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Cell phone use while driving - yikes


Cell phones while driving  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. How much or how little do you do this?

    • Constantly
    • A fair bit
    • As needed
    • Very rare
    • Never

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It seems that since cell phones have taken off, driving has gotten worse. Last weekend alone, the same chick in a SUV almost nailed me as we were both turning into the curb cut for the Starbucks parking lot AND as she was maneuvering for a parking spot. I look for clarification. She was straddling the cell phone with her shoulder, yapping away.

I honestly wonder what could be so important that people are on their cell phones in their cars constantly. At any rate, most close calls have involved others' cell phone use, it seems.

I prefer to use a land line. If I decide to have a conversation on a cell while in an automobile, I pull over. I will talk on a cell phone in a car only on a wide open, sparsely populated and fairly linear interstate such as I-5 though California's flat Central Valley. Otherwise, I won't.

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I will talk on a cell phone in a car only on a wide open, sparsely populated and fairly linear interstate such as I-5 though California's flat Central Valley. Otherwise, I won't.

Same here. I'll have 10-20 minute conversations during my drives between LA and SD. On rare occasions I'll make short calls on the streets, but only if I'm driving a car with an automatic transmission.

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I hate this phenomenon. It truly is extremely unsafe. I cannot tell you guys how many times I've had to make defensive moves to keep from being hit because of these stupid asses.

As part of Onstar, my truck has a built-in phone that is really simple and easy to use... push one button on the rearview mirror, and that's it, the rest is voice commands... even then, I've used it a few times, I'm just not into it that much.

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People on cell phones tend to annoy me, especially the ones that like to tailgate, drive way too slow or way too fast, drive over on the shoulder, don't notice I am there, or pull out in front of me. Luckily my music is usually too loud or the windows and sunroof are open so half the time I never hear my phone ring, which is fine with me. Ocassionaly I will use it briefly if I am meeting someone or need to call work or something important, otherwise it can usually wait.

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I do it as needed. When I get a call, I'll answer. A text, I'll text back. The same for if I make a call/text. It's never hampered my driving in anyway, whether on the interstate, in town, or on one of the many twisty backroads I have to use. The naysayers need to blame $h!ty drivers, not the actual use of cell phones. If you can't drive well in the first place or can't multitask, you don't need to be using a cell phone. For those that can, like myself, its not a problem. Seriously.

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BV...texting is dangerous. I am most certainly an advocate for NOT banning cell phones while driving...but c'mon. You take your eyes off the road way too long when texting. Same with dialing. Talking? Yea no problem anyone can talk and drive, be it phone or passengers. But dude don't text and drive...that's just stupid.

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BV...texting is dangerous. I am most certainly an advocate for NOT banning cell phones while driving...but c'mon. You take your eyes off the road way too long when texting. Same with dialing. Talking? Yea no problem anyone can talk and drive, be it phone or passengers. But dude don't text and drive...that's just stupid.

I second that. Typing requires you look at the phone, and makes you lose focus on the road and surroundings.

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I voted "as needed" and that about sums it up. I try to keep it short and don't take chances because of the cell. I think the problems stem from people for whom it is a Pavlov-grade response whenever the damn thing rings. You know the type, if they are awake they are on the cell. Unfortunately, these folks inevitably lack the skill required to drive and talk at the same time.

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I put "very rare". If anything I'll pull it out of my pocket, look at the display to see who called, and if I need to call them back I'll either pull over or put it on speakerphon and put it in the cupholder. Otherwise they can wait until its safe for me to talk.

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I use it a bit less than constantly in certain situations, but really change that to 'as needed' because my occupation often dictates I must answer the phone and frankly, I'm very good at multitasking behind the wheel.

Its not a black-and-white situation where everyone should use a phone or no one should be allowed to; as in any activity, know your limits. Simply as that. I know people who can drive, eat, talk, change the radio, answer the phone, and shave at the same time. I also know some people that shouldn't be driving at all.

Just know your limits and behave accordingly.

