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In Bloom


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My friends band that I did sound for in the mid/late 90's played that. Nirvana..if thats how its spelled had a few catchy songs, this being one of them. But! that period of talentless playing had much to do with my setting the guitar down. I was busy too, but so wiped out by the idea, that what was in vogue was playing and tuning the guitar as amaturishly as possible. Singing in a way that was barely understandable. Making songs out of riffs or rythmns I dismissed as lame jams decades prior, just blew my mind. Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins.........yikes !

Little did I know the progressive music I liked was going strong and many great talented bands composed amazing pieces of work. Below the radar of "pop radio". Thank goodness for the computer and Amazon.com, otherwise I still wouldnt know.

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Now where yellin and were screamin

I still dont know what were singing

crank the volume ears are bleeding

for this oughta bug your parents

Wierd al rules

parady of smells like teen spirt

i dont like nirvana much

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Nirvana.....I dug them 8th grade and my freshmen year in high school. I actually went on a downloading binge and made a couple CDs, one of Bleach, and the other mixes of their other albums. I also bought the live one...Muddy River or whatever it was called.

But then I discovered Motley Crue and Metallica and kinda forgot about them. The only Nirvana song I've heard in the last year is Smells Like Teen Spirit, and that was months ago.

I don't hate Nirvana or anything (I think they were actually pretty original despite the fact that they couldn't play worth a damn and they inspired all the post-grunge garbage), but I think there were better "Seattle Sound" bands out there at the time. Soundgarden and Alice in Chains come to mind.

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Well, Temple of the Dog was a one-off project that was a mourning exercise for the Seattle scene to deal with the overdose of Andy Wood, lead singer of Mother Love Bone (get that album if you don't have it and like the Seattle sound. Eddie Vedder came together with members of MLB to form Mookie Blaylock, better known as Pearl Jam. Chris Cornell and Eddie traded licks in the most popular TOTD song, Hunger Strike, but the whole album is excellent.

And I do have a hankering for some "Jesus Christ Pose".

"Your staring at me like I driving the nails"

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Well, Temple of the Dog was a one-off project that was a mourning exercise for the Seattle scene to deal with the overdose of Andy Wood, lead singer of Mother Love Bone (get that album if you don't have it and like the Seattle sound.  Eddie Vedder came together with members of MLB to form Mookie Blaylock, better known as Pearl Jam.  Chris Cornell and Eddie traded licks in the most popular TOTD song, Hunger Strike, but the whole album is excellent. 

And I do have a hankering for some "Jesus Christ Pose". 

"Your staring at me like I driving the nails"


True enough,Walt. Temple of the Dog was a 90's analog of Blind Faith in my view, both albums/lineups/projects were much more than the sum of their parts. I see Temple of the Dog as the finest example of the Seattle sound - it is excellent from start to finish.

"if somebody left you out on a ledge

if somebody pushed you over the edge

if somebody loved you and left you for dead..."

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Nope, I'm still sad and lonely ol' blu. I was heavy into alternative rock and Nirvana were the "it" band. Cobain was a seether, full of pain and disaffection. Love him.

I only own one Nirvana CD, a live recording. But every time "Smells Like Teen Spirit" comes on the radio, I blast the $h! out of it. "Rape Me" is so perfect. "Heart Shaped Box" is a great song. "All Apologies" captures that age-old rock phenomenon of ambiguous sexuality. Has anyone really listened to the lyrics of "Jailhouse Rock" by Elvis Presley? It's very ambiguous.

"In Bloom", to me, is an ode to an adoring male fan who may be just a bit over the line in his ardor.

It seems to me that to be in a rock band, you have to accept the rush of love from males and females, and you have to play on that to be successful. It's a fine line to walk.

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My friends band that I did sound for in the mid/late 90's played that. Nirvana..if thats how its spelled had a few catchy songs, this being one of them. But! that period of talentless playing had much to do with my setting the guitar down. I was busy too, but so wiped out by the idea, that what was in vogue was playing and tuning the guitar as amaturishly as possible. Singing in a way that was barely understandable. Making songs out of riffs or rythmns I dismissed as lame jams decades prior, just blew my mind. Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins.........yikes !

Little did I know the progressive music I liked was going strong and many great talented bands composed amazing pieces of work. Below the radar of "pop radio". Thank goodness for the computer and Amazon.com, otherwise I still wouldnt know.


