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Dude, Like... Dude...

Cory Wolfe

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So I finally got a cell phone. This now makes me no longer practically unreachable. I can't count the numerous times where not having one made hanging out with friends or such that much harder, with most of my friends living a good 20 miles away. And with my home phone line always being busy and me not being home all that much in the first place, it was difficult. Not any more. I may not get any service here at home, but a quick walk/drive up to the top of the hill and I suddenly have full bars, haha. I guess it'll be good exercise. :P

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Well, I only pay $26/month for my old faithful land line. How much is the cheapest cell plan these days? I don't even know.

My dad and his wife are on a plan where their minutes roll over, they routinely have like 4500 minutes available because they just don't use the phone that often.

:o on the tickly beard. :lol:

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My dad and his wife are on a plan where their minutes roll over, they routinely have like 4500 minutes available because they just don't use the phone that often.


I have that plan with Cingular. I love it. It's $ 39.95 and I have about 3,500 rollover minutes because I hate talking on cell phones...I much prefer a land line. My land line is on flat rate - $ 55.99 for anywhere in the US, all you want. It's cool.

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I don't own a cellphone, cause I'm old school. :P Whenever I need one, I can just mooch off of someone else, or use a pay phone.

I'll get a cell phone when I think I actually need one. I see too many 10 year old girls on their phone, asking, "What are you thinking?" and too many 19 year old dudes saying, "So, like... Pizza?... I dunno, pizza's good... Domino's is alright... Pizza Hut is okay too... Domino's is cool though... oh what? You don't want pizza?... Oh sorry, I thought you said you don't want pizza... pizza's cool... Pizza Hut is cool, but so is Domino's..."

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This afternoon I saw a young Latina, face made up like a Barbie doll, hair perfectly done, with a cell phone stuck to the side of her face as she drove her broken down, clearcoat-peeling, red Dodge Shadow.

When I see people on the cell phone while driving it gives me road rage. Hang up and drive, people! :rolleyes: :AH-HA_wink:

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When I see people on the cell phone while driving it gives me road rage.  Hang up and drive, people! :rolleyes:  :AH-HA_wink:


Why? Dialing and Driving isn't that hard to do...study after study shows it isn't any more distracting than conversations inside the car or the radio.
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thats why you get those prepaid phones from like virgin mobile when your out of minutes or want a new $10 phone just act like your pissed in a conversation and whip the phone on the ground and stomp on it several times.

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Why?  Dialing and Driving isn't that hard to do...study after study shows it isn't any more distracting than conversations inside the car or the radio.


This highly depends on the person driving. Some people can drive, talk, eat, and shave at the same time. Some can barely drive. Those folks don't need to talk.

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Well exactly...that's what I was going for...it isn't hard to do, so the people who can't must really be struggling with the whole car thing.  Or just have a SEVERE affliction of ADD...


I would have to agree. I can multitask while driving and still drive like Im sane. I did it in my manual transmission Grand Am and now my Millenia. It's really not that hard. And... well, I've already talked on my new phone while driving about 5 times now. :P
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I drive and talk on my phone all the time. Actually, I would say that most of the time I'm talking on my phone is when I'm driving. Isn't that why people get cell phones, so they can talk to people while they are out of their house, say somewhere like driving in a car. But as stated before, some people should not drive and talk on the phone at the same time. I don't think it compromises my driving at all, but usually when I call someone, they are in my speed dials, which I have memorised and can dial without taking my eyes off the road.

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I've seen studies that show that using a cell phone while driving is as dangerous as driving while drunk.

I've written estimates for people who were hit by cell phone talkers.


I realize that is happens. Some people are idiots. I feel I can do both at the same time without it compromising my driving too much. I don't think it makes my reation time any worse than listening to the radio intently. Plus one big difference: when I'm talking on my cell phone and run across something that requires my attention I can drop the phone and react. If someone is drunk, it doesn't matter what they do, nothing is going to help them react quicker.