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For me, I put very rarely. I normally won't answer the phone while driving simply because when I'm in the car, I'm driving, that's what I'm focused on. I will only make calls if I'm running late to work due to traffic conditions. I'll recieve calls, but limit them to about 5 minutes, basically long enough to find out if its something really important, or is it something that I can wait till I'm in the driveway or at home.

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Drivers around DC and Baltimore generally suck anyways, but the ones that pose the more serious hazards to other motorists 98% of the time have cell phones out and in use. I'm not legally allowed to use my cell while behind the wheel until I get my provisional license, though I doubt I'd use it a lot even then...I do most of my talking in person or over AIM.

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BV...texting is dangerous. I am most certainly an advocate for NOT banning cell phones while driving...but c'mon. You take your eyes off the road way too long when texting. Same with dialing. Talking? Yea no problem anyone can talk and drive, be it phone or passengers. But dude don't text and drive...that's just stupid.

Its rare that I text, but as I said, if I get one, I will return. And as I also said, it hasn't affected my driving. I don't take my eyes off the road to text anymore than I do to read the gauges or to do anything else while driving. It's really not that hard if you have the keys memorized and especially since I'm a good multitasker. Call it stupid if you want, but I can do it fine without affecting my driving. As Fly said, it's knowing your limits and texting while driving is within my limits.
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Drivers around DC and Baltimore generally suck anyways, but the ones that pose the more serious hazards to other motorists 98% of the time have cell phones out and in use. I'm not legally allowed to use my cell while behind the wheel until I get my provisional license, though I doubt I'd use it a lot even then...I do most of my talking in person or over AIM.

No kidding I drive in and out of the DC area everyday. There are some real stupid people out there.

As far as cell phones go I typically don't make calls while driving but if I get a call I'll answer. I have a blue-tooth headset and thats nice to have.

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You are way too hardheaded, Viper.

And get yourself some tires!

Heh... Hey, I'm just stating what I can do. I'm not saying I'm the perfect driver, but I have absolutely no problem doing anything with a cell phone while driving. Just because you or others on here won't... or can't, has no bearing on what I can and cannot do. I happen to be able to without affecting my driving, so I'll continue doing it regardless of anyone's opinions. In the past you have been quick to judge and so far you've been wrong. Until I have adverse affects for any of the things I've been lectured about by you guys, you'll still be wrong. And yes, I'm stubborn, but it won't change that fact. :P
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What did I tell you that wasn't right before? I forget.

Well, for one there's my tires. That one, I will say isn't something I did purposely since I couldn't and still can't afford new ones, but either way, I did mostly fine all winter. Then, back when I had just gotten my Millenia, It wasn't just you, but a bunch of you guys criticized me for something, I don't remember what, saying I'd wreck or whatnot. I never did, obviously. I'm just saying you, and others, have been quick to judge me and my driving. Dangerous or not, I haven't had any problems.
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Well, that's good, Vipes. I'm glad I was wrong about those things. I'm proud of you for making it through this winter with your bald tires and for keeping your head about things while driving. Keep it up. Edited by ocnblu
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Occasionally for work only, mainly for receiving calls, making calls only when urgent. I very rarely text. California has a hands-free law that will go into effect next year. I have a bluetooth earpiece but havent used it yet.

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Occasionally for work only, mainly for receiving calls, making calls only when urgent. I very rarely text. California has a hands-free law that will go into effect next year. I have a bluetooth earpiece but havent used it yet.

I can't wait!!! <_<

I have a Jabra plug-in headset for my phone, and my girlfriend complains that it sounds like &#036;h&#33;... and that's not even when I'm in the car!

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What did I tell you that wasn't right before? I forget.

Yup. Give him a few months and he will be telling us about/downplaying an accident he had while texting...and maybe, just maybe he'll admit we told him so.

BV, I will be laughing my ass off when (not if) you have an accident while texting. It is just a matter of time, and I won't feel one bit sorry for you. You just better not injure anyone else or I will be going OFF. :banghead:

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I voted for 'very rare'.

First of all, it is now illegal to use a cell phone while driving on base unless you are using a hands free device. So that cuts down on the usage right there.

