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PS3/Wii: Anyone getting one or know someone who is


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A guy in my Politics in China class told the professor straight up he wouldn't be in on Friday because he'd be camping out at Best Buy in order to buy a PS3 on launch day; needless to say, the professor wasn't thrilled :lol:

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I can't imagine handing over $500 for a simplified computer, especially when the only game I can think of wanting for it at the moment is Gran Turismo 5.

That being said, I wouldn't mind one, but if I decide to get one, it won't be until the price is more reasonable. And besides, my PS2's still serving me faithfully.

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"What did you get?"

"A Wheeeeee!"

That alone discourages me from the Nintento. Actually, I'm going to get a PS2 before Christmas. Mine broke and since I used it as both console and DVD player, I figure the pricing shouldn't be so bad after the new one rolls out.

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I'm not going to be getting one, but if I was I would definately get a Wii. I haven't checked this all out myself but was told by a friend that the controller works as multiple things, like a fishing rod, a gun, a steering wheel and other things, and that you can download old games onto it to play. Supposedly there is a website where you can buy original nintendo games, super nintendo games, and N64 games, plus you can still play the game cube games on the new Wii. So the original mario brothers, duck hunt, super mario, 007 james bond goldeneye, mario cart and all those other fun games used to be a blast are available for Wii. That is the selling point to me. Plus it is cheaper. The PS3 switched to BluRay so none of the PS1 or PS2 games work on the PS3, plus you basically have to drop 600 to get one right now, there is no point in spending 500 on the el cheapo version when an extra 100 bucks get you SO much more.

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I'm not going to be getting one, but if I was I would definately get a Wii.  I haven't checked this all out myself but was told by a friend that the controller works as multiple things, like a fishing rod, a gun, a steering wheel and other things, and that you can download old games onto it to play.  Supposedly there is a website where you can buy original nintendo games, super nintendo games, and N64 games, plus you can still play the game cube games on the new Wii.  So the original mario brothers, duck hunt, super mario, 007 james bond goldeneye, mario cart and all those other fun games used to be a blast are available for Wii.  That is the selling point to me. Plus it is cheaper.  The PS3 switched to BluRay so none of the PS1 or PS2 games work on the PS3, plus you basically have to drop 600 to get one right now, there is no point in spending 500 on the el cheapo version when an extra 100 bucks get you SO much more.


A 5 Year-old reviews the Wii


good stuff!

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I want a Wii, but I'll likely not get one because I think I'm getting a little old for video games, plus I'm content playing my oldies.

Plus, I happen to hate Sony, because they have pulled bull$h! on me twice. They installed that CD "root-kit" on my family's computer, and I had problems with my PS2 that they said could only be solved if I voided its warranty.

This pretty much sums up the Wii vs PS3 argument in my opinion. Reg may like this video too :thumbsup:


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i suggest to anyone thinking of getting a PS3 to do a lot of reading, or to save time, buy something else. the performance specs have been downgraded twice, iirc. its the "weakest" of the 3. the japanese are up in arms about backwards compatibilty issues. the online function is supposedly terrible. and, blu-ray appears to be the next beta-max.

full disclosure (:lol:): i own both a PS2 and an xbox and dont plan to buy either replacement. but if i do, it'll be the 360.

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The XBox 360 will be under the tree this year. And if I can get a Wii at list price somewhere WITHOUT standing on line, then I get one of those also. The PS3 has not thrilled me yet as I'll probably wait till next year to get one.

The XBox 360 finally has the killer app (Gears of War), so that's what made up my mind to ask Santa (my wife) for one this year.

Otherwise, I just got Guitar Hero 2 for the PS2, still playing Lego Star Wars II for the Gamecube and haven't really played much on the original XBox in a while. And before we went on vacation my wife and I traded our old DSs for two new DS Lites (Black and Pink). Think we spend way to much on video games? You bet.

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I just did a run past the local Best Buy to see a line of people camping out...many were sleeping, some were messing around doing other $h!...I made sure to do a WOT flyby while laying on the horn right in front...good times...

