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rest of tour canceled. album delayed. not that anyone cares......


Axl Speaks

Updated 06:51 PST Fri, Dec 15 2006

In a lengthy and detailed open letter, Axl Rose has announced the cancellation of the final four dates of the Guns N' Roses tour, the demise of his relationship with the band's manager, and revealed a tentative release date for the next GNR album.

Here are some excerpts from the letter.

"Because of the scheduling of these particular shows, valuable time needed by the band and record company for the proper setup and release of the album Chinese Democracy would have been lost. Rather than delay the album yet again, all involved have decided to remove these shows from GNRs schedule. We hope our fans understand and we apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused. Tickets may be refunded at point of purchase.

"To say the making of this album has been an unbearably long and incomprehensible journey would be an understatement. Overcoming the endless and seemingly insane amount of obstacles faced by all involved, notwithstanding the emotional challenges endured by everyone -- the fans, the band, our road crew and business team -- has at many times seemed like a bad dream in which one wakes up only to find that they are still in the nightmare. Unfortunately, this time it has been played out for over a decade in real life.

"When I agreed to do our recent North American tour, I did it with the understanding that my manager, Merck Mercuriadis, and I were in full agreement regarding our strategy and touring plans and, most important, that any and all things needed to release the album by Dec. 26 at the latest were in place. Unfortunately, it turned out that this was not the case, and I regret to say that the album will not be released by the end of the year. Although many things went extremely well and were very exciting, there were, in our opinion, unnecessary and avoidable complications on our tour having to do with the tour routing, scheduling and album and video plans that wreaked havoc on all involved. This was compounded by an overall sense of a lack of respect by management for the band and crew and each individual's particular expertise that has resulted, unfortunately, in the end of both Guns and my managerial involvement with Merck Mercuriadis.

"It takes approximately eight weeks for an album to hit the shelves once it has been turned in to the record company. For whatever reasons, it appears that it may have been mistakenly inferred by management that this time period could be condensed to three weeks. With that being said, this is not a promise, a lie or a guarantee, but we do wish to announce a tentative release date of March 6. This is the first time we have done this publicly for this album. Others have made up all the other dates for their own reasons. We would like to assure the fans that everything in our power will be done to meet this date. Once it is finalized and official, you will be notified. If we are delayed for unseen reasons, you also will be notified as soon as possible in regard to a new date, and the album will be released as shortly thereafter as is possible. We thank you for your patience.

"Once again, we offer our sincere apologies and our deepest thanks. Guns N Roses also would like to thank all the fans who attended the 70 concerts in 21 countries for their support in 2006. All the best to each and every one of you over this holiday season, thank you and God bless.


Axl Rose "

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the "best album ever" that Axl Rose has been putting together FOREVER in seclusion is delayed yet again. Big effing deal. It's been on the internet in bootleg form for like a year now, anyways.

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So that's why Lars Ulrich played drums with them: Axl's been teaching him how to delay an album launch :lol:


Metallica and GNR hate each other, or at least they did. GNR got sick of their ''Double Talkin' Jive''

And Metallica and GNR both hate Motley Crue and Motley Crue hates them both so it all works out in the end. :lol:

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Metallica and GNR hate each other, or at least they did. GNR got sick of their ''Double Talkin' Jive''

And Metallica and GNR both hate Motley Crue and Motley Crue hates them both so it all works out in the end.  :lol:


Not really. Lars and Axl get along, it's James and Axl that can't stand each other: Axl has called James a racist and James can't get over the fact that the day he had his accident on stage in Montreal Axl had one of his spoiled kid tantrums on stage sparking the ensuing riot.

EDIT: I'm glad they all hate Mötley Crüe :lol:

Edited by ZL-1
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If she did, I doubt Disney would've hired her. Especially with lyrics like: "Turn around b*tch, I've got a use for you. Besides, you ain't got nothin' better to do... and I'm bored.



c'mon, we all know Ms. Duff is a hypocrite. I won't eloborate on what she probably does in her spare time when she turns around.

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I wish I could be rich enough to not have to

accomplish even ONE task in 15 years.

Axl needs to come to grips with reality.

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A-a-a-a-nyway, it seems history shows that as soon as Izzy Stradlin left, GNR really just collapsed. When you release a CD full of punk music covers, you know you are in trouble.

Izzy was really the force behind GNR. Axl was just the bad-ass and Slash could pump out the riffs, but all their memorable songs were from Stradlin.

I think Axl needs Izzy. Izzy did show his face a couple times this past year at a few concerts, but I it seems he's still done with GNR.

