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A few notes to cellular customers

Guest Josh

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Here are a few notes to customers of cellular providers of the great ol' US of A. I will edit/change these as necessary as I find a means to vent here every night instead of the bottom of a Bud Light bottle. 1) If Customer Service tells you something, it's probably not true at all. 2). If Customer Service directs you to your local carriers store for an insurance claim, its NEVER true. 3) Just because Customer Service tells you that you are eligible for instant savings on a new handset at your nearest local store, chances are you infact are not eligible for SHIT! 4) Do not take it out on us poor reps, as we are not the people that make sensative policy decisions, and we certainly are not the CEO of your carrier. 5) If we get pissed off, throw your phone, break it, then expect you to pick it up it means you should probably follow all of the aforementioned requests we did make for you so you would NOT come back into the store to piss us of AGAIN with worthless "my phone....." issues. 6) Don't hate on the host of the store that is required to take your name and what you are in for. Don't fucking doubt us. We do it because we HAVE to do it! 7) To the females/males (whatever you prefer): If a sales rep takes more than 10 minutes for your "simple billing questions and/or payment" it's probably because we're hitting on you to see if you are down for a drink out when we get out of work. 8) Last but certainly not least: DATE A PERSON THAT WORKS IN CELLULAR. WE HAVE THE MOST FRUSTRATION TO TAKE OUT EVERY NIGHT ON OUR MAN/WOMAN FOR THE EVENING.** **Note: This is every evening..so if you prefer wild and kinky.....we can deliver every day we work!
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Wow...this is what makes me glad I chose Cingular.  Now I know I'll never buy a Sprint if they care this little about their customers.


LOL I was waiting on that. Because Sprint is the only carrier that does any of the aforementioned? I'm the first to go to my boss to help a customer that came in with an issue Customer Service said we could fix.

Get a clue Coc....derrr Croc. Cingular has lost $1 Billion at last count since their merger with AT & T.

Also, those "roll-over" minutes are fantastic. It's like "You won't use your minutes this month...but we'll charge you for them and hope you use them within a year from today."

What an idiotic concept.

The Fair & Flex plans are the best out there...but this is not about carrier vs carrier, its a post a general as I've had service from EVERY provider.
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Whatever Josh...what did you expect in posting all this? You want to expose all of your company's bad business practices and yet you don't want a negative reaction? I've had great service with Cingular. No problems ever. The insurance claims I've made all went swimmingly and in-store. I've never been given the run-around. Staff has always been honest and upfront about limitations on promotions. I don't see what's stupid about rollover. You already are paying for the minutes, whereas with another provider you lose them if you don't use them. If I have a month where I don't use many minutes, followed by one where I am constantly on the phone, it helps me from going over and all the associated fees. Now maybe I've just had an above-average experience with Cingular. I'd be happy to hear from other people. As far as the money they've been making (or not), I really don't give a rat's ass as long as it doesn't hurt my service. GM's lost money before, but it doesn't matter as long as my vehicle drives well and my service experience is good. -- Put another way, if someone came on here working for McDonald's and talked about rat feces in the product, wouldn't you expect people to say "wow, glad I eat Wendy's"? I don't see why I'm a "Coc." :rolleyes:
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why can't I get a new new phone for my Qwest service at a Sprint store? Same fricking carrier. Qwest always has shit for phones to pick from. Why does Cingular get that kickass new RAZR and Sprint/Qwest have jack? My cheap ass Motorola dies after one year, its a complete POS and they think I should buy a new one. HELLOOOOOO POS. Make a phone that lasts, jerks. Why does Sprint/Qwest have such shitty phones? KYOCERA? HELLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOO why would i want that garbage? SANYO? they can't even make car stereos that don't suck. what's next, TEAC? BROKSONIC? CYBERHOME? Edited by regfootball
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The RAZR is great. Best phone since my old green-screen Nokia. I love how compact it is and doesn't make a huge bulge in my pocket. Reception is good, and it has a plethora of features. Motorola offers a special USB cable and PhoneTools software so I can transfer pics to my hard drive and vice versa...and create and transfer my own custom ringtones. Right now I have Haste The Day "Long Way Down" (Goo Goo Dolls cover) as my ringtone. Also got some Senses Fail on there...I love it. ETA: T-Mobile also has the RAZR now I believe... Edited by Croc
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I've never had a bad experience with Cingular. I'vce had some shitty experiences with Alltel, the only time I've dealt with Sprint, I was gone in like three minutes because I was going to pay about $30/month more that I was for AT&T for the same number of minutes and a smaller service area. That was like 3 years ago.
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The RAZR is great.  Best phone since my old green-screen Nokia.  I love how compact it is and doesn't make a huge bulge in my pocket.  Reception is good, and it has a plethora of features.  Motorola offers a special USB cable and PhoneTools software so I can transfer pics to my hard drive and vice versa...and create and transfer my own custom ringtones.  Right now I have Haste The Day "Long Way Down" (Goo Goo Dolls cover) as my ringtone.  Also got some Senses Fail on there...I love it.

