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People need to slow down


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so we finally get a bunch of snow with in 15 minutes of driving i see a blazer wrapped around a telephone pole and jeep into a tree.

I guess people don't know that you cant do 30 down side streets when its snowy out. Unnecessary loss of cars really. In the intersections people wait for the last 5 feet and brake only to realize there on ice. and go across the intersection. What happened to basic knowledge? Michigan has been getting snow for millions of years now. Its like its the first time people saw the stuff.

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What baffles me more though, is why some people slow down so much in the rain when it's warm. It's not like it reduces traction that much.

Actually, you should slow way down in the rain, especially if the rain has just started. All of the oils and crap on the road become very slippery.

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99% of the time horrific accidents in the snow are caused by & involve

FWD & 4x4 cars/trucks. Another reason why I hate FWd and some of

the clueless b@$tards who drive them!!!

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Oh man, last Sunday we were coming back from Frankenmuth.. it snowed up there and probably within the first 3-5 miles of I-75 we saw at least 5-7 vehicles in ditches with their hazards on or in an accident. Every vehicle in a ditch was an SUV...

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So this explains why side airbags and rear-end protection is such a big talk these days. Conscious drivers need not fear ramming into people, but idiots ramming into you.

ABS and TRAC cntrl too.

and to escape an accident, to have weight on your drive wheels. which of course, mean FWD or AWD in most cases is more handy. just saying. again.

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99% of the time horrific accidents in the snow are caused by & involve

FWD & 4x4 cars/trucks. Another reason why I hate FWd and some of

the clueless b@$tards who drive them!!!

Don't forget that FWD and AWD are generally superior to RWD in the snow. I know this from experience...plus it's common sense. Still, it doesn't matter what wheels are doing the driving if the driver is a moron.

This sorta thing happens every time we get the first big snowfall. It's like everyone has forgotten how to drive in the winter and needs a storm or 2 to remember. In teh meantime they fly along thinking the roads are dry and clear. They also probably don't know what L is for.

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ABS and TRAC cntrl too.

and to escape an accident, to have weight on your drive wheels. which of course, mean FWD or AWD in most cases is more handy. just saying. again.

hmm... I'm not a RWD purist but I believe that you can do more with a RWD in the snow to prevent something. I find it easier to drive my car in the snow then the Vibe. because i have 100% control of my car. because as soon as you let off the gas the back wheels drag slower than the front wheels so the rear stays put and i have the full Iron block weight on the front to steer with. Once you throw your back end out in a FWD car you really have no control until it catches a rut or pull the e brake a few clicks to get the dragging action.

And I more than once throwing my back end out on purpose has saved me a accident. Im not saying that FWD is the devil its just i don't see that many positives with it.

And remember my dream car is a FWD.

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hmm... I'm not a RWD purist but I believe that you can do more with a RWD in the snow to prevent something. I find it easier to drive my car in the snow then the Vibe. because i have 100% control of my car. because as soon as you let off the gas the back wheels drag slower than the front wheels so the rear stays put and i have the full Iron block weight on the front to steer with. Once you throw your back end out in a FWD car you really have no control until it catches a rut or pull the e brake a few clicks to get the dragging action.

And I more than once throwing my back end out on purpose has saved me a accident. Im not saying that FWD is the devil its just i don't see that many positives with it.

And remember my dream car is a FWD.

Well, you bring up a valid point for RWD, but RWD has it's disadvantages too. With RWD, all of the weight is in the front, and there is little weight in the back. This makes it harder for the rear wheels to gain traction. Throwing the back out may be good for some situations but not all. With FWD, the weight is on the wheels that put the power down, making it easier for them to gain traction. This advantage is very noticeable on hills. I've seen many FWD cars make it up the hill while most RWD either struggle or don't make it (like a 3rd gen Firebird I once saw attempt to come up my hill).

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Well, you bring up a valid point for RWD, but RWD has it's disadvantages too. With RWD, all of the weight is in the front, and there is little weight in the back. This makes it harder for the rear wheels to gain traction. Throwing the back out may be good for some situations but not all. With FWD, the weight is on the wheels that put the power down, making it easier for them to gain traction. This advantage is very noticeable on hills. I've seen many FWD cars make it up the hill while most RWD either struggle or don't make it (like a 3rd gen Firebird I once saw attempt to come up my hill).

Yeah i cant get my 4th gen up the drive way thats 2 reasons no weight at all and that they are low profile tires which suck on anything but dry blacktop.

