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OK ... first of all ... I'm not talking "in general". I mean ... in terms of your FAVORITE vehicle ... be it, like me, the Monte Carlo ... or Buick Regal ... or Pontiac Grand Prix ... or Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme ... etc. I'm just curious ... with all of the different cars and trucks available to be enthusiastic about, what keeps you in the family?

Is it the styling?

Is it the reliability?

Is it the looks from others admiring the car as you drive down the road?

Is it a "family" thing?

Is it fond memories?

Or, is it something else entirely?

For me ... it is a family thing, mostly ... literally and figuratively. My "love affair" began when my parents bought a brand spankin' new 1976 MC when I was about 3 years old. Just over 5 years later, they purchased a brand new 1981 MC ... and we had 2 at one time.

That start turned into (more or less) my current family of MCs [i still have my parents' '81 MC] ... which I sometimes wonder why I keep 'em. Yeah, I've considered selling my MCs in the past ... but, rightly or wrongly, it always comes back to "I wouldn't be me" without them ... partly because most people know me through and/or associate me with MCs. I'm not sure that is completely fair, given how fiesty I am ... and how many other interests I have (heart issues, cellos, model trains/cars, radio shows/music, road trips, etc.).


Be that as it may ... and despite having temptations to "jump ship" for other cars ... I remain a Monte Carlo enthusiast.

Ssssooo...what about you?

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"I want a 2-tone Chevrolet" ... BJ Thomas ... '2-Car Garage'


Good question. It is several of those.

The first is that I am itching for a NEW car. My beloved Regal turns 15 on May 16th and I can kiss the ground for its relatively faultless service.

The other reasons are that:

-- I like the driving sensation...the sense of quiet and dependability, especially at 1 am coming back down from Lake Tahoe or from SF

-- I like the way it looks going the down the road and would like to see myself in it but I doubt I would get many admiring looks in an MC, GP or LaCrosse

-- It brings back memories and family traditions...my Dad breathed Oldsmobile and Buick and I was weaned on the much-loved Cutlass Supreme.


For me it may not be just one car. I was 2 months old when I went to my first car show and my parents noticed that right when we went to Chrysler, I started crying and they didn't know why but they actually ended up pointing the stroller in front of the Dodge Stealth. I stopped crying right away and started smiling and every year after that I had always wanted to see the Stealth until they killed it off. I actually have an image that is always been in my head. I was 4 and I was looking at an Auto Mart book(similar to Auto Trader) and on the cover was a 1994 Dodge Stealth R/T in white. I absolutely loved it and I can still see the same picture. However, I have always liked Chrysler and GM. My parents always drove Fords or Chrysler. The Chryslers were always the remarkable cars to me. I had also liked GM mainly because of Pontiac. My family all had driven GMs on my mom's side. I had always liked the appearances of the Grand Prixs.


My thing with B-bodies comes from growing up with them. Tht was all my Dad and Grandparents on both side would ever buy. When we went an picked up the '78 in 1985 it was the next best thing to well......... nothing. EVen though it had 75,000 miles on it. That started it. My Grandparents bought the 1981 Bonneville that I have now and that helped it.


The El Camino thing has been part of me for as long as I can remember, even in the long stretches of not owning one.

But other automotive fascinations are, and have always been, there. Firehawks and firebirds in general, GTOs, Chevelles, trucks of various types, the BMW M5 (pre-Bangle), other European cars, Suburbans, Blazers (full size), Tahoes, the Avalanche, Solstice/Sky, Corvette, quite a few Chrysler musclecars, Shelby Mustangs, The Ford GT, Camaros, Novas(RWD), Monzas,I really had a thing for the Boattail Riviera when I was a kid... The list goes on and on.

For me it is looks, configuration, capability, power, how well the vehicle and I mesh while driving, the right stance or bodyline, the right drivetrain or unique feature, and so on.

I don't know how to not be an enthusiast.

  Camino LS6 said:

I don't know how to not be an enthusiast.

That pretty much sums me up. I can't think of a life for myself where I don't care about cars.


I’m with Camino and Z on this one. Cars are incredibly fascinating to me, inside and out. It takes thousands of hours of work to get each and every vehicle on the road, no matter if it’s a Kia Rio or Pagani Zonda. However, what’s great is that if you buy a car and it starts getting “old” to you, there are always forms of customization, be it simple mods like window tint or complex ones like adding forced induction or a body kit. No matter what, there’s a way to modify every single vehicle made. And, to me, that’s amazing.

But it’s not only that with me. I just love being able to get in a car and let it take me away to wherever I want. All I have to do is turn a key, and suddenly I’m at the movies. My car is one of the only places on earth that I can call “mine.” Cars are just such amazing, complex machines and everything about them intrigues me more and more.