Kurt was a better guitar player than he sometimes get credit. The real weak link in that band was Novacellic. Lyrically by the time In Utero came about I think his lyrics were outstanding. The book scentless apprentice is based on is going to be a movie, Perfume? i think

A lot of noise and a lot of problems. I still enjoy a lot of In Utero to this day. Radio killed nevermind for me and Bleach still has some excellent tracks.

The song Where Did You Sleep Last Night is a cover and the version on unplugged is no where as good as the live ones or the out takes i have. (labeled My Girl) Originally Led Belly tune.

That band did more for music at that time than any other in a long while. Alice in Chains and Tool made similar contributions.

I like the Blind Faith analogy camino. TTOD was pretty damned good in their own right. No more supergroups anymore.

The last box set was a rip off though and it should have had more. I can think of at least 4 or 5 unreleased tracks i have that they did not put on it. They were some outtakes and the quality wasnt all there but i expect another one in the future.

But to be fair, you cant forget the original seattle sound came from James Marshall. 8)

Edited by Mr.Krinkle
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Nirvana was the axe to the hair bands. Thank god for that.


You're risking it a little with comments like that on this site :AH-HA_wink: .

If by hair bands, you mean bands like Nitro, then yeah, great for Nirvana. Sadly, bands like the Crue got kicked in the bawls.

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Hmmmm, dressing like girls and singing (mostly) talentless music. Sounds close to being the emo of yesteryear to me. :P


uh........we heard your.........uh........."vocalist" (s)...........so..........like.........what are you comparing talent too ? :P

I was never big on the pop metal scene, every band had a few good songs, most of the rest were fillers to complete a recording and tour, not that that has been unusual in the recording industry. One thing the pop metal bands had was musical talent but 6 out of 8 times suffered for lack of creative composition skills.

Cobain (if thats how its spelled) was like the anti Satriani

well.... Kurt aint here no more and Joe rocks on and is highly regarded amounst his extremely talented peers.

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uh........we heard your.........uh........."vocalist" (s)...........so..........like.........what are you comparing talent too ?  :P

I was never big on the pop metal scene, every band had a few good songs, most of the rest were fillers to complete a recording and tour, not that that has been unusual in the recording industry. One thing the pop metal bands had was musical talent but 6 out of 8 times suffered for lack of creative composition skills.

Cobain (if thats how its spelled) was like the anti Satriani

well.... Kurt aint here no more and Joe rocks on and is highly regarded amounst his extremely talented peers.


...And you can stand Nickelback? :lol:
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Guest YellowJacket894

...And you can stand Nickelback? :lol:

Straight from Hell's Community Bulletin Board Channel . . .

7:00 PM: No Dinner

7:30 PM: Scrotum vs. Hammer

8:00 PM: The music of Nickelback

8:30 PM: Toes vs. Hammer


Well all I know is is that Chino Moreno is one of the best vocalist in hard rock today..IMO.

And they say Consumer Reports is biased! Geeze! :D

[Finds the urge to listen to "Passenger."]

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Hmmmm, dressing like girls and singing (mostly) talentless music. Sounds close to being the emo of yesteryear to me. :P


Emo of yesteryear?... hmm... I do attribute Emo with 'Suck', and I also happen to attribute Poison with 'Suck' so you may be on to something...

As for dressing like girls... it was the 80's. Blame MTV.

This video will pwn your post, even though it isn't hair metal, but something way awesomer. :P FYI... this video cost 200 bucks and a couple bottles of Jack Daniels.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI0fwHRlGL8 <- Lets See Nirvana top this!!! :lol:

Edited by Captainbooyah
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Nickleback is far advanced from Nirvana

Pffftttt . . . Not that much different to me. Nickelback has that whole post-Grunge-Nirvana-rip-off sound going for it and the best way to get that sound is with the following chord config.:

T|---3--- (D)

A|---3--- (A)

B|---1--- (E)


T|---3--- (D)

A|---3--- (A)

B|---3--- (D)

Plus, Chad Kroger's voice sounds like a Saint Bernard dragging its ass on sandpaper.


What he said... :lol:
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Nickleback is far advanced from Nirvana

Pffftttt . . . Not that much different to me. Nickelback has that whole post-Grunge-Nirvana-rip-off sound going for it and the best way to get that sound is with the following chord config.:

T|---3--- (D)

A|---3--- (A)

B|---1--- (E)


T|---3--- (D)

A|---3--- (A)

B|---3--- (D)

Plus, Chad Kroger's voice sounds like a Saint Bernard dragging its ass on sandpaper.