However my car has such a high idle i can roll out on to streets at 5 mph with complete traction then ease into it and take off plus having 23 gallons of gas back there helps. also narrow tires.

But if its that bad out well than i wont go out.

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like granny that ran into 5 parked cars at krogers cause they had a 10 for 10 sale on progresso soup. and yahoo's that think there 4x4 trucks and jeeps can still do 70 cause its a Off road vehicle.

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Yeah i cant get my 4th gen up the drive way thats 2 reasons no weight at all and that they are low profile tires which suck on anything but dry blacktop.

However my car has such a high idle i can roll out on to streets at 5 mph with complete traction then ease into it and take off plus having 23 gallons of gas back there helps. also narrow tires.

But if its that bad out well than i wont go out.

Sometimes that's the smartest thing peopel can do...too bad they usually don't.

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like granny that ran into 5 parked cars at krogers cause they had a 10 for 10 sale on progresso soup. and yahoo's that think there 4x4 trucks and jeeps can still do 70 cause its a Off road vehicle.

I was going down 6 mile...cars were passing me like I was standing still...even with snow still on the road...

I forgot that a little salt lets you drive faster.... :rolleyes:

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so we finally get a bunch of snow with in 15 minutes of driving i see a blazer wrapped around a telephone pole and jeep into a tree.

I guess people don't know that you cant do 30 down side streets when its snowy out. Unnecessary loss of cars really. In the intersections people wait for the last 5 feet and brake only to realize there on ice. and go across the intersection. What happened to basic knowledge? Michigan has been getting snow for millions of years now. Its like its the first time people saw the stuff.

It's Michigan, what do you expect? :AH-HA_wink:

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*rolls eyes*

Oh my goodness ... the infamous RWD vs FWD argument jumps out from underneath the frozen ice at Chevrolet's headquarters once again.

This sorta thing happens every time we get the first big snowfall. It's like everyone has forgotten how to drive in the winter and needs a storm or 2 to remember. In teh meantime they fly along thinking the roads are dry and clear. They also probably don't know what L is for.

Heh. Way too many times I see "people have forgotten how to drive in snow" as the argument for mishaps ... if the person happens to be driving 4WD, AWD, FWD.

If, however, the person happens to be driving RWD at the time ... the RWD gets blamed just about 90% of the time (or so it seems).

But, whatever. That doesn't explain how I get through the snow OK in my RWD ... while, as others have, I observe SUVs and FWD cars deciding that snowy weather is the time to go off-roading.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"Play with the fire, and your gonna get burned" ... Steve Wariner ... 'Some Fools Never Learn'

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I'll just say that its been snowing like crazy the past few days. Even with nearly bald tires, I haven't yet got stuck. I love RWD and all, but that would be impossible with it. But I think we can all agree that those whose vehicles you most often see stuck or wrecked are the overconfident ones with 4WD/AWD. I've seen my dad get stuck in our own driveway trying to back a trailer into it... without any snow. :P

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ABS, AWD, Traction controll, and all these other drivers aids are no replacement for brains, and they cannot defy the laws of physics. You hit the brakes to fast or too hard on a slippery surface, you're not going to stop. You hit the gas too hard, your back end will try to drive out past your front end, or vice versa, and you will end up somewhere you don't want to be.

I know this and I live someplace it doesn't even snow. Not only that, the three times that I have driven in snow or ice out of town, I was driving better than most of the locals.

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ABS, AWD, Traction controll, and all these other drivers aids are no replacement for brains, and they cannot defy the laws of physics. You hit the brakes to fast or too hard on a slippery surface, you're not going to stop. You hit the gas too hard, your back end will try to drive out past your front end, or vice versa, and you will end up somewhere you don't want to be.

I know this and I live someplace it doesn't even snow. Not only that, the three times that I have driven in snow or ice out of town, I was driving better than most of the locals.

I've seen Volvos samshed good by dumb people...

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When I lived in the Midwest, I drove RWD cars with snow tires on all four wheels in the winter..it was pretty effective..usually had a couple sand bags in the trunk to weigh the back end down.

In Colorado, I've driven 4x4 SUVs for the last 9 winters with good winter tires...4x4 is very effective in snow, esp. on hills and deep snow where the ground clearance makes a difference.

In either RWD or 4WD, the biggest winter advantage is good snow tires, IMHO.

I'm always amazed at how so many drivers fail to grasp the basics of physics as far how to brake and steer on snow and ice..

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When I lived in the Midwest, I drove RWD cars with snow tires on all four wheels in the winter..it was pretty effective..usually had a couple sand bags in the trunk to weigh the back end down.