ETA: T-Mobile also has the RAZR now I believe...


totally agree. I have one and it's great. I found an ebay store which sells full black conversion kits so I may buy one...I for one have a bluetooth adapter for my computer, and connection between the phone and the comp is great for that...

about cingular...I have cingular, it offers fantastic service. My friend has Sprint and his service blows compared to mine...he's got a treo 650 (a phone I was thinking about before i got the razr) not that it means anything, but his service can't compare to mine. It's nice how he has unlimited internet and whatnot, but being that I never use it, it doesnt matter to me. my phone is great and so is my service. I have never been anywhere I haven't had service.

5) If we get pissed off, throw your phone, break it, then expect you to pick it up it means you should probably follow all of the aforementioned requests we did make for you so you would NOT come back into the store to piss us of AGAIN with worthless "my phone....." issues.

No, what this means is whoever throws my phone should expect an immediate punch in the face. There would be no hesitation from the moment my phone breaks to the moment my fist hits that person square in the face. Edited by Nick
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5) If we get pissed off, throw your phone, break it, then expect you to pick it up it means you should probably follow all of the aforementioned requests we did make for you so you would NOT come back into the store to piss us of AGAIN with worthless "my phone....." issues.


No, what this means is whoever throws my phone should expect an immediate punch in the face. There would be no hesitation from the moment my phone breaks to the moment my fist hits that person square in the face.


I agree 100%. If ANY Cingular employee ever treated me (and my phone) in such a manner they would get it. Now, I'm not one for violence, but I can be VERY persuasive with managers and upper management B) But then again, I've never had anything to suggest that Cingular employees aren't professional, courteous, and concerned with customer service. My mom has found the same, and she switched from Sprint to Cingular. Loved trading in her old brick of a phone for her new RAZR (though she wished we had gotten her the silver one since the inside of her purse is black). Edited by Croc
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I'll trade her phones if she'd like. :P My phone is pretty much brand new actually...I traded it in on warranty because I think I accidentally broke something on the phone...don't know... but before someone goes off and starts saying motorolas are crap (I can just see it coming) it really had nothing to do with motorola or the phone. The phone didnt come faulty or anything like that. The phone is great...I think the problem was water damage (but luckily cingular didn't find any when I sent the phone back or they would have charged me for a new phone)...
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Do you have insurance? My V400 had water damage when I had it in my board shorts pocket for, oh about 45 min. in my backyard pool. $50 deductible and I had a new $150 phone (this was back summer of 2004 before V400s got cheap). The V400...what a P.O.S. The RAZR though is perfect.
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Jeeze oh Petes guys, do you ever think I'd actually break somebody's cell phone? Do you think I treat people with absolutely zero respect? This post was a vent from a shitty day at work where it was just myself and one other sales rep. There should have been 5 of us. What irks me is people that have broken phones with obvious physical damage expect us to be able to handle the issue. Can't do it. Also, those Alltel and other providers you guys speak of are third party carriers. They pay Sprint to use our network, and do not have the same policy as a corporate store such as we are. Our phones are kick ass now (Sanyo 5600) and our Sanyo 9000 is going to be insanely popular. Plus, our Treo 700 and Pocket PC 6700 are shipping real, real soon.
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Had AT&T Wireless for about 8 years with no problems, until my phone finally broke from being dropped a few hundred times. Since AT&T had been merged with Cincular, I moved to Cingular and got a new phone. It's a Nokia and OK, but not perfect, still it works better than my wife's samsung. Cingular service has been great. My wife (and step-sons) have T-mobile. The 28 year old has a fancy phone which has been a piece of junk and my wife complains about service. Customer service has been a nightmare. Still, I only use about 60 minutes a month, compared to my wife's (and step-sons) thousands of minutes.
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The RAZR is great.  Best phone since my old green-screen Nokia.  I love how compact it is and doesn't make a huge bulge in my pocket.