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I have my numbers on voice command... even better. :D


I have a Bluetooth headset that I can do that with, but when wearing it, I think I look like a douche, so I usually only use it when I'm in city traffic and don't want to be playing with my phone. I works pretty slick. When someone calls you it beeps in your ear a couple of times and then answers the phone automatically, or you can push the button on the side of the headset and say a persons name and it will dial the number.

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When I use the cell phone in the car, I immediately put it on speaker and leave it in the interior door pull, which doubles as a conveniently-sized cubbie hole for the phone.l

When I need to dial out, the most important people I need to talk to are on single-digit speed dial. Hold down button, make phone call, switch to speaker mode, put in door pull.

Hands free driving = responsible driving.

Now try telling me that when I'm on a road trip and want to eat a sandwich on the go. :D

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I've seen studies that show that using a cell phone while driving is as dangerous as driving while drunk.


Link us to one. Every single one from the last few years I have seen showed cell phones as no more distracting than in-car conversation or listening to the radio. The studies also said hands-free phones were no less distracting than the others.
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Link us to one.  Every single one from the last few years I have seen showed cell phones as no more distracting than in-car conversation or listening to the radio.  The studies also said hands-free phones were no less distracting than the others.


The point of hands-free is not that it makes a phone call less distracting, it is that you are able to have both hands on the wheel, instead of one holding your phone.

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The main distraction in cell phone usage is the same as it is while holding a conversation with multiple people in the car. The actual task of dialing and operating a phone would not increase the distraction rate anymore than figuring out how to get an Audi to stop massaging your ass and play a radio station other than !La Cantina Grande de Musica!. And again, some people are better about maintaining focus that others.

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Here ya go, Croc.  Read this.



By "link us to one" I meant the actual study, not an article merely talking about it. That part was not even in a quotation, so author bias could have figured into it. If you have seen an actual study, or even an article with a link to the study it talks about, then that's what I wanna see so I can read it and come to my own conclusions.

The only thing I got out of that article is:

1) Texting is extremely distracting

2) Teen (girl) drivers find their emotional state resulting from texting to be distracting

3) Dialing is distracting

4) Redialing is just as distracting as dialing

5) People can get too absorbed with conversation

Talking on a phone is no more distracting than talking to a live human in the vehicle.

And about the hands free/no hands free...who here drives with two hands on the wheel?? I have one at 12:00 and the other on the armrest or holding a phone. Or drinking my beverage of the commute.

EDIT: And what Fly said too.

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The gist of several studies? Only one made mention of the cellphones=driving drunk. ONE.

A study from researchers at the University of Utah, published in the summer 2006 issue of Human Factors, the quarterly journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, concludes that talking on a cell phone while driving is as dangerous as driving drunk, even if the phone is a hands-free model.

The conclusions of the others make sense and I agree with them. But talking on a cell phone being as impairing as driving drunk is absolutely false from the big picture stand point and I'm betting it may equate in ONE category...but not in any meaningful ones.
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researcher Frank Drews, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Utah. "This study shows us that somebody who is conversing on a cell phone is exposing him or herself and others to a similar risk -- cell phones actually are a higher risk," he said.

His team's report appears in the summer issue of the journal Human Factors.

Same study as above.

BUT, it at least further explains how they came to their conclusions: Drivers who were "drunk" had a BAC that "matched the legal limit of .08." So many would argue they weren't really drunk...because that is one mixed drink for a petite female.

Also, they measured driver performance via "number of accidents" while following a simulator pace car. The study was also of 40 people...very small sample size. I just don't think that this study is statistically significant, especially given the sheer numbers of possible "sources of error" and the small sample size as well as the measurement used to make the conclusion.

The other thing that makes me disbelieve the claim that cell phones = drunk driving is that I have life experience. Most people have driven when they prolly shouldn't have at least once in thier lives...and I'm no exception to that. Driving while impaired is most definitely harder than driving while on a cell phone and the reaction time is much, much slower. I can honestly say on a cell phone it takes me maybe half a second tops additional reaction time (compared to no-phone driving) if even at all...but then again if the driving gets hectic I'll tell whoever to hold on a second or I'll call em back when traffic gets better "cuz I need to pay full attention right now."

