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Cell phone ban urged for teen drivers


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Cell phone ban urged for teen drivers Transportation officials say phone use and inexperience on road do not mix when it comes to teens. September 21, 2005: 7:02 AM EDT WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Banning teenagers from using cell phones or other wireless devices while learning to drive should be a national auto safety priority, say U.S. transportation safety officials. The National Transportation Safety Board put the proposed restriction on its "most wanted" list of safety improvements for the upcoming year, which also includes older appeals for more states to impose limits on teens' night driving and carrying of passengers. "Learning to drive and being distracted is a recipe for disaster," Mark Rosenker, the board's acting chairman, said at a hearing on the new safety priorities. "We must do everything we can to reduce these needless deaths and we strongly believe that banning wireless communications devices for teen-agers learning to drive will help significantly," Rosenker said. Highway crashes are the leading cause of death among 15- to 20-year-olds. From 1995 to 2004, about 64,000 young people were killed in traffic accidents, federal statistics show. More than half the fatalities occurred at night. A survey released by U.S. auto safety regulators earlier this year found that hand-held cell phone use among drivers between 16 and 24 increased to 8 percent in 2004 from 5 percent in 2002 and 3 percent in 2000. At any given moment in the United States last year, an estimated 8 percent of all motorists, or about 1.2 million drivers, were talking on cell phones while driving, the survey found. The figure was 6 percent in 2002 and 4 percent in 2000. University of Utah researchers found last spring that teens and young adults on the phone while in a driving simulator reacted as slowly as elderly drivers not using a phone. The safety board's cell phone recommendation surfaced after a crash in Maryland that killed five people in February 2002. Investigators in that accident said an inexperienced young woman in her new sport utility vehicle ran off the Washington Beltway, flipped and landed on a minivan in the opposite lane. The board concluded that the woman, who was killed, was talking on a cell phone at the time of the accident and was probably distracted. Inexperience, unfamiliarity with the SUV, windy conditions and speeding were other likely causes. Kevin Quinlan, a senior safety board staff member, said elevating the recommended cell phone restriction will give "heightened visibility" to a measure that has achieved some momentum already. Eleven states and the District of Columbia have imposed some limits on wireless technology while driving. Most prohibit cell phone use by drivers who are getting their license. Critics of attempts to restrict the use of wireless devices by motorists contend that only a fraction of crashes blamed on distracted driving are related to cell phones.
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I'm all for people younger than 18 not being allowed to talk on the cell phone while driving. I can't count the number of times I've been cut off or nearly sideswiped by some dip**** kid thtat is paying more attention to trying to punch in a number on the phone rather than watching where he is driving. And it's not just kids, there's tons of middle aged moms and dads in minivans and SUVs that have no clue what is going on around them on the phone. If it's an emergency, that's a different story...but there needs to be a limit put on teens at least.
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Old enough to vote, shoot people in Iraq, but not old enough to drive and talk on a cell? Ageism, like sexism and racism SUCKS. Stop dumping everyone in the same category. Most people I've seen can't multitask, period. I've seen people who were walking and talking on a cell step off a curb on a red light! Then give me the finger because I honked the horn! Stupid people are stupid. Stop dumbing down laws to the lowest common denominator.
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What is so hard about driving and talking on a phone? Am I just incredibly gifted or what cuz I don't see what is so difficult about it. The only thing that gets tricky is answering or dialing while driving, but I don't do that unless no one is around me or I am at a traffic light. It's no different than talking to someone in the car, actually I find it less distracting than talking to someone else in the car.
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unfortunately I have a razr so it isn't easy to support on my shoulder without the use of my hands holding it (Like I could probably do with bigger, bulkier phones) so it isn't easy to talk on a cell phone and drive a manual car...in town anyways with all the stopping and speeding up and whatnot... For the most part when I see people talking on their cell phone, they are women in their 30's+ driving some SUV or full size car or something like that and it is obvious they can't multitask because they seem to get tunnel vision when they are on the phone and they cut me off or drift into my lane or do something downright stupid...dumb bitches...I normally don't see nearly as many teenagers driving and talking at the same time than I see adults...
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I only talk on the phone while driving with my headset. Clipping the phone between my head and my shoulder. It hurts and it's dangerous. I'm still fully aware of the road while I'm talking on the phone. I always hold out conversations when say like making a turn or something, because I watch for pedestrians and traffic. I balance my calls so that I'm talking when my car's actually stopped, or simpler yet, tell the caller that I'm driving and I'll call back. Although I myself has been a victim of people who yammer on their phone while driving. I almost had a bad accident last time because a bitch was talking on the phone and went straight into me. So I don't know. I'm in between banning and not banning.
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What is so hard about driving and talking on a phone?  Am I just incredibly gifted or what cuz I don't see what is so difficult about it.  The only thing that gets tricky is answering or dialing while driving, but I don't do that unless no one is around me or I am at a traffic light.  It's no different than talking to someone in the car, actually I find it less distracting than talking to someone else in the car.