However, Izzy seems happy playing 'southern rock', with a tinge of Stones which doesn't sound that bad either. He has released a few solo CD's very sporadically.

Here's a couple of my favorites. Remember, this is the guy that is the brains behind songs like 'Mr. Brownstone,' 'Paradise City,' and '14 Years'... w00t 4 file sharing. :P

Shuffle It All


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I dont know much about current events but it seems to me Axl has to many issues to make anything work. Im surprised he can get contracts or stage booking having walked out as much as he has. I look at him about the same a I have Mike Tyson, started out looking great, turned into an asshole and just went straight down the tubes from there.

Frankly I dont think Axl deserves any support from a former fan base.

On a more positive note, through GNR I discovered this guitarist Buckethead........ :metal:

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I wish I could be rich enough to not have to

accomplish even ONE task in 15 years.

Axl needs to come to grips with reality.


I think he's spent waaaay to much time working on his hair the last 15 years.. :)

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I'll say this much...there aint much traction anymore.


:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there!

Hah! traction!


Edited by XP715
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Actually I discovered Buckethead by cruising Amazon, he came up while I was checking out other progressive instrumental guitarists, such as Steve Morse, Joe Satriani, Jeff Beck and Steve Vai.

That was when I read he had been in GNR which I thought was dead and gone.

I guess OZZY tried to get Buckethead but he wouldnt remove the bucket. He told Ozzy something to the tune of only his mother saw him without the bucket. Ozzy said something like "Ok then, take the bucket off and call me Mom" ......... :lol:

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I guess OZZY tried to get Buckethead but he wouldnt remove the bucket. He told Ozzy something to the tune of only his mother saw him without the bucket. Ozzy said something like "Ok then, take the bucket off and call me Mom" ......... :lol:


I remember reading that :lol:

He decided to take off the bucket, but then he had an Alien hat or something.

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I dont know much about current events but it seems to me Axl has to many issues to make anything work. Im surprised he can get contracts or stage booking having walked out as much as he has. I look at him about the same a I have Mike Tyson, started out looking great, turned into an asshole and just went straight down the tubes from there.

Frankly I dont think Axl deserves any support from a former fan base.


:withstupid: I'm glad I can still listen to GNR, just without Axl. Yay for Velvet Revolver.
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Slither was the coolest song

Wonder what the rest of the record was like ?

Heres the Buckethead/Ozzy thing, I had it all wrong...sorry

I tried out that Buckethead guy. I met with him and asked him to work with me but only if he got rid of the f@#king bucket. So I came back a bit later and he's wearing this green f@#king Martian's-hat thing! I said, 'Look, just be yourself'. He told me his name was Brian, so I said that's what I'd call him. He says, 'No one calls me Brian except my mother'. So I said, 'Pretend I'm your mum then!'. I haven't even got out of the room and I'm already playing f@#king mind games with the guy. What happens if one day he's gone and there's a note saying, 'I've been beamed up'? Don't get me wrong, he's a great player. He plays like a motherf@#ker!

He sounds perfect for Ozzy doesnt he ?

Guitar One has him rated at #8 of the top 10 guitar shredders ever.

The stuff I heard was different from anything else Ive ever listened too. He has 20 studio LP's credited to his solo career, as well as an equally impressive number of recordings under other band names or with other musicians................something Axl just cant seem to pull off.

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"An Open Letter To Guns N' Roses Fans From Merck Mercuriadis

Along with all of the other Guns N' Roses fans around the world I read "An Open Letter To The Fans From Axl" this evening with much interest. About half way through it occurred to me that I had read much of this before. In fact, I had written the blueprint for it in an email for Axl's attention two days ago which I have copied below.

The reality is all of this year's touring was planned and agreed between Axl and myself, with a view to the album being in the stores before the 31st of December '06. This was confirmed by Axl in numerous interviews - most famously at the MTV Video Music Awards. We planned the tour in February, just after Axl's birthday and we were supposed to finish the album in May, before it started. We sent our engineers to New York, where we all waited, for over a month, for the muse to come but she never arrived. We then scheduled sessions in London in August and had our engineers meet us there at the end of the English tour. August came and went and once again the muse did not show. We postponed our proposed radio date of Labour Day for the first single and we came back to LA and tried to finish before the San Francisco, Las Vegas and Los Angeles shows but yet again she eluded us. Axl then asked me to postpone the North American tour which was due to start on 24th of September by a month and finally, early in that period after the euphoria of Inland Invasion, Axl made a break through and got two or three very productive days under his belt.