I got a Razr too. I like it cause it's small, I don't need another large bulge in my pants. :P :lol:

ETA: T-Mobile also has the RAZR now I believe...

The unfortunate thing about T-mobile RAZRs is they are locked to only one band. They are a quad band phone, yet you can't get any of the benefits of quad band. The best network to use the RAZR on is Cingular.
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Jeeze oh Petes guys, do you ever think I'd actually break somebody's cell phone? Do you think I treat people with absolutely zero respect? This post was a vent from a shitty day at work where it was just myself and one other sales rep. There should have been 5 of us.

What irks me is people that have broken phones with obvious physical damage expect us to be able to handle the issue. Can't do it.

Also, those Alltel and other providers you guys speak of are third party carriers. They pay Sprint to use our network, and do not have the same policy as a corporate store such as we are.

Our phones are kick ass now (Sanyo 5600) and our Sanyo 9000 is going to be insanely popular. Plus, our Treo 700 and Pocket PC 6700 are shipping real, real soon.


i wonder if qwest will get those too.
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The unfortunate thing about T-mobile RAZRs is they are locked to only one band. They are a quad band phone, yet you can't get any of the benefits of quad band. The best network to use the RAZR on is Cingular.


Now THIS I didn't know...I will stop recommending T-Mobile now to people just because of the RAZR.

Hey, I'm starting a new poll...on the RAZR.
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Now THIS I didn't know...I will stop recommending T-Mobile now to people just because of the RAZR.

Hey, I'm starting a new poll...on the RAZR.


t-mobile isnt' bad. They have some decent plans that work well for some people. Their network coverage isn't terrible in metro areas either.

There just isn't any point paying extra money for a Quad-band phone on the T-mobile network. Most, if not all, quad-band phones are extra cost. If you want T-mobile, just go with the nicest, cheapest phone that has the features you want.
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Cingular has lost $1 Billion at last count since their merger with AT & T.


That was one merger I really hated, because all it did was eliminate a competitor, which one should not want in the cell business. I was hoping Vodafone (the British company, famous for being on the front of Manchester United's jerseys) would have bought them instead, bringing forth their entry into the U.S. market (and keeping the number of carriers at six)

Kinda funny, however, that I didn't mind Sprint buying NEXTEL...why? Sprint uses infinitely better phones.
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Actually, AT&T Wireless had nothing to do with AT&T long distance. Just like AT&T Broadband had nothing to do with either one of those. The names were all licensed out by AT&T long distance to use on the other services. AT&T treated my family like crap so we switched to Verizon. Getting a new Motorola here soon.
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I've been dealing with Ma Bell for 12 years. Their service is okay. I figure I will get screwed by all the service providers so at least I am getting screwed by a Canadian provider! BTW, great post. We've all had crappy days. I knew exactly the spirit it was coming from. I could do one too, entitled: BUYERS ARE LIARS, but I can just imagine the uproar!
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Have had Verizon/Motorola StarTac- same phone- for 3-4 years running. Very good phone, great reception. Was in the Verizon Wireless store tonight looking to upgrade, but because my name is not on the account (which is my brother's), they could not get me the deal I have coming since he upgraded the plan.

In looking over the phones, I see the same overcomplication as in the auto industry: there is little to no choice for those who do NOT want text messaging, video capability, Bluetooth, games, ringtones, and all that other ridiculous garbage. It very well may make me keep running the Motorola...
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I agree. Lots of garbage. I would never surf the net, use my phone as an ipod, play games, or use it as an extension of AIM. Why? Because battery life is short enough as is...text messaging and camera are the only extras i really need, and on top of that i like music tones/mp3 capabilities if only to have a good ringtone.
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Here are a few notes to customers of cellular providers of the great ol' US of A. I will edit/change these as necessary as I find a means to vent here every night instead of the bottom of a Bud Light bottle.

1) If Customer Service tells you something, it's probably not true at all.
2). If Customer Service directs you to your local carriers store for an insurance claim, its NEVER true.
3) Just because Customer Service tells you that you are eligible for instant savings on a new handset at your nearest local store, chances are you infact are not eligible for SHIT!
4) Do not take it out on us poor reps, as we are not the people that make sensative policy decisions, and we certainly are not the CEO of your carrier.
5) If we get pissed off, throw your phone, break it, then expect you to pick it up it means you should probably follow all of the aforementioned requests we did make for you so you would NOT come back into the store to piss us of AGAIN with worthless "my phone....." issues.
6) Don't hate on the host of the store that is required to take your name and what you are in for. Don't fucking doubt us. We do it because we HAVE to do it!
7) To the females/males (whatever you prefer): If a sales rep takes more than 10 minutes for your "simple billing questions and/or payment" it's probably because we're hitting on you to see if you are down for a drink out when we get out of work.

