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But only for a short time, its time to restore my computer again after about 8-9 months since the last time....I know it's a little late in the year to say this, but my new year's resolution is no more internet porn. My damn computer is running like I'm on a 28.8 dial up connection. This damn computer is so clogged up with $h! that my Spy Killer dosen't even work anymore and freezes everytime I use it, I've even uninstalled it and reinstalled it to no avail. So now I must go, I leave you all for the next hour or so and hopefully the pastures will be greener on the other side....or at least my damn computer will run normal....who knows, but off into the bright blue yonder I go....see you all on the other side :P


At least you were honest about your problem with internet porn. That says a lot about you. I hope you succeed in getting away from it. There are other things to do online and other places to go and things in the real world to do.

I hope you get your computer cleaned up.


My HD took a dump the other week. I was pissed to say the least. Luckily, I had put all of my music files on a back-up external drive before it happened. From now on I'll back-up actual documents, too.

I have to get away from porn, too. I feel your pain. I don't have to deal with spyware and viruses, though, because I usually paid for mine. I'm even worse.


Well I'm back, and finally this computer is working right.....thanks God....internet porn is addicting....especially when I'm bored...but I'll do my best to stop downloading.


I fu**ing hate PCs. Wish I had the $$$ for an Apple.

  Sixty8panther said:

I fu**ing hate PCs. Wish I had the $$$ for an Apple.

Apples suck even harder. They crash without warning, the G5's put off assloads of heat...tehir file management sucks. However I would like oen because they aren't vulnerable to viruses...so I can get...things...I can't get with a PC because the sites are unsafe.

  Delta Force79 said:

My damn computer is running like I'm on a 28.8 dial up connection.

*sighs* 28.8? *thinks about his regular 26.4 connection and sighs again*

At least you were honest about your problem with internet porn. That says a lot about you. I hope you succeed in getting away from it. There are other things to do online and other places to go and things in the real world to do.

You mean... It's a problem? Huh... that's news to me. :P

Jeez this is gonna be rough....I'm already fighting the urge to go to youporn.com :banghead:


I live by the saying of look but dont touch.

Posted (edited)

that applies to other human contact if you're in a relationship....are you saying you look at yourself and don't touch? :blink:

So you've never watched porn and pleasured yourself?

Edited by Delta Force79
Posted (edited)

Jeez this is gonna be rough....I'm already fighting the urge to go to youporn.com

One day and one step at a time.. You will give in to your temptations, but do not beat yourself up over it. Keep trying. For anything to change, it takes at least a month of changing the behavior and putting into practice.

I commended you because were honest with yourself and others. All too often people lie and hide many things. Anyone can be who they want to be online. It is who you are with yourself and others that can see you that is important. I was looking out my office window a year ago one day watching people walk by. I commented you do not know who they are. They put on clothes. You do not know what they did the night before. You do not know what is going on in their homes. When people go out in public they put on a mask. The internet hides more.

You came here and admitted something. Many others have done it, and that is saying something.

I personally find porn boring. It has put me to sleep on many occasions. I am by no means perfect or live a perfect life style. I just see no point in watching someone else do what you would rather be doing yourself other than with your hand. Masturbation gets old too because you can use your hand for so long before you get bored.

We are all humans. We are all creatures. You have a need. We all have needs.

There is nothing wrong with masturbation. You need to do it. It is healthy. No one can keep that pent up for a long time. Anyone that says on this site they do not masturbate or never has is lying. I bet someone has masturbated looking at photos from people here ( posted in those self photo section). I am being extreme with that statement, but I am making a point. No one would admit to it because of the "shame" they feel it would bring.

The thing is sex is all over the place in your face daily. It is not just the internet. It is on television, and in ads and more. People are presented with images daily and then you want it and crave it. It is like food.

The other thing is you watch porn and you get into real relationships trying to have sex like that, you are in for a rude awakening. Sex in a real relationship is not like that. Interaction in real relationships is not like that. Too many marriages have been destroyed because someone was trying to have porno sex or became addicted to porn and could not get off that computer and go interact with the world. .

Love in a "healthy" relationship can be good if it done the right way.

My point in telling you this is you have no idea how powerful the mind can be.

Those guys on that show on Dateline NBC and in other places started out watching porn. Then because it got interesting or they got bored, they kept building on it. These things start out small and then they build on on them. It evolves and the stakes are raised. Then.. in the end it costs you something major.

Our society in America has put shame on the body. Shame on being true to yourself. Shame on being gay or bi sexual or whatever. They have created this society that does not exist but in someone's mind. Everything is not black or what. It is gray. This is why we have free will and a choice to make our own decisions. No one should be ashamed or feel ashamed. People try to make others feel ashamed because they are the ones with the issues or hang up.

