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Guest swallowit
we beat people up who drive honduhs and grafiti their cars when we see them at the store, fuck them; i know that driving domestic will help our economy, so what better place to teach these punks right? honduh, toyoda, nissan get trashed by us only mazda is cool because their really ford and the profit stays here :CG_all: this website is my faverite
The thing you have to realize is this is a GM fansite. That does not mean all of us are domestic lovers, just GM lovers. I am definately not a "domestic" supporter.. I hate Ford! (and I'm Canadian, so it's really not "domestic" for me anyways) GM will always be the first choice for me, but I'd rather be caught in a Nissan than a Ford...
Posted (edited)

we beat people up who drive honduhs and grafiti their cars when we see them at the store, fuck them; i know that driving domestic will help our economy, so what better place to teach these punks right?

honduh, toyoda, nissan get trashed by us only mazda is cool because their really ford and the profit stays here

:CG_all: this website is my faverite


That's a very lame, ignorant comment...

While I myself don't drive a japanese car, I do drive a BMW which is still and import and if I ever found out that you even stared at my car the wrong way you'd have your ass handed to you on a silver platter. http://www.cheersandgears.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/AH-HA_wink.gif Edited by Nick
Wow, that was insightful. Maybe if Honda/Acura didn't make such good cars, I wouldn't buy them. Until then, Acura and Honda get my money (well since I bought used, the car dealer got my money). You can beat me up if you want, but from your post I figure you're about 15-17 years old. Good luck :lol:
Okay, guys, this dude is yanking our chains. No one is that retarded.

Besides, the only cars that suck more than Toyotas are Bimmers. j/k, Nick :P
Posted (edited)

we beat people up who drive honduhs and grafiti their cars when we see them at the store, fuck them; i know that driving domestic will help our economy, so what better place to teach these punks right?

honduh, toyoda, nissan get trashed by us only mazda is cool because their really ford and the profit stays here

:CG_all: this website is my faverite


I'll be blunt:

You're an assclown.

It's one thing not to like imports but to deface someone else's personal property is simply so fucking ignorant it makes my blood boil thinking about it.

Sounds like you're the punk to me and if you really do do this I really hope you get caught (either by the cops or even better the owner who is sure to whip your ass).

Get a life, loser.


Okay, guys, this dude is yanking our chains. No one is that retarded.


I'd like to believe this, I really would but I've seen so many ignorant things in my life, I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't kidding. <_< Edited by VarianceJ30
Guest swallowit
damn wheres that Metallica GM guy, im sure he would agree with me - i mean whats the big deal really?
The thing I love about Canada and America is that they were both founded as accepting countries where you could practice any religion you want, have any beliefs you want, and buy any products you want as long as you weren't intruding on anyone else's rights.

O Canada

God, keep our land
Glorious and Free
O Canada,
We stand on gaurd for thee

Oh say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

These were written centuries ago, and yet some people still don't understand this basic tenet of North American civilization: freedom.

Vandalizing somebody's car because it's an import is no better than beating someone because they're Jewish or Hindu.

Ben Harper - Burn One Down

My choice is what I choose to do
and if I'm causing no harm, it shouldn't bother you
Your choice is who you choose to be
and if you're causing no harm, then you're alright with me

Words to live by.
I would never be caught dead in an imported vehicle. I would shame any of my friends who bought one. However, "keying," defacing, or any type of vandalism on someone else's property is just plain wrong. No matter how misguided or stupid that person may be.

I would never be caught dead in an imported vehicle.  I would shame any of my friends who bought one.  However, "keying," defacing, or any type of vandalism on someone else's property is just plain wrong.
  No matter how misguided or stupid that person may be.


The good thing about living in the USA ( and to a lesser extent Canada) is that we do have freedom. That includes the freedom to choose. I don't think just because your friend or colleague drives a Toyota, Honda, Lexus, Acura or any other imported car means he is stupid or dumb. In fact people who drive imports probably do a lot more research before choosing a car. A larger percentage of domestic buyers buy GM, FORD, DC out of loyalty. But I agree that the big2.5 has greatly improved their quality and are worth considering for anyone in the market looking for a new car. I myself am patiently waiting for the upcoming Saturn Aura. My present car is a 03 Camry LE V6 which serves my purpose pretty well. If the Aura gets good reviews I will trade my Camry for the Aura.

we beat people up who drive honduhs and grafiti their cars when we see them at the store, fuck them; i know that driving domestic will help our economy, so what better place to teach these punks right?

honduh, toyoda, nissan get trashed by us only mazda is cool because their really ford and the profit stays here

:CG_all: this website is my faverite


:blink: Umm...ok...