If theres not that much difference you have a weak ear. Kroger has a great rock voice, see Jagger, Tyler, Hagar, Roth If you dont like Bernards draggin their ass go listen to some Manilow or something......... :lol:

Nice tab :unsure: I dont think Krogers riffs resemble that but regardless, most rock and pop pretty much always lands on 1/4/5 progressions, or carries the dominant major chords, been that way since The King.

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Yeah. It wasn't a tab for a whole song or riff, if you could tell. It was just for a chord -- a power chord to be exact.

. . . most rock and pop pretty much always lands on 1/4/5 progressions, or carries the dominant major chords, been that way since The King.

Knew that, actually. But thanks for sharing. :)


If you knew all this then whats the problem, everyone uses "power chords", in rock that is.

Post-Grunge-Nirvana-rip-off bands tend to limit themselves to chorus and verses using just those chords with an occasional solo in there using one string per riff to break up the monotony.

I dont see all these Nirvana rip off bands but I have never listened to entire Nirvana album. I cant see how Nickleback falls into a grunge rip off, the difference is enormous.

I think Alice in Chain, Soundgarden and STP had much more influence, now all that is combined with some elements of old pop metal and we have some great riffs, great vocals and much better backbeats, without all the noisy wide open string and cymbal ringing, like say Pumpkins.

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Yeah razor, I don't think Kroger holds a candle to the likes of Hagar, Roth or Jagger or, (you forgot) Axl Rose.

I don't listen to grunge or punk, but Nickleback songs always sound very similar to me.

They are based in my city, so of course, they have a certain amount of popularity here, albeit most of it comes from 13-18 year old girls...

In university, one girl kept blaring her Nickleback CD's from her dorm room, so of course, I had to blast Hagar to compete.

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Yeah razor, I don't think Kroger holds a candle to the likes of Hagar, Roth or Jagger or, (you forgot) Axl Rose.

I don't listen to grunge or punk, but Nickleback songs always sound very similar to me.

They are based in my city, so of course, they have a certain amount of popularity here, albeit most of it comes from 13-18 year old girls...

In university, one girl kept blaring her Nickleback CD's from her dorm room, so of course, I had to blast Hagar to compete.


I was talking about his sound and style, very appropriate rock sound. Remember I awaited Sammys 73 debut, grew up on Jagger (not a fan) reveled in Plants early work, cocked my head when I first heard Getty, was stuned by Mercurys attack, amazed at Roses conviction, never got into Dave alot, hes great for that slow bluesy stuff though, like "Sensible Shoes" He could do old standard covers well I bet. He could probably excell at Sanatra. Anyhow I just use my old references to say there was a similiar interest when I heard Krogers voice and riffs.

I have one Nickleback CD, I love that song "Figured You Out" good groove and a lyric that I personal relate too. Theres some other stuff on there but I have hardly listenend to it. My daughter has had the earlier stuff since it was new, she was young and I was glad she picked up on some heavy music. I listened to that Shinedown CD alot a few years ago. That guys got some ass, it blew me away when I heard his "Simpleman", sure we're all sick of it, us older guys even more I suppose but the power, range and soul that guy puts in a song is awsome. Same with the Alterbridge CD, I still put both of them in from time to time.The Breaking Benjimen song "So Cold" grabed me as something different but I found the rest of the CD didnt follow suit so that never gets played much. Disturbed.........now thats a whole nother beast.......

Nirvana ? Has never been on the "I gotta get that CD" list and I was much easier on them than any of the old metal heads I was hanging out with in early 90's.

Still havent heard "Deftones" and for some reason recently I cant get samples off Amazon to play

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Hmmmm, dressing like girls and singing (mostly) talentless music. Sounds close to being the emo of yesteryear to me. :P


I don't see emo kids with a bottle of Jack Daniel's on stage, trashing hotel rooms, arriving in stretch limos with a chick on each arm, and putting out some killer twin guitar solos. :AH-HA_wink:

Emo is way too sober and sensitive...80s rock was all about partying and excess...exactly why I like it! Not to mention that emo kids can't measure up to guitarists like Satriani, Vai, Lynch, and Eddie Van Halen.

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I like the Deftones...I first got into them in 2000 when White Pony was released...heard "Change" on the radio and picked up the CD shortly after, never regretted it. Later I picked up Adrenaline, which is a little more raw but really good. I don't have the middle one yet though....I think it came out in '98.

