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The official I HATE DONALD TRUMP thread.


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I don't like:

  • That dead fluffy animal carcass on his head that he tries to pass for hair.
  • The way he thinks he can act on television, but its very obvious that he can't.
  • The way his mouth moves when he speaks (See above) makes me wanna deck him right in the mouth.
  • His grating, wheezy, irritating voice.
  • The poster boy for everything wrong with corporate America
  • How many times has he been married again?
  • He's a phucking philanderer (see above. his new wife better keep some serious tabs on him)
  • Did I mention that annoying way his mouth moves when he tries to act and speak at he same time? GAWD I wanna deck that bastard.
Edited by Turbojett
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I don't like:

    [*]The poster boy for everything wrong with corporate America

    [*]How many times has he been married again?

Agreed, TJ, he is scum. But there are so many others like him that are far worse offenders in corporate America (the insiders at Enron, Tyco, etc.). With regard to women, Trump must know they are "bought" ... I wonder what they really think of him ...and if, deep down, he knows it.

Still, Rosie gets my blood to the boiling point quicker than does "the Donald."

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This guy is just too much...I just think him and Rosie going at it is hilarious...the horrible things he says about her coupled with the dead serious tone just cracks my $h! up...:lol:

by pushing his whole materialistic artificial lifeless form of being on everyone else

How exactly does he do that?
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Guest YellowJacket894

I can't stand him, actually I just can't stand anyone who is as into themselves as he is.


f@#king narcissist. Same for Fat-Ass-O'Donnell.

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How exactly does he do that?

glad you asked, to a point, everyone on TV is making an example of themselves. Sure, it's up to as humans to decipher what we like, what we want to be like, what is wasteful, and everything on our own and for ourselves. So, ultimately, I have no say in Stranger A's decision to be just like Donald Trump, in every single facet of what Donald Trump is, and I cannot say that person is wrong, because they wouldn't care, and who am I to say anything about it. Not that there isn't one or two, or several things about Trump that I wouldn't like to be, BUT there are many other things about his character that I despise. Such as the things I noted above, his egotism self-aggrandizing nature, his complete apparent cluelessness in how to keep a family together. The things he said about Rosie, yeah in some ways he was defending himself, but he could have just stated the facts one time and let it go. Instead of defending himself with facts, like for example arguing he never declared bankruptcy which she alleged, he went after her for being fat, ugly, opinionated, and made her job situation a very very uncomfortable one alleging her boss didn't want her to work on the show. And he didn't just do it once, twice, or three times, he kept going, and even brought his wife and his daughter into a silly childsplay for publicity. What a waste.

Such behavior is nothing short of a complete lack of integrity for me. Whether he, or any entertainer wants to admit it, they are influential to certain people, and there are many who believe his behavior was righteous, and will follow in his example, and thus degrade themselves. Just check the other thread for examples.

Edited by turbo200
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glad you asked, to a point, everyone on TV is making an example of themselves. Sure, it's up to as humans to decipher what we like, what we want to be like, what is wasteful, and everything on our own and for ourselves. So, ultimately, I have no say in Stranger A's decision to be just like Donald Trump, in every single facet of what Donald Trump is, and I cannot say that person is wrong, because they wouldn't care, and who am I to say anything about it. Not that there isn't one or two, or several things about Trump that I wouldn't like to be, BUT there are many other things about his character that I despise. Such as the things I noted above, his egotism self-aggrandizing nature, his complete apparent cluelessness in how to keep a family together. The things he said about Rosie, yeah in some ways he was defending himself, but he could have just stated the facts one time and let it go. Instead of defending himself with facts, like for example arguing he never declared bankruptcy which she alleged, he went after her for being fat, ugly, opinionated, and made her job situation a very very uncomfortable one alleging her boss didn't want her to work on the show. And he didn't just do it once, twice, or three times, he kept going, and even brought his wife and his daughter into a silly childsplay for publicity. What a waste.

Such behavior is nothing short of a complete lack of integrity for me. Whether he, or any entertainer wants to admit it, they are influential to certain people, and there are many who believe his behavior was righteous, and will follow in his example, and thus degrade themselves. Just check the other thread for examples.

You just explained how you think he lacks integrity/maturity. I cannot disagree with that conclusion...but my question was in regards to your assertion that he "push[es] his whole materialistic artificial lifeless form of being on everyone else." Again, how does he do that? There is a big difference between someone imitating him, vs. him actively trying to make everyone else just like him.
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Trump said about Rosie what all of us were thinking.... he finished what Tom seleck

started when that hypocrite deuchebag was trying to get all Anti-Gun-Nazi on her

lame-@$$ show while being a sponsor for a store which happens to be one of the

biggest retail sellers of firearms in the USA/world.

Yes, Donald is a geek with his red-squirrel-tupe' but he's a geek with BALLS!!!! :D

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ok, damn the other thread's been closed and I wanted to say something to you, Croc, again. Something along the lines of pretending you know the reasons I do anything.......

but anyways in response to your above post, you don't think him being on TV is him trying to force himself on us at all? Some on TV stay quiet, others have real integrity, others realize the fools they've made of themselves and never return, others keep making a bad name for themselves....Donald Trump falls into the latter category.

