!!!
Meanwhile, our enemies become more resistant like viruses to antibiotics. It takes more and more to kick the bug.

We shouldn't have gotten into this war unless we could go full frontal in our assault. As it is, we probably only invest 10% of the effort we should. America is a collective nation of pansies and the other countries know it.

LOL... Which is excatly what I'm referring to when I say "America is everyone's bitch"

So our plan B never works, but the exception here is we removed Saddam and that alone is a major component of this whole 'to do'. Anyone who thinks it was not a good thing to remove Saddam and make him carbon ought to have their head examined.
The whole reason all the twinkies in this country are so focused on global warming and stuff right now is becuase they cannot figure out how to triumph over the real war going on and they want to get a big chubby about waging a causal / political war on something, so it feels good to champion the environment because you aren't killing anyone to win. You get to make signs and not cut your hair and chant little sayings and stuff, and you get to villify 'the big guy'. It all feels great and fuzzy and like your doing your part. But it really is taking focus away from how we really end this war and move on and put the pest in their place long term.

OMG... That just tops it off perfectly!

Edited by FUTURE_OF_GM
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Agreed 100%!!! This wasn't a war without merit, yet I do agree that it is time Iraq becomes responsible for itself and we bring our soldiers home.

An unstable Iraq without American support = an unstable Iraq that is invaded and controlled by a neighboring country (i.e. Iran) = Iran becomes even more powerful and disruptive to the Middle East = a Middle East that is unfavorable for American foreign policy. By all accounts, a precipitate withdrawal is a bad idea. The bipartisan Iraq Study Group concurs.

If we withdraw, Iraq is doomed to fail. However, if we must withdraw, at least do so gradually with a systematic transfer of power and security authority to the Iraqis. Then, when Iraq does fail, less of the blame can be placed on the United States and more placed on the Iraqi government itself.

Edited by Hollingsworth
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I was doing yard work, today, so I had my gasolene mower, and my gasolene leaf blower out. It wasn't two minutes after I fired up the blower that some women and her boyfriend who were walking by, motioned to me to turn it off. I did, and she asked... 'Do you really need that? It wastes so much gas, and it pollutes.'

It's not the first time I've been bugged about it, either. I'm the one who has three properties to keep maintained, not her. Why can't people just mind their own business these days?

take 68's advice. rip off their head and pee down their throat.

so i advertised some furn. on graigslist and this hot chick comes out to buy it tonight. as we sliding it in the trunk of her jeep, she starts apologizing for having such a big suv. I'm like, 'what are you upset about, no one is going to trade in a vehicle for themself and a dog to just get 4-5 mpg better on something newer.' she was all impressed with that. she must be catching flak from her friends or something about driving an suv.

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War in Iraq = Unjustified. Don't start with that BS.

As for gay rights. Look at Europe, look at Canada, look at Massachussetts. It'll happen, it's just a matter of time. What you said could be said about the rights of other races... or the rights of women. Society changes and things people thought would never happen, happened. If you don't believe it does, you're living in a bubble and need to get out and open your eyes. I repeat... Europe is not run by Hitler anymore. Japan isn't still fighting WWII. America abolished slavery, gave rights to other races and women. I could go on and on. Again, I say, the past is the past. If you're going to continue to stay stagnant on the past... Your views and opinions will soon enough become irrelevant and just some idiotic conspiracy theories that no one is going to pay attention to, like it or not.

Those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Millions of Jews and Chinese dead in WWII, and it took us how long to remove Saddam who was doing the same thing to his country - Nobody learned from WWII. Now look at Darfur...millions dying/dead and it took this years G8 summit to do something about it. The world has forgotten what it has been taught by previous generations, this is why I shake my head. As for gay rights - I wish you all the luck in the world changing the minds of millions. I am not against gays and wish them all the protections afforded everyone else. Hell, an F-ing illegal alien has more rights in this country than a gay person it would seem - especially if Kennedy/McCain get this bill through= and that is wrong no matter how you slice it. It took years of woman sufferage to gain the right to vote. It will take time for the Gay Rights issue to iron itself out as well.