Also, when I am driving, that is my primary task. There is enough going on to watch out for without extra distractions (and way too many stupid people on the road to watch out for).

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I'm in between as needed and very rare. My mobile is actually my house number as well, so I can't afford to not use the phone. Although when I use it, I use a bluetooth, and still keep my eyes on the road. I've never (touch wood) had any dangerous moments while this, but I'm still not endorsing the use of phones while driving. This needs skills and which most housewives in Highlanders and high school girls driving their mom's Camrys lack.

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i only do it very rarely, and only when i have too.

no long winded convo's, just wham bam thank you ma'am. get/give the info required and hang up.

What I love is when people who are on cellphones do something stupid, then I honk or otherwise show my appreciation and then they look at me like I did something wrong

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I do it as needed. When I get a call, I'll answer. A text, I'll text back. The same for if I make a call/text. It's never hampered my driving in anyway, whether on the interstate, in town, or on one of the many twisty backroads I have to use. The naysayers need to blame &#036;h&#33;ty drivers, not the actual use of cell phones. If you can't drive well in the first place or can't multitask, you don't need to be using a cell phone. For those that can, like myself, its not a problem. Seriously.

Quoted for truth. You have to be a good multitasker, and you have to be able to prioritize those tasks in your mind. I've had a few people on the other end of those phone calls say, "Hello? You still there?". I'm too focused on some important driving maneuver at the moment to think about the phone call so I just ignore it for the time.

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Yup. Give him a few months and he will be telling us about/downplaying an accident he had while texting...and maybe, just maybe he'll admit we told him so.

BV, I will be laughing my ass off when (not if) you have an accident while texting. It is just a matter of time, and I won't feel one bit sorry for you. You just better not injure anyone else or I will be going OFF. :banghead:

You can do that, but this certainly isn't the first time you've said that about me, yet I haven't wrecked or even been close to wrecking. The only time I EVER came close to wrecking was when I swerved to miss a deer and spun out into a field. Wasn't my driving. Wasn't my tires. Wasn't my cellphone. Wasn't anything else you've ever mentioned. Say what you will, but this isn't my problem, it's your problem. I'm fine and I've been fine. Find something else to bitch about, because it's unfounded.
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Yup. Give him a few months and he will be telling us about/downplaying an accident he had while texting...and maybe, just maybe he'll admit we told him so.

BV, I will be laughing my ass off when (not if) you have an accident while texting. It is just a matter of time, and I won't feel one bit sorry for you. You just better not injure anyone else or I will be going OFF. :banghead:

You've told me to grow up once...yet you say you'd laugh if he'd get in a wreck? I've got two words for that...and they're not "good morning".

Anyway, I hate cell phone driver's because every one I've ever seen drives like morons. The drift in the lane, ride the shoulder, tailgate, drive to slow or too fast, don't pay attention to stop lights and stop signs...

I used to never drive with a cell phone even on. But my job requires I have it on...so sometimes I do need to answer it. It's quite a chore between holding the phone, steering, and shifting...needless to say multitasking is a necessity. However I will not answer it if the road is busy, only when it is relatively clear...I'll just miss the call...I can always call back.

BV, it's impressive that you can somehow text and drive without getting into a wreck...but my question is why risk it? Even if it's not a risk in your opinion...why respond right away? They can wait..it won't kill them...if it's an emergency, I'd think they'd actually call (you know...what phones were originally designed for).

By the way...speaker phone is a great feature...it's just too bad the Prizm has no place to put it (the cupholder's block the little storage spot when deployed..plus it'd be too far away fr hearing clearly).

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mp3 player for the win!

But changing CD's isn't that hard if the CD's are right next to you.

I still think changing CDs is more distracting than talking on the phone. At least the phone only takes away from your hearing. Having to look at the CD and where to put it takes away from sight, which is much more important.

Having said that, I still do both when driving. I'm just cautious about it.