That is what I like about Europe and Australia and the UK and other places. They teach you to love your body, love yourself and be true to yourself. They teach you at an early age here to lie, hide, deceive and do anything to be accepted.

You do not need anyone's approval or acceptance. At the end of the day they cannot do anything for you.

I will say this.. there are some very attractive people on this site. What they do at the end of the day or who they do it with is their business.

You have a choice. You have free will. Like Oldsmobile used to say in their ads.. "It's your money demand better. "

  Delta Force79 said:

Jeez this is gonna be rough....I'm already fighting the urge to go to youporn.com :banghead:

Solicitors are not permitted on C&G. LOL

Delta, you should find another hobby, like say playing golf, when it comes time to hold the stick hold the club instead. It will not be easy, as 98 said but it is not impossible.

Posted (edited)
  Delta Force79 said:

that applies to other human contact if you're in a relationship....are you saying you look at yourself and don't touch? :blink:

So you've never watched porn and pleasured yourself?

Hey Delta how old are you? Are you married? If you are just picture your Mother-In-Law in a thong, that should cure you! Then again maybe not! :smilewide:

Edited by Pontiac Custom-S
Posted (edited)

i recommend voyeurweb.com

it's free

free of spyware and viruses/safe site

not gross or demeaning

you get about 10-15 minutes in and you got enough for your fix.

real women/amateurs, not photoshopped

some trailer trash but hey we all love that sometimes

they even throw a couple guys on there for the guy guys


98, nice prose, great stuff, but not everyone has that sort of will power or squeaky clean outlook on the world.

porn is alright in smallish doses and if it's not degrading or just flat out fake and sick. Keeps the heart healthy.

Edited by regfootball
  regfootball said:

i recommend voyeurweb.com

it's free

free of spyware and viruses/safe site

not gross or demeaning

you get about 10-15 minutes in and you got enough for your fix.

real women/amateurs, not photoshopped

some trailer trash but hey we all love that sometimes

they even throw a couple guys on there for the guy guys


98, nice prose, great stuff, but not everyone has that sort of will power or squeaky clean outlook on the world.

porn is alright in smallish doses and if it's not degrading or just flat out fake and sick. Keeps the heart healthy.

Among other things :P


98, nice prose, great stuff, but not everyone has that sort of will power or squeaky clean outlook on the world.

porn is alright in smallish doses and if it's not degrading or just flat out fake and sick. Keeps the heart healthy.

Thank you. It is appreciated. You missed what I said too:

There is nothing wrong with masturbation. You need to do it. It is healthy. No one can keep that pent up for a long time.


Our society in America has put shame on the body. Shame on being true to yourself. Shame on being gay or bi sexual or whatever. They have created this society that does not exist but in someone's mind. Everything is not black or what. It is gray. This is why we have free will and a choice to make our own decisions. No one should be ashamed or feel ashamed. People try to make others feel ashamed because they are the ones with the issues or hang up.


You do not need anyone's approval or acceptance. At the end of the day they cannot do anything for you.

I did not tell him to abstain. I told him he had free will.

  Delta Force79 said:

Jeez this is gonna be rough....I'm already fighting the urge to go to youporn.com :banghead:

I used to have the porn addiction problem, too. If you're single, you can very well spend the time looking for real women instead. If you've had no luck in that department, I say go nuts if you need a release.

If you're not single, the way to kick any habit is, every time you're about to do it, say "NO!" Then stop. Then ask yourself, "What can I do instead of doing this?" Basically, if you go ahead and do something else, it will help take your mind off of your default behavior. In my own life, I've found that addiction is the result of repeated boredom.

Posted (edited)

Well to answer the question about my age, I'm 24, I've been in a relationship for the last 3 years...but things haven't been great recently and I haven't had sex, or any other kind of intimacy with my girlfriend since January....so I'm kinda bummed out about it, I've been masturbating since I was around 9 years old....so its been a part of my life for the majority of it....and PCS I hope to God I never see my girlfriends mom in a thong :o And just because I'm trying to not look a tporn online because I'm tired of making my computer run like $h!, I still have my DVD collection :P

Edited by Delta Force79
  Delta Force79 said:

I'm 24, I've been in a relationship for the last 3 years...but things haven't been great recently and I haven't had sex, or any other kind of intimacy with my girlfriend since January....so I'm kinda bummed out about it, I've been masturbating since I was around 9 years old....so its been a part of my life for the majority of it....and PCS I hope to God I never see my girlfriends mom in a thong :o

I'm sorry, but the mother-in-law in a thong visual is...well...NOT inviting. Water sack tits in holsters and a dental floss bikini on a woman approaching retirement... :nono:

Masturbating since 9? Really? Don't most of us wait until puberty for that urge to kick in? I thought they coincided.