Wanna tell us what site you came from? J-body.org? Neons.org? Zx2.com?

Please go back to your high school group website..

You're scaring the locals... :unsure: :lol:

we beat people up who drive honduhs and grafiti their cars when we see them at the store, fuck them; i know that driving domestic will help our economy, so what better place to teach these punks right?

honduh, toyoda, nissan get trashed by us only mazda is cool because their really ford and the profit stays here

:CG_all: this website is my faverite

Sounds like this kid needs to spend more time in English class than the parking lot...whatever happened to basic grammar and spelling?
Thanks, Andy. Glad to know you are more upset that I would "shame" my friends than the guy who would beat up an import owner. Typical attitude of an import buyer. For the record, you paid to much for your Camry. You could have bought a Malibu and pocketed a couple grand, plus cheaper insurance, etc. I sell both Chevrolet and Toyota, so I know what I am talking about. Go ahead, send more jobs to Asia and when you have a McJob down the road, don't blame us who support the Big 2.5.

Ben Harper - Burn One Down

My choice is what I choose to do
and if I'm causing no harm, it shouldn't bother you
Your choice is who you choose to be
and if you're causing no harm, then you're alright with me


You could argue that people buying tons of imported cars does cause harm. Harm to American jobs, the economy, etc. :unsure:
Where are the Impala, Silverado and HHR built? I'm pretty sure Americans aren't crossing the borders into Canada and Mexico to build these things, so while the end profit does go to an American company, several GM models are built with foreign labor.

You could argue that people buying tons of imported cars does cause harm.  Harm to American jobs, the economy, etc. :unsure:

I suppose one could look it that way..I don't dwell on where a product is manufactured... I'm sure most of my clothes, home electronics, TVs, computers, etc were not made in the US..
Iwas shoping for a new pear of running shoes on the internet yesterday and the site listed "made in USA" after about half of them. Interesting. They were all the same brand (New Balance) and the cheap ones were not necesssarily the foreign ones!

Iwas shoping for a new pear of running shoes on the internet yesterday and the site listed "made in USA" after about half of them.  Interesting.  They were all the same brand (New Balance) and the cheap ones were not necesssarily the foreign ones!

Interesting..I didn't realize any shoes were made in the USA...I have a couple pairs of New Balances and they are both imported, I believe..

Swallowit is obviously being sarcastic...take his comments with a grain of salt.


Nope-don't wanna.. :P

We have enough crap going on this board...it's not like we need any extra help... :rolleyes:

we beat people up who drive honduhs and grafiti their cars when we see them at the store, fuck them; i know that driving domestic will help our economy, so what better place to teach these punks right?

honduh, toyoda, nissan get trashed by us only mazda is cool because their really ford and the profit stays here

:CG_all: this website is my faverite


What the F**K do you drive???? that makes you so cool to deface other ppl's cars??

Oh and come up here to Toronto, and try to touch my Camry, you don't wanna try!

Thanks, Andy.  Glad to know you are more upset that I would "shame" my friends than the guy who would beat up an import owner.  Typical attitude of an import buyer.
  For the record, you paid to much for  your Camry.  You could have bought a Malibu and pocketed a couple grand, plus cheaper insurance, etc.
  I sell both Chevrolet and Toyota, so I know what I am talking about. 
  Go ahead, send more jobs to Asia and when you have a McJob down the road, don't blame us who support the Big 2.5.


I am not upset at all. But it is hard to believe those people you try to shame will remain your friends. I know if someone try to shame me for anything they won't be my friend. Plus, if your intention really is to make people switch from import to domestic, shaming them for their personal decision probably is not going to be the best method. As for my Camry costing more than the Malibu, I knew that fact before I purchased the car and I don't have any regrets for it.
Guest swallowit
this aint no fuckin joke, is our economy a a joke? no i am doing my part here AND i got a cobalt
:blink: Wow... The only reason I would have to do any of that to anyone's car is if they... well, read my sig. But just because of the make? Never... That's just ignorant. It's just as bad as Californians and Pontiacs. Besides, there are many imports that I'd take over any Ford, Mercury, or Lincoln. Except for Toyota... Anyways, if this sort of thing were to ever happen to my car or if I were to get beat up for it; the offender would be looking down the barrel of my .243.