I agree, and about dialing, I know where the numbers are without looking at the phone, just like I dont need to look at the keyboard to type. I hate when people think someone cant do something because of their age. Chances are if they cant do it when they are 16, they wont be able to when they are 30 either.
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I drive a stick and I can talk while driving. Because of where I rest my left foot, it is really easy to steer with my knee, which is a handy skill to have when you do what I do. Taking corners is interesting, but I can do it. You want to have a little fun? Get in a car with a stick, get on the phone and drive around. Anytime you go to turn left, get in the turn lane and change cds as slowly as you can. Talking on the phone, shifting, steering and changing cds requires otherworldly coordination.
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...but can you do it while shaving and drinking a cup of coffee? Now that would IMPRESS me!
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There is a cell phone law in NY State. Ive always wondered why we cant have an input jack in sterio system for phone that seems to be the biggest problem is hearing and holding. Headsets kinda suck dont they ? I dont like CB's much but have had to use them for a few Blacktop jobs I did. They are very easy to use and do not distract from driving because you can hear real well and dont need to hold something up to your ear. I think this sterio idea is awsome. Then a larger pad & display higher on the dash for calling and identifing. As for teenage drivers, its just scary period. You must think, if one bad driver has and teaches two children how to drive you now have 3 bad drivers. Like my wife teaching my daughter how to drive. The horror !
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I've seen infomercials for things like what you describe, raz. Except instead of an input jack, they use an FM transmitter and a microphone you clip onto wherever. I wondered how well they work, but never bothered to follow up. Headsets are a pain in the ass, although I might be a little biased there, since my phone took one too many drops and decided that it didn't want to get out of headset mode even though I dont own a headset. I couldn't hear anything, had to get a replacement. Anywhoooo.......I have a feeling that cell phones will play a part in the apocolypse.
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"Cell phone ban urged for teen drivers" Good idea but Ix-nay on the "teen". :)
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Dude, its not just cell phones. Studies have shown people are just as distracted talking to people next to them and behind them.

Besides, if you're going to both ban and enforce a ban on cell phones, then what about shaving, reading, applying makeup and all the other distracting, asanine activites drivers participate in?
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Just get OnSTar in your next vehicle. The hands free cell works very well. The voice recognition program is first rate. It will even understand a New York taxi driver (but probably not a Toronto one.)
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Just get OnSTar in your next vehicle.  The hands free cell works very well.  The voice recognition program is first rate.  It will even understand a New York taxi driver (but probably not a Toronto one.)


Good point.

BTW: all joking aside as much as I hate cell phone distracted morons hoggin the road I'm against big brother and as a Libertarian I'll say NO to this one!

Less Gov. regulation = GOOD

More Gov. Regulation = BAD!!! :angry:
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Well if less government regulation is a good thing then would it be alright to run some pushy asshole in the big Escolade talking on the cellphone into the ditch, then go kill him and remove any available valuable assets from his corpse ? Hell I can probably drive drunk better than most of these idiots on their cell phones can sober. Perhaps we should get rid of the DWI laws ? I dont believe its true that people are just as distracted by company in the car as the cell phone. Something about the cell phone really seems to make many forget that they are even driving. Makeup ? Well with less laws perhaps we could pull them bitches over and give em a poke ? not funny but simply making a point. I beleive they should be pulled over and recieve tickets that have a heavy fine and points, just like cell phone use. We've created extreme alcohol use regulations, bad enough to really screw some peoples lives up, mostly justified but sometimes not. These increased regulations were mostly pressed to the strict point they are now by people that think nothing of driving down the road on their phone, putting makeup on while shaving and screaming at the little soccer players in the back that will become future alcholics due to such extreme pressure during thier youth. Now what are we going to do about sexy ladies walking down the side walks ?
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Jeez Louise man...

When are our worthless government and "do gooder" scared of everything parents in this country just going to fess up to the fact that our driver's ed system SUCKS!!!!!!!! instead of imposing impossible to enforce bans and countless LAME restrictions of freedom on our POOR teen drivers.

