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Green Beat: GM Jolted by Chevrolet Volt Buzz


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Date posted: 01-18-2007

DETROIT — Call them love letters to the Chevrolet Volt.

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But General Motors apparently has been besieged by consumers who want to get their hands on a production version of the electric concept that was unveiled last week at the North American International Auto Show.

Writing in GM's Fastlane blog, Beth Lowery, GM environment and energy vice president, said the Volt's fans have been flooding the automaker with lots of ideas. Among them are suggestions to build a high-performance version and to get it "into production within two years while keeping the price under $30K."

Lowery says, "It's a little early to talk in detail about the specific applications beyond the Volt or about a specific time frame for its release, but we believe E-Flex is a very versatile technology that could be right for general applications."

Lowery took on critics of the Detroit automaker, especially those who castigated the company for its dead EV1 program. "I can understand why people are skeptical," Lowery said. "All I can tell you is that we recognize the role that electricity will play in future cars — that's why we've worked so hard to bring you the Volt.

"But we do not believe that electric cars are the only answer," she continued. "We believe there are a number of solutions to ending our dependence on oil, and we are working on many of them simultaneously, including hydrogen fuel cells, clean diesel, FlexFuel and hybrids. And we have designed the E-Flex system for the Volt so it can be coupled with motors using any of these fuel sources."

What this means to you: GM hears you loud and clear and plans to make absolutely sure you won't be seeing any movies called Who Killed the Volt?


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The more I look at this car the less I like it. Stylistically at least.

Sorry but it's a big turnoff to me. The Antithesis of the Camaro in every way. :puke:

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I love it.

It's brilliant.

Would I rather have a Camaro?


But putting cars like this into production will help cars like Camaro to remain available.

Call it a symbiotic relationship.

Don't compare the Volt to Camaro 68, compare it to the zit on wheels called the Prius. Then you begin to see the Volt's beauty.

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The quicker GM gets this to market the better. Mid cycle or even mid year battery upgrades are totally acceptable until the "right" battery is developed. You can see that they are driving the vehicle right now, even if it is a mock up or prototype people would be ready today to purchase it imo. They could even do an inexpensive upgrade for current owners with incentives at point of purchase and discounts for the next generation batteries . The potential money the consumer would save on fuel may counter the "cost " of the newer batteries if they choose to do so. I say green light it and make sure it is 5 star crash worthy as well!

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This is a very pivotal car for GM. This says to all the naysayers that GM is not the slow lethargic giant it once was, that was slow to react to market demands. I think if they continue on the development pace they are this will be out sooner than expected. But the only downfall is, all these companies not just GM developing these technologies have a hard time bringing this stuff to market because other companies (suppliers) can only produce the components going into these cars on a limited basis.

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This is a very pivotal car for GM. This says to all the naysayers that GM is not the slow lethargic giant it once was, that was slow to react to market demands. I think if they continue on the development pace they are this will be out sooner than expected. But the only downfall is, all these companies not just GM developing these technologies have a hard time bringing this stuff to market because other companies (suppliers) can only produce the components going into these cars on a limited basis.

I don't want to be critical of GM on this because I think it is a great idea. But let's not overstate what this is.

I mean really, what did they do? They created an ugly, empty concept that even they admit they can't reasonably build. I did the same thing, but my prototype travels in time using garbage as fuel. It looks better too. Top speed is well over 88MPH.

The only reason GM had to do this is because they have missed the boat so badly with REAL product and they are taking a PR and tech beating for it. If they actually beat Toyota/Honda to market cars based on this idea THEN they can get some credit. Right now it is just an idea that probably all other manufacturers have left in the lab (which is where it belongs at this time).

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I don't want to be critical of GM on this because I think it is a great idea. But let's not overstate what this is.

I mean really, what did they do? They created an ugly, empty concept that even they admit they can't reasonably build. I did the same thing, but my prototype travels in time using garbage as fuel. It looks better too. Top speed is well over 88MPH.