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So I'm not even allowed to sing along to my CDs while I'm driving to keep myself awake on the 401? That sucks...

maybe, though I hope our lawmakers have a bit more sense, but I doubt it.

who knows, you might not even me allowed to even listen to music in your car. cause i've seen people singing along quite vigorously, so music in and of its self could be a distraction they'd ban. Then there's talking with passengers, or even worse, KIDS.

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I used to never drive with a cell phone even on. But my job requires I have it on...so sometimes I do need to answer it. It's quite a chore between holding the phone, steering, and shifting...needless to say multitasking is a necessity. However I will not answer it if the road is busy, only when it is relatively clear...I'll just miss the call...I can always call back.

BV, it's impressive that you can somehow text and drive without getting into a wreck...but my question is why risk it? Even if it's not a risk in your opinion...why respond right away? They can wait..it won't kill them...if it's an emergency, I'd think they'd actually call (you know...what phones were originally designed for).

By the way...speaker phone is a great feature...it's just too bad the Prizm has no place to put it (the cupholder's block the little storage spot when deployed..plus it'd be too far away fr hearing clearly).

Now that is one thing that definitely makes using a cell phone easy. I have an automatic. If I had a manual transmission car again, it'd be alot harder. In essence, though, driving with a manual transmission, multitasking is necessary to even drive... Steer, clutch, shift, brake, gas, turnsignal... It's multitasking in itself.

As far as I go, I honestly don't see what's so difficult about it. I can do it without affecting my driving. If I thought it would honestly cause me to wreck, I wouldn't do it.

I still think changing CDs is more distracting than talking on the phone. At least the phone only takes away from your hearing. Having to look at the CD and where to put it takes away from sight, which is much more important.

Having said that, I still do both when driving. I'm just cautious about it.

Exactly. Changing a CD (in my Grand Am, since my Millenia has a changer) took alot more effort than using a cellphone, even texting. You have to get the CD case/holder, find the CD you want, take it out of the holder, take the previous CD out of the radio, put the new one in, put the previous one in the holder/case, and put it away. With a cell phone, I grab it, flip it open, and press keys. Not that hard.
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I think talking on a cell while driving distracts everyone, though how much of a distraction it is varies from driver to driver. For some people, they might be good enough multitaskers that it won't effect them enough for them to even notice that they are distracted, but it does, if ever so slightly

For a good driver, 99.9% of the time, talking of the phone wont' cause any problem, but that 0.1% of the time, that might never happen, when some freak occurrence happens and a split second will make the difference between nothing happening and a crash, that cell phone in your hand WILL make a difference.

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You can do that, but this certainly isn't the first time you've said that about me, yet I haven't wrecked or even been close to wrecking. The only time I EVER came close to wrecking was when I swerved to miss a deer and spun out into a field. Wasn't my driving. Wasn't my tires. Wasn't my cellphone. Wasn't anything else you've ever mentioned. Say what you will, but this isn't my problem, it's your problem. I'm fine and I've been fine. Find something else to bitch about, because it's unfounded.

I'm drawing a blank on anything about your actual driving I've criticized you for in the past. Maybe you're thinking of someone else? Honestly, it just boggles my mind how self-centered you are--I mean good grief the texting can wait until you're at a red light or something, but while actually driving to take your eyes off the road like that for the time it takes to text...it's just irresponsible.

And before you ask why I'm "picking on" you and not Satty--he at least acknowledges it isn't safe. You act like there's absolutely nothing dangerous whatsoever about it!

I will fight to the death for my right to take calls and talk on the phone while driving...because my eyes are still on the road at all times. I don't even dial unless I'm at a stop.

You've told me to grow up once...yet you say you'd laugh if he'd get in a wreck? I've got two words for that...and they're not "good morning".

We're talking about a Nelson, HA! HA! "I told-you-so" kind of laugh.

Change it up a bit...someone boasts of their super ability to drive while drunk. Nothing's EVER happened and nothing will according to this person. What, you telling me you'll feel bad for them when they wrap their car around a tree? One less irresponsible, reckless driver on the road endangering everyone else from my point of view...