ETA: And no, you don't have to be the Google bitch...I just wanted to see a study, or at least an article that better explained the study.

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I went and searched for a link to placate you. You got links and you're still running off at the mouth. Please hush. I don't feel like fighting with you tonight. Plus, my warning level is at 6 flashing blocks, one more and I'm out. Do you want me to get banned?
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thats why you get those prepaid phones from like virgin mobile when your out of minutes or want a new $10 phone just act like your pissed in a conversation and whip the phone on the ground and stomp on it several times.


I have Virgin Mobile...I like prepaid phones...just use em' when you need em...

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I went and searched for a link to placate you.  You got links and you're still running off at the mouth.  Please hush.  I don't feel like fighting with you tonight.  Plus, my warning level is at 6 flashing blocks, one more and I'm out.  Do you want me to get banned?


Oh don't even play the victim. You acted all surprised when I disagreed with the study up a few posts by saying:

OK, so the gist of several studies coming to much the same conclusion isn't good enough.  I'm so surprised at your response, really I am. <_<


So don't act like I'm baiting you because I'm not. There's no "running at the mouth" here, simply what I thought was an intelligent, CIVIL, mature discussion about this. We clearly have two differing opinions, and I am just explaining mine. If you really want to believe that study, that is your prerogative; but I have questions regarding its validity and have now expressed them. No personal attacks, no arguing. Just discussion.

I have no idea what you did to get your warning level as high as you say it is, but that's your problem and not mine. I really have no vested interest in your remaining on this site or being banned. That's between you and the mods.

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I didn't take any...and I never promised any. I've given some impressions here and there (which is all I mentioned I'd do)...and I'll comment in appropriate threads if I feel I have anything to add...

As for the Navigator's seats...let's just say my bro and I found it hilarious that here is this big, classy SUV that looks awesome in person, with a very nice interior to boot, except the seats have the look and feel of the leather seats you get on an airplane in coach. New vehicle, already crackled leather. We got there 4pm first public day of the show. PATHETIC. The effect was also intensified by the seats being dark, with some kind of contrast piping around the edges. Just hideous.

I may be mistaken on this, but I thought Volvo worked on the Navigator's seats? Because these are about as dissimilar to Volvo seats as you can get...thinly padded and very cheap. Volvos have excellent seats.

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I'll have to see if I can open one up at work, we have 2 or 3 new ones.

I have personally sat in several Nagivators since going to work for Lincoln-Mercury, including a 2003 that we did some minor repair to for lease turn-in. It had the light tan colored leather, and, although they were polished by so many butts, I didn't see much undue wear, even on the silver finished hard dash parts. I think it had like 43k miles. I didn't check the warranty history to see if it had the seat covers replaced at any time.

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I have never been in a Navigator before. All I know is that these seats were &#036;h&#33;acular. My bro and I were going in and wanted to check it out...and we opened the door and both stopped at the same time and went "what the f@#k??" I still got in it and looked around briefly, but he didn't.

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That's cute that you and your "bro" both stopped at the same time and went "what the f@#k!?" (ah, young love...)

I still think of the Nagivator as a big, motionless brick compared to the Escalade, which, conversely, gives me the impression of alacrity and athleticism in a luxury Utility.

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Once in a while I think I'm missing out by not having a cell, but then I think I'd rather not be that reachable 24/7.  I do appreciate the thought of having one for emergencies though.


I couldn't imagine not having one... I've carried one for over a decade now. If I don't want to be reached, I shut off the ringer.. I always carry one when driving since you never know when the car might break down...and with pay phones pretty much gone in many places, a cell is a necessity IMHO...

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My position on driving with cell phones does not come from studies or media, but just from experience.

I have had close encounters with a few people, and they were on the phone. At the same time, I made the stupid decision of using a friends cell when I was driving and almost hit a poor guy who was jay walking; sure it's illegal, but I'd still be at fault.

I'm not a bad driver, but I am distracted by using a cell, and therefore refuse to use one while driving. Ditto with my iPod, I throw it on shuffle until my trucks engine has turned off.

Personally, I'd prefer it if people just pulled over to use their cell, but they are the ones to make that judgment call.

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