The Deftones are pretty original among most bands today...it's hard to fit them into a genre. There's a lot of variation between Moreno's vocal styles...one minute he can be softly whispering into the mic ("Knife Party"), the next minute his vocals become a wall of jagged distortion and anger ("Elite"). I don't think I'd go so far as to rank his as the best hard rock vocalist today, but he's pretty decent.

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I don't really get why nobody likes Nirvana. I loved Nirvana in the 90's, and I love them just as uch today, they had great, catchy songs, and the lyrics were so dep if you sat dwn and took the time to think about them. Sure it was whiny, and sure it was dischordant to some, but hey, if it's too hard for you to understand, then you must be old.

I will concede however that there were better bands out there: Soundgarden, RATM, (Is anyone else disappointed by their bastard-child, Audioslave??), Pearl Jam, Silverchair, earlier Green Day, Sponge, earlier Korn. All great stuff. I miss 90's music.

And Nickelback sucks, eh. How dare you compare them to any band that's remotely good. I'd rather dig my eardrums out with a toothpick than listen to any of that lame crap.

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And Nickelback sucks, eh. How dare you compare them to any band that's remotely good.


They suck to the tune of 20 million albums

I looked into this a bit last night, see I really dont keep up with trends and statis quo and cliche type of things. I just do my own thing, spend most of my time uninfluenced by others.

I see that this hatred of Nickleback is a trend, its something you need to do to remain cool if your young, is all I can figure. I read some of the negitive press, listened to the two supposedly "identical songs" at once. I thought about how many other pop songs that could be done with, many times coming much closer.

Great Bands like

Little Feet -just happened to be on radio is why I though of them

Roth - Van Halen put Panama over top of Aint Talkin bout Love

AC/DC......not a fan

Foreigner.....passionately hated them and abandonded rock for many years during this period

Let put about 10 "hip hop/rap" songs over top of each other

See.........Im just not cool................ :lol:

I dont dislike Nirvana and obviously they had their moment of popularity. I'll always see that period of pop music, much the same as the late 70's/early 80's. It was the anti music - music. Some of it is good because it creates new directions which hopefull become more refined

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And Nickelback sucks, eh. How dare you compare them to any band that's remotely good. I'd rather dig my eardrums out with a toothpick than listen to any of that lame crap.



They suck to the tune of 20 million albums

I looked into this a bit last night, see I really dont keep up with trends and statis quo and cliche type of things. I just do my own thing, spend most of my time uninfluenced by others.

I see that this hatred of Nickleback is a trend, its something you need to do to remain cool if your young, is all I can figure. I read some of the negitive press, listened to the two supposedly "identical songs" at once. I thought about how many other pop songs that could be done with, many times coming much closer.


It's not a trend... If anything, to like Nickelback is a trend for the millions of tools out there that listen to them. As you said, to the tune of 20 million albums. It's basically pop rock. The Britney Spears of rock. People like it because it's simple and easy to listen to without anything too "over the top" about it... or unique for that matter.
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It may be due to the utter lack of good modern rock stations on LI, but I can tolerate Nickelback. The Long Road is actually a pretty good album, much better than All the Right Reasons. Judge them on the songs that don't make it to radio.

To hijack the thread even further, anyone hear the news that VH is going out on tour with Roth next year, with Eddie's son Wolfgang playing bass?

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It may be due to the utter lack of good modern rock stations on LI, but I can tolerate Nickelback. The Long Road is actually a pretty good album, much better than All the Right Reasons. Judge them on the songs that don't make it to radio.

To hijack the thread even further, anyone hear the news that VH is going out on tour with Roth next year, with Eddie's son Wolfgang playing bass?


I've been following the Halen news on an almost day to day basis. :lol:

Whether or not I want to see them on tour is the question, because, I don't care how great Wolfie is on the base, I'd rather still see Michael Anthony on stage.

Anthony put up with a lot of &#036;h&#33; in the past few years, like taking reduced royalties, and not even playing songs on VH3 and Best of Both Worlds, and yet he was there from the beginning.

Eddie's gone to hell as well, apparently he cured his mouth cancer using "alternative means" (meth) and he looks like a wreck.

As much as I enjoy Roth, I think I'd rather see Hagar and Anthony on their "Other 1/2 tour"

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Guest YellowJacket894

Maynard James Keenan...lead singer of TOOL and A Perfect Circle.

Ding, ding, ding!

Here's your prize, fresh from late 2008.


Tool is one my top favorite bands.

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