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Do people REALLY think this way?


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During my morning drive to work, I tend to listen to several different morning radio shows. On Friday, one of the morning duos posed this question to its audience:

"What makes someone a Loser?"

I laughed at some of the replies that were called in, including one guy that mentioned:

"You're a loser if you don't cheer for the home team in a sporting event."

Course, that was mentioned because of the upcoming playoff game between the Chicago Bears and New Orleans Saints. Apparently, many Saints fans live here in Chicago. Plus, the "sentimental favorite" for the game is, of course, the Saints because of what happened to New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. Though, that isn't the case for everyone. A friend of mine in Louisiana is actually rooting for the Bears ... because he is disgusted at the amount of money that was used to rebuild the home of the Saints ... and was not used to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina that are STILL in need of support and assistance.

Be that as it may, I kept chuckling at other callers ideas ... until the morning duo announced the Top 3 Signs That You Are A Loser. I, unfortunately, found myself fitting every single one.

The top 3 reasons you are a loser:

...you do not own the place in which you live.

...you do not have a significant other and/or you've never "gone all the way" with someone.

...the car you drive daily is older than 10 years.

I didn't know what to think of these ... and, in some ways, I still don't. I try my hardest not to let what others think bother me, but somehow, this added to my current "blah" feeling. I certainly don't feel that I am a loser, even though I fit all three of those criteria. I think my surgery survivals, road trips to meet people, and a few other things far outweight these three "downsides".

So, out of curiosity, do people _really_ think this way?

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"Now, how do you feel?" ... Dido ... 'Don't Think Of Me'

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Most people don't own the place they live in. This would make the majority of people "losers". Not much one can do with sheer mental will to change this quickly.

As far as age of daily driver- I was never prouder than when I was driving a 28-yr old car daily. Now that my daily is 2 yrs old, I am somewhat embarassed.

Radio idiots dictate & define nothing if you're smart. Hear about the ones that pushed the water poisoning death? Case closed.

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I definitely don't think that way. It's a trashy, shallow person to say those three things together define a loser.

one of my long time acquaintances, who is universally panned by many of my other acquaintances as a loser, has all three of those bases covered very well. He still has like a 91 beretta. And the movie 40 yo virgin is like his autobiography in many ways.

Yet, I think he's a good guy. He'll make up for it with a few breaks. Besides, who cares what others think, anyways.

Edited by regfootball
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Radio idiots dictate & define nothing if you're smart. Hear about the ones that pushed the water poisoning death? Case closed.


Yeah, I heard about that ... how tragic and awful!

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"Chances that a fool takes, never knowing when to stop" ... Johnny Lee ... 'You Could've Heard A Heart Break'

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As with all definitions, there needs to be certain qualifiers. I would not define a 20 year old a "loser" because they don't have their own home, drive a newer car and have a girlfriend/boyfriend. If someone is 40 and possesses all three of those qualities; well, would you call that person a winner?

Bad things happen to good people, but as a species, our natural instinct is to improve ourselves. People who get bogged down in excuses, blame their background, blame their parents, blame their government, etc. are just hurting themselves.

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90% of my recent trips were in a 42 year old car and if I could my car would be at least 48 years old.

I guess Jay Leno must be a real LOOSER since his Duesenberg SJ that he bought for $2,000,000 is a 1932. :rolleyes:

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Guest YellowJacket894

I work with a few who think that way.. :rolleyes:

As for myself, I'd never see me calling someone else a loser.

For one, you don't know what they have been though...

Heck, I think a few of those could be all of us...


People really need to learn to quit stepping on their f@#king soapboxes and throwing stones. They should ask themselves what makes them so high-and-f@#king-mighty and what exactly makes them so much better than the guy they're standing next to. I'll never be able to understand the part of human nature that makes people think they are perfect.

According to those qualities, I pretty much fit every one of them. What the idiot who thought he was so clever to think that crap up needs to try consider are the circumstances. I needn't state them or go into that bit of subject matter. I would change all of that if I could . . . and I do, actually, try to change that every moment I exist.

Cort, if I were given your position, I would call in and set them straight. I mean, why even bring up that subject? It's immature, insulting, and a poor choice of subject matter.

. . . Oh -- wait. I know why. For the f@#king ratings, yeah. :rolleyes:

Edited by YellowJacket894
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I think loser is in the mentality of a person, not the materialistic things. I know a person who drives a brand new M3, has girlfriend and owns a house and still is a loser cuz he is spending his dad's income and yet does not know how what he wants to do in his life. Guess what he is 35. Now that is a loser.
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Cort, if I were given your position, I would call in and set them straight. I mean, why even bring up that subject? It's immature, insulting, and a poor choice of subject matter.