In Colorado, I've driven 4x4 SUVs for the last 9 winters with good winter tires...4x4 is very effective in snow, esp. on hills and deep snow where the ground clearance makes a difference.

In either RWD or 4WD, the biggest winter advantage is good snow tires, IMHO.

I'm always amazed at how so many drivers fail to grasp the basics of physics as far how to brake and steer on snow and ice..

I'm with you, I've had many 4WDs and they are best if driven wisely. My favorites are the ones who have 4wheel drive, but don't use it... fishtailing wildly while on the phone, and eating a sandwich.

I think there should be a mandatory bad weather driving test...if you're an idiot, no driving for you.

Same thing with bald tires- if you are in an accident or cause one in bad weather and have bald tires, you need a ticket for faulty equipment. No excuses.

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Heh. Way too many times I see "people have forgotten how to drive in snow" as the argument for mishaps ... if the person happens to be driving 4WD, AWD, FWD.

If, however, the person happens to be driving RWD at the time ... the RWD gets blamed just about 90% of the time (or so it seems).

Now THAT should be my new matra.

In a perfect world the only FWD cars that would exist would be a L29 Cords, 810 coffin Noses, Bustlebacks & Razorbacks!

As far as the bald tires thing... AGREED!!! I hate emissions testing and all thaty other

safety inspection B.S. but if your tires are bald & they cause an accident any kind of

low traction situation should be punished severly. If you're poor can can't afford

good tires... don't drive like an @$$HOLE!

Edited by Sixty8panther
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Yes, true! ...and the '66 Toronado.

And possibly the one prototypoe Duesenberg they made with Cord mechanicals...

...oaky but that's it. I'm drawing the line at '79-84 Eldorados!!!

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Yes, true! ...and the '66 Toronado.

And possibly the one prototypoe Duesenberg they made with Cord mechanicals...

...oaky but that's it. I'm drawing the line at '79-84 Eldorados!!!

*eyes Sixty8 suspiciously*

What about the Riviera's? I would think XP would want those included as well....

As would my cousin, who has a gorgeous '85 model.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"I saw an old Malibu" ... Doug Stone ... 'I Thought It Was You'

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You know I saw that coming.... I KNEW someone

would point out the other two E-bodys from the

1980s. I'll say OKAY to all three, if only for the

fact that their motors were positioned in the most

balanced, conveniant and logical way possible.

A FWD car with a lengthwise mounted motor is

like a murdering convict who opens up the throat

of a child molester with a shank made from a

toothbrush, there's some redeming quality there.

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You know I saw that coming.... I KNEW someone

would point out the other two E-bodys from the



OK ... so, ya saw it coming ... but but but ... did you see it coming from ME? ;)

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"I want a 2-tone Chevrolet" ... BJ Thomas ... '2-Car Garage'

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Yes, agreed. Beautiful. If that was Auburn was woman I'd even

have sex with her if it was Croc's prick and Satty was pushin'

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Well, you bring up a valid point for RWD, but RWD has it's disadvantages too. With RWD, all of the weight is in the front, and there is little weight in the back. This makes it harder for the rear wheels to gain traction. Throwing the back out may be good for some situations but not all. With FWD, the weight is on the wheels that put the power down, making it easier for them to gain traction. This advantage is very noticeable on hills. I've seen many FWD cars make it up the hill while most RWD either struggle or don't make it (like a 3rd gen Firebird I once saw attempt to come up my hill).

Ahhhh but there's always been a flaw in that logic.....

When you step on the gas, weight tranfer puts more weight back on the REAR wheels.....effectively REDUCING a FWD car's traction and enhancing a RWD car's traction.

Does it make up totally for the difference in weight distribution, no.....but I'd venture to say that for an informed driver, RWD is not going to provide as big a detrement in the snow as for someone that doesn't know how to drive one.

FWD cars are especially sloppy trying to go around corners and curves in low-traction conditions due to the inevitable understeer that develops in such low-traction conditions whereas in a RWD car, yes the tail gets happy, but you have WAY more control on where you are going.

Traction is less, control is more with RWD.....so which one do you want?

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Yes, true! ...and the '66 Toronado.

And possibly the one prototypoe Duesenberg they made with Cord mechanicals...

...oaky but that's it. I'm drawing the line at '79-84 Eldorados!!!

Speaking of '79-84 Eldos, I was behind one in traffic this morning in the snow.. looked to be in great condition..a light chocolate brown with NO vinyl/padded top. I haven't seen one of those in ages in any condition.

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