Do these idiots actually think ANYONE drives at 100% while using a cell phone? Do they think that just because they're OLDER they're a better driver while talking on a cell phone, or they can handle their SUV better or that they can drive better with more than 1 person in the car?!?!?!?!? Especially when we factor in LOSS of motor skills and slower reaction times with age?!?!?!?!?!?!

Gimme a friggin' break.

Do you want your teen to drive better????!!!!!
Do you want your teen not to DIE BEHIND THE WHEEL OF HIS/HER CAR??!?!?!?!?!?!?

Then DO something about it you bunch of lazy "do gooders" IMPROVE THE TEACHING METHODS!!!!!! Teach the children HOW to drive defensively and how to react in tense situations and HOW to avoid others without killing themselves. Teach them HOW to handle this 1 ton 300 horsepower weapon they're about to be unleashed with!

Don't complicate their lives with undue stress and STUPID restrictions that sap the fun out of everything. Hell, before long teens WON'T be able to drive in this country. And guess what... Car related fatalities will STILL be about the same. All your work will have been for NOTHING because an inexperienced driver is just that INEXPERIENCED, reGARDless of how old they are or how many DUMB laws they have to (or have to act like they) obey
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Yes, they need much better education and it needs to be much harder to get a licence, the test should be 2 hours long and cost $500 [about the same as year on cell phone] The minimum score should be 90%. The test should include rush hours traffic driving, merging, using proper lanes for proper uses, proper squareing of corners, proper following distance, excellent skills of awareness and use of eyes, backing and parking with mandatory proof of knowledge for use of side mirrors and looking over shoulder. Im sure licenced driveing instructor could add much to the driving skill test. Then finally they should have their cell phones takin away from them or perhaps never have gotten them in the first place. How spoiled. The phone laws need to apply across the board as they do here in NY State.
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I just find it hilarious seeing that in all accidents, only a percentage is due to driver distraction. I forget that percentage, but of that percentage, 3% is due to cellular phones. So we are talking about 3% of a percent. Call me John Stossel and gimme a break!
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Yes, they need much better education and it needs to be much harder to get a licence, the test should be 2 hours long and cost $500 [about the same as year on cell phone] The minimum score should be 90%. The test should include rush hours traffic driving, merging, using proper lanes for proper uses, proper squareing of corners, proper following distance, excellent skills of awareness and use of eyes, backing and parking with mandatory proof of knowledge for use of side mirrors and looking over shoulder. Im sure licenced driveing instructor could add much to the driving skill test.

Then finally they should have their cell phones takin away from them or perhaps never have gotten them in the first place. How spoiled.

The phone laws need to apply across the board as they do here in NY State.


I think they also need to include bad weather testing, and also skid control.
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Bad drivers come in all shapes, sizes, and, yes, ages. If we're going to ban cellphones, ban them for all drivers. Otherwise, the law will be impossible to enforce and everyone will break it, just like the speed limit :D. [sarcasm]And, hey, while we're at it, why not ban radios and talkative passengers and McDonald's drive-thrus?[/sarcasm] Honestly, who really thinks you can ban people from doing stupid stuff? Gimme a break. For the record, I never use my cellphone and drive at the same time. However, my cellphone is only used for emergency purposes.
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In my unscientific study, I drive better while talking on my cell phone. I was playing Gran Turismo 3 while on the phone, and was doing better than when I wasnt on the phone. I actually got a gold on the license tests while on my cell phone, and couldnt do that when I wasnt. And I was a teen at the time.
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The basis of age is a very common and useful tool. a few things to keep in mind- 1) the general population is incapable of doing anything 2) teen drivers (IE 16-18) is useful gague as they only have a year or 2 under their belt. Would you let your 16 year old drive by themselves to some place 400 miles away? im sure most wouldnt. 3) humans tend to stay in good mental state until their later 50s, when imparing of motor skills begin to set in (sometimes this happens earlier or later) 4) Its been shown through studies that cell phone useage while driving impaires driving more so than being drunk 5) even with hands free sets, its still more imparing than talking to the dude (and/or dudette) next to you. 6) cell phones IMO, have become grossly abused. I only use mine for emergencies or VERY short calls just to see what i need to do/go. Its not uncommon to see teens (and adults) rack up big cell bills... now WHAT is the point of this? ever heard of a land line? yeah its that thing on your wall that you can talk into... and guess what... local calls are NO ADDED CHARGE!!! wow... think of all the savings!
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