The only reason GM had to do this is because they have missed the boat so badly with REAL product and they are taking a PR and tech beating for it. If they actually beat Toyota/Honda to market cars based on this idea THEN they can get some credit. Right now it is just an idea that probably all other manufacturers have left in the lab (which is where it belongs at this time).

I wouldn't be so sure about all that if I were you.

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I don't want to be critical of GM on this because I think it is a great idea. But let's not overstate what this is.

I mean really, what did they do? They created an ugly, empty concept that even they admit they can't reasonably build. I did the same thing, but my prototype travels in time using garbage as fuel. It looks better too. Top speed is well over 88MPH.

The only reason GM had to do this is because they have missed the boat so badly with REAL product and they are taking a PR and tech beating for it. If they actually beat Toyota/Honda to market cars based on this idea THEN they can get some credit. Right now it is just an idea that probably all other manufacturers have left in the lab (which is where it belongs at this time).

I bet you find the Prius more attractive? I wouldn't place all my bets on this never seeing the light of day if I were you.

How did they miss the boat badly? Sure they weren't the first to market with Hybrids, but they have teh Vue, and there will be the Aura, the Malibu, Tahoe, and so on. They were teh ones who pioneered with the EV1, and they are dedicated to Hydrogen power, and don't forget how many of their vehicles can use Flexfuel...the new fad these days.


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GM should rush this vehicle to market as fast as possible. Of course they should do a good job developing it, but it should be project #1 at General Motors. Ahead of the Camaro, Zetas, etc.

I don't think they should rush it out, but it needs to be out soon before Toyota grabs the idea and runs off with it. I definitely agree that this should be top priority for GM right now. I wouldn't really mind if development on the Volt caused Camaro production to be delayed, as long as they get a grand slam of a product out of the Volt.

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Don't compare the Volt to Camaro 68, compare it to the zit on wheels called the Prius. Then you begin to see the Volt's beauty.

Excellent point. :yes:

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Is this vehicle a reality, is GM really making something of it, are we going to see Volts within a couple years, hopefully?

This is one of the best concepts to come out of GM, and it addresses a need they should have looked as soon as 9/11 happened.

It's also pretty good looking, imo.

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I don't want to be critical of GM on this because I think it is a great idea. But let's not overstate what this is.

I mean really, what did they do? They created an ugly, empty concept that even they admit they can't reasonably build. I did the same thing, but my prototype travels in time using garbage as fuel. It looks better too. Top speed is well over 88MPH.

The only reason GM had to do this is because they have missed the boat so badly with REAL product and they are taking a PR and tech beating for it. If they actually beat Toyota/Honda to market cars based on this idea THEN they can get some credit. Right now it is just an idea that probably all other manufacturers have left in the lab (which is where it belongs at this time).

So whats next #1NAYSAYER? Good lord did someone piss in your mouth this morning, I mean c'mon give credit where credit is due. So the Prius is the next best thing since sliced bread especially when it gets 30 - 40% less fuel economy than they stated, and I can get a Jetta TDi that will do better than it. In the mean time GM is exploring new venues and are showing better and better knowhow when it comes to new technology. Have you forgot the Autonomy, the Sequel, the Equinox fuel cell, and now the Volt! Look at how far this technology has come since the Autonomy concept.

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GM ought to ask for development dollars and engineering assistance for this from power companies and the government (hello state of california put your $$$ where your mouth is) and help from battery manufacturers, and to help get this thing to market in 23 months.

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GM ought to ask for development dollars and engineering assistance for this from power companies and the government (hello state of california put your $$$ where your mouth is) and help from battery manufacturers, and to help get this thing to market in 23 months.

Very good point. Those Bitches should put in the dollars. But you know what when this vehicle comes out, the enviro nuts will blame chevy saying that the indirect pollution and energy consumption caused by the Volt is actually more than a Toyota Tundra Mega Cab (or whatever that hideous thing is called)

I find it very significant that the Volt is badged as a Chevy.