. . . Oh -- wait. I know why. For the f@#king ratings, yeah. :rolleyes:


Yep ... it's all about the ratings.

And, actually, I did THINK about calling in ... but, quickly realized that that would only "fan the flames". Besides, can you REALLY define what a Loser is? After all, any definition that someone might state would be based on opinion ... not substantive facts....


Guess that is what intrigued me about that radio show query in the first place ... he he.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"It's a freedom that we all want to know" ... Restless Heart ... 'Wheels'

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Guest YellowJacket894


Yep ... it's all about the ratings.

And, actually, I did THINK about calling in ... but, quickly realized that that would only "fan the flames". Besides, can you REALLY define what a Loser is? After all, any definition that someone might state would be based on opinion ... not substantive facts....


Guess that is what intrigued me about that radio show query in the first place ... he he.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"It's a freedom that we all want to know" ... Restless Heart ... 'Wheels'

See, that's just it. There are no facts out there to define what a loser is . . . well, at least none I can see or think of.

The one on that list that really pisses me off -- I mean really puts a flame under my ass -- is "No significant other/spouse/hasn't gone 'all the way with someone.'" So, what? They don't think that every time Valentine's Day rolls around I feel a maybe just a little more than unfulfilled? f@#k that.

I don't care about the car -- I mean, not everyone can afford a new BMW and that's alright (and what's wrong with something built from the 1998 model year, anyway?) -- or the house (in reality, doesn't the bank or a landlord really own most everyone's home?). But that one . . . yeah, it really struck a nerve with me in the worst way possible.

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I think loser is in the mentality of a person, not the materialistic things. I know a person who drives a brand new M3, has girlfriend and owns a house and still is a loser cuz he is spending his dad's income and yet does not know how what he wants to do in his life. Guess what he is 35. Now that is a loser.


Stick a fork in this thread, it's DONE!

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The following is my definition of a loser:

-47 years old

-drug addict

-lived in the same house all his life, never had to pay for a utility bill, make a mortgage payment, or worry about property tax

-can't make or keep promises

-buys things on already maxed-out credit cards to "impress" others

-never had to do anything difficult all his life

-always has had daddy there to bail him out

-has a child, but the child's been dumped on his brother's family

-he's married, but his ass-ugly wife is not living with him

-although 47 years old, has the temperament, mental development, social skills, and intelligence of an embryo

-can't keep a steady job; was repeatedly fired from the family business

-been to rehab as many times as I've been to the dentist

-doesn't have a pot to piss in, despite the fact that he doesn't have any house-related expenses

-largest purchase of his life was an Express conversion van

-making your whole family suffer because you can't get your act together

It's a shame that it's basically the biography of my dad's younger brother. You most likely aren't a loser if you don't fit my criteria. Besides...being single isn't usually a choice, and old cars are cool.

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I'm pretty sure it was NOT Opie & Anthony.

I love those guys they don't have any B.S. agenda like that.

For christs sake they make fun of the Prius on a daily basis

and one of them (I think Opie) drives an Escalade in NY,NY.

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I'm pretty sure it was NOT Opie & Anthony.

It wasn't ... it was a local duo that I hardly ever listen to, but for some reason, was flying past when that topic started ... he he.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"I'm just out to find the better part of me" ... 5 For Fighting ... 'Superman'

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As far as age of daily driver- I was never prouder than when I was driving a 28-yr old car daily. Now that my daily is 2 yrs old, I am somewhat embarassed.

Loser? No. Economically prudent and/or an aficionado? Yes.

When you analyze old money versus in-your-face money, quite a FEW affluent people don't give a rat's ass about what others think about what they are driving. The nouveau riche, however, do care.

As for the others, I have owned my dwelling twice and am looking to relocate after the summer. Relationships? I choose to keep my life UNcomplicated. I could handle an UNcomplicated relationship, though. Is there such a thing? Wishful thinking.

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If it was, call them up and tell them to f*ck off and put David Lee Roth back on!

No, he needs to get his pipes ready for the upcoming VH tour :metal:

On topic, I don't think it's anyone's business to call anyone a "loser" based on some hard criteria. As everyone alluded to before me, people just have different interests and priorities, none of which in the grand scheme of things is any more significant than the other(s). Some people choose to not be in a relationship, to own an older car, or to not own their own place. For anyone who believes in life after death, that stuff all stays here once this life ends anyway. A loser is better defined by a mental state - one who would rather float through life expecting handouts even though their condition as a drain on society is, ultimately, self imposed.