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I want a Wii, but I'll likely not get one because I think I'm getting a little old for video games, plus I'm content playing my oldies.

Plus, I happen to hate Sony, because they have pulled bull$h! on me twice. They installed that CD "root-kit" on my family's computer, and I had problems with my PS2 that they said could only be solved if I voided its warranty.

This pretty much sums up the Wii vs PS3 argument in my opinion. Reg may like this video too :thumbsup:



Eh, I've been hearing the PS3 has alot of bugs, plus ive always liked Nintendo more.

BTW..that female wasn't that hot, although it's probably because I like smarts in a female.

Edited by deftonesfan867
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Its a WII for ME!!!

Seriously I think it will be interesting to see what they can do with the wimote and I love the idea of downloading old games, and you know someone will hack it so it can be done for free. I also think I may be able to get one on Sunday because lots of people camping out are doing it for the PS3. I will go up to the store about 6-7 o clock after dinner and if lots of people are in line I will just go home and get one another day. They are supposed to go on sale at 12:01 am on Sunday morning at Best Buy. I wouldn't actually head up there until about 10-11. I don't think the lines will be as long since I think a lot of people will be buying the PS3.

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ninetendo was good untill game cube.

the N-64 and NES are still godly accept once in a while i have to order a new board for the NES. RC pro am for ever and Contra. designed not to be beat!

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The Wii interests me. They had a demonstration model at GameStop and I was naturally curious to try it. Had to ask the guy at the counter for the controller, and I can understand why. It's about the size of a stick of butter and is wireless.

The game on the demo station was Excite Truck (read: generic racing title). It was truly novel to use the "Wiimote" - as I call it - as a steering wheel to control the vehicle.

The XBox360 has its graphics, and the PS3 has its Blu-ray... but the Wii easily has the greatest potential for this generation. On top of that, it has the lowest price. Spending more than $200 for a video game system is a joke. Sure, the Wii is $50 over that mark, but we'll see how the price fares after a year or so.

That said, the new name opens itself up to some terrible jokes.

"You gonna go play with your Wii now?"

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I haven't really been going crazy over the console wars since before I finished high school about four years ago. I guess I'm just not really a gaming fanatic anymore. Just something I grew out of. I still play games on my last gen Xbox but I don't play for more then an hour or so. I go and find something better to do.

360,Wii, and PS3 don't really do anything for me. An emphasis on PS3. Why in the hell would I pay $600 on a gaming system?!?! It may be state-of-the-art now but in five years, there will be a bigger and better system out there that will be twice as expensive making all of the current systems obsolete.

If I were to predict the outcome of the wars of the 06 holiday season. I would assume that Nintendo and Microsoft may come out on top. From what I have heard, Sony has a very limited supply. Add that to the high price tag and you'll turn away a lot of people. Also, knowing now that the new system isn't compatible with a lot of the games of the previous systems (one of the main reasons PS2 was so popular) could hurt sales as well.

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I haven't really been going crazy over the console wars since before I finished high school about four years ago.  I guess I'm just not really a gaming fanatic anymore.  Just something I grew out of.  I still play games on my last gen Xbox but I don't play for more then an hour or so.  I go and find something better to do. 

360,Wii, and PS3 don't really do anything for me.  An emphasis on PS3.  Why in the hell would I pay $600 on a gaming system?!?!  It may be state-of-the-art now but in five years, there will be a bigger and better system out there that will be twice as expensive making all of the current systems obsolete.


I kinda know what you mean.

I started to lose interest after my dad won an xbox from some seminar at his work. His friends then took it and modded it. Now I have an xbox that has about 100 or so games on it, plus emulators of a bunch of old classics, movies, and music...I've gotten so accustomed to ripping games and stuff to my xbox that I can't really justify getting a new system and buying games...

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I don't wanna play with someone else's wii....