Think about it. :AH-HA_wink:

It is good that Volt is a Chevy.

1. It makes people think it is for the general public and not for elite had it been a caddy or a buick.

2. It does not make it sound totally impossible concept to be a reality.

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I find it very significant that the Volt is badged as a Chevy.

Think about it. :AH-HA_wink:

remember the story about when saab was to introduce the plug in hybrid a few months ago and then last minute they taped the plug shut? Well, look at all the positive press it gets for being a chevy. If it were a Saab, it wouldn't have done much for GM's image.

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So whats next #1NAYSAYER? Good lord did someone piss in your mouth this morning, I mean c'mon give credit where credit is due. So the Prius is the next best thing since sliced bread especially when it gets 30 - 40% less fuel economy than they stated, and I can get a Jetta TDi that will do better than it. In the mean time GM is exploring new venues and are showing better and better knowhow when it comes to new technology. Have you forgot the Autonomy, the Sequel, the Equinox fuel cell, and now the Volt! Look at how far this technology has come since the Autonomy concept.

All his posts are like this. Must be a journalist. Maybe it's John DeLorean?

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If only it was RWD... than I'd pick the Volt over the Camaro.

Electricity does have a butt-load of torque.

Either way, I want to see this on the market, and plenty of others do.

exactly why electric motors are cool, 100% torque as soon as the button is pushed all the way across the board... although sounding like a 1:1 scale R/C car doesnt exactly thrill as much as v8 with flowmasters

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I think they should go ahead and build this car.. it is built from a slightly modified Delta platform.. meaning it probably would be assembled alongside other delta platform vehicles.. so if this car gets the green light it would likely be assembled in eiether Ramos Arizpe Mexico or in Lordstown Ohio.. this would sell pretty well especially if they kept the price down.

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The concept is great! I took some time checking it out at NAIAS.... I still need to get those pics developed so I can post them. This is something GM deffinatly needs to focus on that will greatly benifit the company as a whole.

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I love it.

It's brilliant.

Would I rather have a Camaro?


But putting cars like this into production will help cars like Camaro to remain available.

Call it a symbiotic relationship.

Don't compare the Volt to Camaro 68, compare it to the zit on wheels called the Prius. Then you begin to see the Volt's beauty.

amen to that!

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GM ought to ask for development dollars and engineering assistance for this from power companies and the government (hello state of california put your $$$ where your mouth is) and help from battery manufacturers, and to help get this thing to market in 23 months.

This is a really good idea.

I'd buy this car in a heartbeat. No better way to stick it to the middle east than to get 150 mpg in a Chevrolet!

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I wouldn't be so sure about all that if I were you.

About what? GM admitted they can't make it until batteries improve. GM is lagging in hybrids. GM doesn't have a good environmental reputation.

And yes, the time machine in Back to the Future is about as real as this concept.

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I bet you find the Prius more attractive? I wouldn't place all my bets on this never seeing the light of day if I were you.

How did they miss the boat badly? Sure they weren't the first to market with Hybrids, but they have teh Vue, and there will be the Aura, the Malibu, Tahoe, and so on. They were teh ones who pioneered with the EV1, and they are dedicated to Hydrogen power, and don't forget how many of their vehicles can use Flexfuel...the new fad these days.


If being more attractive than the Prius is your design goal then you have already lost!

And they were the ones that abandoned EV1 and whatever might have come after it. Imagine where they would be now if they had continued.

But at least all those things you mention are real products. That to me is more significant than a theory that other manufacturers wouldn't bother to mention.

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About what? GM admitted they can't make it until batteries improve. GM is lagging in hybrids. GM doesn't have a good environmental reputation.

And yes, the time machine in Back to the Future is about as real as this concept.