I’m sure you all know the feeling…

  american_revolution_2005 said:

For me it may not be just one car. I was 2 months old when I went to my first car show and my parents noticed that right when we went to Chrysler, I started crying and they didn't know why but they actually ended up pointing the stroller in front of the Dodge Stealth. I stopped crying right away and started smiling and every year after that I had always wanted to see the Stealth until they killed it off. I actually have an image that is always been in my head. I was 4 and I was looking at an Auto Mart book(similar to Auto Trader) and on the cover was a 1994 Dodge Stealth R/T in white. I absolutely loved it and I can still see the same picture. However, I have always liked Chrysler and GM. My parents always drove Fords or Chrysler. The Chryslers were always the remarkable cars to me. I had also liked GM mainly because of Pontiac. My family all had driven GMs on my mom's side. I had always liked the appearances of the Grand Prixs.

I've always liked the Stealth...with the exception of that stupid spoiler they put on it. I prefer the 3000GT's mounted at the end of the decklid to the Stealth's spoiler, which was mounted just behind the glass. Dude, you should make that your first car if you've always liked it.

I have loved the Viper since it came out in 1992(?). I have a poster of the R/T-10 (although I like the GTS better). It's the embodiment of everything that makes a great car. Power, handling, raw simplicity of it. It had none of those stupid electronic nannies that cars today are strapped (and often times plagued) with. I have always been a Mopar fan, my family has bought mainly Chrysler products, and they will always be the first on my list of potential cars.

However I love cars in general, from the GTOs of yore to the Mustangs of today...to the sexy Skyline GT-R

Posted (edited)

I've been a general car nut since childhood with my Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Tomica, Corgi, etc. I still love Mustangs, which I've been around since childhood w/ my folks' '69 and my older brother always had 2-3 '60s and '80s Mustangs at a time. I've owned 2 Mustangs, will likely own more...

I've read car magazines from childhood-I've had subscriptions to Road & Track and Car & Driver since age 7..and built model kits since then...

My tastes in cars have expanded and changed (I love modern BMWs and Jeeps now), I'll still be fond of American iron from about 1965-1975...pony cars, muscle cars, land yachts of that era.

Edited by moltar

My obsession started with Hot Wheels, Matchbox, TONKA and Buddy-L cars and trucks as a very young child in the mid-to late-'70s. It just grew from there.

Trucks weren't a big part of the family. Other than my grandfather's '55 GMC 102 stepside 2WD pickup, he and my uncle were Ford guys (my dad's first truck was an '88 Ford Ranger, but he bought used for himself prior <Dodges, Fords, etc.> while my mom prefered GM vehicles). I remember riding around in my grandfather's GMC when I was 3 or 4 years old, and the last memories had to be when I was around 5 (1980), because in '81 the engine blew (non original, Chevy 283). He put in a '70s Impala 350 V8, but parked it beacuse it was a manual and he was tired of shifting. Starting in '81 it became part of the "playground equipment" to entertain the grandkids. In '90 he received a letter to restore or junk it, and it was sunk in mud and rusted out. '91 brought a tow truck and a one-way trip to the junk yard.

I think the memories of riding in it, playing in/on it, kinda of made me like trucks. I've always liked cars and have owned more cars than trucks, but pre-driver's license daydreams included '90/'91 Chevy 454SS's and Syclones/Typhoons, Sierra and Silverado Sportside 4wd's, and Jimmy/Yukon 2-doors. While I love my SKY completely, it still isn't my true dream vehicle. That still goes for a GMC Sierra Regualr Cab, K1500 Sportside Z71 4wd. I was behind an early '90s one today and my heart beat faster. This while I was driving the SKY.

I love GMC Trucks <pickups> and always will. While I have Automotive ADD (hence why I lease a lot), I think if I got the right GMC Sierra pickup, I could be very happy for a long time.


"in terms of my favorite vehicle", I am still an enthusiast because the car is so bad ass- that'll never change. It's angry, I'm angry... we get along on that level. And we have a job to do.

  Camino LS6 said:

I don't know how to not be an enthusiast.

Ahhh....well put. Hadn't really thought of it in quite those terms before, but absolutely true for me as well.... Which is why I never have sold any of my MCs since I sold the '88 MC LS back in 1997..............

BTW, Camino ... I'm surprised you haven't tried the MC trivia yet:


....ya know ... still time ;).


Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"I got 1 shot left" ... Sylvia ... 'Nobody'

Posted (edited)

For me it started when I was 5 years old, My father was a US diplomat in Germany. Someone on his staff had a 1967 GTO, it was red. I can still to this day see that Metal Pontiac Emblem on the hood of that car and those small hood scoops. I was hooked at 5 on Pontiacs. I started collecting books on Pontiacs over the years. When I was 16 I went to spend the summer with my cousins in Florida. I worked that whole summer, I had two jobs and saved every dime I got. By the end of summer I had about 4k saved up.

My uncle's neighbor's wife had MS and it had gotten so bad that she could no longer drive. Her car was a 1969 Pontiac Custom-S, which was garaged kept and well mantained over the years by her husband. It had 35K original miles on it and that was all. He came over one day to tell my uncle that he was going to sell the car and put an ad in the local paper. I had to have that car, I was on a mission. I asked how much he was going to ask for the car, he replied he really didn't know but thought he would be able to at least 5k for the car.