Believe what you want to about the war and the current administration holding gay people down, it is the freedom afforded to you by the sacrifices of many before us that gives us the rights to have beliefs that may be counter to what one another are thinking.

As for the lawn mower hating chick, ask her to get on her knees and start chewing the grass in an even manner...then you will get rid of your mower!

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So, you're equating Japan's rape of Manchuria (estimates of 10-15million dead) with what America has done - when? Hiroshima? Firebombing of Dresden? Doesn't even come close!

I'm not comparing anything. I'm simply saying its hypocritical to leave out one country because of whatever bias. NO ONE has a clean past.

The past is not in the past, my friend. American pharmaceutical companies were complaining as recently as the 1980s that there were government documents being circulated to Japanese companies that gave them an edge in certain testing of drugs and procedures. Opel may have done a lot of questionable things during WWII to stay in existence, but that isn't the same as how Nissan was formed. Not by a long shot. Henry Ford may have been an anti-Semite, but he also was one of the first to hire black workers in the Detroit area and kept a personal friend around, who happened to be black, for a very long time.

Still, my point isn't which was worst... You and others were berating certain foreign companies/countries for their not so innocent past, as if it mattered. I followed with my point of no one was innocent.

And something a little closer to home, blackviper8891, is what we are NOT taught in our schools about gay history. I sat through an entire year of Classical Studies in highschool where we studied the ancient Greeks and Romans, yet the only mention of the importance of homosexuals in their societies was not even whispered about. Oh, except a few snickers about the island of Lesbos! Disappointed, I walked into the Reference Library at the University of Toronto and you couldn't pick up a single book that didn't have pictures of tapestries, urns or statues of two guys screwing each other! I was 17 and I was outraged at how this was completely surpressed.

I'm quite aware of all that.

So, no, I will not let the past die, because it is very important to all of us. Chinese diplomats have lodged numerous protests that Japanese schools are rewriting text books to downplay what happened in WWII.

We must always be diligent, lest we are doomed to repeat history.

Another point of mine is not that the past isn't important... or should be forgotten. I haven't said anything along of the lines of the that. I'm saying the past is the past. Is Nissan the same company is was when it was started? No. Is VW the same company as it was under Hitler's reign? No. Is Mitsubishi the same company it was during WWII? No. And so on. To not buy from those companies simply for a past is... read closely... f@#kING RETARDED! Let me ask you guys this... Do you agree with those who will not consider a GM vehicle simply because in the past GM used to make $h!? If you answered anything but yes, you're a hypocrite. End of story.

Oh yes they are, every Japanese car you see in North America is part of that war. Don't fool yourself!

Say it with me... CONSPIRACY THEORY.

Though we started the war on questionable pretenses, and took out Saddam, it's not our war anymore..it's a civil war within Iraq...the $h!es are fighting the Sunnis....let them fight amongst themselves... it's not worth the lives of our soldiers to try and settle disputes amongst a bunch of Muslim nutjobs that have been fighting amongst themselves for centuries.... The idea of trying to start a democracy in Iraq is noble, but futile...these are people that for generations have only known monarchies and dictatorships...again, NOT OUR PROBLEM.


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So you and her were sliding it in the trunk huh? Did you get her number? :smilewide:

i would have offered to give her the furniture in exchange for favors returned to me but the wife was in the house so that probably would have been a no go.

Edited by regfootball
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I'm not comparing anything. I'm simply saying its hypocritical to leave out one country because of whatever bias. NO ONE has a clean past.

Still, my point isn't which was worst... You and others were berating certain foreign companies/countries for their not so innocent past, as if it mattered. I followed with my point of no one was innocent.

I'm quite aware of all that.