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That dead animal he passes off as hair. Hey turbo, croc...why but the two of you bitch and argue in every thread and get them locked? You both don't like him and yet still you find something to argue about.

you mean it's not fun to watch? :AH-HA_wink: it's not good, I know. Sometimes I just like to stir the pot, other times he just elicits a response with the points he goes after
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That dead animal he passes off as hair. Hey turbo, croc...why but the two of you bitch and argue in every thread and get them locked? You both don't like him and yet still you find something to argue about.

it goes long before you, that we're probably the two most argumentative people here. but I know we've both learned to pick our battles, and I wouldn't be arguing unless there wasn't something I really believed in.
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That dead animal he passes off as hair. Hey turbo, croc...why but the two of you bitch and argue in every thread and get them locked? You both don't like him and yet still you find something to argue about.

I think it's time for a bare-chested, tight-shorts-wearing mud-wrestling battle between Turbo and Croc......

I'm sure there are certain members of C&G that would pay the money to watch such a spectacle....!


(j/k boys.....heheheheheh)

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No I don't think him being on TV is his trying to force everyone else to adopt his ideals. IT'S ENTERTAINMENT! Most of the way Donald acts on that show is a ratings-driven producer-demanded act. Everyone likes villains on TV--they're more fun to watch. Tyra banks has publicly said that the way she is on Top Model is an act too...that her persona on there is completely different than real life...but that she does it because it is more entertaining. Why was Weakest Link so popular for a while? Because the host antagonized the contestants! I'm sure that woman is very nice in real life.

As for Rosie, yea I'm sure she amplifies her personality on the air for ratings. What I object to is that she doesn't pick her battles. I think it was very foolish of her to spar with Trump, considering how close of friends he and Barbara, Rosie's boss, are (or at least were). Is Trump right? No way. I just think this whole thing is ridiculous because I thought Trump did a good thing when he made his decision--instead of making the knee-jerk response and dethroning her, he gave her a second chance, and a chance to redeem herself. I thought that was very admirable from someone who could've instead yelled "You're fired!"

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would it have been a knee jerk response to ban someone, in this case Miss USA, who involved a very public underage figure, Miss Teen USA [only 18 at the time] in drinking, drugs, and heavy partying, that ultimately became very public? I'm not saying it's easy to pass judgement on those who do it, but in the spotlight you are scrutinized, hence the spotlight, everyone gets to see what you're doing. When everyone sees what you're doing, people are going to think it's okay to do it, because the person in the spotlight who they admire does it.

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I think Miss Teen USA is responsible for her own actions. Miss USA isn't in control of her, and even though she's "only 18" she's considered an adult in the eyes of the law. Miss USA also didn't get off scott-free. She entered rehab and publicly apologized for her actions. Anyone looking up to her would surely notice her going into rehab and learning bad choices have consequences.

Edited by Croc
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difference of opinions--to many young girls getting to be the flavor of the week and on many magazine covers is a celebration! humiliation? she probably could care less that she had to pretend to cry on screen---what mattered was all the parties she'd get to go to, still being in the tabloids, you know the norm.

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difference of opinions--to many young girls getting to be the flavor of the week and on many magazine covers is a celebration! humiliation? she probably could care less that she had to pretend to cry on screen---what mattered was all the parties she'd get to go to, still being in the tabloids, you know the norm.

And you know all that how...? It's so funny/ironic that you tried to argue that my criticisms of Rosie were unfounded because I don't personally know her or her family! Are you telling me you're best friends with Miss USA? How do you know all that? All we can judge public figures on is how they act publicly. Rosie acts like a bully publicly. Miss USA acted very apologetic/embarrassed/regretful publicly. And since the multitudes of teenage girls who allegedly model their lives after Miss USA only see her public behavior, they will see that out-of-control partying leads to rehab/public humiliation...a negative consequence.
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And you know all that how...? It's so funny/ironic that you tried to argue that my criticisms of Rosie were unfounded because I don't personally know her or her family! Are you telling me you're best friends with Miss USA? How do you know all that? All we can judge public figures on is how they act publicly. Rosie acts like a bully publicly. Miss USA acted very apologetic/embarrassed/regretful publicly. And since the multitudes of teenage girls who allegedly model their lives after Miss USA only see her public behavior, they will see that out-of-control partying leads to rehab/public humiliation...a negative consequence.

even if we disregard a convincingly bad and shallow performance for her apology, it's still not humiliation to get to continue with her title and go to exclusive parties and events designed to cater to her needs. Not to mention the notoriety she will carry forever as "the crazy [cool] girl who partied with underage people and was a pageant winner," that's what she will try to paint, but it will not be the truth. Actions speak louder than words, as you said before. Dude she got an 18 year old GIRL to do cocaine and get really rowdy and drunk and go crazy, while playing a role that is supposed to be a role model for little girls everywhere, how stupid can she be? The multitudes that follow in the steps will see that as long as you cry and toss your hair flirtaciously your actions can go disregarded because you are cute.

