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GM urged to pull suicidal robot ad
Eric Morath | Link to Original Article @ Detroit News

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The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention isn't amused by General Motors Corp.'s Super Bowl ad depicting a despondent robot leaping off a bridge in a dream sequence, and demanded Wednesday that the automaker pull it off the air.

Calling the ad insensitive, the organization also wants GM to remove it from its Web site.

The "ad is insensitive to the tens of millions of people who have lost loved ones to suicide," said Robert Gebbia, executive director of the foundation. "The ad also suggests a troubling and potentially dangerous message that suicide is a logical and rational decision should one experience failure or lose their job."

GM officials said they won't pull or change the ad. It's "a story of GM's commitment to quality It is not intended to offend anyone," spokeswoman Ryndee Carney said.

The commercial opens with a cute, yellow robot dropping a bolt to a factory floor. Because of his mistake, the robot is fired and left to seek service jobs such as a speaker at a fast-food drive-in. In despair, the robot jumps off a bridge, but then wakes up and realizes it's a dream as an announcer says, "Everyone at GM is obsessed with quality."

On Wednesday, the robot and a video of the ad were prominently displayed atop GM's Web site, www.gm.com.

This week, Snickers pulled its Super Bowl ad after groups called it homophobic. The fact that the robot had to leave a good GM job to take lesser work also is in poor taste as GM and other domestic automakers are drastically cutting work force, said Dave Regan, a Michigan State University advertising instructor.

"When you saw those visuals, you had to question the people on the team," Regan said.

"It was not light-hearted and most people watch Super Bowl commercials to be entertained."
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Good... it's the slippery slope. I'm glad GM is instead telling them to screw.

First it was the C6 Vette Jumpin' Jack Flash ad, now this.

It's a freekin' ROBOT! take your damn balls out of your wife's purse!

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1.) The robot is an inanimate object.

2.) It didn't actually kill itself, it was just a dream


We live in such a paranoid and stupid society. First idiots mistaking pixel charcters flipping people off for bombs (do you think terrorists would even have a sense of humor?), the gay people bitching about the Caliber ads, snickers and now this. Lighten up dammit!


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The true sign of how good (or at least impactful) this commercial is IS the fact that people now want it to be banned.

Sorry, but it's just a well made piece and both makes a point and is funny in the end, so get a life and a proper thought process and go sit in your dark closet if it offends you :thumbsup:

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If we get rid of every FREAKING thing that offends someone, there will be nothing left in this world.

Yes, we'd all be shiny, happy people driving Priuses..the sky would always be blue..every day would be sunny and warm.. no crime..no traffic jams.. :)

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Sure the add is a little serious and heavy... until you realize it's all a dream! Then it's funny as hell!

And come on... it's a robot. Robots can't commit suicide!

yes they can... magnet to the hard drive.

i bet toyota is behind this because it is a portrayal of their robots. Hmmm...

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Wait wait, people want one of the few entertaining SB ads pulled because we invaded a robot's privacy and saw its inner-thoughts? I agree absolutely! How can we disrespect an inanimate object's rights like that...

Seriously folks it's a robot. Instead of complaining about a robot's private thoughts, why don't we do something more productive like..recycle? Or turn the light off when you leave a room.

-Big Blue

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yes they can... magnet to the hard drive.

i bet toyota is behind this because it is a portrayal of their robots. Hmmm...

I'd argue that a magnet to the hard drive is more like "robot amnesia." Now... cutting the power cord? That's suicide!

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Yes, we'd all be shiny, happy people driving Priuses..the sky would always be blue..every day would be sunny and warm.. no crime..no traffic jams.. :)

They play that song every day at work... and after it comes Don Henley's 'Boys of Summer'

I think I'm going to snap.

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GM officials said they won't pull or change the ad. It's "a story of GM's commitment to quality It is not intended to offend anyone," spokeswoman Ryndee Carney said.