As for as the abstention from sex, I am wondering why. I hope it's not a religious thing. I knew this chick when living in ATL who was a C.A.P. (Catholic American Princess) who had no trouble putting out; however, her performance left much to be desired (read: laid there like a board). So, something is keeping you around...I know, it's the cooking!


Yep I started when I was around 9...I've always been into boobs and stuff ever since I can remember....As far as my relationship goes...its a LONG story, but I love her so I'm hanging in there waiting for her to want to have sex again, if it never happens...then I'm a douche and wasted my time....$h! happens sometimes... :lol2:


Yep I started when I was around 9...I've always been into boobs and stuff ever since I can remember....As far as my relationship goes...its a LONG story, but I love her so I'm hanging in there waiting for her to want to have sex again, if it never happens...then I'm a douche and wasted my time....$h! happens sometimes...

If you have learned anything from the relationship, you have not wasted your time. You have a healthy sexual need. You knew what you wanted a young age. Do not put yourself down.

Posted (edited)
  Delta Force79 said:

Yep I started when I was around 9...I've always been into boobs and stuff ever since I can remember....As far as my relationship goes...its a LONG story, but I love her so I'm hanging in there waiting for her to want to have sex again, if it never happens...then I'm a douche and wasted my time....$h! happens sometimes... :lol2:

if she is being a dud like this NOW, imagine what it will be like 20 years from now. The holding out on sex bit as a tool works great for women to evolve it into leverage for other stuff. Or, it's a symptom of some deeper problem sometimes which you might not want part of. i.e. she could be messed up.

Might want to check out other stuff while you can...............commitment is nice, but if there is no ring involved, it ain't commitment yet. Take care of yourself first.

Bob, those Catholic American Princesses......it's risky...'no birth control' ya know. The reason they aren't freaks in the sack is all that Catholic guilt. But some of them shed that at some point and become real minxes.

Edited by regfootball
Posted (edited)
  regfootball said:

The holding out on sex bit as a tool works great for women to evolve it into leverage for other stuff. Or, it's a symptom of some deeper problem sometimes which you might not want part of. i.e. she could be messed up.

Leverage for what? :scratchchin: Bad sex or ...no sex? Where's the door??? My best friend from college who now lives in S.D. had this periodic holding out from his now ex-wife. Well, after he had had enough, he "walked." He was so glad they had no children. Now, she regrets it but he says he's glad to be on his own.

We've had these kinds of posts/threads before. And, Reg, you know where I stand. Repeat after me:

1 in 7 -

yep, I saw it on Oprah or some talk show, where a panel of experts was up there, while I was on summer break from architecture :lol: school:

1,2,3,4,5,6...7 1,2,3,4,5,6...7 1,2,3,4,5,6...7

That's how many girls have been subjected to sexual trauma.

I am NOT interested in paying for it. Put out....or GET OUT.

We've had these discussions/threads about attractive never-married professional women.

My theory: 1,2,3,4,5,6...7

I mean, we can make light of the situation, but it's actually quite sad and the implications are far reaching.

Delta, do what you want. But, eventually, you will have to figure out a solution.

Edited by trinacriabob

If a girl made it clear to me that she did not want sex from the start of a relationship, I can totally understand. What pisses me off is that your sex life is going great guns, then all of a sudden the plug is pulled. The excuses are many, like I am committing a sin to I want to make sure you do not only lust me.

It is just a power game. Most of those girls who do that always say "Koochi Power." Like Bob said, they are mostly single professional women, who feel that they can out-duel men and hence are superior. Well it is time to tell them to show their power to somebody else, cuz it is time to find another hiding place.

  Pontiac Custom-S said:

Women are like buses, wait 10 minutes, another one will come along! :smilewide:

The better one is Women and Buses do not wait for anyone. Get into one as soon as you see her.

Posted (edited)
  Pontiac Custom-S said:

Women are like buses, wait 10 minutes, another one will come along! :smilewide:

It's not the quantity/frequency, P-C-S, it's the quality. Women that are not educated and have someone else's kids (baggage) are ubiqutous...how FAST can I run?

And you're back to using THAT emoticon...

Edited by trinacriabob
  trinacriabob said:

It's not the quantity/frequency, P-C-S, it's the quality. Women that are not educated and have someone else's kids (baggage)...how FAST can I run?

And you're back to using THAT emoticon...

Trust me Bob, quantity/frequency have a lot to do with it too. Just ask Delta Force79. Oh yeah I love that emoticon! :smilewide:

  trinacriabob said:

It's not the quantity/frequency, P-C-S, it's the quality. Women that are not educated and have someone else's kids (baggage) are ubiqutous...how FAST can I run?