**Note: This is every evening..so if you prefer wild and kinky.....we can deliver every day we work!


Yep! work in a call centre as well for Bell express-vu (Bell is a canadian landline, cell, internet, tv provider. Express-vu is the tv service)

And when they get realy pissed, they think they can speak to the director or the president...... they think we have a fucking direct line to those dudes..... Exec's have better shit to do in their day than pickup the damn phone to a complaint because of billing!~!@#$

Shit that is discuused in the store with all these creddits and everything avail for a low price...... always turns out different when they call us. The dudes in the store say anything to make a fucking sale and we get to deal with the bull shit! :angry:
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True Story: If you get a Cingular family plan and use it for a few moonths you will average about $180.00 a month. Then, even though your calling habits have changed less than 10% you end up wiht a bill of $900 on the fith month. Customer servise will send you on a wild goose chase and then you wil panic when no one is listening to the fact that there is NO was you have more than quadrupled your talking on the Effin phoone. You cut down your talking taime drastically and in another month (still not haivng figured out the $900 from Nov.) you will get a bill for $1300. Eight weeks: $1300. Then in a few days later it becomes $1400. (late fees and such) You spend about 4 hours between two days on the customer service line and they will MAGICALY have an explanation how you can be charge for roaming in MANIE even though you have not come within 40 miles of that state in two years. Then they will talk cicrles about how you can SIMULTANEOUSLY be on the phone wiht two different peopel at the same time, even you do not have three way calling. You wil be roaming and checking your voicemail even though your toime card at Chevyof Lowell proves you had your BUTT planted in your chair at work! Several months later and after speakng wiht about 7 differnt people at Cingular send your now get a bill for $1600. (it's been shut off since the $1400 bill but thre was more late fees.) And then it later goes into colections and they ask for $1700. Yet durrig the time you were supposed to be talking this much on the phone you were working 70 hours a wek and most of your calls should have been free since you call your Girlfriend (family plan remember?) and you'd have to never sleep in order to talk that much. CINGULAR sucks filthy effin Donkey C*ck! :angry:
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True Story:

If you get a Cingular family plan and use it for a few moonths you will average about $180.00 a month. Then, even though your calling habits have changed less than 10% you end up wiht a bill of $900 on the fith month. Customer servise will send you on a wild goose chase and then you wil panic when no one is listening to the fact that there is NO was you have more than quadrupled your talking on the Effin phoone.

You cut down your talking taime drastically and in another month (still not haivng figured out the $900 from Nov.) you will get a bill for $1300.

Eight weeks: $1300. Then in a few days later it becomes $1400. (late fees and such)

You spend about 4 hours between two days on the customer service line and they will MAGICALY have an explanation how you can be charge for roaming in MANIE even though you have not come within 40 miles of that state in two years. Then they will talk cicrles about how you can SIMULTANEOUSLY be on the phone wiht two different peopel at the same time, even you do not have three way calling.

You wil be roaming and checking your voicemail even though your toime card at Chevyof Lowell proves you had your BUTT planted in your chair at work!

Several months later and after speakng wiht about 7 differnt people at Cingular send your now get a bill for $1600. (it's been shut off since the $1400 bill but thre was more late fees.)

And then it later goes into colections and they ask for $1700.

Yet durrig the time you were supposed to be talking this much on the phone you were working 70 hours a wek and most of your calls should have been free since you call your Girlfriend (family plan remember?) and you'd have to never sleep in order to talk that much.

CINGULAR sucks filthy effin Donkey C*ck!   :angry:


So odd yo should say that. Because I've cancelled my check of $265 to them since I last agreed to send it to them.

I got wise. My plan was set for "next bill cycle" which means my 1st was fine....then everyone there after was jacked up. They expect me to pay them $1300 and I "settled" with Abdul for $700. That was until I got wise last night and put two and two together. They changed my plan set for on the next bill cycle and never informed me of said charges. (They never informed me of the change when I upgraded to a new phone for FREE because I was with them for SO long!)

Idiots. I'll be requesting my last 4 bills and an attorney.
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In looking over the phones, I see the same overcomplication as in the auto industry: there is little to no choice for those who do NOT want text messaging, video capability, Bluetooth, games, ringtones, and all that other ridiculous garbage. It very well may make me keep running the Motorola...