Rosie may be loud, argumentative, confrontational, but she can listen, she can stop herself, and all she is doing is talking; she's not forcing you to tune in to what she has to say, when Miss USA makes national news it's pretty hard to avoid her actions.

What about a simple apology, a few tears, and a few classes at rehab screams humiliation to you? What Trump has done to Rosie on the other hand is to try and humiliate her, fortunatley he's only managed to deflect it on himself.

Edited by turbo200
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No, Miss Teen USA is a WOMAN. You live in LA now man...this isn't the midwest anymore! Are you naive to think people haven't done cocaine in high school? It's no different in New York! I know several people who went through a cocaine phase when they were 14 15 and 16. They cleaned up their act and now they're fine...but trying cocaine at 18 is really not that unusual, especially in cities like LA and NYC, and again she isn't some little girl, she's a woman, even in the eyes of the law.

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No, Miss Teen USA is a WOMAN. You live in LA now man...this isn't the midwest anymore! Are you naive to think people haven't done cocaine in high school? It's no different in New York! I know several people who went through a cocaine phase when they were 14 15 and 16. They cleaned up their act and now they're fine...but trying cocaine at 18 is really not that unusual, especially in cities like LA and NYC, and again she isn't some little girl, she's a woman, even in the eyes of the law.

that is not the point. she set a bad example, boom bam, that's it. it's not the fact that she tried it, it's that she let it get out to media who made a circus of her having tried drugs, drinking and being influence by the older Miss USA to do it; all those things go together. You know, a lot of Hollywood celebrities are into drugs, more than we often realize, but they keep it clean and private. They don't go out making a scene of it, beause they know how damaging it would be to fans if they were to know they did this. It's called values.

she is a girl, only 18, I guess when you're 30 you'll realize how much of a kid you still are, I know I already have.

that is also beside the point, she is a minor and drugs are illegal and she set a bad example. most drugs in the hands of most people can be incredibly damaging.

EDIT: look let's just agree to disagree.

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You gus are really making the Trump v. Rosie thing look tame. No matter what we say here, Trump will continue to be a :censored:, Rosie will continue to be a :censored:, and Ms. Conner will hopefully get her :censored: in gear and be a respectable citizen. So let's give it a rest.

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prime example of us being taught it's good to celebrate this.

chicken or egg? it seems like there is absolutely no shortage of young girls that occasionally show a penchant for doing this type of public debauchery. You can all claim its society's pressure to do that, and maybe it is, but I am certain a lot of it is these same girls so desperate for attention its silly. So many of them need to be thought of as the 'hot chick' and so cool. Me? I would guess more than just a few of them bring this on themselves. You can't blame society for all of this. A lot of it is plain and simple exhibitionism combined with need for affirmation and insecurity.

Edited by regfootball
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chicken or egg? it seems like there is absolutely no shortage of young girls that occasionally show a penchant for doing this type of public debauchery. You can all claim its society's pressure to do that, and maybe it is, but I am certain a lot of it is these same girls so desperate for attention its silly. So many of them need to be thought of as the 'hot chick' and so cool. Me? I would guess more than just a few of them bring this on themselves. You can't blame society for all of this. A lot of it is plain and simple exhibitionism combined with need for affirmation and insecurity.

you're absolutely right. what makes them desperate for attention in the first place? is it the implementation of the idea of the "perfect woman" that is hoisted upon them in the first place? I mean, everyone can tell who is physically attractive, and if someone is better looking than them, but who decided that physical attraction is the only thing of merit in a human being in the first place? Why do girls think they have to show off thier tits and ass in order to be perceived as sexy? Image. It's a catch 22; I love it when girls where form-fitting clothes that shows off their curves and assets, like most normal hetero breathing males; but I also love it when a girl understands that's not nearly the beginning of what makes her a human being. You know?
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you're absolutely right. what makes them desperate for attention in the first place? is it the implementation of the idea of the "perfect woman" that is hoisted upon them in the first place? I mean, everyone can tell who is physically attractive, and if someone is better looking than them, but who decided that physical attraction is the only thing of merit in a human being in the first place? Why do girls think they have to show off thier tits and ass in order to be perceived as sexy? Image. It's a catch 22; I love it when girls where form-fitting clothes that shows off their curves and assets, like most normal hetero breathing males; but I also love it when a girl understands that's not nearly the beginning of what makes her a human being. You know?

i like good looking women, but if they are airheads and shallow, then i really lose all respect for them, hence maybe that's why they have to try to gain repsect through exhibitionism. no one takes them seriously otherwise than for sex acts.

I love a woman with a brain and is sexy AND looks great without a stitch of makeup on at all. Natural beauty.

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You gus are really making the Trump v. Rosie thing look tame. No matter what we say here, Trump will continue to be a :censored:, Rosie will continue to be a :censored:, and Ms. Conner will hopefully get her :censored: in gear and be a respectable citizen. So let's give it a rest.

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