To make a long story short I decided I wanted that car and my uncle's neighbor decided to sell it to me for 4K. My uncle signed as my guardian and got it registered for me and my father paid the initail car insurance payment for me until I got it home. I went to work after school to pay for gas and insurance and since that day I have always driven a Pontiac.

I drove that car, through high school and college and still have it to this day, she is still well loved.

Pontiacs I have owned or own

1969 Pontiac Custom-S (this is a model that was only made in 1969) The year I was born! I still have it :smilewide:

1997 Pontiac Grand Prix GT

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP

1998 Pontiac Bonneville SE

1999 Pontiac Bonneville SSEI

2002 Pontiac Grand Prix GT

2005 Pontiac Grand Prix GT

I love Pontiacs and no Holden rebadge will ever be a Pontiac to me, sad but true! :smilewide:

Edited by Pontiac Custom-S

Its The V8 for me. It is so simple yet complex at the same time. Plus When you open one up theres nothing like hearing it roar.

As of yet no 3,4,5,6,10,12 cylinder engine has impressed me as much as a 8 does.

Another thing is rarity. Thats why i love the 66 Toronado. Its Unique. Camaros, stangs, and Cudas are every where, yeah there cool but you see to many. I would love to pull out in my caprice or a 66 toro or a 74 Convertible Caprice and spank a Camaro.

Also I found my create engine for project Caprice needs more Balls!


mated to


I think it should be a sweet machine then. i will probably do it in about 4-5 years.


You guys are gonna laugh....but this is true.

It all started in Feb. 2004 when my parent were flipping through channels and stop at QVC because saturn was offering a free $1000 coupon off of all models...so we ordered it and went to the saturn dealer to check out the vue....we ended up not buying anything but ever sinc then I've been obsessed with cars and trying to get my parents to buy new cars.

  capriceman said:

Also I found my create engine for project Caprice needs more Balls!


I think it should be a sweet machine then. i will probably do it in about 4-5 years.

Hmmm....yes, I expect so!

So, what other plans do you have for it?

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"It's a freedom that we all want to know" ... Restless Heart ... 'Wheels'


I love the statement


I don't know how to not be an enthusiast.

because it applies so readily to me. Thanks Camino for defining the feeling so well.

And its kind of funny because for so much of my life I wasn't an enthusiast. But, now, that has definately changed.

My love of Camaros started with my brother. We had finally gotten over that need to compete with each other and started to be friends as well as brothers. He asked me to go to a few shows and events with him in his 73 Camaro. We had a blast. Then I got my 95 Z/28 and he got me into drag racing and the Camaro club.

This just haven't been the same. I bought the 95 because I started getting into Camaros. I then joined the club and started going to events. Now, I just keep getting more and more into the cars because of the people I have met.

The Camaro was the first car I have owned that really brought out a passion. And it is the car that brought me around some of the greatest people that I have ever known. Members of my club have time and time again shown just how good people can be. I can be very cynical but they help me keep faith in people.

I do have other cars that I really enjoy. All three of my Vettes have been a blast, my Skylark is a great drive and I love it, I love trucks, but because of family and friends; I keep coming back to Camaros.

Tammy and I now have 4 Camaros, covering 3 of the generations; a 71 RS Z/28, an 87 IROC-Z, an 89 RS Convertible, and I still have my 95 Z/28.


Cars are in my blood. I thought it was enviromental for years but then

even my grandmother said that it was genetic or something. As soon

as I could stand up in my crib as an infant I was staring out the window

at passing cars.

Cars are the coolest things in the world as far as stuff that:

1. does not fly

2. does not have a p#$$y/breasts

  Sixty8panther said:

As soon as I could stand up in my crib as an infant I was staring out the window at passing cars.


Somehow ... I can just PICTURE this ... he he.

BTW ... Sixty8 ... no time for the trivia this time around? Still time ;).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"Get to what's real" ... Van Halen ... 'Jump'


hmm... well it definitely all started when i was around 3, my grandpa would take me out for drives in his Datsun that i posted up here a few months ago, that car sparked my interest in cars. For a while i kind of ignored it, noticing the good looking ones here and there but i was young so there wasnt really much interest, then when i was 12 i walked into my barber shop and saw a book about the history of corvettes, i started flipping through those pages and i turned to one page and stopped dead. In front of me was a picture of a 1969 Corvette L88, the car which i still lust after today, that moment right there is what began it all. This site actually wound up developing a mild interest into a full blown enthusiasm.

As far as the question why am i still an enthusiast, I guess its because the Corvette still exists, its constantly getting better and more exciting. Also, everyday i discover some new classic car that i love the appearance of, so there is always something new for me to look and and find things out about. Its got to be one of the most interesting things to read about, there is so much that has happened in the automotive industry, and so much that will soon happen, that it is never boring, its constantly changing... and i guess thats what keeps me interested

along with this site, which i have finally been able to get back onafter 3 months of struggling with a strange problem getting access, so thank you guys for being here and for continuing the enthusiasm of myself, as well as countless others :CG_all:

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