this aint no fuckin joke, is our economy a a joke? no

i am doing my part here AND i got a cobalt


You are giving GM and its fan a bad name. While GM certainly appreciates you buying the Cobalt it doesnt like you being the spokesman for them.
Oh, and btw my car was assembled mostly in Canada (although a lot of the parts were imported from Japan). Does that make me a hoser? rofl Swallowit, how about Video Cameras? or TV's? Or the billions of products made in China? I'll bet you own more imported stuff than domestic made stuff. For me, my Danner boots are made in Oregon, because they do the best job. For a work truck, we buy GM, because they do the best job at making work trucks. For my personal car however, Acura (Honda) does the best job IMO, so I buy from them. The U.S. is great at a lot of things, but they aren't the best at everything. Why don't you stop buying gas? Because guess what that's imported too.

This guy related to mute?


im confused as to where ya got that satty but ill tell ya right now that was in poor taste

i find this person to be ignorant and seemingly immature

this aint no fuckin joke, is our economy a a joke? no

i am doing my part here AND i got a cobalt


...wait, didn't ocnblu's mom get a cobalt?
Posted (edited)
kinda makes me feel ashamed to be a minor. i mean seriously how much of a dip sh** do you have to be to say (let alone even think) something like that. i dislike toyota with a passion and all of my friends know it but i still show respect when they tell me they want a supra and ask me if its a good car ill say something like... " i wouldnt buy one but they are great cars and really fast so if thats what your into jump on it" Edited by 99camaroSS
Guest swallowit

Oh, and btw my car was assembled mostly in Canada (although a lot of the parts were imported from Japan). Does that make me a hoser? rofl

Swallowit, how about Video Cameras? or TV's? Or the billions of products made in China? I'll bet you own more imported stuff than domestic made stuff. For me, my Danner boots are made in Oregon, because they do the best job. For a work truck, we buy GM, because they do the best job at making work trucks. For my personal car however, Acura (Honda) does the best job IMO, so I buy from them. The U.S. is great at a lot of things, but they aren't the best at everything. Why don't you stop buying gas? Because guess what that's imported too.


thank you, when i need good boots ill get danners

otherwise you can find me an mp3 player that doesnt have a high % of asian parts, ipod? toshiba hard drive, ipod mini? hitachi! get lost with your one sided argument

thank you, when i need good boots ill get danners

otherwise you can find me an mp3 player that doesnt have a high % of asian parts, ipod? toshiba hard drive, ipod mini? hitachi! get lost with your one sided argument


That didn't make any sense at all. One sided argument? I'm starting to think you're just a troll. I don't suppose they have moderators around here that.. well, moderate people like this?

I like Apple. I think it's great that the computer revolution started here (Microsoft is only a 25 minute drive away from me). I couldn't tell you how many of the parts that go into the iPod are imported. I know Apple likes to do a lot of production in house (which is why their computers are so expensive), so who knows. What's your point with that? I was mearly pointing out that a lot of good things are made in America, but they don't do everything the best. So why would you want to beat up people that buy foreign cars? That's sort of a hypocritical statement. I'll bet your whole outfit you're wearing right now was made in a foreign country.

What you don't understand is that the U.S. relies on other countries for a lot of things. We are becoming less and less a production-based Country. Most of our economy is now based around resale and repair. This is not a bad thing, however most people wouldn't accept this fact if it hit them in the face. Must be that pride getting in the way.
Posted (edited)

That didn't make any sense at all. One sided argument? I'm starting to think you're just a troll. I don't suppose they have moderators around here that.. well, moderate people like this?

I like Apple. I think it's great that the computer revolution started here (Microsoft is only a 25 minute drive away from me). I couldn't tell you how many of the parts that go into the iPod are imported. I know Apple likes to do a lot of production in house (which is why their computers are so expensive), so who knows. What's your point with that? I was mearly pointing out that a lot of good things are made in America, but they don't do everything the best. So why would you want to beat up people that buy foreign cars? That's sort of a hypocritical statement. I'll bet your whole outfit you're wearing right now was made in a foreign country.

What you don't understand is that the U.S. relies on other countries for a lot of things. We are becoming less and less a production-based Country. Most of our economy is now based around resale and repair. This is not a bad thing, however most people wouldn't accept this fact if it hit them in the face. Must be that pride getting in the way.