As for the PS3...I'll wait till they iron out the bugs...you now the first units will have them.


from what i understand, they arent so much bugs as they are critical design and performance issues. and, if the game developers bail, whats the point? or did you mean wait for the PS4? :P

i tried, and failed, to come up with a car to use as an automotive analogy. its not as bad as a yugo but not as good as a sonata. somewhere between "$h!box royale" and "not a complete waste of money".

That said, the new name opens itself up to some terrible jokes.

SOOOO Lonestar, I see your Wii... is as big as mine.

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from what i understand, they arent so much bugs as they are critical design and performance issues. and, if the game developers bail, whats the point? or did you mean wait for the PS4? :P

i tried, and failed, to come up with a car to use as an automotive analogy. its not as bad as a yugo but not as good as a sonata. somewhere between "$h!box royale" and "not a complete waste of money".

SOOOO Lonestar, I see your Wii... is as big as mine.


I think the Maxwell is a good analogy. I even think I remember the story decently enough. Maxwell was a small company that made fairly low priced cars and pretty much lost their shirt when they tried to take the company up market. They had tons of leftover invetory until they hired Mr. Chrysler to come in and fix the company. He did such a good job they named the next model Chrysler and later the company. But if Sony made a mistake taking the PS3 upmarket still remains to be seen.
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I think the Maxwell is a good analogy.  I even think I remember the story decently enough.  Maxwell was a small company that made fairly low priced cars and pretty much lost their shirt when they tried to take the company up market.  They had tons of leftover invetory until they hired Mr. Chrysler to come in and fix the company.  He did such a good job they named the next model Chrysler and later the company.  But if Sony made a mistake taking the PS3 upmarket still remains to be seen.


I doubt it, it may be pricey but the graphics improvement is huge. At Best Buy there was one on display you could play...only NBA game but good enough. Graphics are much better than the PS2 and better than the Madden game on the 360 next to it...clothing moved very realistically and animations were smooth...also the anti-aliasing is much better than on the 360.

Also worth noting is the fact that it uses Blue Ray, which is a brand new technology, and can be used as a player instead of buying a sperate one...take that into account and the price seems much more appealing.

I have a bit of a gripe about the "Sixaxis" controller (aka DualShock3)...it looks basically the same save for the cable is now USB and it has "triggers" for the L2 and R2 buttons. It's the same basic design with a few tweaks and a new name....not exactly revolutionary...but better than the banana controller we saw as a concept. I guess if art ain't broke don't fix it...and it's still by far the best controller for fighting games.

I doubt Sony made a mistake...judging my the all the people camped out at various stores (as early as 11am yesterday), in the pouring rain...it'll do fine.

As for the Wii...I was not impressed...all it had was a video of some woman saying how it's the greatest thing since sliced bread and that everyone else is t3h sux0rz!!!. It's sorta cool that it's small but at the same time it looks like an external hard CD drive...not exactly original...just like how the 360 looks like a PC...at least the PS3 is somewhat original. The controller that looks like a women's pleasure toy and the other one that looks like it came straight from the SNES with a couple analog sticks slapped on isn't exactly forward thinking either.

Still, people will camp for it and they'll buy it too.

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A couple of my friends here are getting the Wii. The PS3 is an amazing machine, but the price is high (though much lower than it actually costs Sony to make it) and I don't have an HDTV here, so the greatly improved graphics will largely go unnoticed.

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Not getting a PS3... 600 bucks is outrageous. What sucks is that I'm a die-hard Final Fantasy fan, and Final Fantasy XIII is coming out sometime next year for the PS3. Hopefully in a year or two the price will drop, because I doubt I'll spend over 350 for a console.

I am so disappointed in the "Wii's" name. I much preferred its original name, the Nintendo Revolution. Give it to someone for Christmas with a bow wrapped on top...

...Then again, Chevy might have been able to sue :P

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I want a Wii, but I'll likely not get one because I think I'm getting a little old for video games, plus I'm content playing my oldies.

Plus, I happen to hate Sony, because they have pulled bull$h! on me twice. They installed that CD "root-kit" on my family's computer, and I had problems with my PS2 that they said could only be solved if I voided its warranty.

