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Thanksgiving plans?


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Getting on a plane this p.m. to go up to Portland to visit my Mom. I know we will go to the SAME brunch, but that's ok.

Then, it's off to either Seattle or Canada.

How about you guys? Happy Thanksgiving.

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I have to go to my grandmas house in eastern montana 7 miles from canada.

Grandmas houses are the most boring places in the world, and Eastern Montana comes in 5th most boring place right behing north dakota, south dakota, and wyoming.

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My family will be holding Thanksgiving for what may be the first time ever. We usually hold Christmas at our house for the extended family but due to little kids and family moving out of state plans have changed. I am cooking corn muffins, real cranberry sauce (not the stuff in the can), mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. I don't mind cooking, if you couldn't tell.

Edit: Happy Thanksgiving, too!

Edited by sciguy_0504
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This is going to be my first Thanksgiving on my own. I have gone to my Dad's house every single year I can remember. Since my brother recently got engaged, her family has invited my Dad and his wife down to Wilmington, DE this year.

I bought a whole turkey breast, bone-in. I am going to roast it on a rack over beer.

Stovetop stuffing (yeah, I know, but it tastes good).

A sweet potato (after it is boiled, I will saute it in butter, brown sugar, orange juice and chopped walnuts).

French-style green beans, mushroom soup and french-fried onions for greenbean casserole.

I was going to do another pumpkin pie, but I have some cherry cheescake pie I made still left over.

A bottle of Yellowtail Merlot.

Hopefully, I can pull this all together.

Happy Turkey Day, all.

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This is going to be my first Thanksgiving on my own.  I have gone to my Dad's house every single year I can remember.  Since my brother recently got engaged, her family has invited my Dad and his wife down to Wilmington, DE this year.

I bought a whole turkey breast, bone-in.  I am going to roast it on a rack over beer.


Stovetop stuffing (yeah, I know, but it tastes good).

A sweet potato (after it is boiled, I will saute it in butter, brown sugar, orange juice and chopped walnuts).

French-style green beans, mushroom soup and french-fried onions for greenbean casserole.

I was going to do another pumpkin pie, but I have some cherry cheescake pie I made still left over.

A bottle of Yellowtail Merlot.

Hopefully, I can pull this all together.

Happy Turkey Day, all.


Not that I should butt in here but because it is Thanksgiving I was wondering if your brother forgot to ask his fiancee to invite you? Whatever the answer, have fun.

On another note, it seems Yellowtail is really popular now for some reason. My parents were just talking about getting a bottle. I didn't know the boycott of France caught on that much. :P

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ocn, tell them to bring you back a Solstice and alll will be forgiven :wink:

As for me - just spending it with the nuclear family. If I get inspired, I'll make a batch of blondies again.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

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Well... First, I'm going to have dinner with my dad's side of the family. Then, I'm going to have supper with my mom's side of the family. Afterwards, might either stay there the rest of the night playing cards or whatnot or go spend it with a friend since he doesnt seem to have any Thanksgiving plans.

On a side note, this Thanksgiving is going to be different. It's been ages since I've seen the entire family. Part of the reason being some of them have found out about... you know, haha. Not that I care since I'm not anything but open about it, it's just unknown how some will take it and well... will be quite awkward. Especially with my uber christian grandma (dad's side). I think she found out as she's been acting really weird around me. So yeah... I'm anxious, yet nervous for tomorrow. :P

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This weekend is going to be the best. I got home from school around 1:30ish today and went to the bank with my mom and sister. From there we went and I bought Need For Speed: Carbon and played it for a short while. Then, I took them out to eat and went to the mall and bought a hat for my sis and myself.

Tonight my sister, some of her friends, a couple of my friends, my cousin, his girlfriend, and I all went to laser tag followed by Target and Denny's just to screw around. It was pretty sweet.

Tomorrow is going to be an amazing Thanksgiving dinner as always at my Grandma/Grandpa's house with most of the family. Family get togethers are always great; it's a great feeling as I'm sure you all know.

Friday is a relaxing day, probably going to be spent with my parents and sister to check out cars. I might be buying a Cobalt that day; we'll see. But it should be a pretty "chill" day. Playing pool and watching movies is always a good time.

Saturday my cousin and maybe a couple friends are all going mall hopping with me.. just having a hell of a time. Then they're gonna spend the night and probably watch movies and play games all night.

Sunday is going to be easy going and I go back to school. Wooo.