Yep, global economy... I don't know where my iPod was made; I don't care...same for my PowerBook, my Dell desktops, my new Toshiba DLP TV, my Yamaha and Sony home theatre equipment, Weber grille, etc, etc...

I know my BMW was made in Germany, my Jeep in Michigan, my Mustang in Michigan... I think my Trek bike was made in the US..don't know about the Shimano brakes, though...

My clothes are from all over...shoes from Italy, Denmark, somewhere in Asia... shirts from Sri Lanka to Costa Rica... yada yada yada...a virtual UN in my closet.

Manufacturing is distributed all over...companies build stuff where they can get the best quality for the best price..

The biz I work in is distributed...(software engineering)--cubicle dwellers are here, in India, Russia, Israel (my formerly Canadian-owned company is now a subsidiary of an Israeli company) etc... Edited by moltar
Guest swallowit
Posted (edited)

Yep, global economy... I don't know where my iPod was made; I don't care...same for my PowerBook, my Dell desktops,  my new Toshiba DLP TV, my Yamaha and Sony home theatre equipment, Weber grille, etc, etc...

I know my BMW was made in Germany, my Jeep in Michigan, my Mustang in Michigan... I think my Trek bike was made in the US..don't know about the Shimano brakes, though...

My clothes are from all over...shoes from Italy, Denmark, somewhere in Asia... shirts from Sri Lanka to Costa Rica... yada yada yada...a virtual UN in my closet.

Manufacturing is distributed all over...companies build stuff where they can get the best quality for the best price..
The biz I work in is distributed...(software engineering)--cubicle dwellers are here, in India, Russia, Israel (my formerly Canadian-owned company is now a subsidiary of an Israeli company) etc...


oh wow, did you just use MY thread to talk about all the shoddy garbage you own? go start your own thread for that


thanks! Edited by swallowit
yah im sure whoever swallow's knows that a the aveo is actually a toyota as was the geo prizm and several other cars through the past . . . . btw cars are like socks, personal taste ya can have high low big small dark light, any kinda brand, or go sockless but the thing is no matter what ya buy they still go on your feet

oh wow, did you just use MY thread to talk about all the shoddy garbage you own? go start your own thread for that



You have issues, kid...get lost.
Mute... Daewoo, not Toyota. http://www.cheersandgears.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/AH-HA_wink.gif

As for swallowit... Well...

My Grand Am was made here in the US. Not sure about the rest of my stuff, though. Let's check some tags... China, Korea, Eqypt, Nicaragua, Morroco, and the list goes on. Not one thing made here. Now how about my Honda ATV... Japan. My JVC stereo... Japan. My Sony Playstation... Japan. My Olympus digicam... Korea. My Clarion car stereo... Japan. Etc. Etc. I guess it is all "shoddy garbage", though.
this guy cant be for real, it might be kinda funny (at first) if i thought he was just kidding with all of this but there are some freaking stupid poeple out there and im getting the feeling he is one of them
Guest swallowit

Mute... Daewoo, not Toyota. http://www.cheersandgears.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/AH-HA_wink.gif

As for swallowit... Well...

My Grand Am was made here in the US. Not sure about the rest of my stuff, though. Let's check some tags... China, Korea, Eqypt, Nicaragua, Morroco, and the list goes on. Not one thing made here. Now how about my Honda ATV... Japan. My JVC stereo... Japan. My Sony Playstation... Japan. My Olympus digicam... Korea. My Clarion car stereo... Japan. Etc. Etc. I guess it is all "shoddy garbage", though.


Clarion has to be good, Lambroughini uses it - as long as you have the speakers and descent interior acoustics to match it
Some of my thoughts: I just don't like paying a premium just for the brand. That's why I like GM, good value for the money. That's why I don't like imports in general. Ford... I didn't like Ford that much, until the Fusion came along, sort of changed me a bit. Chrysler... bleh. 300 series look a bit OK though... Toyota... you know the deal. Just because people "say" they're good doesn't necessarily mean they are. I see with my own eyes. Honda, no thanks. I don't like their rice-boy background. Mazda... overpriced Fords. I only get them in Hong Kong because they were the cheapest cars around. Hyundai/KIA, I don't really trust them.
Guest swallowit
im sure you probably just glued them to your doors anyway - next can we please get back on topic; if you want me to school you further on where your worthless consumer garbage is made send me a PM or something

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