At this point we were very excited as Axl's feeling was that we had two or three days of work left to tidy things up and we still had three weeks before the tour started, so we were in good shape. Unfortunately the muse disappeared just as fast as she came and the tour started with no single at radio to support it and the album still needing two or three days of work. Despite this, it was a break through period as Robin, Bumblefoot and Frank had all made important contributions to the album that made it even stronger. By the way none of the above is meant as a criticism of Axl. It is the reality of trying to create something special under incredible pressure from the public - that wants and DEMANDS the record - and the record industry - that NEEDS it. The creative process is not something you can dictate and Axl is a true artist.

At this time I seriously considered postponing the start of the tour, again, as the album was of paramount importance but the reality was that our historic track record left us with very little good will with you, the fans, and we needed the money to be able to complete the album and keep the band alive. We scheduled sessions in New York and once again sent the engineers there for the first two weeks of November while the tour was based there - but the hectic touring schedule meant nothing got done. The record company refused to conclude the renegotiation until we were ready to hand over the finished album and refused to prepare a marketing campaign or commission video treatments until they had it in their hands. This is still their position as of this week.

At this point despite the success of many of the dates on the tour the pressure on all of us became unbearable. While some of Axl's letter is disappointing - As John Lennon once asked Paul McCartney "How Do You Sleep?" - until you have walked a mile in his shoes you cannot begin to comprehend the pressure he is under. I know I sleep well at night in the knowledge that when Chinese Democracy hits the streets in March that it is in large part down to my efforts over the last almost 5 years. I found the money and the motivation to keep Axl and the band alive and get the record made when everyone else had given up and walked away. We worked as a team united to make Chinese Democracy a reality. In the end the album will speak for itself but our relationship could not survive the pressure.

I have no regrets. I believe Chinese Democracy is one of the best albums ever made, Axl Rose is one of the greatest vocalists and front men and the new Guns N' Roses (which kicks the $h! out of the old) is one of the greatest bands. What we accomplished in 2006 only hints at what is to come.

I believe in Axl Rose. I am the artist's manager and it is my responsibility and job to take the heat. I promise you Chinese Democracy is worth it and you should keep the faith. I will walk away knowing I have done my best and that next year will see Axl recognized not only as a great singer and rock icon but as one of the greatest artists of all time.

Merry Christmas and all the best to you for 2007!

Merck Mercuriadis

PS I apologize to all the fans irked by my facetious comments regarding the release date to Rolling Stone magazine. They were meant to poke fun at a magazine that had announced a definitive release date, causing us all lots of grief, when none had been set. Unfortunately many of you took them to heart and for that I am sorry.

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  • 3 months later...

from melodicrock.com


Time for a Guns N Roses update, direct from one of my trusted sources. They state: "Chinese Democracy is done and has been handed in...all Universal bigwigs were flown to LA a couple of weeks back to listen to it.... The delay is blamed on Axl "not having the proper team in place" since he fired his manager, Merck. As soon as he gets his "new team" in place the album will be released.... September seems like the most likely scenario...."

Apparently the word from Universal is that the album "will be remembered for a long time.... because it's that good." Mmmm....I think perhaps it will instead be remembered for costing 10 times the amount it should have and I think eventually, it's failure to live up to the impossible expectations from the hype of a 10 year wait.

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September?? It's done, yet they have to assemble a team before they will release it? Just put the damn thing already, Axl.

This reminds me of all the criticism Boston received after it took them eight years to record Third Stage (everything had to be "perfect")...and even though it was a good album, IMO...something like that shouldn't take eight years...

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September?? It's done, yet they have to assemble a team before they will release it? Just put the damn thing already, Axl.

This reminds me of all the criticism Boston received after it took them eight years to record Third Stage (everything had to be "perfect")...and even though it was a good album, IMO...something like that shouldn't take eight years...

how long was it between Hysteria and the next Def Lepperd album? Same deal.

Its insane that these guys can take 5-10 years between making 40 minutes of music and still make money or be relevant.

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September?? It's done, yet they have to assemble a team before they will release it? Just put the damn thing already, Axl.

This reminds me of all the criticism Boston received after it took them eight years to record Third Stage (everything had to be "perfect")...and even though it was a good album, IMO...something like that shouldn't take eight years...

Actually Boston was locked in legal battles with record companies and such . Third Stage was completed years before it was finally released.

This business never seems to change, only the names are different.

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Still needs work IMO, especially in the vocals department, but still promising.


I'm still holding out for a proper reunion tour...

Not bad... I like the track 'Better'... I can't believe it's been almost 20 years since 'Appetite..'.. I was a skinny teenager with a mullett then.

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