Another point of mine is not that the past isn't important... or should be forgotten. I haven't said anything along of the lines of the that. I'm saying the past is the past. Is Nissan the same company is was when it was started? No. Is VW the same company as it was under Hitler's reign? No. Is Mitsubishi the same company it was during WWII? No. And so on. To not buy from those companies simply for a past is... read closely... f@#kING RETARDED! Let me ask you guys this... Do you agree with those who will not consider a GM vehicle simply because in the past GM used to make $h!? If you answered anything but yes, you're a hypocrite. End of story.

Say it with me... CONSPIRACY THEORY.


CONSPIRACY THEORY??? My friend, I studied Japanese trade policies in University. I suggest you look up MITI and see what they have been up to in the past. RECENT past. Ask Houdaille International, a Texas based tool and die manufacturer that entered into a 10 year agreement with a Japanese company, then had their "partner" export and market the same machinery in the U.S. after tearing up their agreement. When Houdaille tried to send lawyers to Japan for discovery, their visas were cancelled by the Prime Minister's office.

Where are all the TV manufacturers? Zenith, Electrohome and others once dominated that industry, until MITI started kickbacks on sugarbeet quotas for Toshiba and othes so they could dump TVs on the American market.

Do not talk to me about CONSPIRACY THEORIES, my friend. Do your research, then tell me how you truly feel about buying Japanese. MITI has a very strong mandate. Read Iaccoca's first book - he touches on the subject.

One parting comment: if none of this is true, then why is Japan not doing very much business in China? The Chinese would rather deal with the British, the Dutch, the Germans, us - anyone, as long as they are not Japanese.

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The words Conspiracy Theory have me shaking my head...This is what is wrong with the F*****G TOYOTA TUNDRA - RIGHT HERE! Because if it were not for some a-hole in his Tundra mocking the mileage of the freshly waxed 87 Monte Carlo, we would not have had FOUR + PAGES of talk of Conspiracies, Gay Rights, Ancient Roman Buggary, Saddam, Iraq...ect...although the upskirt with the blower thought was pretty good...NOPE! I blame the A-HOLE who bought the Toyota in the first place. HE STARTED THIS!

YOU HEAR ME BUDDY? I HOPE YOUR F-ING CAMSHAFT SNAPS YOU IMPORT HUMPING, BED SHAKING LIKE A BIKINI MODEL IN ANTARTICA, PIANO BLACK HIGH GLOSS UGLY-ASSED DASHBOARD, POOR GAS MILEAGE GETTING, FOUR STAR RATED, DRIVING PRICK! There. It has been said. We can stop throwing insults and jibes at one another...the original culprit has been told to go to hell! We now return you to your normally scheduled drooling over the latest GM product that we have been promised to get within the next three years. :camarosmile:

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Guest YellowJacket894

Camaro is out next year, in the fall. Three years from now is 2010, which means the Camaro would be a 2011 model. It's going to be an 2009.

And Hot Wheels already made my Camaro, meaning the one I will find a way to buy fall 2008 or spring 2009, right down to the color, which is black. I found it at Target a few days ago. It is pure sex on four small, plastic wheels, oh yes. :P

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Another point of mine is not that the past isn't important... or should be forgotten. I haven't said anything along of the lines of the that. I'm saying the past is the past. Is Nissan the same company is was when it was started? No. Is VW the same company as it was under Hitler's reign? No. Is Mitsubishi the same company it was during WWII? No. And so on. To not buy from those companies simply for a past is... read closely... f@#kING RETARDED! Let me ask you guys this... Do you agree with those who will not consider a GM vehicle simply because in the past GM used to make $h!? If you answered anything but yes, you're a hypocrite. End of story.

I'm not so sure about that... There's a difference between killing thousands of people and making an unreliable car. One of the reasons I'm very anti-Japanese is because of Pearl Harbor, that's not "f@#king retarded" it's simply my opinion and my beliefs based on personal ties to the war. I think it's just personal preference much like religion, sexuality, politics or "success."

Say it with me... CONSPIRACY THEORY.