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Oh, I was invited to join them, of course. I just felt odd about going because I don't know them. I haven't told any other family members that Dad's plans were different this year. They all expect me to be at his house, as usual. So I'm going to make a go of it.

Viper, this is going to be quite a turning point for you. Good luck today.

Happy Turkey Day, all!

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Critic's Corner: Ocn's first Thanksgiving Dinner.

Turkey: absolutely delicious, unbelievably juicy, done just right. Roasting it on a rack over beer in the pan after marinating it in olive oil and spices really made it good.

Stuffing: doctored with sausage, onion and dried cranberries that had been browned, the Stove Top turkey flavor was excellent.

Gravy: made with juices from the roasting pan, thickened with flour. Nice.

Sweet potato: I tried to boil it so it was not overdone, so it would finish cooking in the saute pan with the orange juice, brown sugar, ginger and black walnuts, but it was just a tad undercooked. The black walnuts, while I love them, were too strong in this application. Pecans or english walnuts next time.

Green Bean Casserole: very tasty, followed the recipe so it should have been good. I should have used less milk than the recipe called for, it was a bit too runny.

Cranberry sauce: utter perfection. The grooves from the can imprinted on it make it feel like home.

Skim milk: uh, yeah. No different than ever.

Yellowtail Merlot: really good Australian wine, but I'm far from an expert. Moderately priced.

I don't even need dessert.

Sooo... how was dinner? Is everybody fat and happy?

Edited by ocnblu
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My family will be holding Thanksgiving for what may be the first time ever.  We usually hold Christmas at our house for the extended family but due to little kids and family moving out of state plans have changed.  I am cooking corn muffins, real cranberry sauce (not the stuff in the can), mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie.  I don't mind cooking, if you couldn't tell.

Edit:  Happy Thanksgiving, too!


I'm going to my aunt and uncle's house for dinner. The rest of my family is leaving now, but my pumpkin pie (from scratch...no can of Libby's) needs another 20 minutes I think...so I'm here killing time.

Tomorrow though, I'm making the traditional turkey, gravy, stuffing bit and possibly another pumpkin pie. My aunt no longer has her sense of smell due to old-time nasal sprays having cocaine in them (she has a lot of allergies, even more as a kid in the 1940s) and therefore her sense of taste is pretty blown too...hence my family's 2nd Thanksgiving...plus it is my favorite holiday and as far as I'm concerned should be celebrated as often as possible.

This pie better finish cooking soon...I need to start drinking wine ASAP @ my aunt and uncle's house...

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Guest YellowJacket894

Some stand-up comedy from Lewis Black for the occasion . . .

Thanksgiving used to be Thanksgiving, and it was its own holiday, not Christmas: Part 1. When I was a kid, you ate, and you drank, and you passed out and nobody woke you up and said, "Let's go shopping."

Richard Simmons can KISS MY ASS!! You know why people in this country get fat? Thanksgiving! The day where there is never enough food. You can't just have a turkey, NO... there has to be a roast beef or a ham too... or BOTH! It's the only day we have mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes... and sweet potatoes aren't sweet enough so we put marshmallows on em' or we slop on the maple syrup. Then there is every green vegetable, 3 salads and a jell-o mold! And after all that you have to have at least, what, 7 desserts! 4 pies, 2 cakes and don't forget the rice pudding! And let's top it all off with a couple of quarts of non fat ice cream just to take the edge off!! And why do we eat so much? We're home... we're with our family... we're tense... we're edgy... neurotic... PSYCHOTIC! So instead of eating each other, we eat the weight of our family... IN FOOD! So the next day, our tummies stretch out and we have to eat more to keep them satisfied. Then there's Christmas parties and we drink too much liquor because we hate our boss... and he owes us! Then it's Christmas and we're eating like idiots... New Years Eve, more liquor and we wake on January 1st and think "I am a big fat pig!" So, we spend a whole lot of time trying to lose the weight and by the time we almost lost it, it's Thanksgiving again and we're blimping up! 20 years of holidays and I gotta tell you this, you're a FATTY FAT FAT!

I don't believe pumpkin pie is even made from pumpkin. I mean, how can something that smells that $h!ty make a pie so sweet? There's not enough sugar in the universe.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. :D

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I had a pretty good Thanksgiving, one of the better ones in recent memory.

Last night, I hung out with a girl from another university who I met a few weeks ago. Her dad died recently, so we just spent it watching movies and talking. It was fun though...I found out she loves cars and actually knows quite a bit about them (she loves Porsches and Mustangs). Even though it wasn't originally intended, it kinda ended up being a date and went over really well, so we'll see what happens.