It's about time some one stood up to these pansy goody-goody groups. GM should have done that with the "kids drive vettes" commercial.
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Yes, we'd all be shiny, happy people driving Priuses..the sky would always be blue..every day would be sunny and warm.. no crime..no traffic jams.. :)

''Yes, we'd all be shiny, happy people driving Priuses..the sky would always be blue [Vegas, check]..every day would be sunny [check] and warm[check].. no crime.[oh well] .no traffic jams.. [ditto]
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I just read an article where a lady who lost her son to suicide said she would now never buy a GM vehicle. Some people are so close-minded and ridiculously dumb... it's not GM's fault her son committed suicide. Why don't these people stop wasting their time complaining about an ad and go educate people on signs that someone is depressed and may commit suicide? I don't think someone is going to decide to kill themselves because of a robot in an advertisement. A robot is a piece of metal. It doesn't have feelings, and it's totally different than a person. Now, if the ad depicted a person rather than a robot, yes, that would be inappropriate.

So far, 350 emails/phone calls have been received complaining about the ad. What is that, almost 1 in 1 million people in the US? I've never heard of anything being done because 1 out of every 1 million people wanted it to be done, unless those people were the final decision makers. If that were the case, we would be living in a communist country, driving drunk would be perfectly acceptable, and shooting someone wouldn't be a crime.

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Good... it's the slippery slope. I'm glad GM is instead telling them to screw.

First it was the C6 Vette Jumpin' Jack Flash ad, now this.

It's a freekin' ROBOT! take your damn balls out of your wife's purse!

Ok, the Corvette drama was rediculous. As for this, I'm sure we all saw it coming. It was definetly a great ad though.

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This country has gotten so soft and so politically correct. God, everyone else in the world thinks we're all war mongers, but when you're living in America its like we're all a bunch of pussies.

Actually everyone else has thought Americans are a bunch of pussies ever since Vietnam—and all this talk about pulling out of Iraq is only reinforcing this view. Nobody thought you could stick out a prolonged conflict, and guess what, seems they were right.
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''Yes, we'd all be shiny, happy people driving Priuses..the sky would always be blue [Vegas, check]..every day would be sunny [check] and warm[check].. no crime.[oh well] .no traffic jams.. [ditto]

That's when I become a Zombie that drives a 1978 Trans Am SE.

I'll drive around chasing afer people and after they smack their

Prius into a tree I'll drag them out by their hair, smash their

head like a coconut, open up the skull like a coffee can and eat

their f**king brains for lunch!!!

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I just read an article where a lady who lost her son to suicide said she would now never buy a GM vehicle. Some people are so close-minded and ridiculously dumb... it's not GM's fault her son committed suicide. Why don't these people stop wasting their time complaining about an ad and go educate people on signs that someone is depressed and may commit suicide?

whats funny is I could the same thing about close minded and dumb about a number of comments I've read here too.

No its not GM'S fault people commit suicide, but it is GM's fault for being insensitive to those who have lost people to suicide. How is it closeminded or dumb for people to let GM know that, through talk and action (ie. not purchasing their product).?

That being said, while I see nothing wrong in letting GM know how they found the ad insensitive, I don't think a federal f@#kin case should be made about it either.

Part of anti-suicide education is that its not an option when things are down in the dumps (ie. you've been laid off/can't hold a job, which, gasp, this ad makes does the opposite of, dream sequence or not.

A robot is a piece of metal. It doesn't have feelings, and it's totally different than a person. Now, if the ad depicted a person rather than a robot, yes, that would be inappropriate.

nor does it get laid off, look for new jobs, etc.

Like you said, if it were a person, you'd find the ad inappropriate. Well, the robot in this ad has been humanized through those actions, and some people, who have been affected by suicide and are therefore more sensitive to it, do find it inappropriate.

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I can add one more group to my list that I wish would jump off a bridge. Who are these people that are so sensitive? Did anyone see Little Miss Sunshine? The father did nothing but ridicule the uncle for attempting suicide, I dont hear them complaining about that. I hate how PC the US has become. I have no comment about the Snkickers ad, I havnen't seen it. lol it was a robot for gods sake! :rotflmao:

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How is it closeminded or dumb for people to let GM know that, through talk and action (ie. not purchasing their product).?

Like you said, if it were a person, you'd find the ad inappropriate. Well, the robot in this ad has been humanized through those actions, and some people, who have been affected by suicide and are therefore more sensitive to it, do find it inappropriate.

It's being close-minded because they are deciding, "Oh, this ad offends me, so I won't ever buy a GM vehicle again." Well guess what? I'm sure some of the new Tundra ads offend people, and I don't see and fluff being made about taking them off the air, or people not buying a Toyota ever again because of them. While the ads probably offend people who would never had considered a Tundra anyways, who to say that these people would have considered a GM?

