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Land Cruiser. At least that's what somone who saw it happen said it was. This is my second parked car accident and I'm just whatever.

Went into Sweetbay (grocery store) to get a few things while I was over in Tampa and I come out to see my front end smashed with the hood crumpled up. One lady said she saw a "big Toyota Cruiser SUV" pull out pretty fast. I asked if it looked cheap or expensive, she said expensive, so its a Land Cruiser. I called the Tampa Police who sent an auxillary officer to inform me that they couldn't do much without the tag, real witnesses, etc. He said my best course of action would be to report it to insurance. Riiiiight. That went so well last time.

In any case, here's the hit point total this time:

Posted Image

I'll need a new hood, new hood latch, and bumper cover repaint/repair. I looked online at a few local places and the prices ranged from $Call to $400. I narrowed it down to two good potentials - a 1995 "BLU" Aurora and an OEM primered one from a 1999. The primered one costs $300 and I assume the painted will be less. Depending on condition and if its my blue, I'll just get that one Monday. If not, well, I'll get the primered one Monday and have the salvage yard help me mount it and get it painted later.

I guess I could be really pissed at whoever did it. And, boy, I am. But I don't know exactly who did it, so why waste my time getting all hot and pissed at some phantom Toyota?

In any case, this all happened about two hours ago. What a lovely start to the weekend...

P.S. For those keeping score, I think this is #6.

Posted (edited)

Wow....I think you just need to stop driving all together.

Also ask the grocery store, or any nearby business, if they have video surveillance on the parking lot.

Edited by CD/BP

The surveillance is likely an inexpensive system that rewrites over itself after an hour or so...so I'd get on it ASAP. Hopefully you can figure it out...also if you have a close approximation of when it happened, doesn't the grocery time-stamp all their records of transactions? If this is a small store, you could narrow it down...that is if you care enough to do so.


Oh man Fly, I don;t know what to say....





...except that I am now planning on keeping the SKY, which I've had back for a week now, in the garage for a long, long, LONG time. No way I'm taking her out after learning you've been hit again.

Good luck with getting the parts you need and getting her back together again. Does the bodyshop you use have a discount program? :lol:


Geez, did the paint from your last repair even cure yet? Holy crap! I'm sorry man. At least you found a hood. I'd have figured they'd be hard to come by.


Sorry to hear, Flybrian. Something is seriously wrong down there. If you ever get a new car, make sure it's a bright color.


You should just send your car to the R.E. Olds Museum, and put a sign on it that says:

Flybrian's cursed Aurora.

Could it be because you put a big pic of your car on Wikipedia so that Toyota is after it?

Sorry to hear about your accident.

That is utterly disgusting. And I agree with Northstar... I seem to remember you posting something about a GTO a while back...
  wildmanjoe said:

Here's what you do; take two pictures from each time your car got hit, compile them into a calendar, then sell them for $9.95 a piece or 2/$15.95. All procceeds going towards keeping the poor girl running. I'll buy one as soon as the first calendar I ordered arrives. :ph34r:


That just sucks..I really think they are out for your car...

  ToniCipriani said:

You should just send your car to the R.E. Olds Museum, and put a sign on it that says:

Flybrian's cursed Aurora.

Then the roof would probably collapse.


Sorry to hear about another accident Fly, that poor car! Maybe you should by some big, hulking pickup truck (new or used, beater or nice depending on your preference). Watch someone try and hit that. Hope you get your baby fixed.

Psst... in your photo, there is someone crouched down, hiding behind your dad's Bonneville. Do you want I should call 911? :unsure:

No f-in way!!! Sorry to hear that!

Have you considered writing a letter to Toyota? I hear they are a very nice company, and they might help you out with the fix :unsure:

Even better... they might offer replacing your Aurora with something they make, and then YOU can be the guy hitting everyone!

  Dodgefan said:

Then the roof would probably collapse.


Sorry to hear about another accident Fly, that poor car! Maybe you should by some big, hulking pickup truck (new or used, beater or nice depending on your preference). Watch someone try and hit that. Hope you get your baby fixed.

More like an Avalon will smash into the museum, then somehow whacking up a quarter panel.
  AAS said:

No f-in way!!! Sorry to hear that!

Have you considered writing a letter to Toyota? I hear they are a very nice company, and they might help you out with the fix :unsure:

Even better... they might offer replacing your Aurora with something they make, and then YOU can be the guy hitting everyone!

Like a Tundra?

Oh my god.... Dude, Sorry to hear about this. :( :( :( :( :(

I would be less shocked if you said Green Little Martians landed in Miami and were eating people's brains.


Dude, im sorry, some people just aren't meant to drive. Lack of Karma or something. I dont know. I had a friend who had a focus. 8 accidents. Only 1 his fault. The car had 12 grand worth of body work and then got totalled when it was parked by a drunk driver. He doesnt drive anymore. When his car was totalled the only original body panel was the roof.