But before that on my way driving there, my car stalled out at an intersection. I shut the engine off, restarted (after a few seconds of "rrr-rrr-rrr") and it died a second time. By now there were two cars waiting behind me and I was starting to get frustrated, so I started it a third time and stepped on the gas hard to get it moving and peeled out for a few feet. Well, this dick of a cop (who got in trouble recently for asking "favors" from females he pulled over to get them out of a ticket) was sitting in an unmarked Cherokee at the intersection and pulled me over. He laughed when I tried to explain that my engine had stalled out and he acted like a total jerk, but he let me go on my way.

I drove my car home so I could take the Explorer down to Omaha and my dad took the car for a spin to see if it did it for him. That cop ended up seeing it and followed him around, thinking it was me (I told him I was on my way to Omaha). My dad pulled into the parking lot across from our house and opened the hood to look at it. As he was doing that, the cop drove by slowly again and my dad just kinda looked over and glared at him. Realizing it wasn't me, the asshole finally went on his way (apparently this guy pulls people over even if they haven't done anything wrong).

Today was pretty uneventful...we had Thanksgiving out at my aunt's "new" turn-of-the-century house that they moved in from another town by flatbed truck. It's a big old farmhouse in pretty good shape with some nice woodwork. I heard a ton of funny stories about my aunts and uncles when they were my age...lots of crazy stuff I never knew. We had a big meal of turkey and all that, plus some really good desserts. We also watched old wedding videos for some reason...I got to see some of my antics as a little kid.

Oh yeah, apparently selling cars isn't the only thing Mitsubishi is having problems with...on the radio, I heard this Friday you can get a hi-def Mitsubishi TV and not have to make any payments until 2009.

Edited by mustang84
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the party got a little out of hand but my favorite part was on the way home carving I-96 and I-94 at 115 to 125 weaving through traffic. :)

but then i was forced to sleep on the couch :banghead:

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Yesterday was great, but waaay too short. We had a smaller than usual gathering of me, my parents, my brother, and my aunt, uncle, and 2 cousins. Dinner wasn't as big as I'm used to seeing (what we usually do is go to my other aunt's house in Burtonsville and her 15' table is loaded to the breaking point with food), but it was still good. My aunt made an amazing stuffing and a delicious cherry pie, and my mom brought her wonderful sweet potatoes. I even tried broccoli w/chese, which I found to be rather unpleasant. And they got left with all of the left-overs, so no turkey sandwiches for me :(. After dinner and desert, I sat and watched my cousin play Test Drive: Unlimited and Gears of War on his Xbox 360 and we talked sporadically about stuff for about 5 hours. Then we watched "I Shouldn't Be Alive" on the Discovery Channel for 3-ish hours and went to bed. Leaving today sucked, since we hardly ever see them and I like the Harrisburg area many times better than the DC metro area.

The trip up there wasn't bad. But I wanted to kill PennDOT for what they're doing in York. The interchange between I-83 and Business 83 is being upgraded, and I-83's being rerouted, repaved, and improved as well. So PennDOT drops the speed limit through the south end and a bit of the middle (up to US-30) of York to 45. It figures I'm the only one that even tried to follow the limit-everyone else's doing like 70 while I'm trying not to go faster than 50. Past the US-30 interchange, the speed limit got raised to a more sane 55. The state troopers were out in force, too-7 of them pulled a Kia Sepha over. And it misted most of the way up, which made some nasty roadspray. I was happy when we got off I-83 to go through Lemoyne.

Rain and low speed limits aside, yesterday was very good, and I'm sad it's over and I'm home again.

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Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving Day!

I celebrated by getting my older 4 MCs out a bit (weather was absolutely gorgeous here!) ... and then watching "Cars" with my parents in the evening.

Cort:33swm."Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/

Models.HO = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/trainroom.html

"Tell them we're survivors" ... Rascal Flatts ... 'Life Is A Highway'

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I started by waxing the Bonneville and getting it ready to mostly sit for the winter. Put a bottle of Sta-bil and a bottle of Iso-heet in it and drove it for about a half hour to get these fluids through then parked it. Then I waxed the Equinox and then went out to eat with me Mom and Dad, aunt,sister and the 4 nieces. Then sat at the computer the rest of the day and night.

Edited by 2005 EquinoxLS
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