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During my morning drive to work, I tend to listen to several different morning radio shows. On Friday, one of the morning duos posed this question to its audience:

"What makes someone a Loser?"

I laughed at some of the replies that were called in, including one guy that mentioned:

"You're a loser if you don't cheer for the home team in a sporting event."

Course, that was mentioned because of the upcoming playoff game between the Chicago Bears and New Orleans Saints. Apparently, many Saints fans live here in Chicago. Plus, the "sentimental favorite" for the game is, of course, the Saints because of what happened to New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. Though, that isn't the case for everyone. A friend of mine in Louisiana is actually rooting for the Bears ... because he is disgusted at the amount of money that was used to rebuild the home of the Saints ... and was not used to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina that are STILL in need of support and assistance.

Be that as it may, I kept chuckling at other callers ideas ... until the morning duo announced the Top 3 Signs That You Are A Loser. I, unfortunately, found myself fitting every single one.

The top 3 reasons you are a loser:

...you do not own the place in which you live.

...you do not have a significant other and/or you've never "gone all the way" with someone.

...the car you drive daily is older than 10 years.

I didn't know what to think of these ... and, in some ways, I still don't. I try my hardest not to let what others think bother me, but somehow, this added to my current "blah" feeling. I certainly don't feel that I am a loser, even though I fit all three of those criteria. I think my surgery survivals, road trips to meet people, and a few other things far outweight these three "downsides".

So, out of curiosity, do people _really_ think this way?

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"Now, how do you feel?" ... Dido ... 'Don't Think Of Me'

You most definatly are NOT a loser. You do a lot of wonderful things with your life. If thats the definition of a loser then I am 2/3 of a loser. And I will admit if I didnt live with my parents I could not have a new vehicle for myself. Its one of the few luxury items I allow myself. I dont have a relationship because I just cant seem to find someone that doesnt think I am weird in some ways mentally. I dont own the house I live in but the parents treat me like 1/3 the owner. And right now I am helping them deal with the city buying the property to make the street wider. I will do what it takes to help them get what they want. I do envy your Monte Carlo collection Cort. And thats the truth. Like I have maybe said I would like someday to get a 1978-80 Monte Carlo if I could to go along with the Bonneville. Maybe someday. People tell me all the time that I dont know what the real world is like because I dont have any bills. Uhhh I do have bills and expenses plus U do help with the house expenses. I have told said individuals to "Bite Me". Hey sometimes you have to get a little tough in life or people will take advantage of you.

Edited by 2005 EquinoxLS
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Pretty retarded if you ask me. I don't think not owning the place you live in makes you a loser at all, but the reason you don't might. For example, if the reason you don't own the place you live in is because you're approaching middle age and have never been required to be independent or take any sort of responsibility for yourself and still live in the same bedroom you have since the day you were brought home from the hospital in the little blanket your grandmother knitted, then yeah, I'd have to say you're absolutely a loser. How people like that don't wake up every day and feel like failed human beings when they look around and see other people enjoying the lives that they've made for themselves is beyond me. But, for the rest of the world that doesn't own the places they live in, they don't seem like failed human beings to me. If they make rent or a mortgage payment on time every month then chances are they have a job that makes them able to do so. Going out into the world every day to make a living doesn't strike me as being a characteristic of a loser, but by these standards it appears as though I'm going to be a loser until at least my 40's. After I'm done school I plan on moving out and renting until I feel I'm able to buy, and when I do buy, the bank's gonna own my house for at least the first 15-20 years. Guess I should go sit in the bathtub and slice my wrists open now, huh? Did anybody mention that the reason some people like to rent rather than own because of the convenience? If something breaks, they're usually not paying to fix it. No landscaping, no snow removal, no bull$h! associated with home ownership. What if they live in a big city and work there as well? Does enjoying the convenience of getting on the subway or a bus or into a taxi twenty feet from your front door make them a loser because they don't own the place? Did anybody call into that radio show and mention that there are a fair amount of celebrities and captains of industry, whom we are all supposed to regard as the gold standard by which we should all judge ourselves because they're better than we are, do not own the places they live in, but rather simply pay the rent for lavish apartments in luxury highrises and exclusive gated communtities? Would they be considered losers as well? Would they be considered even BIGGER losers because in addition to not owning the place they live in, they don't own their vehicles either? They may be new and expensive, but I bet a good portion of them would have the name of a company on the titles and registrations rather than that of an individual. One of the perks of being successful, or a loser, if you like to take life advice from the radio, I guess.