Hmmm - "GM is lagging in hybrids"

I suppose this is true.... at least until all those Prius batteries need to be replaced. Then all them lemmings will start bitching and whining about their "great" purchase. They deserve what's coming to them.

"GM doesn't have a good environmental reputation."

Amazing insight. I suppose reputation is based in fact somewhere. Maybe it's the poor gas mileage their full size trucks get (best in class.) Or maybe it's the number of E-85 vehicles sold compared to their competitors. (Nope - not that one - they have sold more than anyone else.)

I guess sarcasm is contagious.

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So whats next #1NAYSAYER? Good lord did someone piss in your mouth this morning, I mean c'mon give credit where credit is due. So the Prius is the next best thing since sliced bread especially when it gets 30 - 40% less fuel economy than they stated, and I can get a Jetta TDi that will do better than it. In the mean time GM is exploring new venues and are showing better and better knowhow when it comes to new technology. Have you forgot the Autonomy, the Sequel, the Equinox fuel cell, and now the Volt! Look at how far this technology has come since the Autonomy concept.

There is a tendency in like-minded groups to reinforce each others' beliefs until their separation from reality becomes clear. In politics they call it the "Dome Syndrome". At Cheers and Gears we could call it the "Cobalt Syndrome". It does a service to no one.

So forgive me if I don't give credit to GM for creating a concept that is nothing more than a car with a drivetrain that they cannot produce and that more than likely everyone else has already thought of. I see that is impressive to you. For me, I’ll wait until they actually deliver on it. Hopefully they won't be half a decade behind Toyota and Honda. Until then it is just a good idea.

PS. The Jetta TDi will not get better fuel economy than the Prius in real-world city driving. Plus it has higher emissions.

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If you really believe that, then you are a fool.

What topping would you like on your words when you are proven wrong?

At least they showed the Flux Capacitor in Back to the Future. Can you provide me a link to the pictures of the components of the drivetrain in this concept?

I believe GM will build a similar car one day. I believe a lot of auto makers will.

All I am saying is that both cars were visions of the future that can't be produced today. GM has said as much. So I'm not sure exactly what I have written that I could be "proven wrong" about.

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Hmmm - "GM is lagging in hybrids"

I suppose this is true.... at least until all those Prius batteries need to be replaced. Then all them lemmings will start bitching and whining about their "great" purchase. They deserve what's coming to them.

I wish all the non-lemmings luck with their batteryless Volts.

"GM doesn't have a good environmental reputation."

Amazing insight. I suppose reputation is based in fact somewhere. Maybe it's the poor gas mileage their full size trucks get (best in class.) Or maybe it's the number of E-85 vehicles sold compared to their competitors. (Nope - not that one - they have sold more than anyone else.)

I guess sarcasm is contagious.

Of course it is obvious, just as building an electric car that uses an engine to generate electricity is obvious. I don't see why you are criticizing me for saying that GM doesn't have a good environmental reputation. Nor do I see how what you wrote has anything to do with disproving that. But what did you expect me to write in response to, "I wouldn't be so sure about all that if I were you."? I repeated my points and asked what he disagreed with.

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At least they showed the Flux Capacitor in Back to the Future. Can you provide me a link to the pictures of the components of the drivetrain in this concept?

I believe GM will build a similar car one day. I believe a lot of auto makers will.

All I am saying is that both cars were visions of the future that can't be produced today. GM has said as much. So I'm not sure exactly what I have written that I could be "proven wrong" about.


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"GM doesn't have a good environmental reputation."

Amazing insight. I suppose reputation is based in fact somewhere.

reputation doesn't need to be based in fact, its based in public opinion. and we all know public opinion isn't always based in fact

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The car is based on a next gen Cobalt platform, so I expect that we will be hearing more as time goes by. The attention focused on this car from all quarters amounts to a great deal of pressure for Chevy to throw us a bone in the form of information sooner rather than later. Look for more information to come from a variety of sources.

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