And you're back to using THAT emoticon...

:thumbsup: VERY true, because I have ability to be single for less than a week at a time, but all it will ever do is keep me away from the ones worth waiting for. Also stop using that damn smily PCS, its getting annoying. :deadhorse:

Posted (edited)
  trinacriabob said:

Leverage for what? :scratchchin: Bad sex or ...no sex? Where's the door??? My best friend from college who now lives in S.D. had this periodic holding out from his now ex-wife. Well, after he had had enough, he "walked." He was so glad they had no children. Now, she regrets it but he says he's glad to be on his own.

We've had these kinds of posts/threads before. And, Reg, you know where I stand. Repeat after me:

1 in 7 -

yep, I saw it on Oprah or some talk show, where a panel of experts was up there, while I was on summer break from architecture :lol: school:

1,2,3,4,5,6...7 1,2,3,4,5,6...7 1,2,3,4,5,6...7

That's how many girls have been subjected to sexual trauma.

I am NOT interested in paying for it. Put out....or GET OUT.

We've had these discussions/threads about attractive never-married professional women.

My theory: 1,2,3,4,5,6...7

I mean, we can make light of the situation, but it's actually quite sad and the implications are far reaching.

Delta, do what you want. But, eventually, you will have to figure out a solution.

oh my. if you're telling this to me, it's preaching to the choir. You shouldn't need to forever pay for something that happened to her.

1 in 7 being violated may be an underestimate.

And even though the trashy ones are easy 'to get into', you pay later on because of how messed up they are. A buddy is trying to get with a married chick who is in the process of her second divorce, and has i think its 4 kids by 2 or 3 different guys. think that's gonna pan out?

As far as those professional women, oh yeah..they are head cases. or 'other' things. or they are just flat out princesses that think their beard don't stink and won't give it up for fun to anyone until that guy will give them a 2 carat rock so they can stay home and do nothing.

  smallchevy said:

If a girl made it clear to me that she did not want sex from the start of a relationship, I can totally understand. What pisses me off is that your sex life is going great guns, then all of a sudden the plug is pulled. The excuses are many, like I am committing a sin to I want to make sure you do not only lust me.

It is just a power game. Most of those girls who do that always say "Koochi Power." Like Bob said, they are mostly single professional women, who feel that they can out-duel men and hence are superior. Well it is time to tell them to show their power to somebody else, cuz it is time to find another hiding place.

more and more in today's world i find that lots of women have major problems with being a woman. there's still all sorts of penis angst out there fellas. if they have a career, they all too often get the man vendetta because they have been told the men are keeping the women down. Sex (teasing, dressing slutty at work, being bitches in general and having it be forgiven because they are 'a woman') then becomes a big tool to help them gain an advantage in the workplace. If men acted at work like women do we'd all be fired long ago. Catty sluts who dress like hos get promoted and with big pay raises and allowed to do their jobs without having to do much work. The ugly fat girls end up doing tons of the real work, aside from the men who are always busting their asses.

Edited by regfootball

Wow this thread has really started something here...lol...anyway there is a lot of issues I'm not going to get into here that are causing the problems we arew going through. I will say this however, sometimes I feel like we're just friends at this point, I guess I do need to figure out what I'm going to do. But for the time being I'm going to just hang in there and see where the road of life takes me.

  Delta Force79 said:

Wow this thread has really started something here...lol...anyway there is a lot of issues I'm not going to get into here that are causing the problems we arew going through. I will say this however, sometimes I feel like we're just friends at this point, I guess I do need to figure out what I'm going to do. But for the time being I'm going to just hang in there and see where the road of life takes me.

YOU STARTED IT ALL. J/K. At least took the bashing off poor Toy for a while. :rolleyes:


Wow... another interesting thread spawned from overlapping tangents. :P

  Oldsmoboi said:

We really need to add this smiley to the batch of available smilies.

Posted Image

it soooo totally goes with this thread.

Since when do you use a joystick whilst viewing pornography?...

  smallchevy said:

YOU STARTED IT ALL. J/K. At least took the bashing off poor Toy for a while. :rolleyes:

The point of this thread was about how my porn watching ruined my computer's speed!! not about my masturbating and sex life :P

  regfootball said:

oh my. if you're telling this to me, it's preaching to the choir.

No, Reg, it's because I know you've worked in enough office settings to have "been around the corner" so I knew you would agree with me. It isn't about being politically correct or being optimistic, we preach "reality." LOL.

Delta, this "hit the fan" when you cited part of the reason for the diversion that you are in a relationship but not "getting any." Some people on this forum will be on that "like flies on $h!," pardon my crassness.

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