Anyone who was alive in the 80s remembers the constant grudge match and rivalry between Japan and america and some, such as myself, still believe that this 'battle' rages on. The only condition is that Japan actually cares and seeks to win (by aiding their businesses) whereas america, in it's typical apathetic state, couldn't care less.

CONSPIRACY THEORY??? My friend, I studied Japanese trade policies in University. I suggest you look up MITI and see what they have been up to in the past. RECENT past. Ask Houdaille International, a Texas based tool and die manufacturer that entered into a 10 year agreement with a Japanese company, then had their "partner" export and market the same machinery in the U.S. after tearing up their agreement. When Houdaille tried to send lawyers to Japan for discovery, their visas were cancelled by the Prime Minister's office.

Where are all the TV manufacturers? Zenith, Electrohome and others once dominated that industry, until MITI started kickbacks on sugarbeet quotas for Toshiba and othes so they could dump TVs on the American market.

EXACTLY! Which is also why when Japan FINALLY agreed to allow U.S. cars imported into their country, the cars were 'allowed' to sit on the dock for months before eventually being failed by 'inspectors' for not meeting some BS requirement.

Edited by FUTURE_OF_GM
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We can stop throwing insults and jibes at one another...


If only we could get Chevrolet to stop insulting its enthusiasts as well...................

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"My heart is like an open highway" ... Bon Jovi ... 'It's My Life'

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I'm not so sure about that... There's a difference between killing thousands of people and making an unreliable car. One of the reasons I'm very anti-Japanese is because of Pearl Harbor, that's not "f@#king retarded" it's simply my opinion and my beliefs based on personal ties to the war. I think it's just personal preference much like religion, sexuality, politics or "success."

Personal preference... That might just say it all.

Anyone who was alive in the 80s remembers the constant grudge match and rivalry between Japan and america and some, such as myself, still believe that this 'battle' rages on. The only condition is that Japan actually cares and seeks to win (by aiding their businesses) whereas america, in it's typical apathetic state, couldn't care less.

EXACTLY! Which is also why when Japan FINALLY agreed to allow U.S. cars imported into their country, the cars were 'allowed' to sit on the dock for months before eventually being failed by 'inspectors' for not meeting some BS requirement.

I believe that's completely different than saying Japan is still fighting WWII, though. It's true that Japan supports its manufacturers and goes above and beyond to make them succeed. I simply can't equate that to them reliving and fighting back for a war that happened 60 or so years ago. It's illogical and any way you put it, is a conspiracy theory, by definition.

Anyways, back to the original topic of the thread of things that make me shake my head... Today, I was asked a simply question. Which do I like more? Domestic or Foreign vehicles? I answered that I had no preference. I was asked it again in disbelief on the premise that I must like one or the other more. What is so wrong with liking both and not having a preference? What a dolt.

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Anyways, back to the original topic of the thread of things that make me shake my head... Today, I was asked a simply question. Which do I like more? Domestic or Foreign vehicles? I answered that I had no preference. I was asked it again in disbelief on the premise that I must like one or the other more. What is so wrong with liking both and not having a preference? What a dolt.

While it's not inconceivable, you have to admit that it's unlikely in America today. 99% of the population is biased one way or the other.

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Anyways, back to the original topic of the thread of things that make me shake my head... Today, I was asked a simply question. Which do I like more? Domestic or Foreign vehicles? I answered that I had no preference. I was asked it again in disbelief on the premise that I must like one or the other more. What is so wrong with liking both and not having a preference? What a dolt.

I get the same response sometimes when I am asked where I lie on the political spectrum. The looks I get when I say I'm a moderate with liberal tendencies are quite funny at times...my government teacher last year even asked me if I was kidding. There are so many people that will only pursue one extreme...I don't care for that approach to politics or life in general.

Also, I shake my head when my mom's friend talked so much about how they wanted to get a Suburban, but ultimately chose a Tacoma because of some ludicrous reason. I think the decision was made based on the texture of the gas and brake pedals.

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