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Posted (edited)

Mmmhmm. Driving down the road, knowing the speed limit is 45, I'm going approximately the limit. Well, I know that the road is about to reduce speed to 35 MPH, and I look down to see that I'm going 47. Well, I depress the clutch and downshift to fourth to slow down some. While doing so, I look up to see the "Speed Limit Reduced to 35 MPH" sign. Now I've slowed down a bit, but not enough, so I downshift to third. Just as I downshift I see a policeman on the side of the road, right after the 35 MPH sign. Well, needless to say, he pulls out and by the time he got behind me I was going less than 35 to slow down for railroad tracks. He flips the lights and that's all she wrote.

The outcome? He asks for license/registration/proof of insurance, as I give it to him he just says that I was speeding and walks away. He didn't say anything else, just that I was speeding. He comes back about 5-10 mins later, hands me my license and that, then gives me a ticket. Upon handing it to me, he tells me that he clocked me right at 50 MPH in a 35 zone, but he only wrote me for 5 over. I grabbed the ticket, glanced down at it, go to look up again at him, and I already see his car pulling away.

Wonderful. Parents are pissed at me, and I'm pissed myself because I know what I was doing and I definitely wasn't doing 15 over. The most he could've caught me at was 47 and that was definitely before the speed limit dropped to the official 35 MPH zone. I had already downshifted and been slowing down by the time I hit that sign, but I have no proof to say that I'm right.. :angry:

EDIT: Oh, and I might add that this was definitely not something I had seen coming. Just prior to that, we were coming from the mall, where we went to the pretzel place with a friend of the person I was with. They had a tip jar that had in small letters something like "Please give us a tip" and in large letters below it "Karma." So, without even spending a red cent at the pretzel place, I threw into the jar all the pocket change I had for some good karma later on. And, on top of that, just before going to the mall we went to Starbucks. Standing outside Starbucks was a gentleman asking me to buy candy to support his church. I gave him a dollar for the candy, and I totally didn't want the candy because it was all chocolate and chocolate gives me a headache (matter of fact, I have a headache right now from it). But, it's just that I went out of my way and donated twice today when I NEVER donate to anything, then I get a bad break and a ticket in result of it.

Edited by NOS2006

I guess that yellow car with the huge wing must attract some attention.

BTW, I've never heard of a cop writing a ticket for 5mph over. That's ridiculous. If all cops did that, I'd get a ticket almost every time I see a cop.


Get a lawyer, worst case scenario is that its reduced to a moving violation. Best case scanario is you get a really good one who continues to get the case postponed then when it does go to trial in 6 months the cop doesn't show up for court(its Detroit so he'll probably get shot by then) and you get off scott free.


My days in America were long ago, but where I lived the judge always through the ticket out if was some miniscule amount like that. Why do the cops even waste the judge's time with something stupid like that?


um just pay it dude. your young you will lose in court plus your actual speed is written on the ticket some where which the judge will mention if you fight it. Cops always to that if your 10-30 over and your polite and the cop is not a dick head he will just write actual speed then write the charged speed of 5 mph over. but going to court and being proper and pleading guilty sometimes the judge will knock off the points but keep the fine. which the fine is always better than points. Does it say that you have to go to court or no? i have been pulled over more times than I am old. I'm on a first name basis with St. Clair shores police.

Posted (edited)

I thought you could legally go 5 mph over the limit? That sucks dude, cops are assholes and never seem to pull over the people they actually should.

I've had some ticket misfortune myself. It's winter and all, and you're supposed part on the sides of the street that correspond with the odd or even days, so that way the plows can get buy easier. Well there's been zero snow since last week, and a couple of days ago my mom comes in to tell us that both my girlfriend's and my car have tickets (even though one is on the right side of the street one is on the wrong side). Needless to say, I'm pissed. It's pointless to part on different sides when there's no damn snow. I also think this is retarded cuz they would rather spend time giving out tickets than teaching plow drivers how to drive! (when we got like 3 inches of snow, a plow slid down the hill into a tree).

:cussing: :angry2:

Edited by Dodgefan

There was a county sheriff at the Ford dealership last time I was in getting my radio replaced. He and I got t o talking, and his general rule was that in town he would give people 5mph over simply because speedometers vary from car to car and many are off 5% or so. Anything over 5mph in town and you're screwed, with him at least. Outside of city limits (highways, side roads, etc) he followed the same guidelines but on 4+ lane roads he said that if somebody was driving safely (not swerving, tailgating, or anything like that) he'd give people 10mph over, but if they're driving recklessly he wouldn't.

  blackviper8891 said:

Maybe not in LA, but on the interstates here in PA, cops generally don't pull you over unless you're going 5-10 over the limit.

same here. My Cousin was doing 70 in a 40 zone but the cop only wrote him for 5 over. so when he went to court he plead guilty and no points but the 5 mph over fine. even though on the ticket it says he was doing 70. So never fight them unless you have concrete proof that you weren't going that. Or you want to see proof of Radar results.

Remember, Cops Serve and Collect not Serve and Protect.


Yeah, well I didn't plan on fighting the ticket. I'd like to go to court to plead guilty though. However, I just want it to be known at court that I'm pleading guilty to five over, not the 50 in a 35. I'll just explain that I'm just learning to downshift to slow down (and I really am, I just started doing that just recently). So, we'll see what happens.


They will probably drop the ticket. I'm sure the judge has more important driving criminals to deal with than someone going 5 over the speed limit. What a waste of everyone's time.

  daves87rs said:

I'd only be worried about the points...if you can rid yourself of them, do it.

Some insurance companies (state farm, for example) will jack your rates up quick...

That's all I'm worried about. I have State Farm, too, so I know that they're ridiculous. Besides, I'm already in MI, so rates are already high.