If I get this '59 Buick I'm eyeballing I hope to god no one ever hits me because

I'm done being the nice guy! I'm done talking $50 for a busted up rim or $100

for a pair of junkyard tail lights. I have made the cash settlement on the side of

the road mistake a couple times and a few other times I decided to let a scratch

of ding here and there go without makig the other driver pay.

I rememeber getting out mf my parent's BRAND NEW, not even 1 month old

2002 Grand Am GT1 (I sold it to them when I worked for Bill DeLuca Chev/Pont)

and as I walk away a duechebag in a blood red two door 98/99 Accord 2 door

opens her door a like she's swinging a frekin baseball bat and slams it inot our

Pontiac's rear quarter... Most of the red scuff ended up on the bumper cover

but it was OBVIOUS it was her RED paint on our galaxy silver car.

She tried to deny the WHOLE thing... I saw her do it and my mom who's in the

passanger seat witnessed the whole thing and FELT the car move when her door

bumped it and this bitch is like "What are you talking about....?!"

Needless to say her Accord was not the only BLOOD RED I was seeing! I just

walked away and said it was not worth it... but you know what? IT WAS WORTH

IT, I should have called the cops and made her insurance (and threfore her)

pay for the damages to be corrected. it chipped the paint in small spoty and left

red paint in a big streak another 1/2 inch further down.

Next time I'm milking it for all it is worth! As a matter of fact I hope someone

rear ends me in the Q45 while I'm the only one in it... I'm starting to have BAD

luck with both of my Datsuns.

Guest YellowJacket894

Damn. That really f@#king sucks, Fly.

And this is too wierd to be a coincidence. Hit six times, all of the cars at fault Toyotas . . . it's creepy.


2 years ago I would have been surprised... not any more.

This past weekend I had 5 awkward driving situations.

2: Toyota Camlly

1. Toyota Priss

1: Honda CRV

1. Ford SUV (not sure either expedition or explorer)

  YellowJacket894 said:

Damn. That really f@#king sucks, Fly.

And this is too wierd to be a coincidence. Hit six times, all of the cars at fault Toyotas . . . it's creepy.

Well, for the record:

1 - Backed into by a 4Runner

2 - Broadsided by a Mustang

3 - Sideswiped by a Tundra

4 - Rear-ended by a Solara

5 - Clipped by an Avalon

6 - Probable Land Cruiser

Picked up my used hood and a hinge for $230 today. I was shocked that it was my exact same color (silver teal metallic). The donor car was a 1995 Aurora with heated seats, moonroof, and the dumbest looking spoiler I have ever seen. I still need to pry out the bracket the latch is mounted to so its locks correctly, but it works for now. I washed it and hit it with a clay bar and the water went from sheeting to beading like that, so all the scratches are either very light or delamination underneath the clearcoat. Actually, the donor car had bad delamination throughout, just like mine once did/sort of still does. I realized after that - save for a few more abrasions - this hood is only slightly worse than the original one when I bought the car, which makes me ask...what was I thinking? Must've really loved her looks.

Anyhow, I'll snap pics when it stops raining.

My girlfriend wants me to wash it with holy water and my dad says my car is like the Plymouth from Christine. I wish it were. Christine fixed herself. My Olds is like a needy Christine - it gets smashed and makes me fix her.

Thanks for the sympathies, guys. :)



I am sorry man. Idiots in FL drive like nuts. I think it must have been Anne Coulter for rejecting to sleep with her. :AH-HA_wink:

  FlyBrain said:

Well $h!. An xB just hopped a curb and rammed my car. Pics in a few.

Wait a sec....WTF!!?????

Are you serious?! While the car isnt even fixed yet!???

FFS..... :o

Sorry, thats just nuts.

Tell me you strangled the driver. :hissyfit:

EDIT: Flybrain <_<


He's kidding... he HAS to be kidding. If he's not kidding then it's time to buy

a used 2nd gen Aurora & put the silver bullet on blocks for a few decades!

Guest YellowJacket894
  Flybrian said:

Well, for the record:

1 - Backed into by a 4Runner

2 - Broadsided by a Mustang

3 - Sideswiped by a Tundra

4 - Rear-ended by a Solara

5 - Clipped by an Avalon

6 - Probable Land Cruiser

Keep forgetting about the Mustang. Still, five out six Toyotas were at fault and it's still creepy as hell.

  Flybrian said:

My girlfriend wants me to wash it with holy water and my dad says my car is like the Plymouth from Christine. I wish it were. Christine fixed herself. My Olds is like a needy Christine - it gets smashed and makes me fix her.

Stephen King just nabbed an idea for his next short story thanks to Fly.

Just skip on the holy water -- have a priest bless it and perform an exorcism.


  Flybrian said:

Thanks for the sympathies, guys. :)


  FlyBrain said:

Well &#036;h&#33;. An xB just hopped a curb and rammed my car. Pics in a few.

*raises eyebrow ever so slowly*

Fly ... are you kidding ... or not?

*waits patiently for response*


Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"Something's wrong in the world today" ... Aerosmith ... 'Living On The Edge'

  Satty said:


Now what the heck are you talking about? :huh:

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