Oh, and finally, it's a DREAM. I'm sure everyone has had a bad dream before where something horrible happens to them and they die or come very close, then awaken to realize they're still alive and well.

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It's being close-minded because they are deciding, "Oh, this ad offends me, so I won't ever buy a GM vehicle again." Well guess what? I'm sure some of the new Tundra ads offend people, and I don't see and fluff being made about taking them off the air, or people not buying a Toyota ever again because of them. While the ads probably offend people who would never had considered a Tundra anyways, who to say that these people would have considered a GM?

Oh, and finally, it's a DREAM. I'm sure everyone has had a bad dream before where something horrible happens to them and they die or come very close, then awaken to realize they're still alive and well.

its close minded to not by a product of a company who's ad has offended you regarding something very serious like suicide? :huh:

not sure of the exact Tundra commercial your referring too, but I doubt it has anything to do with the death of somebody you loved very dearly

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prolly most of the people who "arent going to buy gm" anymore havent bought gm in the past 2 vehichles anyway. i used to work retail, i cant count the times i heard i'll never shop here again... 2 weeks later in the door they come. we are too politically correct, as soon as someone's feelings get hurt people point fingers, mobs get formed, and someone's job gets lost. By the way there have been 3 people i have personally known who have left here way to soon because of suicide in the past 10 years.

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There is absolutely nothing offensive about the ad. First off, it's called a sense of humor. Get one. Second, freedom of speech. Learn it. Third, open-mindedness. Stop being so anal. This is ridiculous that people are actually complaining about this. Guess what... I've known people who've lost their life to suicide, and I myself, was once suicidal. I'm not offended. I thought it was a funny commercial. If you can't learn to put life behind you... You're a lost cause and no better than anyone in a mental institution.

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Actually everyone else has thought Americans are a bunch of pussies ever since Vietnam—and all this talk about pulling out of Iraq is only reinforcing this view. Nobody thought you could stick out a prolonged conflict, and guess what, seems they were right.

If this was N Korea or Iran the rest of the country's sentiment would be different. Even Afghanistan was lost in the mix. And the spring forecast there is for more blood and dead taliban.

but I digress.

This is bull$h!. If they were going to cowtow to anyone it should have been laid off GM employees. Not a despondant robot..

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There was nothing wrong with the commercial at all.

I saw the original and loved it.

These groups are nothing but a bunch of pussies that want the world censored just to make them happy because they don't thinks it's right.

Um, it wasn't naked people, it wasn't even alive.

If I were calling the shots, it would be "F*CK YOU!" to this group. Of course, not literally said, but there would be no pulling of the ad.

Nor is it telling people TO commit suicide. For goups like these, including PETA, and whatever else there may be (GSA? But I haven't heard anything crazy from them) they can burn in hell.

Deal with it. It was representational of a dream, and dreams aren't real. It was a robot, not a person, not an animal, not a living thing in the least.

Although suicide is terrible, everyone at one point or another has had the thought of it cross their mind in some way, shape, or form. We are just strong enough, sane enough not to acknowledge it any farther. Suicide is for the weak. It's the easy way out. And, know what? I view people that constantly threaten suicide as being worthless to society.

I can justify keeping this on the air better than they can for taking it off it seems. Because I have my own opinion. I stick to it.

Strength conquers in the world even if "blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth". However, there is a difference between being "meek" as considered in the Biblical context and being weak and unable to stand for one's self. Here, I say make a reference to David and Goliath.

Thank you. There's a lot more where this came from. I'm passionate about what I believe in.

I Believe GM Will Prosper.

I Believe Chrysler Can Pose a Legitimate Challenge to All.

I Believe in Me.

I Believe in God.

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The thing that bothers me about this is that everyone has the right to delete the ad from their personal space if they are offended by it. Last I checked every TV comes with power swtich and a channel changer. However, since we have folks like this in the world it was probably in GMs best interest to pull the ad. They are getting a lot of publicity about it and looking like the good guys for changing thier ways.

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I don't know what to think about this. I've never attempted suicide and I don't personally know of anyone who has either so I don't think that is a major thing for me. However, when I saw the ad, I have to admit I didn't find it funny and it left me with a weird feeling. The message of the commercial was lost on me. All I could remember was the little robot jumping off the bridge (even if it was in a dream) and I kept thinking, why would they put that in a car commercial?

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