I'm just going to write a letter and send in the ticket ASAP. We'll see what happens from there..

  The Jee-Man said:

Wha's this shizzle? Who 'dis punk-ass busta' fool tryin' to steal a playa's name from 'da Catholicism game!?

I'll trizzle yo' shizzle all over the hizzle' and whoop yo' busta ass back to Gomorrah.

FYI... Bitch.

What da' hizzle is dis' nizzle doin' on this sizzle? Da' Jee "without da' chi" Man is gonna have a cap popped in hiz cracka-ass he don't bounce on outta here.

  NOS2006 said:

That's all I'm worried about. I have State Farm, too, so I know that they're ridiculous. Besides, I'm already in MI, so rates are already high.

I'm just going to write a letter and send in the ticket ASAP. We'll see what happens from there..

Ain't that the truth. Our friends out in Brighton are paying about half of what we are paying. And Wayne and Oakland counties are going up again this year. Joy. :rolleyes:

Yeah, I'd go to court and try to get the points reduced. Not sure why the officer thought a bright yellow race car with a huge wing was a worthy target, though. :AH-HA_wink:

Here is my got a ticket story last year if it will help.

I was doing about 35 in a 40 in my alero on the way to crew practice at 5 in the morning.

Cop passes my in the oncoming lane. I stay cool because im barley going over the limit and figure he has no way of telling how fast I was going.

All of a sudden I look in my rearview and I see the cop behind me lights flashing so I pull over. I was like WTF? how did he get back there?

He comes to my window and I give the standard neutral voiced"is there a problem officer?" He responds do you have any idea how fast you were going? I had to go 60 mph to catch up with you."

I know he's fishing at this point and he probably only pulled me over becasue he saw a car full of kids way to early in the morning and thought we were drunk. When he realized he was wrong he was trying to save face.

I don't take the bait and respond, "im sorry officer I thought I was going the speed limit, it is 30 pmh here right? "

He goes back to his car and comes back with an "imprudent speed" violation which in New Rochelle is equivilent to a 1-10 mph over ticket.

In New Ro, I looked up the violation on LExis Nexis, the base violation is $250, but even worse is 3 points! I said screw this and pleased not guilty. It helps that I am a paralegal and I am good friends with one of the associates at my firm. He came and represented me for free (huge plus as his billing rate is 275 an hour) and came into court twice with me. Once to plead not guilty (and get bumped to the front of the line since I had representation) and the second time the asshole cop actual showed up to trial. My friend ripped him a new one! "officer was it dark out? was my client driving a black car? How did you jusdge his speed since you were oncoming?" etc. The judge got really pissed at the cop for writing me that bogus ticket and berated him. Then he dropped all charges and I was a free man so to speak.

I would recommend trying to get the points dropped. Likely you would have to go to a pleading which you can do with or withou an attorney. You usually end up seeing the town clerk and he trys to keep you from going to trial by reducing the sentence.

You should approach it as such. I really question the officers accuracy in his claim that I was going over the speed limit at all as the zones change. I am willing to pay a fine to avoid wasting anybodys time but I cant get points and kill my insurance so is there any lesser nonpoints charge you can change this to?

For me in New Ro the local laws would only let the fine be halved and I would have had to keep the points. I chosse to take it to trial at that point.

You will likley get a lenghtly time to find representation before trial if it goes that far and even more likley the cop won't show up in which case its dropped. Thats my experience and unoffical legal advice. Dont roll over on this as it will affect your insurance for years.


Yes, get a lawyer, it'll cost a bit more than just paying the fine, but your insurance wont go up. Or pleade not guilty and try to plea bargain with the prosecuting attorney, if its your first or second offense, you'll probably be able to get it changed to a non-moving violaion which wont cost you any license points and wont affect your insurance rates.


Cops are full of crap.

Every single one of them.

Last night (I have the Sebring with dealer plates mind you, and I found out that the bulb for the plate is out) I pulled onto Hull Street off of Rose Street after a car went by, and there was another one coming up. So, I accelerated to 25 as reasonably as I could.

Well, guess what?

It was a police cruiser. So, I stopped at Morse Street. Pulled forward, stopped at Jefferson Street, and then proceeded on up to Hudson Street and stopped and turned right with my blinker on. The whole time the damn cop was following me. So, I indicated and turned left onto Montgomery Street since one of my friends lives on it, and I was going to get out, and go in. But, the cop didn't follow me down this street. So, I kept going, indicated and stopped at Marshall Street (Old U.S. 27). I then turned right and the next street down is Elizabeth which turns into my street (Seeley). So, I indicated and was slowing for my turn, and surprise, surprise, the doughnut bastard was just pulling up right there. So, I gave him a big smile as I turned and went home.

I've only had a couple happy endings with cop stories. Wait, make that at least four.

The time I got searched (I let them because I had NOTHING to hide) because the cops thought my friends and I were doing a drug deal at the park. He was all "I don't believe your story, but I have to because I can't find anything." Duh!!!!!! God damn f@#king imbecile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course you have to believe me. I'm honest. I know I let them search my car, but it pissed me off just the same.

I had considered writing a letter the editor of out town's paper (even though the Daily Reporter is more of a crappy flyer than accurate and decent paper) called "Coldwater's Finest are Actually Coldwater's Worst". I still may do it. Make a great story to spread around because it's true.


^^^ I would have written a letter about that stupid pig.

And for your first court "appearance" You usually don't talk to a DA. ITs almost always a town clerk. This makes it a little less intimidating. You want to talk to the town clerk and TRY, town code permititng to get ri of your points here. The clerk will just have more work if this goes to trial so He will usually try and help you out where as an DA might have this attitude or might have an AX to grind with teen drivers, you never know.

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