I agree- I had a V8160 for years and finally was entreatied by Verizon to get a new (heavily subsidised) V710. It can do all of the things you mentioned, but most of them I have to pay Verizon for, so I don't bother.

But the Bluetooth is great: I'm one of those people who always forgets to take the phone out of my pocket and put the earpiece in (alright, I'm not that popular, happy? <sob>), so when I get a phone call, I can grab the earpiece out of the ashtray, press the button, and start talking.

But if that's not an issue (I have a stick, and can't hold a phone and drive), then I say keep your StarTac. They are great phones.
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True Story:

If you get a Cingular family plan and use it for a few moonths you will average about $180.00 a month. Then, even though your calling habits have changed less than 10% you end up wiht a bill of $900 on the fith month. Customer servise will send you on a wild goose chase and then you wil panic when no one is listening to the fact that there is NO was you have more than quadrupled your talking on the Effin phoone.

You cut down your talking taime drastically and in another month (still not haivng figured out the $900 from Nov.) you will get a bill for $1300.

Eight weeks: $1300. Then in a few days later it becomes $1400. (late fees and such)

You spend about 4 hours between two days on the customer service line and they will MAGICALY have an explanation how you can be charge for roaming in MANIE even though you have not come within 40 miles of that state in two years. Then they will talk cicrles about how you can SIMULTANEOUSLY be on the phone wiht two different peopel at the same time, even you do not have three way calling.

You wil be roaming and checking your voicemail even though your toime card at Chevyof Lowell proves you had your BUTT planted in your chair at work!

Several months later and after speakng wiht about 7 differnt people at Cingular send your now get a bill for $1600. (it's been shut off since the $1400 bill but thre was more late fees.)

And then it later goes into colections and they ask for $1700.

Yet durrig the time you were supposed to be talking this much on the phone you were working 70 hours a wek and most of your calls should have been free since you call your Girlfriend (family plan remember?) and you'd have to never sleep in order to talk that much.

CINGULAR sucks filthy effin Donkey C*ck! :angry:


If you had all this proof, what ever came of it? You're the first "horror story" I have ever heard with Cingular. We are on a family plan as well, and the bills have never been ridiculous. The only time it got bad was when I was in Grand Cayman and talked to this girl for over an hour...yea $400 phone bill :o but I totally deserved it.
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I don't get it....... Josh posts an obvious "venting", slightly off the wall rant about the cell phone industry. Everyone jumps on the band wagon with their "horror" stories. There's lots of "jumping" Josh for posting this to begin with, but, hey, it's meant to be offbeat. Everyone continues along with their cell plan horror stories. Then Sly posts his "horror" story about his plan and WTF? he's lying? Some days there's too much testosterone around here............
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Had Cingular as my first phone and had great customer service then I had sprint on a 3rd party plan and loved it. Great customer service even when I cancelled it. 3rd party plan ended and went back to Cingular, everything went ok for about 9 months and then wife starts new job and talks a lot on the road. $400 bill. Ok that is her fault and we pay it. Next month $400 bill. Turns out she was roaming more than she thought. Paid $200 and got Verizon because they have ok, not great but OK coverage in our area and they have IN. Next month Cingular makes calling to all other Cingular customers free. BTW customer service was horrible with Cingular when I tried to cancel. I got hung up on 2 times when I told them that I wanted to cancel and so when I called the 3rd time I just asked for a supervisor. The rep said 'I need to know why before I transfer you.' I said 'No you don't. NOW get me a supervisor.' Supervisor gets on 'Is there a problem I can help you with?' Yes I have been hung up on 2 times when I tell people I want to cancel my account and I want YOU to do it for me. Total quiet for about 30 sec. OK let me do that for you. 2 minutes later DONE. I will NOT go back to Cingular, EVER.
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Nowadays, there's no reason for a subscriber to call their carrier to cancel service. With wireless number portability the carrier you are switching to handles the transfer of phone #'s. Furthermore, if there's ever an issue with the company you are leaving not giving up your phone # to the new company, the sales associate will normally (I do this everytime I have to) deal directly with the porting company to ensure my client gets his/her phone #. I had a guy get a 4 line quote from me the other day. Left for two hours, came back with every other carriers information and flat out told me nobody could come close to what we had to offer. Maybe it's different market to market, but we have an extreme grasp on customers wants and needs. Also 91z4me, Sprint Family Plans now include roaming charges, for free. Something to consider.
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I don't get it.......