Significant others are wonderful. I love mine to death and honestly couldn't see myself being happy without her. But are they for everybody? f@#k no! Some people would rather their romantic encounters come without strings to leave their lives uncomplicated, as someone mentioned before, while others simply suck at relationships. I have an aunt and uncle that are far better friends divorced and living in separate locations than they ever were while married and under one roof. There are millions of other people out there that are exactly the same way. As for the whole getting some thing, well, yeah, it's awesome; show me someone who says it isn't. Many of us have already come to that bridge and crossed it, but only you can decide whether it's right or not when the opportunity presents itself. At the risk of sounding like a cheesy 80's sex education video or after school special, the decision to wait doesn't make you a loser.

As for the if your vehicle is ten years or older thing, don't even get me started on that. If the weather in New England wasn't what it was, I'd try my hardest to never own a vehicle built after the Nixon presidency ended. f@#k new cars. I only drive my '96 Riviera every day because it's one of the few new cars I liked the styling of and it doesn't break my heart to be out in a snowstorm with it. Rest assured, though, that If I lived someplace where the roads weren't treated with an inch of rock salt every time there's a cloud in the night sky from October to April, or wherever Flybrian lives that's full of geriatric kamikazes in late-model Toyotas, that any Riviera in my fleet would be built no later than 1972. Most new cars are plain, uninspired, cheaply constructed, and blend into the background. I've gotten more thumbs up and compliments driving around in old beater Cadillacs with the fender skirts falling off and pieces of the vinyl top flapping in the breeze than I ever have in any new vehicle. But I know they're not for everybody, and that's why people do buy new vehicles. However, the age of the car isn't what should make that person a loser, but rather the condition if anything. If someone's driving a filthy, smoking, rotted out, twenty year-old something with mismatched body panels, bald tires, blown shocks, and what appears to be most of their worldly possessions in Hefty bags in the back seat, then yeah, I'd say it's probably fair to assume that person may have made a few bad choices after high school. But what if the car's in great cosmetic and mechanical shape? What if the last new car your grandfather ever had to buy was bought in 1975 and is driven sparingly, always garaged, and always dealer-serviced? Is he a loser because he didn't trade it in as soon as the last payment was made? Or is he comfortable enough in his own skin where he doesn't give a f@#k about what others think and doesn't feel the need to keep up with the neighbors?

Cort, I think you need to find yourself a new radio station, son.

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You most definatly are NOT a loser. You do a lot of wonderful things with your life.


I do envy your Monte Carlo collection Cort. And thats the truth. Like I have maybe said I would like someday to get a 1978-80 Monte Carlo if I could to go along with the Bonneville. Maybe someday.


Thank you. But, heh ... my collection is nothing to be envious about ... my goodness. As for you and your 3rd gen ... start looking ... you just never know what gem you might find ... that is currently owned by someone who has no clue what they really have.....


And, XP ... as I mentioned in the original post (tho, not cleary, I know), I like to change stations while I'm driving into work ... I just happened to land on this one during this segment ... and, for whatever reason, I kept listening .... he he.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"Look what you've done" ... Restless Heart ... 'Fast Movin' Train'

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well anyway I enjoy O&A for the fact that they piss all over P.C.

liberal f**ks with tampons in their 4nu$es complain and say they

are sexist, racist, homophobic or whtever but they just say what

they feel and make no excuses.... in fact they're not any of the

above and if anything I have respect for people who are not

afraid to say what a bunch of pu$$ies we Americans have turned

into.... sometimes they take a gag/skit/joke TOOOO far though.

Every comedian does that sometimes.

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Hmmm...as an "addendum" to this, particularly the "blah" feeling I mentioned....

I was home sick today (no fever, just severe headache, etc.) and realized that something (as it has been for the last couple days, actually) just didn't feel right. So, I spoke with my PCP and my pacemaker people ... and, via a telephone check, discovered that my pacemaker has reached its "life limit". Tomorrow, the nurses and my cardiologist will call to give me info and schedule possibilities to get my pacemaker replaced ... most-likely an overnight stay in the hospital as well.


At least this explains some of the "blah" feelings. Just now concerned about the new health insurance and a few other things. BUT ... it'll work out, I'm sure :).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"Watch over them for me" ... Darryl Worley ... 'If Something Should Happen'

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