This pretty much sums up the Wii vs PS3 argument in my opinion. Reg may like this video too :thumbsup:




actually, either would do, depending on the flavor of the day :o:P:deadhorse::deadhorse::idhitit:

somedays a guy wants a tuna sandwich and some days, meatloaf sounds good.

by the way, who the HELL has time to play stupid video games anyways?

and why spend 600 on a dumb game console. you could get a something more useful with that kind of coin. Or maybe a good set of speakers to listen to some MUSIC.

Edited by regfootball
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I doubt it, it may be pricey but the graphics improvement is huge. At Best Buy there was one on display you could play...only NBA game but good enough. Graphics are much better than the PS2 and better than the Madden game on the 360 next to it...clothing moved very realistically and animations were smooth...also the anti-aliasing is much better than on the 360.

Also worth noting is the fact that it uses Blue Ray, which is a brand new technology, and can be used as a player instead of buying a sperate one...take that into account and the price seems much more appealing.

I have a bit of a gripe about the "Sixaxis" controller (aka DualShock3)...it looks basically the same save for the cable is now USB and it has "triggers" for the L2 and R2 buttons. It's the same basic design with a few tweaks and a new name....not exactly revolutionary...but better than the banana controller we saw as a concept. I guess if art ain't broke don't fix it...and it's still by far the best controller for fighting games.

I doubt Sony made a mistake...judging my the all the people camped out at various stores (as early as 11am yesterday), in the pouring rain...it'll do fine.

As for the Wii...I was not impressed...all it had was a video of some woman saying how it's the greatest thing since sliced bread and that everyone else is t3h sux0rz!!!. It's sorta cool that it's small but at the same time it looks like an external hard CD drive...not exactly original...just like how the 360 looks like a PC...at least the PS3 is somewhat original. The controller that looks like a women's pleasure toy and the other one that looks like it came straight from the SNES with a couple analog sticks slapped on isn't exactly forward thinking either.

Still, people will camp for it and they'll buy it too.


please read this:


most of it is nitpicky (delays, etc.) but the rest are the main reasons not to buy a PS3. at least dont buy one unaware. btw, i saw no need to redesign the PS/PS2 controller. i thoght it was pretty much perfect the way it was.

the bold part above helped with my analogy dilemma. the PS3 is over-hyped like toyota, specifically the Prius.

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I agree with this it was easy to use and had a nice feel to it.  Why change it?


they didn't really... other than the wireless and the "tilt" function they tried to copy off of Nintendo..... right? lol
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I have a bit of a gripe about the "Sixaxis" controller (aka DualShock3)...it looks basically the same save for the cable is now USB and it has "triggers" for the L2 and R2 buttons. It's the same basic design with a few tweaks and a new name....not exactly revolutionary...but better than the banana controller we saw as a concept. I guess if art ain't broke don't fix it...and it's still by far the best controller for fighting games.


There's more to the controller than just that... Like the Wii's remote, it's sensitive to movement. It's definitely still the best controller for comfort and use. Simple and not over thought.
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they didn't really... other than the wireless and the "tilt" function they tried to copy off of  Nintendo.....  right?    lol


I know they didn't change it much and that was kinda my point. I doubt the 'copied' the tilt function it was probably in development much longer than since that part of the Wii specs were announced.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I got my Wii on Sunday after standing in line for 3 hours in the freezing cold and snow. I got at Toys R Us around 6am, they passed out tickets around 8:30 and opened at 9. In total they got in 36 of them and I was the 21st in line.

I have to say that it was well worth the wait. It is unlike anything I have played before, and the possibilities of the technology are amazing. Not to mention that you can download games from NES, SNES, Genisis, TurboGraphics, and N64.

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It's not necessarily that the string is weak, just not strong enough for the high-velocity forces that people have been applying to the wiimote.

I think Nintendo underestimated the importance of the wriststrap. Since it's a substantial problem, they'll probably redesign the wiimote and/or start packaging a more durable strap.

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