Josh posts an obvious "venting", slightly off the wall rant about the cell phone industry.  Everyone jumps on the band wagon with their "horror" stories.  There's lots of "jumping" Josh for posting this to begin with, but, hey, it's meant to be offbeat.  Everyone continues along with their cell plan horror stories.

Then Sly posts his "horror" story about his plan and WTF? he's lying?

Some days there's too much testosterone around here............


Whoa...I never insinuated 68 was lying. I asked him what came of the situation since he had his timestamps and everything proving his side. He never provided a conclusion to the situation, and I was inquiring. Jeez...
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Also 91z4me, Sprint Family Plans now include roaming charges, for free. Something to consider.


That's good. One of the reasons my mother switched to Cingular was because on her old Sprint phone (this was less than two years ago) she would rack up roaming charges because they had spotty coverage of the city of Indianapolis. That's good they offer it now; what about free long distance?
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Free long distance, free sprint to sprint calling as well as nextel, free roaming, overages of only $5 for every 100 minutes, other carriers are at either $.40 to $.50 cents per minute over your allotted set amount of minutes.
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Yo Josh. I'm looking to add my girlfriend onto my plan. Would now be a good time to do that, or not? She is currently with Verizon. Oh, and do you have the ability to change my caller ID from my dad's name to my name? When I call people it shows up as his name, not mine on their phones. Edited by lakefire
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Sprint entered the St. Louis market in 1997 - at the time, it was the first ditigal cellular service offered in the area. I worked at Best Buy at the time, and got an employee plan through them. I was one of the first people in the market to sign up for their service. I've had nothing but good experiences with them. They've always been friendly and efficient when I've had to deal with them. The coverage has been good, and they've offered me reduced rates or even free services for being a long-term customer, without my asking for them. I don't have a fair and flexible plan. I've got a fixed 700 peak minute plan with unlimited off-peak, nationwide calling, no roaming, unlimited PCS Vision, unlimited text messaging, free nights and weekends after 7PM plan that I share with my wife. I get a discount through my workplace, so all that runs just a little more than $60/month after taxes. I've not comparison priced recently, but I've not found much that can touch those rates. Props to Sprint Josh (even though you are a RedWings fan... :puke: ) -RBB
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I don't have a fair and flexible plan.  I've got a fixed 700 peak minute plan with unlimited off-peak, nationwide calling, no roaming, unlimited PCS Vision, unlimited text messaging, free nights and weekends after 7PM plan that I share with my wife.  I get a discount through my workplace, so all that runs just a little more than $60/month after taxes.  I've not comparison priced recently, but I've not found much that can touch those rates.

I've got a very similar plan. 750 minutes, unlimited off-peak (starting at 8pm), unlimited PCS Vision, 100 text messages and I get a discount through USAA (even though they no longer carry it) and I pay $58.30/month after taxes and fees.
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I don't get it.......

Josh posts an obvious "venting", slightly off the wall rant about the cell phone industry.  Everyone jumps on the band wagon with their "horror" stories.  There's lots of "jumping" Josh for posting this to begin with, but, hey, it's meant to be offbeat.  Everyone continues along with their cell plan horror stories.

Then Sly posts his "horror" story about his plan and WTF? he's lying?

Some days there's too much testosterone around here............


What I was thinking..

For now I'm stuck with Virgin Mobile....prepaid is nice to have..
(of course, Virgin uses Sprint lines..at least I'm pretty sure anyways..)
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Yo Josh.  I'm looking to add my girlfriend onto my plan.  Would now be a good time to do that, or not?  She is currently with Verizon.

Oh, and do you have the ability to change my caller ID from my dad's name to my name?  When I call people it shows up as his name, not mine on their phones.


Lakefire, now is the time. So many good deals going on plus the share plans are freakin amazing! Somebody called me about the GM discount that I have to call back. OOPS! Sorry but I just remembered lol

at anyrate, it is best to add her now. the quicker the better. Also that can be changed, I could change it if you provided me (via my work email) your cell # and what you wish for it to display
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I don't get it.......

Josh posts an obvious "venting", slightly off the wall rant about the cell phone industry.  Everyone jumps on the band wagon with their "horror" stories.  There's lots of "jumping" Josh for posting this to begin with, but, hey, it's meant to be offbeat.  Everyone continues along with their cell plan horror stories.


Ahhhhh the lovely, beautiful stace shines through again!
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