My point of view isn't immature--mean? maybe a little bit. Frustrated? Most definitely. Too many people have gotten themselves and more importantly others hurt while recklessly driving. I feel terribly for innocent people who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time...but I feel nothing at all for the reckless whose luck just happened to run out.

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Between 'As Needed' and 'Very Rare.' I don't particularly like being on the phone while driving, especially now that I drive a stick. I try to answer and get off the phone as soon as possible, and sometimes I'll just let it ring and return the call when I get home.

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I put "as needed".

I use speaker phone when sending / receiving a phone call, and I leave the phone in the Cobalt's door pull cubby, where it fits perfectly. Sometimes, though, if there's a lot of road noise, I can barely hear the speaker phone at max volume. I will hold the phone closer to my head in this scenario, but I will never, NEVER hold a phone to my ear. Even when I'm holding the phone, I am ready to toss it aside as an emergency reaction.

Every so often I might receive a text message while driving. If I feel I can/should respond to it quickly and concisely while driving, I will do so. I will not take my eyes off the road for more than a half second at a time. I've memorized the letters pretty well at this point, so I don't need to watch what I'm typing necessarily. I do need to make sure T9 didn't put in a completely different word, though.

And one more. Sometimes, if I'm feeling drowsy on a long stretch, and I don't have any music to blast, I will call someone so that I have someone to talk to. It the last option before pulling over to pass out.

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How about changing CDs while driving? That's a pretty big distraction that I'm pretty sure nearly everyone does...

Yes, I used to do that all the time back when I had cars with single disc players..now that I have a 6 disk in dash and the iPod, it's something I don't need to do while driving...

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Yes, I used to do that all the time back when I had cars with single disc players..now that I have a 6 disk in dash and the iPod, it's something I don't need to do while driving...

Mine's still a single...I usually just flip over to the radio until I get to a red light or something and then change discs.
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I'm drawing a blank on anything about your actual driving I've criticized you for in the past. Maybe you're thinking of someone else? Honestly, it just boggles my mind how self-centered you are--I mean good grief the texting can wait until you're at a red light or something, but while actually driving to take your eyes off the road like that for the time it takes to text...it's just irresponsible.

And before you ask why I'm "picking on" you and not Satty--he at least acknowledges it isn't safe. You act like there's absolutely nothing dangerous whatsoever about it!

I will fight to the death for my right to take calls and talk on the phone while driving...because my eyes are still on the road at all times. I don't even dial unless I'm at a stop.

Croc, you're still jumping to conclusions. I don't think it's safe. I don't think I have some super ability to do anything. I didn't say or imply either. You chose to make a big deal out of this, not me. I simply posted what I did, same as Satty, and you went off on me, not Satty. Call me self centered, call yourself hypocritical.

As far as texting, again, it's honestly not that hard to do while driving, safe or unsafe. Your eyes aren't constantly off the road. If you have the keys memorized, it's as easy as glancing down every now and then. There are alot of things people do while driving that are alot more distracting, that nearly everyone does. Why don't you go on a tirade on those who change CDs while driving? That most certainly takes your eyes off the road alot more than texting does. How about those who travel alone and read directions alone? That's more distracting. I don't see anyone calling people who do that irresponsible. Again, call me self centered, call yourself hypocritical.

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Croc, you're still jumping to conclusions. I don't think it's safe. I don't think I have some super ability to do anything. I didn't say or imply either. You chose to make a big deal out of this, not me. I simply posted what I did, same as Satty, and you went off on me, not Satty. Call me self centered, call yourself hypocritical.

As far as texting, again, it's honestly not that hard to do while driving, safe or unsafe. Your eyes aren't constantly off the road. If you have the keys memorized, it's as easy as glancing down every now and then. There are alot of things people do while driving that are alot more distracting, that nearly everyone does. Why don't you go on a tirade on those who change CDs while driving? That most certainly takes your eyes off the road alot more than texting does. How about those who travel alone and read directions alone? That's more distracting. I don't see anyone calling people who do that irresponsible. Again, call me self centered, call yourself hypocritical.

The fact that Cory's above response was texted out on his phone while driving proves he needs to maybe stop doing it.

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